Creating a Pre-Signed URL

You can create a pre-signed URL that enables an object to be accessible through the internet. Any user to whom you send the pre-signed URL can access the object for the time you specify.

When using a pre-signed URL, the user you send the URL to does not need any permission or authentication to download your object.

A pre-sign URL is also required when copying an OUTSCALE machine image (OMI) between accounts located in different Regions. For more information, see Copying an OMI Across Regions.

Creating a Pre-Signed URL Using AWS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

To create a pre-signed URL, use the presign command following this syntax:

Request sample
$ aws s3 presign s3://BUCKET/OBJECT \
    --profile YOUR_PROFILE \
    --expires-in 3600 \

This command contains the following options that you need to specify:

  • (optional) profile: The named profile you want to use, created when configuring AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

  • s3://BUCKET/OBJECT: The path to the object you want to share in its bucket.

  • expires-in: The time left before the URL expires, in seconds.

    When using AWS CLI, the maximum duration for a pre-signed URL is 604800 seconds (1 week).

  • endpoint: The endpoint corresponding to the Region you want to send the request to. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

The presign command returns the following element:

  • URL: The URL at which your object is available.

Result sample

Creating a Pre-Signed URL Using s3cmd

You can manage your object storage resources using s3cmd commands. For more information, see s3cmd.

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