Getting the Price of Your Resources

You can get the price of any OUTSCALE resource in the Region of your account on Cockpit v2. Note however that the information is provided for information purposes only. Only invoices are considered binding.

You can also calculate the price using the ReadCatalog API method. For more information, see the corresponding API methods.

To calculate the price of custom or dedicated virtual machines (VMs), you need to get prices listed in the result of the ReadCatalog API method, and then use a formula to calculate the final price depending on your resource’s characteristics.

You can get the price list of OUTSCALE services and resources within a specified time period (up to 3 years) using the ReadCatalogs OUTSCALE API method. For more information, see the ReadCatalogs command sample in the documentation of the OUTSCALE API.

If you do not have OUTSCALE credentials, you can use the ReadPublicCatalog API method to get the prices of OUTSCALE resources for the Region specified in the endpoint of your request. For more information, see About Regions and Subregions.

Getting the Price of Your Resources Using Cockpit v2

  1. In the top right corner, click the IconProfil icon.
    A drop-down menu appears.

  2. Click IconMySpace Personal Space.
    Your account information appears.

  3. Click the IconSignal My Consumption tab.
    Your consumption since the first day of the current month appears.

  4. The price of your resources is available in the table, under the columns Unit price and Total price.

    The price does not include tax.

Calculating the Price of Custom VMs

Get the three following prices in the catalog:

  • The price of a vCore, per hour (Instance - On demand - vCore unit for a CxRy Linux/Windows/Oracle instance - per hour)

  • The price for 1 GiB of memory, per hour (Instance - On demand - RAM unit for a CxRy Linux/Windows/Oracle instance - per hour)

  • The product price for custom VMs, per hour (Instance - On demand - Additional price for a CxRy Linux/Windows/Oracle instance - per hour)

These three prices depend on the product code of your VM (Linux, Windows, or Oracle). For more information about Linux and Windows custom VMs, see VM Types.

Calculating the Price of Dedicated VMs

Get the two following prices in the catalog:

  • The usage price for dedicated VMs, per hour (Instance - Dedicated instances usage - per hour)

  • The additional price for dedicated VMs, in percentage and per hour (Instance - Dedicated Instance - Additional price - per hour)

Calculate the dedicated VM price per hour, corresponding to the classic VM price increased by the additional price, using the following formula:

Instance_price + ((Instance_price x Additional_price)/100)

This formula uses the following information:

  • Instance_price: The price for the VM, per hour.

    If your dedicated VM is a custom one, you first need to calculate its price per hour using the corresponding method provided in the Calculating the Price of Custom VMs section above.

  • Additional_price: The additional price for dedicated VMs, in percentage and per hour.

To get the total price per hour for your dedicated VM, add the usage price for dedicated VMs to the dedicated VM price per hour calculated in the previous step.

The usage price is charged only once, from the moment you create your first dedicated VM to the moment you terminate your last dedicated VM.

In the following example, the dedicated VMs are created and terminated at different times:

Example of Pricing for Dedicated VMs

sch General DedicatedVMsBilling

The charged price for this example is:

  • The price of VM 1 and its corresponding additional price for dedicated VMs, for one hour

  • The price of VM 2 and its corresponding additional price for dedicated VMs, for one hour

  • The usage price 1 for dedicated VMs for one and a half hour (from the moment VM 1 was created to the moment VM 2 was terminated)

  • The price of VM 3 and its corresponding additional price for dedicated VMs, for one hour

  • The usage price 2 for dedicated VMs for one hour (from the moment VM 3 was created to the moment it was terminated)

The currency used for billing depends on the Region of your account:

  • eu-west-2 and cloudgouv-eu-west-1: EUR

  • us-east-2, us-west-1, and ap-northeast-1: USD

Calculating the Price of Reserved VMs

  • To get the price of a reserved VM, use one of the following formulas depending on the duration you chose for your reservation:

    • 1 month (30% off):

      Instance_price x 24 x 30 x 0.7
    • 1 year (40% off):

      Instance_price x 24 x 365 x 0.6
    • 2 years (50% off):

      Instance_price x 24 x 365 x 2 x 0.5
    • 3 years (60% off):

      Instance_price x 24 x 365 x 3 x 0.4

    The Instance_price corresponds to the price per hour for your VM:

    The currency used for billing depends on the Region of your account:

    • eu-west-2 and cloudgouv-eu-west-1: EUR

    • us-east-2, us-west-1, and ap-northeast-1: USD

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