Configuring Cyberduck for OOS

You can install Cyberduck, an open source web interface, to use OUTSCALE Object Storage (OOS).

3DS OUTSCALE provides XML files that you can use to automatically configure Cyberduck.

For more information about how to use Cyberduck, see Official Cyberduck documentation for S3.

Configuring Cyberduck for Object Storage on macOS

Setting Up Cyberduck on Your Machine

Before you begin: Download and install Cyberduck.

  1. Navigate to the Cyberduck Bookmarks directory:

    $ cd "/${HOME}/Library/Group Containers/ Support/duck/Bookmarks/"
  2. Click here to download the necessary configuration file to interact with OOS.

The file should automatically be added to your Cyberduck bookmarks section. If not, copy the newly downloaded configuration file to your Bookmarks folder:

$ cp "/${HOME}/Downloads/" "/${HOME}/Library/Group Containers/ Support/duck/Bookmarks/"

Configuring OOS on Cyberduck

  1. Open the Cyberduck application.

  2. In the main window, double-click the OUTSCALE Object Storage connection. A dialog box appears.

  3. Specify your identifiers:

    1. In the Access Key ID field, type your access key ID.

    2. In the Secret Access Key field, type the secret access key associated with your access key ID.

      To get your access key ID and your secret key to allow a connection to the APIs, see Getting Information About Your Access Keys.

  4. Click Connect to validate. You are connected to your OOS resources, and your buckets and files appear in the interface.

    • To manually configure an OOS connection, you can click Open Connection ico General CyberduckConnect. In that case, do not specify "https" when you type the endpoint corresponding to the Region you want to use.

    • You can disable the "Bonjour" notifications from Cyberduck using the following command in your terminal:

      $ defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck rendezvous.enable false
    • You can enable the "Bonjour" notifications again using the same command by replacing false with true.

Configuring Cyberduck for Object Storage on Windows

Setting Up Cyberduck on Your Machine

Before you begin: Download and install Cyberduck.

  1. Navigate to the Cyberduck Bookmarks directory:

    $ cd AppData\Roaming\Cyberduck\Bookmarks
  2. Click here to download the necessary configuration file to interact with OOS.

  3. Copy this file into your Cyberduck Bookmarks folder:

    $ copy "C:\Users\[YourUsername]\Downloads\" "C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Roaming\Cyberduck\Bookmarks"

Configuring OOS on Cyberduck

  1. Open the Cyberduck application.

  2. In the main window, double-click the OUTSCALE Object Storage connection. A dialog box appears.

  3. Specify your identifiers:

    1. In the Access Key ID field, type your access key ID.

    2. In the Secret Access Key field, type the secret access key associated with your access key ID.

      To get your access key ID and your secret key to allow a connection to the APIs, see Getting Information About Your Access Keys.

  4. Click Login to validate. You are connected to your OOS resources, and your buckets and files appear in the interface.

    • To manually configure an OOS connection, you can click Open Connection ico General CyberduckConnect. In that case, do not specify "https" when you type the endpoint corresponding to the Region you want to use.

    • You can disable the "Bonjour" notifications from Cyberduck by typing the following command in your command prompt:

      $ (echo rendezvous.enable=false) > "%AppData%\Cyberduck\"

      This creates the file in your Cyberduck folder and adds the appropriate property to disable the "Bonjour" notifications.

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