Tutorial: Archiving Your API Logs
This tutorial shows an example of using a script to archive API logs, either locally or to the OUTSCALE Object Storage (OOS) service.
You can now use the osc-logs tool to archive your API logs. |
Creating a Script for API Log Pagination
The following is an example of a script which runs ReadApiLogs with pagination to retrieve all logs starting from a given date, and then saves them in a CSV file named logs.csv
By default, the script works with Linux. For it to work with macOS, you need to comment out the two lines below the |
# Exit when any command fails
set -e
# Usage: apilogs.sh [PROFILE] [YYYY-MM-DD]
# Linux: use $(date --date '2 weeks ago' +%F)
query_date_after=${2:-$(date --date '2 weeks ago' +%F)}
query_date_before=${2:-$(date +%F)}
# macOS/BSD: use $(date -v [+|-]val[ymwdHMS] +%F)
#query_date_after=${2:-$(date -v -2w +%F)}
#query_date_before=${2:-$(date +%F)}
# Perform ReadApiLogs calls with/without page token
if [ "$next_page" = "null" ]; then
osc-cli --profile $profile api ReadApiLogs --Filters '{"QueryDateAfter":"'$query_date_after'","QueryDateBefore":"'$query_date_before'"}' > tmp_logs.json;
echo ">>> Retrieving new page" $next_page
osc-cli --profile $profile api ReadApiLogs --Filters '{"QueryDateAfter":"'$query_date_after'","QueryDateBefore":"'$query_date_before'"}' --NextPageToken $next_page > tmp_logs.json;
# Concatenate selected fields from logs and save to CSV file
cat tmp_logs.json | jq -r '.Logs[] | [.RequestId, .AccountId, .QueryAccessKey, .ResponseStatusCode, .QueryCallName, .QueryIpAddress, .QueryDate, .QueryUserAgent] | @csv' >> logs.csv
# Check whether another page needs to be retrieved
next_page=$(cat tmp_logs.json | jq -r '.NextPageToken // "null"')
while [ "$next_page" != "null" ]; do
# Nicely display logs as columns with selected fields in shell
cat logs.csv | column -t -s ',' | tr -d '"'
# Cleanup
rm tmp_logs.json
Archiving Your API Logs Locally
Before you begin:
You can run the previous script as follows:
$ bash apilogs.sh PROFILE YYYY-MM-DD
is the name of your OSC CLI profile (by default,default
). -
is the start date from which you want to retrieve logs (by default, the script sets this date to two weeks ago). The script retrieves logs from this date up to today by using this date for theQueryDateAfter
parameter of ReadApiLogs, and the date of today for theQueryDateBefore
Archiving Your API Logs to OOS
Before you begin:
The OUTSCALE Object Storage (OOS) service enables you to store sensitive data on cold storage, in a secure way. It also enables you to share the access to this data.
To export your API logs to OOS, you can combine the previous script with cron
, a utility which automates the execution of tasks at set intervals.
Open your
task file using the following command:$ crontab -e
In the file, insert one of the following lines, and then save the file:
For archiving everyday0 0 * * * MDATE=$(date --date '1 day ago' +%F) ; bash readapilogs.sh default $MDATE ; aws s3api put-object --body logs.csv --bucket archives --key logs-$MDATE.csv ; rm logs.csv
For archiving every 30 days0 0 */30 * * MDATE=$(date --date '30 days ago' +%F) ; bash readapilogs.sh default $MDATE ; aws s3api put-object --body logs.csv --bucket archives --key logs-$MDATE.csv ; rm logs.csv
The task thus created uses the script to create a local CSV file, exports it to OOS, and then deletes the local version.
Open your
task file using the following command:$ crontab -e
In the file, insert one of the following lines, and then save the file:
For archiving everyday0 0 * * * MDATE=$(date -v -1d +%F) ; bash readapilogs.sh default $MDATE ; aws s3api put-object --body logs.csv --bucket archives --key logs-$MDATE.csv ; rm logs.csv
For archiving every 30 days0 0 */30 * * MDATE=$(date -v -30d +%F) ; bash readapilogs.sh default $MDATE ; aws s3api put-object --body logs.csv --bucket archives --key logs-$MDATE.csv ; rm logs.csv
The task thus created uses the script to create a local CSV file, exports it to OOS, and then deletes the local version.
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Corresponding API Method
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