Advanced Use of AWS CLI for 3DS OUTSCALE

By leveraging several AWS CLI aliases you can manipulate your OUTSCALE resources with ease. Here are a few examples you can start with:

You need to create the following file: ~/.aws/cli/alias

 # List all your instances running
 ls-vm=ec2 describe-instances \
     --filter Name=instance-state-name,Values=running \
     --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].{ID: InstanceId, VPC: VpcId, "Private IP": PrivateIpAddress, "Public IP": PublicIpAddress,Key: KeyName,Name: Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value |    [0],"Security Group": SecurityGroups[0].GroupId ,Type: InstanceType, Volumes: BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.VolumeId}' \
     --output table
 # List all your volumes
 ls-volumes=ec2 describe-volumes \
     --query 'Volumes[].{VolumeId: VolumeId,State: State,Size: Size,Name: Tags[0].Value,AZ: AvailabilityZone}' \
     --output table
 # List all your snapshots
 ls-snapshots=ec2 describe-snapshots \
     --query 'Snapshots[].{SnapshotId: SnapshotId,Description: Description, VolumeId: VolumeId,Size: VolumeSize,Name: Tags[0].Value}' \
     --output table
 # List all security groups port ranges open to
 ls-open-ports=ec2 describe-security-groups \
   --filters Name=ip-permission.cidr,Values= \
   --query 'SecurityGroups[].{
       IpPermissions[?contains(IpRanges[].CidrIp, ``)].[
         join(`:`, [IpProtocol, join(`-`, [to_string(FromPort), to_string(ToPort)])])
   }' \
   --output text
AWS CLI command with alias
$ aws ls-vm --region eu-west-2
|                                                             DescribeInstances                                                            |
|     ID     |        Key        |  Name    | Platform  | Private IP  |    Public IP    | Security Group  |     Type      |      VPC       |
|  i-5f070bbd|  user-eu-west-2   |  Fedora  |  Linux    | |  |  sg-20cc20e7    |  t2.medium    |  None          |
|  i-1e80fc41|  Bees             |  None    |  Linux    | |  None           |  sg-175cc268    |  tinav4.c4r2  |  vpc-d6f90876  |
|  i-2a43891f|  Bees             |  None    |  Linux    | |  None           |  sg-175cc268    |  tinav4.c4r2  |  vpc-d6f90876  |
|  i-052a86ef|  Bees             |  Bouncer |  Linux    |  | |  sg-f9cd8117    |  c4.large     |  vpc-d6f90876  |

If you want to leverage AWS CLI with the OUTSCALE Cloud without specifying the different endpoints every time, you should do as follow:

Ensure you update the endpoints when 3DS OUTSCALE releases new Regions and services. For more information, see Regions, Endpoints and Subregions Reference.

  "partitions": [
      "defaults": {
        "hostname": "{service}.{region}.{dnsSuffix}",
        "protocols": [
        "signatureVersions": [
      "dnsSuffix": "",
      "partition": "osc",
      "partitionName": "Outscale",
      "regionRegex": "^(cloudgouv|us|eu|ap)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$",
      "regions": {
        "eu-west-2": {
          "description": "EU (Paris)"
        "cloudgouv-eu-west-1": {
          "description": "CloudGouv EU (Paris)"
        "us-east-2": {
          "description": "US East (NY)"
        "us-west-1": {
          "description": "US West (California)"
        "ap-northeast-1": {
          "description": "Japan (Tokyo)"
      "services": {
        "ec2": {
          "endpoints": {
            "eu-west-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "cloudgouv-eu-west-1": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-east-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-west-1": {"hostname": ""},
            "ap-northeast-1": {"hostname": ""}
       "elasticloadbalancing": {
          "endpoints": {
            "eu-west-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "cloudgouv-eu-west-1": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-east-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-west-1": {"hostname": ""},
            "ap-northeast-1": {"hostname": ""}
        "iam": {
          "endpoints": {
            "eu-west-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "cloudgouv-eu-west-1": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-east-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-west-1": {"hostname": ""},
            "ap-northeast-1": {"hostname": ""}
        "directconnect": {
          "endpoints": {
            "eu-west-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "cloudgouv-eu-west-1": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-east-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-west-1": {"hostname": ""}
        "s3": {
          "endpoints": {
            "eu-west-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "cloudgouv-eu-west-1": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-east-2": {"hostname": ""},
            "us-west-1": {"hostname": ""}
  "version": 3

By using this new model, your AWS CLI commands will look like:

aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids i-12345678 i-87654321 i-12348765 i-56784321 --endpoint
aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids i-12345678 i-87654321 i-12348765 i-56784321

You will need to use the parameter region to switch from a Region to another.

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