Tutoriel: Démarrer avec OKS via la CLI OKS

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The aim of this tutorial is to present the main operations possible with OKS using OKS CLI.

To use OKS, you need to send a request to our Support team at support@outscale.com.

Adding an OKS Profile to Your Outscale Account Using OKS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure OKS CLI. For more information, see Installer et configurer OKS CLI.

The profile add command allows you to set an existing Outscale account as an OKS profile:

Request sample
oks-cli profile add \
    --profile-name "default" \
    --username "MY_LOGIN" // --access-key "MY_ACCESS_KEY" \
    --password "MY_ACOUNT_PASSWORD" // --secret-key "MY_SECRET_KEY" \
    --region "eu-west-2" \
    --jwt false

Creating a Project Using OKS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure OKS CLI. For more information, see Installer et configurer OKS CLI.

The project create command allows you to create a project:

Request sample
$ oks-cli project create \
    --project-name NAME_OF_PROJECT \
    --description "DESCRIPTION_OF_PROJECT" \
    --tags "tag1=this,tag2=that"

For more information, see Créer un projet.

Creating a Cluster Using OKS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure OKS CLI. For more information, see Installer et configurer OKS CLI.

To create a cluster, use the cluster create command following this syntax:

Request sample
$ oks-cli cluster create \
    --project-name NAME_OF_PROJECT \
    --cluster-name NAME_OF_CLUSTER \
    --admin "," \
    --control-plane "cp.mono.master" \
    --version 1.30

For more information, see Créer un cluster.

Using kubectl

Before you begin: Install and configure OKS CLI. For more information, see Installer et configurer OKS CLI.

You can use OKS CLI to execute any kubectl command directly on your cluster. To do so, use the oks-cli cluster kubectl command, followed by your OKS CLI parameters and a kubectl command. OKS CLI will connect to the desired cluster, retrieve its configuration file, encrypt, and launch the requested command:

Request sample
$ oks-cli cluster kubectl \
    --project-name NAME_OF_PROJECT \
    --cluster-name NAME_OF_CLUSTER \
    get nodes

For more information, see Accéder-à-un-cluster.adoc#_using_kubectl.

Creating a Node Pool Using OKS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure OKS CLI. For more information, see Installer et configurer OKS CLI.

The cluster nodepool create command creates an OKS node pool and attaches it to the given cluster.

Request sample
$ oks-cli cluster \
    --project-name NAME_OF_PROJECT \
    --cluster-name NAME_OF_CLUSTER \
    nodepool create \
    --nodepool-name NODEPOOL-NAME \
    --count 2 \
    --type tinav6.c1r1p2

For more information, see Créer un node pool.

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