Supprimer un groupe dédié
Vous pouvez supprimer un groupe dédié vide que vous avez créé et dont vous n’avez plus besoin.
Un groupe dédié peut être supprimé seulement s’il ne contient aucune VM ou Net. Autrement, vous devez forcer sa suppression.
Si vous forcer la suppression d’un groupe dédié : |
Supprimer un groupe dédié avec OSC CLI
À ce jour, cette section est disponible en anglais uniquement. |
This feature is currently in beta. |
The DeleteDedicatedGroup command deletes a specified dedicated group of virtual machines (VMs).
A dedicated group can be deleted only if no VM or Net is in the dedicated group. Otherwise, you need to force the deletion. |
$ osc-cli api DeleteDedicatedGroup --profile "default" \
--DedicatedGroupId "ded-12345678"
$ osc-cli api DeleteDedicatedGroup --profile "default" \
--DedicatedGroupId "ded-12345678" \
--Force True
This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:
: The ID of the dedicated group you want to delete. -
: (optional) If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action. -
: (optional) If true, forces the deletion of the dedicated group and all its dependencies.
The DeleteDedicatedGroup command returns the following elements:
: Information about the context of the response.-
: The ID of the request.
"ResponseContext": {
"RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
Supprimer un groupe dédié avec oapi-cli
À ce jour, cette section est disponible en anglais uniquement. |
This feature is currently in beta. |
The DeleteDedicatedGroup command deletes a specified dedicated group of virtual machines (VMs).
A dedicated group can be deleted only if no VM or Net is in the dedicated group. Otherwise, you need to force the deletion. |
$ oapi-cli --profile "default" DeleteDedicatedGroup \
--DedicatedGroupId "ded-12345678"
$ oapi-cli --profile "default" DeleteDedicatedGroup \
--DedicatedGroupId "ded-12345678" \
--Force True
This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:
: The ID of the dedicated group you want to delete. -
: (optional) If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action. -
: (optional) If true, forces the deletion of the dedicated group and all its dependencies.
The DeleteDedicatedGroup command returns the following elements:
: Information about the context of the response.-
: The ID of the request.
"ResponseContext": {
"RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
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