About Regions, Endpoints, and Subregions

OUTSCALE Cloud services are available in several locations worldwide. The OUTSCALE infrastructure is composed of different Regions and Subregions isolated from one another, where you can create your Cloud resources.

Regions and Endpoints

A Region is a geographical area where you can host Cloud resources. Regions are independent from each other, and do not share resources. Resources hosted in a Region cannot be accessed from other Regions. Communication between Regions is only possible using the Internet. For more information about Regions locations, see Regions, Endpoints and Subregions Reference.

Data is never automatically transferred between Regions. Data stored on your resources remains in the Region where you deployed them, and is protected by local laws.

You can however copy your account or resources between different Regions. For more information, see About Your Account.

A Region consists of one or more Subregions. For more information, see the Regions and Subregions section below.

When deploying resources, you must use an endpoint to specify the Region. Endpoints are URLs that provide an entry point to a Cloud service. Every service request must contain an endpoint. To reduce latency, each service has a specific endpoint for each Region where it is available. For more information, see Regions, Endpoints and Subregions Reference.

Regions and Subregions

A Subregion is a distinct location in a Region. A Region consists of one or more Subregions, and each Subregion belongs to a single Region.

Each Subregion is mapped to a physical datacenter of the OUTSCALE infrastructure in the Region. For safety reasons, Subregions are isolated from one another. However, low-latency communication between Subregions in the same Region is enabled with fiber-optic links.

You can choose to deploy resources in different Subregions to isolate them from one another in the physical infrastructure, and thus reduce risks.

The mapping between Subregions and physical datacenters (locations) is carried out randomly at account creation and cannot be changed afterward. It is specific to each account.

Therefore, your first Subregion can be located in any of the two datacenters within the Region. Your second Subregion is then automatically located in the remaining datacenter. This ensures resources are evenly distributed across the Region.

If you need a specific mapping, you must contact your Technical Account Manager before the creation of your account.

Regions and Subregions Architecture

sch General RegionSubregionsArchitecture

Some types of resources are placed in a Subregion, while others are placed in a Region. When deploying the following resources, you can either choose a specific Subregion or let 3DS OUTSCALE choose a default one:

For more information about available Subregions, see Regions, Endpoints and Subregions Reference.

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