Modifier vos informations personnelles et votre mot de passe

Vous pouvez modifier les informations personnelles et le mot de passe associés à votre compte, à l’exception de l’ID du compte.

Vous pouvez modifier le mot de passe associé à votre compte avec Cockpit v2 uniquement.

Si vous êtes un utilisateur EIM, vous pouvez créer votre propre mot de passe avec Cockpit v2. Pour en savoir plus, voir Créer un mot de passe en tant qu’utilisateur EIM.

Cockpit v2

Modifier vos informations personnelles avec Cockpit v2

  1. Dans le coin supérieur droit, cliquez sur l’icône IconProfil.
    Un menu déroulant apparaît.

  2. Cliquez sur IconMySpace Espace personnel.
    Les informations de votre compte apparaissent.

  3. Pour modifier vos informations personnelles, cliquez sur IconEdit Modifier.

  4. Tapez vos nouvelles informations dans les champs de texte correspondants.

  5. Cliquez sur Sauvegarder.
    Vos informations personnelles sont mises à jour.

Modifier votre mot de passe avec Cockpit v2

  1. Dans le coin supérieur droit, cliquez sur l’icône IconProfil.
    Un menu déroulant apparaît.

  2. Cliquez sur IconUserSecurity Paramètres d’authentification.
    La page de gestion de votre compte apparaît.

  3. Dans la sous-section Mot de passe, cliquez sur Modifier.
    La page de modification de mot de passe apparaît.

  4. Dans le champ Mot de passe, entrez votre mot de passe actuel.
    Cliquez sur Se connecter.

  5. Dans le champ Nouveau mot de passe, entrez votre nouveau mot de passe.

  6. Dans le champ Confirmation du nouveau mot de passe, entrez de nouveau votre nouveau mot de passe.

  7. (optionnel) Cochez la case Se déconnecter des autres appareils.

  8. Cliquez sur Modifier.
    Votre mot de passe est mis à jour.


Modifier vos informations personnelles avec OSC CLI

À ce jour, cette section est disponible en anglais uniquement.

The UpdateAccount command updates the account information for the account that sends the request.

Request sample
$ osc-cli api UpdateAccount --profile "default" \
    --AdditionalEmails '["", ""]'

This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:

  • AdditionalEmails: (optional) One or more additional email addresses for the account. These addresses are used for notifications only. If you already have a list of additional emails registered, you cannot add to it, only replace it. To remove all registered additional emails, specify an empty list.

  • City: (optional) The new city of the account owner.

  • CompanyName: (optional) The new name of the company for the account.

  • Country: (optional) The new country of the account owner.

  • DryRun: (optional) If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.

  • Email: (optional) The main email address for the account. This address is used for your credentials and notifications.

  • FirstName: (optional) The new first name of the account owner.

  • JobTitle: (optional) The new job title of the account owner.

  • LastName: (optional) The new last name of the account owner.

  • MobileNumber: (optional) The new mobile phone number of the account owner.

  • PhoneNumber: (optional) The new landline phone number of the account owner.

  • StateProvince: (optional) The new state/province of the account owner.

  • VatNumber: (optional) The new value added tax (VAT) number for the account.

  • ZipCode: (optional) The new ZIP code of the city.

The UpdateAccount command returns the following elements:

  • Account: Information about the account.

    • AccountId: The ID of the account.

    • AdditionalEmails: One or more additional email addresses for the account. These addresses are used for notifications only.

    • City: The city of the account owner.

    • CompanyName: The name of the company for the account.

    • Country: The country of the account owner.

    • CustomerId: The ID of the customer.

    • Email: The main email address for the account. This address is used for your credentials and for notifications.

    • FirstName: The first name of the account owner.

    • JobTitle: The job title of the account owner.

    • LastName: The last name of the account owner.

    • MobileNumber: The mobile phone number of the account owner.

    • PhoneNumber: The landline phone number of the account owner.

    • StateProvince: The state/province of the account.

    • VatNumber: The value added tax (VAT) number for the account.

    • ZipCode: The ZIP code of the city.

  • ResponseContext: Information about the context of the response.

    • RequestId: The ID of the request.

Result sample
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Account": {
    "ZipCode": "92210",
    "CompanyName": "EXAMPLE SAS",
    "FirstName": "JEAN",
    "AdditionalEmails": [
    "City": "SAINT-CLOUD",
    "Country": "FRANCE",
    "LastName": "DUPONT",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "CustomerId": "87654321",
    "Email": ""


Modifier vos informations personnelles avec oapi-cli

À ce jour, cette section est disponible en anglais uniquement.

The UpdateAccount command updates the account information for the account that sends the request.

Request sample
$ oapi-cli --profile "default" UpdateAccount \
    --AdditionalEmails '["", ""]'

This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:

  • AdditionalEmails: (optional) One or more additional email addresses for the account. These addresses are used for notifications only. If you already have a list of additional emails registered, you cannot add to it, only replace it. To remove all registered additional emails, specify an empty list.

  • City: (optional) The new city of the account owner.

  • CompanyName: (optional) The new name of the company for the account.

  • Country: (optional) The new country of the account owner.

  • DryRun: (optional) If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.

  • Email: (optional) The main email address for the account. This address is used for your credentials and notifications.

  • FirstName: (optional) The new first name of the account owner.

  • JobTitle: (optional) The new job title of the account owner.

  • LastName: (optional) The new last name of the account owner.

  • MobileNumber: (optional) The new mobile phone number of the account owner.

  • PhoneNumber: (optional) The new landline phone number of the account owner.

  • StateProvince: (optional) The new state/province of the account owner.

  • VatNumber: (optional) The new value added tax (VAT) number for the account.

  • ZipCode: (optional) The new ZIP code of the city.

The UpdateAccount command returns the following elements:

  • Account: Information about the account.

    • AccountId: The ID of the account.

    • AdditionalEmails: One or more additional email addresses for the account. These addresses are used for notifications only.

    • City: The city of the account owner.

    • CompanyName: The name of the company for the account.

    • Country: The country of the account owner.

    • CustomerId: The ID of the customer.

    • Email: The main email address for the account. This address is used for your credentials and for notifications.

    • FirstName: The first name of the account owner.

    • JobTitle: The job title of the account owner.

    • LastName: The last name of the account owner.

    • MobileNumber: The mobile phone number of the account owner.

    • PhoneNumber: The landline phone number of the account owner.

    • StateProvince: The state/province of the account.

    • VatNumber: The value added tax (VAT) number for the account.

    • ZipCode: The ZIP code of the city.

  • ResponseContext: Information about the context of the response.

    • RequestId: The ID of the request.

Result sample
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Account": {
    "ZipCode": "92210",
    "CompanyName": "EXAMPLE SAS",
    "FirstName": "JEAN",
    "AdditionalEmails": [
    "City": "SAINT-CLOUD",
    "Country": "FRANCE",
    "LastName": "DUPONT",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "CustomerId": "87654321",
    "Email": ""

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