Viewing Information About Your Subscriptions
The My subscriptions page enables you to view the details of all your subscriptions to OMI products. From this page, you can:
Obtain seller partners' contact information.
View or download the corresponding license agreement.
Copy OMI IDs by deployment Region.
Obtain your license key and the associated activation procedure if you have subscribed to an offer on a recurrent basis.
Seller partners can unpublish OMI products, for example if these have reached their end of life, or unpublish specific versions of OMI products. In both cases, subscribers and their organization administrators are automatically informed by email. |
Once an OMI is unpublished, you cannot create VMs from it anymore. However, VMs already created from the OMI can still be used. |
To get information about your subscriptions:
In the Marketplace interface, click the user menu
A drop-down menu appears. -
Click My subscriptions from the corresponding subscription card.
The My subscriptions page appears. -
If you have subscribed to an offer on a recurrent basis and want to obtain your license key:
Click License and OMI information on the desired product card.
The sidebar menu License and OMI information appears. -
In the License information section, either click the
icon, or Download to obtain your license key.
You can either copy your license key or download it, depending on the format chosen by the seller partner.
If your license key is not available, this means it has not yet been allocated by the seller partner. You will receive an email to inform you of its availability.
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