Listing Your OKS Profiles

You can list your OKS profiles using OKS CLI.

Listing Your OKS Profiles Using OKS CLI

Before you begin: Install and configure OKS CLI. For more information, see Installing and Configuring OKS CLI.

The profile list command lists all the available profiles for a given Outscale account.

Request sample
$ oks-cli profile list

The profile list command returns the following elements:

  • Profile: The name of the profile configured in OKS CLI.

  • Account type: The type of credentials used for the authentication of the profile. Can be ak/sk (for Access Key/Secret Key) or "username/password".

  • Region: The location of the OKS endpoint used for the profile.

  • Endpoint: The endpoint corresponding to the Region you want to send the request to. For more information, see API Endpoints Reference.

  • Enabled JWT auth: Whether JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication is enabled for the profile (true or false).

Result Sample
Profile: default Account type: ak/sk Region: eu-west-2 Endpoint: Enabled JWT auth: False
Profile: my-second-profile Account type: username/password Region: eu-west-2 Endpoint: Enabled JWT auth: True

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