Allocating a License Key
As a seller partner on OUTSCALE Marketplace, you must allocate a license key after each subscription to one of your offers on a recurrent basis. This license key is required by your users to activate their product.
Users cannot start using your product until you have allocated a license key for their subscription. To ensure an optimal user experience, we ask you to provide this license key as soon as possible, after each subscription. |
You receive an email to inform you of each customer subscription requiring the allocation of a license key. |
To allocate a license key:
In the Marketplace interface, click the user menu
A drop-down menu appears. -
Click My sales.
The My sales page appears. -
Click Add license key on the desired sale line.
The page Allocating a license key appears. -
In the License section, select your license key format, either String of characters, or File.
If you have selected String of characters:
Enter the character string corresponding to your license key.
If you have selected File:
Click Upload to import the license key.
The license key must be a file of 4 MB or less.
Click Validate.
Your license key is provided to the user who has subscribed to your offer.
Once you have allocated a license key, you can access its details from the My sales page by clicking on View information. |
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