Creating a Node Pool
You can create node pools using OKS CLI or kubectl
. You must create at least one node pool for each cluster in order for the cluster to run the application-related load.
All worker nodes in an OKS node pool must have the same type. If you need to use nodes of different types in your cluster, you should create multiple corresponding node pools. |
Creating a Node Pool Using OKS CLI
Before you begin:
The cluster nodepool create command creates an OKS node pool and attaches it to the given cluster.
$ oks-cli cluster \
--project-name NAME_OF_PROJECT \
--cluster-name NAME_OF_CLUSTER \
nodepool create \
--nodepool-name "NODEPOOL_NAME" \
--count 2 \
--type tinav6.c1r1p2
This command contains the following options that you need to specify:
: The name of the cluster, with a maximum length of 40 alphanumeric characters and dashes (-). This name must not start or end with a dash, and it must be unique within the project. -
: The name of the project where the cluster will be created. -
: The name of the node pool you want to create. -
: The number of worker nodes. -
: The type of worker nodes in the following format:tinavW.cXrYpZ
, where:-
W is a CPU generation between 2 and 7. For more information, see VM Types > TINA type.
X is a number of vCPUs within your quotas.
Y is an amount of memory within your quotas.
(optional) Z is a performance flag between 1 and 3.
The creation of your node pool starts when the following message is returned:"NODEPOOL-NAME" created
You can use the cluster nodepool list command to check the existing node pools.
If a worker node does not join the cluster within 15 minutes of its creation, it will be replaced. An error remains visible in the wide output for 5 minutes. |
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