Mettre à jour un projet

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You can update a project using OKS CLI.

Updating a Project Using OKS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure OKS CLI. For more information, see Installer et configurer OKS CLI.

The project update command allows you to modify certain project options:

The named project will then be redeployed with the latest OMI versions.

Request sample
$ oks-cli project update --project-name NAME_OF_PROJECT \
    --disable-api-termination true

This command contains the following options that you need to specify:

  • project-name: The name of the project you want update.

  • tags: The updated tags for the project.

  • quirk: The keys and parameters to pass to the project. This option is required for feature requests.

  • disable-api-termination: Disables or enables the ability to delete the project.

Result sample
    "id": "12ca0d38-2927-4cf1-93de-049135f88f00",
    "name": "NAME_OF_PROJECT",
    "description": "DESCRIPTION_OF_PROJECT",
    "cidr": "",
    "region": "eu-west-2",
    "status": "ready",
    "tags": {
        "tag1": "this",
        "tag2": "that"
    "disable_api_termination": true,
    "created_at": "2025-01-01T12:10:00.000000Z",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-02T17:00:00.000000Z",
    "deleted_at": null

The project update command returns the following elements:

  • id: The unique identifier of the project.

  • name: The name of the project.

  • description: The description of the project.

  • cidr: CIDR block allocated for VPC subnets where cluster VMs will run.

  • region: The Region where the project is deployed.

  • status: Current state of the project.

    A project can be in one of the following states:

    • Pending: The underlying resources of the project are being initialized.

    • Available: The project is fully set up and ready for use.

    • Deleting: The project is in the process of being deleted, and its associated resources are being cleaned up.

  • tags: One or more tags associated with the project.

  • organization_id: The organization to which the project belongs.

  • created_at: The date and time, in UTC format, at which the project was created.

  • updated_at: The date and time, in UTC format, at which the project was last updated.

  • deleted_at: The date and time, in UTC format, at which the project was deleted (null if the project is still active).

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