Obtenir des informations sur les quotas d’un projet

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You can retrieve information about the quotas of a project using OKS CLI.

Getting Information About the Quotas of a Project Using OKS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure OKS CLI. For more information, see Installer et configurer OKS CLI.

The project quotas command allows you to retrieve information about the quotas of a project:

Request sample
$ oks-cli project quotas --project-name my-project

This command contains the following attribute that you need to specify:

  • project-name: The name of the project you want to retrieve quota information from.

The project quotas command returns the following elements:

  • ShortDescription: A description of the quota.

  • QuotaCollection: The category of resource type that the quota applies to.

  • AccountId: The unique identifier of what the quota represents.

  • Description: A more detailed description of the quota.

  • MaxValue: The maximum allowed usage for this resource.

  • UsedValue: The current usage of the resource within the quota.

  • Name: The identifier for the quota.

Result sample
        "ShortDescription": "VM Limit",
        "QuotaCollection": "Compute",
        "AccountId": "123456789012",
        "Description": "This is the description",
        "MaxValue": 150,
        "UsedValue": 8,
        "Name": "vm_limit"

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