3DS OUTSCALE API v1.34.0 - Errors

This page lists the errors that the 3DS OUTSCALE API can return.

If you encounter an error in a response, search for the returned Code in this page to find more details about the error.

Terms of service. Email: support@outscale.com. License: BSD 3 Clause.

Code Type Description HTTP status
0 DefaultError ErrorDefaultError 400
1 AccessDenied ErrorAuthenticationFailed 401
2 AccessDenied ErrorHttpMethodNotAllowed 405
4 AccessDenied ErrorUnauthorizedOperation 401
5 AccessDenied ErrorNotAuthorized 401
6 AccessDenied ErrorOperationThrottled: Request rate exceeded 503
7 AccessDenied ErrorUserNotAllowed 401
8 WrongAuthenticationMethod ErrorWrongAuthenticationMethod: The authentication method '{auth_meth}' is invalid. 403
9 AuthFailure ErrorAuthFailure: The authentication using login/password is not allowed for this call. 401
10 MissingLoginPassword ErrorMissingLoginPassword: The credentials are missing for authentication. 403
11 AccessDenied ErrorBruteForceAccessLocked: Too many failed connection attempts. Your access has been permanently locked. Please, contact the support to unlock it. 401
12 AccessDenied ErrorUnknownAuthorizationType: The authentication type specified in the Authorization header is unknown. 401
13 AccessDenied ErrorTemporaryBruteForceAccessLockedException: Too many failed connection attempts. Your access has been locked for 60 seconds. 401
14 AccessDenied ErrorUnmatchedApiAccessRules: The authentication method does not comply with the API access rules configured for your account. Please, use a valid certificate or IP address. 401
15 AccessDenied ErrorExpiredRequestDate: The timestamp {timestamp} is invalid, the request is too old and has expired since {expiration_date}. 401
16 InvalidLoginPassword ErrorInvalidLoginPassword: The password you provided does not match the login {account}. 403
20 PasswordExpired ErrorPasswordExpired: The password has expired. 401
21 AccessDenied ErrorInvalidJsonWebToken: The json web token is invalid. 401
22 AccessDenied ErrorRequestInFuture: The timestamp {timestamp} is invalid, the request date is set in the future. It should have been set to {latest_allowed_date} at the latest. 401
23 AccessDenied ErrorExpiredJsonWebToken: The json web token is expired. 401
1000 DependencyProblem ErrorClusterHasDevices 424
1001 DependencyProblem ErrorCustomerGatewayHasDependencies: The client gateway '{id}' has dependencies and cannot be deleted. 424
1002 DependencyProblem ErrorDeviceHasCluster 424
1003 DependencyProblem ErrorGatewayDoesNotExist: An Internet service must be attached to the Net. 424
1004 DependencyProblem ErrorGatewayHasEip: The Net '{vpc}' has one or more mapped public IPs. Please unmap those public IPs before detaching the service. 424
1005 DependencyProblem ErrorGatewayHasElbDependency: A load balancer is present on Net '{vpc}'. The Internet service '{internetGatewayId}' cannot be detached. 424
1006 DependencyProblem ErrorGatewayHasVpcDependency: The Internet service '{internetGatewayId}' has dependencies and cannot be deleted. 424
1007 DependencyProblem ErrorGatewayIsNotAttached: The resource '{gatewayId}' is not attached to Net '{vpcId}'. 424
1008 DependencyProblem ErrorGroupHasMember 424
1009 DependencyProblem ErrorMissingRootDevice: The VM '{vm}' does not have a volume attached at root device: '{root}'. 424
1010 DependencyProblem ErrorNoGateway: The Net '{network}' is not attached to any Internet service. 424
1011 DependencyProblem ErrorNoServerSlot 424
1012 DependencyProblem ErrorPzHasDevices 424
1013 DependencyProblem ErrorVmHasPci 424
1014 DependencyProblem ErrorVmHasSsd 424
1015 DependencyProblem ErrorVpcHasDependencies: The Net '{vpcId}' has dependencies and cannot be deleted. 424
1016 DependencyProblem ErrorVpnGatewayHasDependencies: The virtual gateway '{id}' has dependencies and cannot be deleted. 424
1017 DependencyProblem ErrorCgHasAlreadyVpnc: The client gateway '{cg}' already has a VPN connection '{vpnc}'. 424
2000 InternalError ErrorChecksumError: Outscale faced an internal error while processing your request 500
2001 InternalError ErrorCleanupFailure 500
2002 InternalError ErrorDivisionByZero 500
2003 InternalError ErrorKeyGenerationFailure 500
2004 InternalError ErrorNegativeValue 500
2005 InternalError ErrorNoLifecycle 500
2006 InternalError ErrorSnapshotCreationFailed 500
2007 InternalError ErrorServiceUnavailable 500
2008 InternalError ErrorRequestTimeout 500
2010 InternalError OkmsServerError 500
2013 ServerIsNotReady ErrorServerIsNotReady 500
2014 UnknownKeyFormat ErrorUnknownKeyFormat 500
2015 InvalidLifecycleRole ErrorInvalidLifecycleRole 500
2016 InvalidLifecycle ErrorInvalidLifecycle 500
2017 MigrationNotPossible ErrorMigrationNotPossible 500
3000 InvalidParameter ErrorUnexpectedField 400
3001 InvalidParameter ErrorInvalidParameter: The parameter '{param}' doesn't exist. 400
3002 InvalidParameter ErrorInvalidParameterCombination 400
3003 InvalidParameter ErrorInvalidJsonFormat: The request body must be a valid JSON object. 422
3004 InvalidParameter ErrorIoexception 400
3005 InvalidParameter DigestNotReadyException: Digest computation last covered date {lastCoveredDate} has not reached required date {requiredDate}. 400
3007 InvalidParameter ErrorInvalidParameterCombination: You must provide all the following parameters: '{options}'. 400
3008 InvalidParameter ErrorInvalidParameterCombination: The following parameters '{args}' cannot be provided together. You can only provide '{high}' of them. 400
3010 UnsupportedMediaType ErrorUnsupportedMediaType: The specified media type for '{call_name}' is not supported. The following is supported: {type}. 415
3019 InvalidParameterType ErrorUnknownParameterType: The parameter type of {param_name} is unknown. 400
3020 InvalidParameter ErrorUnexpectedStickinessPolicyConfiguration: The parameter '{param}' is not applicable for the PolicyType '{policy_type}'. 400
3021 InvalidParameter ErrorUnexpectedLoadBalancerConfiguration: The parameter '{param}' is not applicable for this load balancer type or configuration. 400
3022 InvalidParameter ErrorInvalidParameterCombinationAzsSubnets: These parameters cannot be provided together: SubregionNames and Subnets. You can only provide '{high}' of them. 400
3023 InvalidParameter ErrorBucketNameNotSet: Access log can only be enabled when an OSU bucket name is provided. 400
4000 InvalidParameterValue ErrorAccessKeysNotFound 400
4001 InvalidParameterValue ErrorArchitectureMismatch: The requested architecture for VM type '{vm_architectures}' does not match the manifest for image '{imageId}': '{image}'. 400
4002 InvalidParameterValue ErrorBucketNotFound: The bucket is unavailable for access log. 400
4003 InvalidParameterValue ErrorDeviceNameNotAssociated: This device is not associated with the VM '{id}': '{device_name}'. 400
4004 InvalidParameterValue ErrorEmptyTarget 400
4005 InvalidParameterValue ErrorEnableAccessLogNotFound: The enable key is missing for access log. 400
4006 InvalidParameterValue ErrorBucketNameEmpty: The bucket name cannot be empty. 400
4007 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInstanceInvalidTenancy: The provided value ('{tenancy}') for the parameter 'Placement.Tenancy' is invalid. 400
4008 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidAffinityTarget 400
4009 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidAsn: The provided value ('{asn}') for the parameter 'BgpAsn' is invalid. 400
4010 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidAsnRange: The provided value ('{asn}') for the parameter 'BgpAsn' is not in a valid range. 400
4011 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidBdm 400
4012 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidBillingValue 400
4013 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidBlock: The provided value ('{cidr}') for the parameter 'IpRange' is invalid. 400
4014 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidBlockSize: The provided value ('{cidr}') for the parameter 'IpRange' is invalid. The block size has to be between {min} and {max}. 400
4015 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidCidrSize 400
4016 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidClassName 400
4017 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidConfiguration 400
4018 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidCount 400
4019 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidDeviceName: The provided value ('{name}') for the parameter 'Device' is invalid. 400
4021 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidEndPort 400
4022 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidFieldValue 400
4023 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidFilter: {message} 400
4024 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidHostPattern 400
4025 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidId: The provided resource ID ('{id}') is invalid. 400
4026 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidImageName: The provided value ('{name}') for the parameter 'ImageName' is invalid. The image name has to follow these constraints: [a-zA-Z0-9_ ()/.-], length: (3, 128). 400
4027 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidImportPath 400
4028 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidBackendPort: The provided value ('{backend_port}') for the parameter 'BackendPort' is invalid. This value has not been configured for any listener. 400
4029 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidIops 400
4030 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidIpAddress 400
4031 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidIsolationMode 400
4032 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidKey 400
4033 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidKeySize: The provided value for the parameter 'PublicKey' is invalid. The key size has to be one of these values: {256, 384, 521, 1024, 2048, 4096}. 400
4034 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidKeypairIndex 400
4035 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidKeypairName: The provided value ('{name}') for the parameter 'KeypairName' is invalid. The keypair name has to follow these constraints: ASCII printable characters, length: (1, 255). 400
4036 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidLbName 400
4037 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidLbPort 400
4038 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidLifecycle 400
4039 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidLifecycleRole 400
4040 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidCiphertext 400
4041 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidManifestFormat 400
4042 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidMethodName 400
4043 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidName 400
4044 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidNotification 400
4045 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameter 400
4046 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterSet 400
4047 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue 400
4049 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidPathPattern 400
4050 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidPermissionFormat 400
4051 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidPortSpecification 400
4052 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidProfile 400
4053 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidProtocol 400
4054 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidProtocolLayer: The provided values for LoadBalancerProtocol ('{load_balancer_protocol}') and BackendProtocol ('{backend_protocol}') are incompatible. Both protocols must be in the same layer. 400
4055 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidQuorum 400
4056 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidRange 400
4057 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidRootMapping 400
4058 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidRuleAction 400
4059 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidRuleName 400
4060 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidLoadBalancerType: The provided value ('{load_balancer_type}') for the parameter 'LoadBalancerType' is invalid. This parameter can only be specified when you create a load balancer in a Net. 400
4061 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidSnapshotId 400
4062 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidSource 400
4063 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidStartIp 400
4064 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidStartPort 400
4065 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidStickyPolicyCookieName: The provided value ('{cookie_name}') for the parameter 'CookieName' is invalid. The cookie name cannot contains spaces. 400
4066 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidStickyPolicyExpiration: The provided value ('{expiration}') for the parameter 'Expiration' is invalid. The expiration period should be greater than 0. 400
4067 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidStickyPolicyName: The provided value ('{name}') for the parameter 'PolicyName' is invalid. The policy name has to follow these constraints: [a-zA-Z0-9-], length: (1, 32). 400
4068 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidStopIp 400
4069 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidTagKey 400
4070 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidTagValue 400
4071 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidTagValueLength 400
4072 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidTarget 400
4073 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidType 400
4074 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidUrl 400
4075 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidUrlFormat 400
4076 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidVirtualName: The provided value ('{name}') for the parameter 'BlockDeviceMappings.VirtualDeviceName' is invalid. The virtual device name should have this format: ephemeral. 400
4077 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidVolumeDeviceNameAssociation: The provided association into the BlockDeviceMappings, for the device name ('{device_name}') and the volume ID ('{volume_id}'), is invalid. 400
4078 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidVolumeSize 400
4079 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidVpnPropagation 400
4080 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidVpnType: The provided value ('{type}') for the parameter 'ConnectionType' is invalid. The value must be 'ipsec.1'. 400
4081 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidZone 400
4082 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidZoneOwner 400
4083 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidKeypairType: The type ('{type}') of the provided keypair '{keypair}' is invalid. The supported values are '{expected_types}'. 400
4084 InvalidParameterValue ErrorLoadBalancerAttributeNotFound 400
4085 InvalidParameterValue ErrorMultipleStickyPoliciesForbidden 400
4086 InvalidParameterValue ErrorNetworkMismatch: Cannot perform the action with the VM '{vm}'. The VM's Net ('{net_vm}') doesn't match the load balancer's Net ('{net_lbu}'). 400
4087 InvalidParameterValue ErrorNotWindowsInstance 400
4088 InvalidParameterValue ErrorOsuConnectionError 400
4089 InvalidParameterValue ErrorOverlappingTimespan 400
4091 InvalidParameterValue ErrorTokenMismatch 400
4093 InvalidParameterValue ErrorUndefinedForwarding: The parameters HostNamePattern and PathPattern cannot be simultaneously. 400
4094 InvalidParameterValue ErrorUnknownExportVersion 400
4095 InvalidParameterValue ErrorValidationError 400
4096 InvalidParameterValue ErrorVmTypeNotSupported 400
4097 InvalidParameterValue ErrorWrongCertificateOrn: The provided value ('{value}') for the parameter 'ServerCertificateId' is invalid. 400
4098 InvalidParameterValue ErrorWrongDate 400
4099 InvalidParameterValue ErrorWrongEmitInterval 400
4100 InvalidParameterValue ErrorWrongEventType 400
4101 InvalidParameterValue ErrorWrongPrefix 400
4102 InvalidParameterValue ErrorWrongProtocolForSSL: The provided LoadBalancerProtocol ('{load_balancer_protocol}') doesn't accept SSL certificate ('{value}'). 400
4103 InvalidParameterValue ErrorWrongResourceType 400
4104 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidIdPrefix: The provided value '{invalid}' does not respect the expected ID prefix '{prefixes}'. 400
4105 InvalidParameterValue ErrorMalformedId: The provided value '{given_id}' is malformed. 400
4106 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValueLength: The length of the provided value for parameter '{param}' is invalid: '{vlength}'. The expected length is '{length}'. 400
4108 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterType: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{key}' must be of type '{form}'. 400
4109 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidIntervalType 400
4110 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterType 400
4111 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParametersValue 400
4112 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidFilterValue 400
4113 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidMaxResultsPerPageValue 400
4114 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidArg 400
4115 InvalidParameterValue ErrorParseError 400
4116 InvalidParameterValue ErrorNextPageTokenExpired 400
4117 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidNextPageTokenValue 400
4118 InvalidParameterValue ErrorServicevalidationexception 400
4119 InvalidParameterValue ErrorTokenExists 400
4120 InvalidParameterValue ErrorAuthenticationexception 400
4121 InvalidParameterValue ErrorAuthfailure 400
4122 InvalidParameterValue ErrorNoSuchEntityException: NoSuchEntityException 404
4123 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidformatexception 400
4124 InvalidParameterValue ErrorValidationexception 400
4125 InvalidParameterValue TooSmallVolumeSize: The Volume size ({volume_size} GiB) must be greater than {snapshot_id} size ({snapshot_size} GiB). 400
4128 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidLoadBalancerType: The provided value ('{value}') for the parameter '{param_name}' is invalid. It has to be one of these values: {supported_value}. 400
4129 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' is invalid. The supported values are '{options}'. 400
4130 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' is invalid. No length can be calculated from it. 400
4131 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The value '{value}' of parameter 'orders' must be list of tuples in format: [(, 'ASC'), (, 'DESC')]. This is an internal error. Please, contact the support. 400
4132 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' must be of type '{form}'. 400
4133 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The IPv4 address '{value}' is invalid. 400
4134 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The IPv4 network '{value}' is invalid. 400
4135 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' is invalid. The expected interval is '{options}'. Please interpret 'None' as no-limit. 400
4136 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' must contain alphanumeric characters only. 400
4137 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' must contain numeric characters only. 400
4138 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' is invalid. The supported patterns are '{options}'. 400
4139 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided '{value}' for parameter '{param}' must be in ISO 8601 date-time format. 400
4140 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{interval}' must be tuple containing min and max values. This is an internal error. Please, contact the support. 400
4141 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{intervals}' must be tuple containing min and max values. This is an internal error. Please, contact the support. 400
4152 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterType: The '{param}' parameter with value '{value}' must be '{expected_type}' type. 400
4166 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidHeaderDate: The provided value '{header_date}' for header {header_name} must be in ISO 8601 date-time format. 400
4170 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValueEnum: The value '{value}' of '{param}' does not match any of the expected values: '{enum}'. 400
4171 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValueMinMax: '{param}' should have '{context}'. You have provided the value '{value}'. 400
4172 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValueItems: '{param}' should have '{context}'. You have provided the array '{value}' which contains '{cus_items}' items. 400
4173 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValueLength: '{param}' should have '{context}'. You have provided the value '{value}' which contains '{cus_length}' characters. 400
4174 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValueProperties: '{param}' should have '{context}'. You have provided the object '{value}' which contains '{cus_properties}' properties. 400
4175 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValueMultipleOf: The value '{value}' of '{param}' is not a multiple of '{multiple}'. 400
4176 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValuePattern: The value '{value}' of '{param}' does not match the pattern '{pattern}'. 400
4177 InvalidParameterValue ErrorMalformedCertificateException 400
4178 InvalidParameterValue ErrorPermissionPolicyValidationException 400
4179 InvalidParameterValue ErrorKeyPairMismatchException 400
4183 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' is invalid. 400
4184 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' is invalid. 400
4185 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' is invalid. 400
4189 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValueLength: Parameter cannot be empty: {param_name} 400
4190 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: {message} 400
4196 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterValue: The provided value '{value}' for parameter '{param}' is invalid. 400
4199 InvalidParameterValue ErrorSameSourceAndTarget: The provided value '{vpc_id}' for parameter AccepterNetId is invalid. The values for AccepterNetId and SourceNetId must be different. 400
4200 InvalidParameterValue ErrorLocalRouteAlreadyExists: Destination '{destination}' is a 'local' route and cannot be modified or deleted. 400
4202 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidIopsSizeRatio: Iops to volume size ratio is too high: '{ratio}' Max: '{max_iops_size_ratio}' 400
4203 InvalidParameterValue InvalidSnapshotSize: The provided value ('{snapshot_size}') for the parameter 'SnapshotSize' must be greater than 0. 400
4204 InvalidParameterValue InvalidPortRange: The provided values '{ports}' for the parameters '(FromPortRange, ToPortRange)' are invalid for the protocol '{protocol}'. 400
4205 InvalidParameterValue InvalidUserData: The provided value ('{user_data}') for the parameter 'UserData' is invalid : BASE64 encoding error 400
4206 InvalidParameterValue PolicyValidationException: The syntax of the provided policy '{policyString}' is not valid. 400
4208 InvalidHeaderValue ErrorInvalidAcceptHeader: The Accept header is malformed. You should use one of these content types: '{content_types}'. 406
4210 InvalidValue ValidationException: At least one of your request parameters doesn't meet the requirement: {violations}. 400
4211 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterCombinationTimeoutInterval: CheckInterval must be greater than Timeout 400
4212 InvalidParameterValue ErrorInvalidParameterCombinationProtocolPath: Path is only valid for HTTP and HTTPS 400
4213 InvalidParameterValue ErrorTooManyWildcards: The provided value ('{value}') for parameter '{param}' is invalid. The maximum number of wildcards ('{wildcards_limit}') is exceeded. 400
4214 InvalidParameterValue ErrorReservedSecurityGroupName: The provided value '{name}' for the parameter 'SecurityGroupName' is invalid. This name is reserved for OUTSCALE use. 400
4215 InvalidParameterValue ErrorNoSuchUnitPrice: The unit price for service ('{service}'), operation ('{operation}') and type ('{type}') doesn't exists. 404
5000 InvalidResource ErrorDeviceNotInCluster 400
5001 InvalidResource ErrorGatewayDoesNotExist 400
5002 InvalidResource ErrorGhostlyVm 400
5003 InvalidResource ErrorInvalidInstance 400
5004 InvalidResource ErrorInvalidVpc 400
5005 InvalidResource ErrorNoAzForUser 400
5006 InvalidResource ErrorNoPzAvailable 400
5007 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchAttachment: The LinkNicId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5008 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchAuthorization 400
5009 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchAz: The SubregionName '{name}' doesn't exist. 400
5010 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchAzmapping 400
5011 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchCall 400
5012 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchCertificate 400
5013 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchCluster 400
5014 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchConfiguration 400
5015 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchCustomerGateway: The ClientGatewayId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5016 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchDataFile 400
5017 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchDevice 400
5018 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchDhcpoptions: The DhcpOptionsId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5019 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchGateway: The InternetServiceId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5020 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchGroup 400
5021 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchGroupInPublicCloud 400
5022 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchGroupIdInVpc: The SecurityGroupId '{id}' doesn't exist in this Net. 400
5023 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchImage: The ImageId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5024 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchInstanceType 400
5025 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchIp: The PublicIp '{ip}' doesn't exist for the account '{owner}'. 400
5026 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchIpAssociation: The LinkPublicIpId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5027 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchKey 400
5028 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchListener: The listener for the load balancer '{name}' doesn't exist on the following load balancer port(s): '{ports}'. 400
5029 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchListenerRule: The listener rule '{listener_rule_name}' doesn't exist. 400
5030 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchLoadBalancer: The LoadBalancer '{load_balancer_name}' doesn't exist. 400
5031 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchManifest 400
5032 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchNatGateway: The NatServiceId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5033 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchNetwork: The NetId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5034 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchNetworkEndpoint: The NetAccessPointId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5035 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchNetworklink: The NetPeeringId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5036 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchNic: The NicId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5037 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchObject 400
5038 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchOperation 400
5039 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchPendingCall 400
5040 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchIpRangeList: The IpRangeListId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5041 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchPz 400
5042 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchQuota 400
5044 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchResource 400
5045 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchRoute 400
5046 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchRouteTable: The RouteTableId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5047 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchRtbAssoc: The LinkRouteTableId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5048 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchServer 400
5049 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchServerGroup 400
5050 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchServergroup 400
5051 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchShard 400
5052 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchSite 400
5053 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchSlot 400
5054 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchSnapshot: The SnapshotId '{id}' doesn't exist for the account '{owner}'. 400
5055 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchStaticRoute 400
5056 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchStickyPolicy: The PolicyName '{policy_name}' doesn't exist in the LoadBalancer '{load_balancer_name}'. 400
5057 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchSubnet: The SubnetId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5058 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchTask: The ExportTaskId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5059 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchType 400
5060 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchUserGroup 400
5061 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchVlanPool 400
5062 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchVlanRange 400
5063 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchVm: The VmId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5064 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchVolume: The VolumeId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5065 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchVpc: The NetId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5066 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchVpnAttachment 400
5067 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchVpnConnection: The VpnConnectionId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5068 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchVpnGateway: The VirtualGatewayId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5069 InvalidResource ErrorZeroCandidate 400
5070 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchSSLCertificate: The ServerCertificateId '{value}' doesn't exist. 400
5071 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchKeypair 400
5072 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchConnection: The DirectLinkId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5073 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchInterface: The DirectLinkInterfaceId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5074 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchGpuReservation 400
5075 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchUser 400
5076 InvalidResource ErrorNosuchentityexception 400
5077 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchAllocatedip 400
5078 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchCmk 400
5080 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchIpId: The PublicIpId '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5081 InvalidResource NoSuchVmTemplate: The VmTemplate '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5082 InvalidResource NoSuchVmGroup: The VmGroup '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5091 InvalidResource NoSuchDedicatedGroup: The DedicatedGroup '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5092 InvalidResource NoSuchIpRangeListName: The IpRangeListName '{name}' doesn't exist. 400
5093 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchProductCode: The ProductCode '{id}' doesn't exist. 400
5094 InvalidResource ErrorUnknownPrincipalException: The account, user or assumed role user doesn't exist. 400
5095 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchEntityException 400
5098 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchEntityExceptionUserPathNameForAccount: The user '{user_name}' doesn't exist. 400
5099 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchEntityExceptionUserPathNameForAccount: The access key '{accessKey_pid}' doesn't exist. 400
5100 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchEntityExceptionRegionNames: The region '{region_names}' doesn't exist. 400
5101 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchGroupNameInVpc: The Security Group name '{name}' doesn't exist in this Net. 400
5102 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchEntityExceptionManagedPolicyNameScope: The policy '{name}' doesn't exist in the scope of the account '{scope}'. 400
5103 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchEntityExceptionManagedPolicyNameScopeVersionId: The policy '{name}' or it's version '{versionId}' doesn't exist. 400
5104 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchEntityExceptionGroupName: The group with the name '{group_name}' and the path '{group_path}' doesn't exist 404
5105 InvalidResource ErrorNoSuchEntityExceptionPolicy: The policy doesn't exist for the specified entity: {entity_orn} 404
6000 InvalidState ErrorInvalidCgState 409
6001 InvalidImageState ErrorInvalidImageState 409
6002 InvalidRouterState ErrorInvalidRouterState 409
6003 InvalidState ErrorInvalidState 409
6004 InvalidState ErrorInvalidStateTransition 409
6005 InvalidSubnetState ErrorInvalidSubnetState 409
6006 InvalidVmState ErrorInvalidVmState: Cannot perform the action. The VM ('{vm}') is in an invalid state ('{state}'). 409
6007 InvalidVolumeState ErrorInvalidVolumeState 409
6008 InvalidVpgState ErrorInvalidVpgState 409
6009 InvalidVpnConnectionState ErrorInvalidVpnConnectionState 409
6010 InvalidState ErrorCmkInvalidState 409
6011 InvalidConnectionState ErrorInvalidConnectionState 409
6012 InvalidInterfaceState ErrorInvalidInterfaceState 409
6013 InvalidVmGroupState ErrorInvalidVmGroupState: Cannot perform the action, the VmGroup '{id}' must be in the 'available' state. 409
6014 InvalidAccessKeyState ErrorInvalidAccessKeyState 409
6015 InvalidNicState ErrorInvalidNicState 409
6016 InvalidServerState ErrorInvalidServerState 409
6017 InvalidAgentState ErrorInvalidAgentState 409
6019 InvalidSlotState ErrorInvalidSlotState 409
6020 InvalidNatGatewayState ErrorInvalidNatGatewayState 409
6021 InvalidFlexibleGpuState ErrorInvalidFlexibleGpuState 409
6022 InvalidSnapshotState ErrorInvalidSnapshotState 409
6023 InvalidAccountState ErrorInvalidAccountState 409
6024 InvalidVpcState ErrorInvalidVpcState 409
6025 InvalidAddressState ErrorInvalidAddressState 409
6026 InvalidStreamingState ErrorInvalidStreamingState 409
6027 InvalidTaskState ErrorInvalidTaskState 409
6028 InvalidCallState ErrorInvalidCallState 409
6029 InvalidVpcEndpointState ErrorInvalidVpcEndpointState 409
6030 InvalidShardState ErrorInvalidShardState 409
6031 InvalidLoadBalancerState ErrorInvalidLoadBalancerState: Cannot perform the action. The load balancer '{load_balancer_name}' is in an invalid state ('{state}'). 409
7000 MissingParameter ErrorMissingParameter: One or more required parameters are missing: '{missing_parameters}'. 400
7001 MissingParameter ErrorMissingValueExpirationOrCookieName 400
7002 MissingParameter ErrorSubnetParameterCompulsory 400
7003 MissingParameter ErrorNoRootSnapshot 400
7006 MissingParameter ErrorMissingParameter: You must provide at least '{low}' of the following parameters: '{args}'. 400
7007 MissingParameter ErrorMissingParameter: The parameter '{param}' is required. 400
7009 MissingParameter ErrorMissingHeaderDate: The header '{header_name}' is required. 400
7010 MissingParameter ErrorMissingCredentials: You need to provide credentials to perform this action. Please, refer to the documentation for authentication modes. 400
7013 MissingParameter ErrorMissingParameter: The parameter '{param}' is required. 400
7014 MissingParameter ErrorMissingSSLCertificate: The parameter 'ServerCertificateId' is required for this LoadBalancerProtocol '{load_balancer_protocol}'. 400
7015 MissingHeaderValue ErrorMissingAcceptHeader: The Accept header is missing or empty. You should use one of these content types: '{content_types}'. 406
7016 MissingParameter ErrorMissingCookieName: The parameter 'CookieName' is required in policies of type 'app'. 400
8000 OperationNotSupported ErrorActionNotConfirmed 400
8001 OperationNotSupported ErrorBadUsage 400
8002 OperationNotSupported ErrorCannotDetachDeviceIndex 400
8003 OperationNotSupported ErrorCannotDetachRoot 400
8004 OperationNotSupported ErrorEgressNotSupported 400
8006 OperationNotSupported ErrorImmutableKeypair 400
8007 OperationNotSupported ErrorIsolatedInstance 400
8008 OperationNotSupported ErrorMappingNotSupported 400
8009 OperationNotSupported ErrorMigrating 400
8010 OperationNotSupported ErrorNotImplemented 400
8011 OperationNotSupported ErrorNotPermitted 400
8012 OperationNotSupported ErrorNotSupported 400
8014 OperationNotSupported ErrorNumericalNotSupported 400
8015 OperationNotSupported ErrorPaginationNotImplemented 400
8016 OperationNotSupported ErrorRootSnapshotNotModifiable 400
8017 OperationNotSupported ErrorUnexportableImage 400
8018 OperationNotSupported ErrorApiTerminationLocked 400
8019 OperationNotSupported ErrorInterRegionCopyNotImplemented 400
8023 OperationNotSupported ErrorNestedNotActivated: Nested virtualization is not yet activated in this Region. 400
8029 TooManyStorageDevicesPerVm ErrorTooManyStorageDevicesPerVm 400
8030 ActionNotPermitted ErrorActionNotPermitted: Cannot perform the {action} with owner={owner} on resource={resource} 405
8031 OperationNotSupported ErrorCannotDetachMainPrivateIp: NIC's ('{nic_id}') main private IP ('{main_private_ip}') cannot be detached. 400
8032 ContentTypeNotsupported ErrorUnsupportedAcceptHeader: The requested response ContentType is not supported. You should use one of these content types: '{content_types}'. 406
8033 OperationNotSupported ErrorNotImplementInLBU: {detail} 400
9000 ResourceConflict ErrorAlready-exist 409
9001 ResourceConflict ErrorAmbiguousIp 409
9002 ResourceConflict ErrorBusy 409
9003 ResourceConflict ErrorDeviceConflict 409
9004 ResourceConflict ErrorDeviceInUse 409
9005 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateCidr 409
9006 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateConnection 409
9007 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateEmailAddress 409
9008 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateGroup: Cannot perform the action, the SecurityGroupName '{group_name}' already exists. 409
9009 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateId 409
9010 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateInterface 409
9011 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateKey 409
9012 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateListener: Cannot perform the action, a listener already exists for '{load_balancer_name}' with LoadBalancerPort '{load_balancer_port}' with a different configuration. 409
9013 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateLoadbalancerName: Cannot perform the action. The load balancer name '{load_balancer_name}' already exists. 409
9014 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateMountPoint 409
9015 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateName 409
9016 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicatePort 409
9017 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateIpRangeListGroup: Cannot perform the action, the permission '{prefix_list}({target})' already exists for the group '{group}'. 409
9018 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateProduct 409
9019 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateRouter 409
9020 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateShard 409
9021 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicatePolicyName: Cannot perform the action, the PolicyName '{policy_name}' already exists for the LoadBalancer '{load_balancer_name}'. 409
9022 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateUsername 409
9023 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateVlan 409
9024 ResourceConflict ErrorGatewayIsAlreadyAttached 409
9027 ResourceConflict ErrorGatewayNotAttached 409
9028 ResourceConflict ErrorGroupAlreadyExists 409
9029 ResourceConflict ErrorInUse 409
9030 ResourceConflict ErrorInvalidVpnConnection 409
9031 ResourceConflict ErrorLockedAddress 409
9032 ResourceConflict ErrorMigrating,alreadyMigrating 409
9033 ResourceConflict ErrorNotMigrating 409
9034 ResourceConflict ErrorMultipleStickinessPoliciesForbidden: Multiple stickiness policies in listeners are not allowed. 409
9035 ResourceConflict ErrorNoRuleBackend: Cannot perform the action. The listener rule must have at least one backend VM. 409
9037 ResourceConflict ErrorNatGatewayAlreadyExists 409
9038 ResourceConflict ErrorNetworkEndpointAlreadyExists 409
9039 ResourceConflict ErrorNeverStarted 409
9040 ResourceConflict ErrorNicInUse 409
9041 ResourceConflict ErrorNoGeneratedPassword 409
9042 ResourceConflict ErrorNoKeypairAssociated 409
9043 ResourceConflict ErrorNoVpnNetwork 409
9044 ResourceConflict ErrorNotInVpcBlock 409
9045 ResourceConflict ErrorNotPublicSubnet 409
9046 ResourceConflict ErrorPasswordAlreadySet 409
9047 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateListenerRulePriority: Cannot perform the action. The listener rule priority '{rule_priority}' already exists. 409
9048 ResourceConflict ErrorPzAlreadyMapped 409
9049 ResourceConflict ErrorPzNotEnabled 409
9050 ResourceConflict ErrorReservedBlock 409
9051 ResourceConflict ErrorReservedGroup 409
9052 ResourceConflict ErrorRouteAlreadyExists 409
9053 ResourceConflict ErrorRouteDoesNotExist 409
9054 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateListenerRuleName: Cannot perform the action. The listener rule name '{rule_name}' already exists. 409
9055 ResourceConflict ErrorStickinessPolicyInUse: Cannot perform the action, the policy '{policy_name}' is used by at least one listener. 409
9056 ResourceConflict ErrorInvalidProtocolStickinessPolicy: Cannot perform the action, the policy '{policy_name}' cannot be associated to a listener with LoadBalancerProtocol '{load_balancer_protocol}'. 409
9057 ResourceConflict ErrorSubnetAlreadyInUse 409
9058 ResourceConflict ErrorSubnetConflict 409
9059 ResourceConflict ErrorSubnetIsAssociated 409
9060 ResourceConflict ErrorTag-already-exist 409
9061 ResourceConflict ErrorVmAlreadyStreaming 409
9062 ResourceConflict ErrorVmNotInVpc 409
9063 ResourceConflict ErrorVolumeNotInUse 409
9064 ResourceConflict ErrorVolumeNotStreamable 409
9065 ResourceConflict ErrorVpcAlreadyAttached 409
9066 ResourceConflict ErrorVpcIsAssociated 409
9067 ResourceConflict ErrorVpcPeeringConnectionAlreadyExists 409
9068 ResourceConflict ErrorVpnConnectionIsNotStatic 409
9069 ResourceConflict ErrorVpncConflict 409
9070 ResourceConflict ErrorZoneAlreadyExist 409
9071 ResourceConflict ErrorZoneMismatch 409
9072 ResourceConflict ErrorVmSpecsMismatch 409
9073 ResourceConflict ErrorEntityalreadyexistsexception 409
9074 ResourceConflict ErrorPasswordpolicyviolationexception 409
9075 ResourceConflict ErrorDefaultCmk 409
9076 ResourceConflict EntityRestrictionsException 409
9078 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateSite 409
9079 ResourceConflict ErrorConnectionInUse 409
9080 ResourceConflict ErrorPortInUse 409
9081 ResourceConflict ErrorRouterInUse 409
9082 ResourceConflict ErrorSiteInUse 409
9084 ResourceConflict ErrorDhcpOptionsInUse 409
9085 ResourceConflict ErrorGroupInUse 409
9086 ResourceConflict ErrorPrivateIpInUse 409
9087 ResourceConflict ErrorPublicIpInUse: Cannot perform the action. The public IP '{ip}' is already associated with another resource ('{association}'). 409
9088 ResourceConflict ErrorNicInUse 409
9089 ResourceConflict ErrorIpRangeListInUse: Cannot delete the IP range list '{id}' due to existing associations ('{associations}'). 409
9090 ResourceConflict ErrorProductInUse 409
9091 ResourceConflict ErrorPzInUse 409
9092 ResourceConflict ErrorRouteTableInUse 409
9093 ResourceConflict ErrorShardInUse 409
9094 ResourceConflict ErrorSnapshotInUse 409
9095 ResourceConflict ErrorSubnetInUse 409
9096 ResourceConflict ErrorVlanRangeInUse 409
9097 ResourceConflict ErrorVpcInUse 409
9098 ResourceConflict VmTemplateInUse: Cannot perform the action, the VmTemplate '{id}' is used by at least one other resource. 409
9099 ResourceConflict ErrorDedicatedGroupInUse: Dedicated group '{id}' has resources: {ids} 409
9100 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateIpRangeListName: Cannot perform the action, the IpRangeListName '{prefix_list}' already exists for the account '{owner}'. 409
9101 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateIpRangeListCidr: Cannot perform the action, repeated values '{cidrs}'. Please ensure that all Cidr in the Entries are unique. 409
9102 ResourceConflict ErrorNotInSameVpc: Route table '{rtb_id}' and resource '{resource_id}' must be in the same network. 409
9103 ResourceConflict ErrorInVpcBlock: Destination '{subnet_cidr}' must be outside the network CIDR '{vpc_cidr}'. 409
9104 ResourceConflict ErrorEntityRestrictionsExceptionAccessKeyStatus: The access key '{accessKey_pid}' should be INACTIVE. 409
9105 ResourceConflict ErrorEntityRestrictionsExceptionUserNameForAccount: The user '{user_name}' already exist. 409
9106 ResourceConflict ErrorEntityRestrictionsExceptionUserAttachedEntities: The user has dependencies. 409
9107 ResourceConflict ErrorDuplicateRule: Cannot perform the action, the security group rule '{permission_name}' already exists on the specified group. 409
9108 ResourceConflict ErrorPrivateIpMismatch: One or more IPv4 addresses ('{unknown_ips}') are not associated to the NIC '{nic}'. 409
9109 ResourceConflict ErrorNotInSubnetBlock: IPv4 address '{ip}' does not fall within the network CIDR of '{subnet_id}' ('{subnet_cidr}'). 409
9112 ResourceConflict ErrorPolicyInUse: Cannot perform the action, the policy '{policy_name}' is used by at least one backend. 409
10001 InsufficientCapacity ErrorInsufficientResource 400
10002 InsufficientCapacity ErrorTooManyCmk 400
10003 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorMigrationPortsExhausted 400
10004 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorResolutionHasTooManySgs 400
10005 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyAccesskeys 400
10006 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyAccountsCreated 400
10007 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyCertificate 400
10008 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyConcurrentSnapshots 400
10009 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyCookieParamSet 400
10010 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyInstances: The maximum number of VMs ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10011 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyIps 400
10012 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyListenerRules: The maximum number of listener rules ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10013 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyListeners: The maximum number of listeners ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10014 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyLoadBalancers: The maximum number of load balancers ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10015 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyNetworkInterfaces: The maximum number of NICs ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10016 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyPz 400
10017 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManySgRules 400
10018 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyVolumes: The maximum number of volumes ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10019 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooMuchPz 400
10020 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorVpnGatewayAttachmentLimitReached 400
10021 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyPrivateIps: The maximum number of private IPs per NIC ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10022 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyVpcs: The maximum number of Nets ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10023 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyIgws: The maximum number of Internet services ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10024 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooMuchVolumeSize 400
10025 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyIops: The maximum number of IOPS ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10026 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManySnapshots: The maximum number of snapshots ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10027 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyCgws: The maximum number of client gateways ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10028 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyConnections: The maximum number of connections ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10029 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyCores 400
10030 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyGpu 400
10031 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyInterfaces 400
10032 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyNatGateways: The maximum number of NAT services ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10033 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyNetworkEndpoints: The maximum number of Net access points ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10034 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyNetworklinkRequests 400
10035 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyNetworklinks 400
10036 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyNicSgs 400
10037 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyRtbs: The maximum number of route tables ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10038 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManySgs: The maximum number of security groups ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10039 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyVpgs: The maximum number of virtual gateways ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10040 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyStaticRoutes 400
10041 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyTags 400
10042 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooMuchMemory 400
10043 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyBgpRoutes 400
10044 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyBypassGroup 400
10045 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooMuchBypassGroupSize 400
10046 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyGpuReservations 400
10047 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorLimitexceedexception 400
10048 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManySubnets: The maximum number of Subnets ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10049 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorLimitExceedExceptionFromIdentauth 400
10050 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorPendingImageLimitExceeded 400
10051 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) TooManyIpRangeLists: The maximum number of ip range lists ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10052 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorVpnConnectionLimitExceeded 400
10053 InsufficientCapacity ErrorNotEnoughVms 400
10054 InsufficientCapacity ErrorNoVmsFound 400
10055 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) TooManyIpRangeListEntries: The maximum number of ip range list entries ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10056 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) VmGroupsQuotaLimit: The maximum number of {quota} ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10057 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyRtbRules: The maximum number of route table rules ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
10058 TooManyResources (QuotaExceeded) ErrorTooManyDedicatedServers: The maximum number of dedicated servers ('{limit}') is exceeded. 400
11000 UserAccountProblem ErrorAccountDisabled 403
11001 UserAccountProblem ErrorAccountisnotactiveexception 401
12000 InvalidAction ErrorInvalidAction: The action is invalid for this web service: '{invalid_action}'. 404
12001 InvalidAction ErrorDictionaryVersionDoesNotExists 404
12002 MethodNotAllowed ErrorMethodNotAllowed: The received method '{received_method}' does not match the supported methods: {supported_methods}. 405