Tutorial: Getting Started with the OUTSCALE Cloud

In this tutorial, you learn how to create and connect to your first virtual machine (VM) in the 3DS OUTSCALE Cloud.

A VM is a virtual machine in the public Cloud or in a Net, that is, an isolated virtual network in the Cloud. For more information, see About VMs and About Nets.

For this tutorial, you can use either:

  • Cockpit, a web interface developed by 3DS OUTSCALE that enables you to create and manage your resources in the OUTSCALE Cloud. For more information, see About Cockpit.

  • OSC CLI, a command-line interface (CLI) developed by 3DS OUTSCALE, which is compatible with the OUTSCALE API and all AWS-compliant API services. For more information, see Installing and Configuring OSC CLI.

  • oapi-cli, a command-line interface (CLI) developed by 3DS OUTSCALE, which is compatible with the OUTSCALE API exclusively. For more information, see Installing and Configuring oapi-cli.

  • AWS CLI, a CLI developed by Amazon Web Services, which is compatible with all AWS-compliant API services. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

Our Support team is available to help you if necessary. For more information, see Technical Support.

Getting Started with the OUTSCALE Cloud Using Cockpit v2

  1. (optional) To securely connect to your VMs, create a keypair. For more information, see Creating a Keypair.

  2. (optional) To manage the inbound and outbound flows of your VMs, create a security group. For more information, see Creating a Security Group.

  3. Create your first VM. For more information, see Creating VMs.
    Your VM is created and configured.

  4. Connect to your VM. For more information, see Accessing Your VMs.

Getting Started with the OUTSCALE Cloud Using OSC CLI

Install and Configure OSC CLI

Create Your First Keypair

  • To securely connect to your VMs, you need to create a keypair using the following CreateKeypair command:

    Request sample
    $ osc-cli api CreateKeypair \
        --KeypairName MyKeypair

    For more information, see CreateKeypair in the OUTSCALE API documentation.

Create Your First Security Group

  1. To manage the inbound and outbound flows of your VM, you need to create a security group using the following CreateSecurityGroup command:

    Request sample
    $ osc-cli api CreateSecurityGroup \
        --SecurityGroupName my-security-group \
        --Description "SECURITY_GROUP_DESCRIPTION"

    For more information, see CreateSecurityGroup in the OUTSCALE API documentation.

  2. To allow flows in a specific protocol on specific ports, add a rule to your security group using the following CreateSecurityGroupRule command:

    Request sample
    $ osc-cli api CreateSecurityGroupRule \
        --SecurityGroupId sg-xxxxxxxx \
        --Flow Inbound \
        --IpProtocol tcp \
        --FromPortRange 22 \
        --ToPortRange 22 \
        --IpRange xx.xx.xx.xx/32

    where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP of your current computer.

    For more information, see CreateSecurityGroupRule in the OUTSCALE API documentation.

Creating and Accessing Your First VM

  1. To create your first VM, use the CreateVms command following this syntax:

    Request sample
    $ osc-cli api CreateVms \
        --ImageId ami-xxxxxxxx \
        --KeypairName MyKeypair \
        --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-xxxxxxxx"]' \
        --MinVmsCount 1 \
        --MaxVmsCount 1

    where ami-xxxxxxxx is the ID of the OMI to use to create the VM. For more information, see About OMIs and Official OMIs Reference.

    For more information, see CreateVms in the OUTSCALE API documentation.

  2. To connect to your VM, see Accessing Your VMs.

Getting Started with the OUTSCALE Cloud Using oapi-cli

Install and Configure oapi-cli

Create Your First Keypair

  • To securely connect to your VMs, you need to create a keypair using the following CreateKeypair command:

    Request sample
    $ oapi-cli CreateKeypair \
        --KeypairName MyKeypair

    For more information, see CreateKeypair in the OUTSCALE API documentation.

Create Your First Security Group

  1. To manage the inbound and outbound flows of your VM, you need to create a security group using the following CreateSecurityGroup command:

    Request sample
    $ oapi-cli CreateSecurityGroup \
        --SecurityGroupName my-security-group \
        --Description "SECURITY_GROUP_DESCRIPTION"

    For more information, see CreateSecurityGroup in the OUTSCALE API documentation.

  2. To allow flows in a specific protocol on specific ports, add a rule to your security group using the following CreateSecurityGroupRule command:

    Request sample
    $ oapi-cli CreateSecurityGroupRule \
        --SecurityGroupId sg-xxxxxxxx \
        --Flow Inbound \
        --IpProtocol tcp \
        --FromPortRange 22 \
        --ToPortRange 22 \
        --IpRange xx.xx.xx.xx/32

    where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP of your current computer.

    For more information, see CreateSecurityGroupRule in the OUTSCALE API documentation.

Creating and Accessing Your First VM

  1. To create your first VM, use the CreateVms command following this syntax:

    Request sample
    $ oapi-cli CreateVms \
        --ImageId ami-xxxxxxxx \
        --KeypairName MyKeypair \
        --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-xxxxxxxx"]' \
        --MinVmsCount 1 \
        --MaxVmsCount 1

    where ami-xxxxxxxx is the ID of the OMI to use to create the VM. For more information, see About OMIs and Official OMIs Reference.

    For more information, see CreateVms in the OUTSCALE API documentation.

  2. To connect to your VM, see Accessing Your VMs.

Getting Started with the OUTSCALE Cloud Using AWS CLI

Install and Configure AWS CLI

Create Your First Keypair

  • To securely connect to your VMs, you need to create a keypair. To do so, use the create-key-pair command following this syntax:

    Request sample
    $ aws ec2 create-key-pair \
        --profile YOUR_PROFILE \
        --key-name MyKeypair \
        --endpoint https://fcu.eu-west-2.outscale.com

    For more information, see Creating a Keypair.

Create Your First Security Group

  1. To manage the inbound and outbound flows of your instance, you need to create a security group using the following create-security-group command:

    Request sample
    $ aws ec2 create-security-group \
        --profile YOUR_PROFILE \
        --group-name my-security-group \
        --description SECURITY_GROUP_DESCRIPTION \
        --endpoint https://fcu.eu-west-2.outscale.com

    For more information, see Creating a Security Group.

  2. To allow flows in a specific protocol on specific ports, add a rule to your security group using the following authorize-security-group-ingress command:

    Request sample
    $ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
        --profile YOUR_PROFILE \
        --group-name my-security-group \
        --protocol tcp \
        --port 22 \
        --cidr xx.xx.xx.xx/32 \
        --endpoint https://fcu.eu-west-2.outscale.com

    where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP of your current computer.

    For more information, see Adding Rules to a Security Group.

Launch and Access Your First Instance

  1. To launch your first instance, use the run-instances command following this syntax:

    Request sample
    $ aws ec2 run-instances \
        --profile YOUR_PROFILE \
        --image-id ami-xxxxxxxx \
        --key-name MyKeypair \
        --security-groups my-security-group \
        --endpoint https://fcu.eu-west-2.outscale.com

    where ami-xxxxxxxx is the ID of the OMI to use to launch the instance. For more information, see About OMIs and Official OMIs Reference.

    For more information, see Creating VMs.

  2. To connect to your instance, see Accessing Your VMs.

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