Accepting a Hosted DirectLink Interface

Another OUTSCALE account can request the creation of a DirectLink interface hosted in your account. This enables you, as the grantee, to use the DirectLink connection of the other account to access one of your Nets.

As the grantee, you must accept this request of creation of a DirectLink interface before you can use it. You then become the owner of the DirectLink interface. If it is not accepted, the DirectLink interface cannot forward traffic, and expires after 7 days.

When accepting, you must specify a virtual gateway to attach to the DirectLink interface.

For more information about DirectLink interfaces, see About DirectLink > DirectLink Connections and Private Virtual Interfaces.

Accepting a Hosted DirectLink Interface Using OSC CLI

See the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface command sample in the documentation of the DirectLink API.

Accepting a Hosted Private Virtual Interface Using AWS CLI

Before you begin: Attach a virtual private gateway to the VPC which you want to access. For more information, see Creating a Virtual Gateway and Linking a Virtual Gateway.

To accept ownership of a private virtual interface created in your account, use the confirm-private-virtual-interface command following this syntax:

Request sample
$ aws directconnect confirm-private-virtual-interface \
    --profile YOUR_PROFILE \
    --virtual-interface-id dxvif-56781234 \
    --virtual-gateway-id vgw-87654321 \

This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:

  • (optional) profile: The named profile you want to use, created when configuring AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

  • virtual-interface-id: The ID of the connection.

  • virtual-gateway-id: The ID of the target virtual private gateway. For more information about the virtual private gateways you can use, see Getting Information About Your Virtual Gateways for DirectLink.

  • endpoint: The endpoint corresponding to the Region you want to send the request to.

The confirm-private-virtual-interface command returns the following element:

  • virtualInterfaceState: The state of the private virtual interface.

Result sample
    "virtualInterfaceState": "pending"

The private virtual interface is created, and remains in the pending state until it is ready to forward traffic. For more information about the states of private virtual interfaces, see About DirectLink > DirectLink Connections and Private Virtual Interfaces.

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Corresponding API Method

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