Getting Information About Your Access Logs

You can get information about access logs for your load balancers, such as the emit interval and the OOS bucket name.

Getting Information About Your Access Logs Using OSC CLI

The ReadLoadBalancers command lists one or more load balancers and their attributes.

Request sample
$ osc-cli api ReadLoadBalancers --profile "default" \
    --Filters '{
        "LoadBalancerNames": ["private*"]

This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:

  • DryRun: (optional) If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.

  • Filters: (optional) One or more filters.

    • LoadBalancerNames: (optional) The names of the load balancers.

The ReadLoadBalancers command returns the following elements:

  • LoadBalancers: Information about one or more load balancers.

    • AccessLog: Information about access logs.

      • IsEnabled: If true, access logs are enabled for your load balancer. If false, they are not. If you set this to true in your request, the OsuBucketName parameter is required.

      • OsuBucketName: The name of the OOS bucket for the access logs.

      • OsuBucketPrefix: The path to the folder of the access logs in your OOS bucket (by default, the root level of your bucket).

      • PublicationInterval: The time interval for the publication of access logs in the OOS bucket, in minutes. This value can be either 5 or 60 (by default, 60).

    • ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies: The stickiness policies defined for the load balancer.

      • CookieName: The name of the application cookie used for stickiness.

      • PolicyName: The mnemonic name for the policy being created. The name must be unique within a set of policies for this load balancer.

    • BackendIps: One or more public IPs of backend VMs.

    • BackendVmIds: One or more IDs of backend VMs for the load balancer.

    • DnsName: The DNS name of the load balancer.

    • HealthCheck: Information about the health check configuration.

      • CheckInterval: The number of seconds between two requests (between 5 and 600 both included).

      • HealthyThreshold: The number of consecutive successful requests before considering the VM as healthy (between 2 and 10 both included).

      • Path: If you use the HTTP or HTTPS protocols, the request URL path.

      • Port: The port number (between 1 and 65535, both included).

      • Protocol: The protocol for the URL of the VM (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).

      • Timeout: The maximum waiting time for a response before considering the VM as unhealthy, in seconds (between 2 and 60 both included).

      • UnhealthyThreshold: The number of consecutive failed requests before considering the VM as unhealthy (between 2 and 10 both included).

    • Listeners: The listeners for the load balancer.

      • BackendPort: The port on which the backend VM is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).

      • BackendProtocol: The protocol for routing traffic to backend VMs (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).

      • LoadBalancerPort: The port on which the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).

      • LoadBalancerProtocol: The routing protocol (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).

      • PolicyNames: The names of the policies. If there are no policies enabled, the list is empty.

      • ServerCertificateId: The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the server certificate. For more information, see Resource Identifiers > OUTSCALE Resource Names (ORNs).

    • LoadBalancerName: The name of the load balancer.

    • LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies: The policies defined for the load balancer.

      • CookieExpirationPeriod: The time period, in seconds, after which the cookie should be considered stale.
        If 1, the stickiness session lasts for the duration of the browser session.

      • PolicyName: The name of the stickiness policy.

    • LoadBalancerType: The type of load balancer. Valid only for load balancers in a Net.
      If LoadBalancerType is internet-facing, the load balancer has a public DNS name that resolves to a public IP.
      If LoadBalancerType is internal, the load balancer has a public DNS name that resolves to a private IP.

    • NetId: The ID of the Net for the load balancer.

    • PublicIp: (internet-facing only) The public IP associated with the load balancer.

    • SecuredCookies: Whether secure cookies are enabled for the load balancer.

    • SecurityGroups: One or more IDs of security groups for the load balancers. Valid only for load balancers in a Net.

    • SourceSecurityGroup: Information about the source security group of the load balancer, which you can use as part of your inbound rules for your registered VMs.
      To only allow traffic from load balancers, add a security group rule that specifies this source security group as the inbound source.

      • SecurityGroupAccountId: The account ID of the owner of the security group.

      • SecurityGroupName: The name of the security group.

    • Subnets: The ID of the Subnet in which the load balancer was created.

    • SubregionNames: The ID of the Subregion in which the load balancer was created.

    • Tags: One or more tags associated with the load balancer.

      • Key: The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.

      • Value: The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.

  • ResponseContext: Information about the context of the response.

    • RequestId: The ID of the request.

Result sample
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancers": [
      "Tags": [],
      "SourceSecurityGroup": {
        "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
        "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
      "SecuredCookies": false,
      "PublicIp": "",
      "Subnets": [
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "BackendVmIds": [],
      "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
      "SecurityGroups": [
      "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
      "AccessLog": {
        "PublicationInterval": 60,
        "IsEnabled": false
      "DnsName": "",
      "HealthCheck": {
        "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
        "Timeout": 5,
        "CheckInterval": 30,
        "Protocol": "TCP",
        "HealthyThreshold": 10,
        "Port": 80
      "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
      "SubregionNames": [
      "Listeners": [
          "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",
          "BackendPort": 80,
          "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
          "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
          "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS"
      "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example"

Getting Information About Your Access Logs Using AWS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

To get information about the access logs of a load balancer, use the describe-load-balancer-attributes command following this syntax:

Request sample
$ aws elb describe-load-balancer-attributes \
    --profile YOUR_PROFILE  \
    --load-balancer-name LOAD_BALANCER_NAME \

This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:

  • (optional) profile: The named profile you want to use, created when configuring AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

  • load-balancer-name: The name of the load balancer whose access logs you want to get information about.

  • endpoint: The endpoint corresponding to the Region you want to send the request to. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

The describe-load-balancer-attributes command returns the following elements:

  • LoadBalancerAttributes: Information about the specified load balancer. This element contains the following information:

    • AccessLog: Information about the publication of the access logs. This element contains the following information:

      • S3BucketPrefix: The path to the folder in your OOS bucket for the publication of the access logs. If not specified, they are published at the root level of your bucket.

      • EmitInterval: The time span for the publication of the access logs in the OOS bucket, that can be either 5 or 60 minutes (by default, 60 minutes).

      • Enabled: If true, the access logs are enabled for the specified load balancer. If false, they are not.

      • S3BucketName: The name of the OOS bucket in which the access logs are published. For more information, see About OOS.

        Result sample
            "LoadBalancerAttributes": {
                "AccessLog": {
                    "S3BucketPrefix": "BUCKET_PREFIX",
                    "EmitInterval": 60,
                    "Enabled": true,

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