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Welcome to the OUTSCALE API documentation.
The OUTSCALE API enables you to manage your resources in the OUTSCALE Cloud. This documentation describes the different actions available along with code examples.

Throttling: To protect against overloads, the number of identical requests allowed in a given time period is limited.
Brute force: To protect against brute force attacks, the number of failed authentication attempts in a given time period is limited.

You can learn more about errors returned by the API in the dedicated errors page.

Note that the OUTSCALE Cloud is compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS) APIs, but there are differences in resource names between AWS and the OUTSCALE API.
You can also manage your resources using the Cockpit web interface.

An OpenAPI description of the OUTSCALE API is also available in this GitHub repository.

Base URLs:

Terms of service. Email: License: BSD 3 Clause.

Authentication Schemes

Access Key/Secret Key

The main way to authenticate your requests to the OUTSCALE API is to use an access key and a secret key.
The mechanism behind this is based on AWS Signature Version 4, whose technical implementation details are described in Signature of API Requests.

In practice, the way to specify your access key and secret key depends on the tool or SDK you want to use to interact with the API.

For example, if you use OSC CLI:

  1. You need to create an ~/.osc/config.json file to specify your access key, secret key, and the Region of your account.
  2. You then specify the --profile option when executing OSC CLI commands.

For more information, see Installing and Configuring OSC CLI.

See the code samples in each section of this documentation for specific examples in different programming languages.
For more information about access keys, see About Access Keys.


For certain API actions, you can also use basic authentication with the login (email address) and password of your TINA account.
This is useful only in special circumstances, for example if you do not know your access key/secret key and want to retrieve them programmatically.
In most cases, however, you can use the Cockpit web interface to retrieve them.

For example, if you use OSC CLI:

  1. You need to create an ~/.osc/config.json file to specify the Region of your account, but you leave the access key value and secret key value empty ("").
  2. You then specify the --profile, --authentication-method, --login, and --password options when executing OSC CLI commands.

See the code samples in each section of this documentation for specific examples in different programming languages.

No Authentication

A few API actions do not require any authentication. They are indicated as such in this documentation.

Other Security Mechanisms

In parallel with the authentication schemes, you can add other security mechanisms to your OUTSCALE account, for example to restrict API requests by IP or other criteria.
For more information, see Managing Your API Accesses.



POST /CreateAccessKey

Creates an access key for either your root account or an EIM user. The new key is automatically set to ACTIVE.

For more information, see About Access Keys.

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api CreateAccessKey --profile "default" \
  --ExpirationDate "2063-04-05"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api CreateAccessKey --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --ExpirationDate "2063-04-05"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ExpirationDate": "2063-04-05"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ExpirationDate": "2063-04-05"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.CreateAccessKey(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.AccessKeyApi(config);

    const result = await api.createAccessKey({
        createAccessKeyRequest: {
            expirationDate: "2063-04-05",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ExpirationDate string (date-time or date) false The date and time, or the date, at which you want the access key to expire, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z, or 2020-06-14). To remove an existing expiration date, use the method without specifying this parameter.
UserName string false The name of the EIM user that owns the key to be created. If you do not specify a user name, this action creates an access key for the user who sends the request (which can be the root account).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateAccessKeyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "AccessKey": {
    "State": "ACTIVE",
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "ExpirationDate": "2063-04-05T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "LastModificationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000"


POST /DeleteAccessKey

Deletes the specified access key of either your root account or an EIM user.

The access key of an EIM user must be in the INACTIVE state to be deleted.

Code samples

# Deleting one of your own access keys (if you are the root account or an EIM user)

osc-cli api DeleteAccessKey --profile "default" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789"
# Deleting the access key of a specific EIM user

osc-cli api DeleteAccessKey --profile "default" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789" \
  --UserName "example-user"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api DeleteAccessKey --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789" \
  --UserName "example-user"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Deleting one of your own access keys (if you are the root account or an EIM user)

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789"
# Deleting the access key of a specific EIM user

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "UserName": "example-user"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "UserName": "example-user"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

# Deleting one of your own access keys (if you are the root account or an EIM user)
result = gw.DeleteAccessKey(

# Deleting the access key of a specific EIM user
result = gw.DeleteAccessKey(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.AccessKeyApi(config);

    /* Deleting one of your own access keys (if you are the root account or an EIM user) */
    const result = await api.deleteAccessKey({
        deleteAccessKeyRequest: {
            accessKeyId: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",

    /* Deleting the access key of a specific EIM user */
    const result2 = await api.deleteAccessKey({
        deleteAccessKeyRequest: {
            accessKeyId: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
            userName: "example-user",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AccessKeyId string true The ID of the access key you want to delete.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
UserName string false The name of the EIM user the access key you want to delete is associated with. By default, the user who sends the request (which can be the root account).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteAccessKeyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadAccessKeys

Lists the access key IDs of either your root account or an EIM user.

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api ReadAccessKeys --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "States": ["ACTIVE"],

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api ReadAccessKeys --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --Filters '{
      "States": ["ACTIVE"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "States": ["ACTIVE"]

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "States": ["ACTIVE"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.ReadAccessKeys(
        "States": ["ACTIVE"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.AccessKeyApi(config);

    const result = await api.readAccessKeys({
        readAccessKeysRequest: {
            filters: {
                states: ["ACTIVE"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersAccessKeys false One or more filters.
» AccessKeyIds [string] false The IDs of the access keys.
» States [string] false The states of the access keys (ACTIVE | INACTIVE).
UserName string false The name of the EIM user. By default, the user who sends the request (which can be the root account).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadAccessKeysResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "AccessKeys": [
      "State": "ACTIVE",
      "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
      "ExpirationDate": "2063-04-05T00:00:00.000+0000",
      "LastModificationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000"


POST /ReadSecretAccessKey

Lists information about the specified access key of your root account, including its secret key.

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api ReadSecretAccessKey --profile "default" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api ReadSecretAccessKey --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.ReadSecretAccessKey(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.AccessKeyApi(config);

    const result = await api.readSecretAccessKey({
        readSecretAccessKeyRequest: {
            accessKeyId: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AccessKeyId string true The ID of the access key.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadSecretAccessKeyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "AccessKey": {
    "State": "ACTIVE",
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "ExpirationDate": "2063-04-05T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "LastModificationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000"


POST /UpdateAccessKey

Modifies the attributes of the specified access key of either your root account or an EIM user.

Code samples

# Updating the expiration date of the access key

osc-cli api UpdateAccessKey --profile "default" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789" \
  --State "ACTIVE" \
  --ExpirationDate "2063-04-05"
# Updating one of your own access keys (if you are the root account or an EIM user)

osc-cli api UpdateAccessKey --profile "default" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789" \
  --State "ACTIVE"
# Updating the access key of a specific EIM user

osc-cli api UpdateAccessKey --profile "default" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789" \
  --State "ACTIVE" \
  --UserName "example-user"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api UpdateAccessKey --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --AccessKeyId "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789" \
  --State "ACTIVE" \
  --UserName "example-user"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Updating the expiration date of the access key

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "State": "ACTIVE",
    "ExpirationDate": "2063-04-05"
# Updating one of your own access keys (if you are the root account or an EIM user)

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "State": "ACTIVE"
# Updating the access key of a specific EIM user

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "State": "ACTIVE",
    "UserName": "example-user"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "State": "ACTIVE",
    "UserName": "example-user"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

# Updating the expiration date of the access key
result = gw.UpdateAccessKey(

# Updating one of your own access keys (if you are the root account or an EIM user)
result = gw.UpdateAccessKey(

# Updating the access key of a specific EIM user
result = gw.UpdateAccessKey(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.AccessKeyApi(config);

    /* Updating the expiration date of the access key */
    const result = await api.updateAccessKey({
        updateAccessKeyRequest: {
            accessKeyId: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
            state: "ACTIVE",
            expirationDate: "2063-04-05",

    /* Updating one of your own access keys (if you are the root account or an EIM user) */
    const result2 = await api.updateAccessKey({
        updateAccessKeyRequest: {
            accessKeyId: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
            state: "ACTIVE",

    /* Updating the access key of a specific EIM user */
    const result3 = await api.updateAccessKey({
        updateAccessKeyRequest: {
            accessKeyId: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
            state: "ACTIVE",
            userName: "example-user",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AccessKeyId string true The ID of the access key.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ExpirationDate string (date-time or date) false The date and time, or the date, at which you want the access key to expire, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z or 2020-06-14). If not specified, the access key is set to not expire.
State string true The new state for the access key (ACTIVE | INACTIVE). When set to ACTIVE, the access key is enabled and can be used to send requests. When set to INACTIVE, the access key is disabled.
UserName string false The name of the EIM user that the access key you want to modify is associated with. If you do not specify a user name, this action modifies the access key of the user who sends the request (which can be the root account).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateAccessKeyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "AccessKey": {
    "State": "ACTIVE",
    "AccessKeyId": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "ExpirationDate": "2063-04-05T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "LastModificationDate": "2017-05-10T12:34:56.789+0000"



POST /CheckAuthentication

Validates the authenticity of the account.

Code samples

osc-cli api CheckAuthentication --profile "default" \
  --Login "" \
  --Password "$OSC_PASSWORD"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Login": "",
    "Password": "'$OSC_PASSWORD'"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CheckAuthentication(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.AccountApi(config);

    const result = await api.checkAuthentication({
        checkAuthenticationRequest: {
            login: "",
            password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Login string true The email address of the account.
Password string true The password of the account.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CheckAuthenticationResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /CreateAccount

Creates an OUTSCALE account.


For more information, see About Your Account.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateAccount --profile "default" \
  --City "SAINT-CLOUD" \
  --CompanyName "EXAMPLE SAS" \
  --Country "FRANCE" \
  --CustomerId '"87654321"' \
  --Email "" \
  --FirstName "JEAN" \
  --LastName "DUPONT" \
  --ZipCode '"92210"'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "City": "SAINT-CLOUD",
    "CompanyName": "EXAMPLE SAS",
    "Country": "FRANCE",
    "CustomerId": "87654321",
    "Email": "",
    "FirstName": "JEAN",
    "LastName": "DUPONT",
    "ZipCode": "92210"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateAccount(
    CompanyName="EXAMPLE SAS",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.AccountApi(config);

    const result = await api.createAccount({
        createAccountRequest: {
            city: "SAINT-CLOUD",
            companyName: "EXAMPLE SAS",
            country: "FRANCE",
            customerId: "87654321",
            email: "",
            firstName: "JEAN",
            lastName: "DUPONT",
            zipCode: "92210",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AdditionalEmails [string] false One or more additional email addresses for the account. These addresses are used for notifications only. If you already have a list of additional emails registered, you cannot add to it, only replace it. To remove all registered additional emails, specify an empty list.
City string true The city of the account owner.
CompanyName string true The name of the company for the account.
Country string true The country of the account owner.
CustomerId string true The ID of the customer. It must be 8 digits.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Email string true The main email address for the account. This address is used for your credentials and notifications.
FirstName string true The first name of the account owner.
JobTitle string false The job title of the account owner.
LastName string true The last name of the account owner.
MobileNumber string false The mobile phone number of the account owner.
PhoneNumber string false The landline phone number of the account owner.
StateProvince string false The state/province of the account.
VatNumber string false The value added tax (VAT) number for the account.
ZipCode string true The ZIP code of the city.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateAccountResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Account": {
    "ZipCode": "92210",
    "CompanyName": "EXAMPLE SAS",
    "FirstName": "JEAN",
    "City": "SAINT-CLOUD",
    "Country": "FRANCE",
    "LastName": "DUPONT",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Email": ""


POST /ReadAccounts

Gets information about the account that sent the request.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadAccounts --profile "default"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadAccounts()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.AccountApi(config);

    const result = await api.readAccounts({
        readAccountsRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadAccountsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Accounts": [
      "ZipCode": "92210",
      "CompanyName": "EXAMPLE SAS",
      "FirstName": "JEAN",
      "City": "SAINT-CLOUD",
      "Country": "FRANCE",
      "LastName": "DUPONT",
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "CustomerId": "87654321",
      "Email": ""


POST /ReadConsumptionAccount

Gets information about the consumption of your account for each billable resource within the specified time period.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadConsumptionAccount --profile "default" \
  --FromDate "2023-06-01" \
  --ToDate "2023-07-01" \
  --ShowPrice True

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "FromDate": "2023-06-01",
    "ToDate": "2023-07-01",
    "ShowPrice": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadConsumptionAccount(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.AccountApi(config);

    const result = await api.readConsumptionAccount({
        readConsumptionAccountRequest: {
            fromDate: "2023-06-01",
            toDate: "2023-07-01",
            showPrice: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
FromDate string (date or date-time) true The beginning of the time period, in ISO 8601 date format (for example, 2020-06-14). The date-time format is also accepted, but only with a time set to midnight (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z).
Overall boolean false By default or if false, returns only the consumption of the specific account that sends this request. If true, returns either the overall consumption of your paying account and all linked accounts (if the account that sends this request is a paying account) or returns nothing (if the account that sends this request is a linked account).
ShowPrice boolean false If true, the response also includes the unit price of the consumed resource (UnitPrice) and the total price of the consumed resource during the specified time period (Price), in the currency of the Region's catalog.
ToDate string (date or date-time) true The end of the time period, in ISO 8601 date format (for example, 2020-06-30). The date-time format is also accepted, but only with a time set to midnight (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadConsumptionAccountResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ConsumptionEntries": [
      "FromDate": "2023-06-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "Value": 720,
      "Title": "Instance - On demand - tinav4.c2r4 high performance - par heure",
      "Category": "compute",
      "ToDate": "2023-06-30T00:00:00.000+0000",
      "Service": "TinaOS-FCU",
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "PayingAccountId": "123456789012",
      "Operation": "RunInstances-OD",
      "Type": "BoxUsage:tinav4.c2r4p2"


POST /UpdateAccount

Updates the account information for the account that sends the request.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateAccount --profile "default" \
  --AdditionalEmails '["", ""]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AdditionalEmails": ["", ""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateAccount(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.AccountApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateAccount({
        updateAccountRequest: {
            additionalEmails: ["", ""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AdditionalEmails [string] false One or more additional email addresses for the account. These addresses are used for notifications only. If you already have a list of additional emails registered, you cannot add to it, only replace it. To remove all registered additional emails, specify an empty list.
City string false The new city of the account owner.
CompanyName string false The new name of the company for the account.
Country string false The new country of the account owner.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Email string false The main email address for the account. This address is used for your credentials and notifications.
FirstName string false The new first name of the account owner.
JobTitle string false The new job title of the account owner.
LastName string false The new last name of the account owner.
MobileNumber string false The new mobile phone number of the account owner.
PhoneNumber string false The new landline phone number of the account owner.
StateProvince string false The new state/province of the account owner.
VatNumber string false The new value added tax (VAT) number for the account.
ZipCode string false The new ZIP code of the city.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateAccountResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Account": {
    "ZipCode": "92210",
    "CompanyName": "EXAMPLE SAS",
    "FirstName": "JEAN",
    "AdditionalEmails": [
    "City": "SAINT-CLOUD",
    "Country": "FRANCE",
    "LastName": "DUPONT",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "CustomerId": "87654321",
    "Email": ""



POST /ReadApiAccessPolicy

Gets information about the API access policy of your account.

For more information, see About Your API Access Policy.

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api ReadApiAccessPolicy --profile "default"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api ReadApiAccessPolicy --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.ReadApiAccessPolicy()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.ApiAccessPolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.readApiAccessPolicy({
        readApiAccessPolicyRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadApiAccessPolicyResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ApiAccessPolicy": {
    "RequireTrustedEnv": false,
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 0


POST /UpdateApiAccessPolicy

Updates the API access policy of your account.

Only one API access policy can be associated with your account.

Code samples

# Require expiration dates of maximum 1 year

osc-cli api UpdateApiAccessPolicy --profile "default" \
  --MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds 31536000 \
  --RequireTrustedEnv False
# Require expiration dates of maximum 100 years and activate a trusted session

osc-cli api UpdateApiAccessPolicy --profile "default" \
  --MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds 3153600000 \
  --RequireTrustedEnv True
# Do not require expiration dates and deactivate a trusted session

osc-cli api UpdateApiAccessPolicy --profile "default" \
  --MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds 0 \
  --RequireTrustedEnv False

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api UpdateApiAccessPolicy --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds 0 \
  --RequireTrustedEnv False

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Require expiration dates of maximum 1 year

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 31536000,
    "RequireTrustedEnv": false
# Require expiration dates of maximum 100 years and activate a trusted session

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 3153600000,
    "RequireTrustedEnv": true
# Do not require expiration dates and deactivate a trusted session

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 0,
    "RequireTrustedEnv": false

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 0,
    "RequireTrustedEnv": false

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

# Require expiration dates of maximum 1 year
result = gw.UpdateApiAccessPolicy(

# Require expiration dates of maximum 100 years and activate a trusted session
result = gw.UpdateApiAccessPolicy(

# Do not require expiration dates and deactivate a trusted session
result = gw.UpdateApiAccessPolicy(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.ApiAccessPolicyApi(config);

    /* Require expiration dates of maximum 1 year */
    const result = await api.updateApiAccessPolicy({
        updateApiAccessPolicyRequest: {
            maxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds: 31536000,
            requireTrustedEnv: false,

    /* Require expiration dates of maximum 100 years and activate a trusted session */
    const result2 = await api.updateApiAccessPolicy({
        updateApiAccessPolicyRequest: {
            maxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds: 3153600000,
            requireTrustedEnv: true,

    /* Do not require expiration dates and deactivate a trusted session */
    const result3 = await api.updateApiAccessPolicy({
        updateApiAccessPolicyRequest: {
            maxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds: 0,
            requireTrustedEnv: false,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds integer (int64) true The maximum possible lifetime for your access keys, in seconds (between 0 and 3153600000, both included). If set to O, your access keys can have unlimited lifetimes, but a trusted session cannot be activated. Otherwise, all your access keys must have an expiration date. This value must be greater than the remaining lifetime of each access key of your account.
RequireTrustedEnv boolean true If true, a trusted session is activated, provided that you specify the MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds parameter with a value greater than 0.
Enabling this will require you and all your users to log in to Cockpit v2 using the WebAuthn method for multi-factor authentication. For more information, see About Authentication > Multi-Factor Authentication.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateApiAccessPolicyResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Require expiration dates of maximum 1 year
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ApiAccessPolicy": {
    "RequireTrustedEnv": false,
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 31536000
# Require expiration dates of maximum 100 years and activate a trusted session
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ApiAccessPolicy": {
    "RequireTrustedEnv": true,
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 3153600000
# Do not require expiration dates and deactivate a trusted session
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ApiAccessPolicy": {
    "RequireTrustedEnv": false,
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 0



POST /CreateApiAccessRule

Creates a rule to allow access to the API from your account.
You need to specify at least the CaIds or the IpRanges parameter.

By default, your account has a set of rules allowing global access, that you can delete.

For more information, see About API Access Rules.

Code samples

# Creating an API access rule based on IPs

osc-cli api CreateApiAccessRule --profile "default" \
  --IpRanges '["", ""]' \
  --Description "Basic API Access Rule with IPs"
# Creating an API access rule based on IPs and Certificate Authority (CA)

osc-cli api CreateApiAccessRule --profile "default" \
  --IpRanges '["", ""]' \
  --CaIds '["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"]' \
  --Description "API Access Rule with IPs and CA"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api CreateApiAccessRule --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --IpRanges '["", ""]' \
  --CaIds '["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"]' \
  --Description "API Access Rule with IPs and CA"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating an API access rule based on IPs

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "IpRanges": ["", ""],
    "Description": "Basic API Access Rule with IPs"
# Creating an API access rule based on IPs and Certificate Authority (CA)

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "IpRanges": ["", ""],
    "CaIds": ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"],
    "Description": "API Access Rule with IPs and CA"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "IpRanges": ["", ""],
    "CaIds": ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"],
    "Description": "API Access Rule with IPs and CA"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

# Creating an API access rule based on IPs
result = gw.CreateApiAccessRule(
    Description="Basic API Access Rule with IPs",

# Creating an API access rule based on IPs and Certificate Authority (CA)
result = gw.CreateApiAccessRule(
    Description="API Access Rule with IPs and CA",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.ApiAccessRuleApi(config);

    /* Creating an API access rule based on IPs */
    const result = await api.createApiAccessRule({
        createApiAccessRuleRequest: {
            ipRanges: ["", ""],
            description: "Basic API Access Rule with IPs",

    /* Creating an API access rule based on IPs and Certificate Authority (CA) */
    const result2 = await api.createApiAccessRule({
        createApiAccessRuleRequest: {
            ipRanges: ["", ""],
            caIds: ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"],
            description: "API Access Rule with IPs and CA",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
CaIds [string] false One or more IDs of Client Certificate Authorities (CAs).
Cns [string] false One or more Client Certificate Common Names (CNs). If this parameter is specified, you must also specify the CaIds parameter.
Description string false A description for the API access rule.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
IpRanges [string] false One or more IPs or CIDR blocks (for example,


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateApiAccessRuleResponse

Example responses

# Creating an API access rule based on IPs
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ApiAccessRule": {
    "IpRanges": [
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",
    "CaIds": [],
    "Cns": [],
    "Description": "Basic API Access Rule with IPs"
# Creating an API access rule based on IPs and Certificate Authority (CA)
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ApiAccessRule": {
    "IpRanges": [
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",
    "CaIds": [
    "Cns": [],
    "Description": "API Access Rule with IPs and CA"


POST /DeleteApiAccessRule

Deletes a specified API access rule.

You cannot delete the last remaining API access rule. However, if you delete all the API access rules that allow you to access the APIs, you need to contact the Support team to regain access. For more information, see Technical Support.

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api DeleteApiAccessRule --profile "default" \
  --ApiAccessRuleId "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api DeleteApiAccessRule --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --ApiAccessRuleId "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.DeleteApiAccessRule(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.ApiAccessRuleApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteApiAccessRule({
        deleteApiAccessRuleRequest: {
            apiAccessRuleId: "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
ApiAccessRuleId string true The ID of the API access rule you want to delete.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteApiAccessRuleResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadApiAccessRules

Lists one or more API access rules.

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api ReadApiAccessRules --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ApiAccessRuleIds": ["aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"],

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api ReadApiAccessRules --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --Filters '{
      "ApiAccessRuleIds": ["aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ApiAccessRuleIds": ["aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"]

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ApiAccessRuleIds": ["aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.ReadApiAccessRules(
        "ApiAccessRuleIds": ["aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.ApiAccessRuleApi(config);

    const result = await api.readApiAccessRules({
        readApiAccessRulesRequest: {
            filters: {
                apiAccessRuleIds: ["aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersApiAccessRule false One or more filters.
» ApiAccessRuleIds [string] false One or more IDs of API access rules.
» CaIds [string] false One or more IDs of Client Certificate Authorities (CAs).
» Cns [string] false One or more Client Certificate Common Names (CNs).
» Descriptions [string] false One or more descriptions of API access rules.
» IpRanges [string] false One or more IPs or CIDR blocks (for example,


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadApiAccessRulesResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ApiAccessRules": [
      "IpRanges": [
      "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
      "CaIds": [],
      "Cns": [],
      "Description": "Allows all IPv4 domain"
      "IpRanges": [
      "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890",
      "CaIds": [],
      "Cns": [],
      "Description": "Allows Outscale Cockpit of this region"


POST /UpdateApiAccessRule

Modifies a specified API access rule.


Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api UpdateApiAccessRule --profile "default" \
  --ApiAccessRuleId "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" \
  --IpRanges '[""]' \
  --Description "Allows all Ipv4 domain"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api UpdateApiAccessRule --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --ApiAccessRuleId "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" \
  --IpRanges '[""]' \
  --Description "Allows all Ipv4 domain"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
    "IpRanges": [""],
    "Description": "Allows all Ipv4 domain"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
    "IpRanges": [""],
    "Description": "Allows all Ipv4 domain"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.UpdateApiAccessRule(
    Description="Allows all Ipv4 domain",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.ApiAccessRuleApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateApiAccessRule({
        updateApiAccessRuleRequest: {
            apiAccessRuleId: "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
            ipRanges: [""],
            description: "Allows all Ipv4 domain",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
ApiAccessRuleId string true The ID of the API access rule you want to update.
CaIds [string] false One or more IDs of Client Certificate Authorities (CAs).
Cns [string] false One or more Client Certificate Common Names (CNs).
Description string false A new description for the API access rule.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
IpRanges [string] false One or more IPs or CIDR blocks (for example,


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateApiAccessRuleResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ApiAccessRule": {
    "IpRanges": [
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "aar-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
    "CaIds": [],
    "Cns": [],
    "Description": "Allows all IPv4 domain"



POST /ReadApiLogs

Lists the logs of the API calls you have performed with this account.

Past logs are accessible for up to 32 days.
By default, the retrieved interval is 48 hours. If neither of the QueryDateBefore nor QueryDateAfter parameters are specified, logs from the past 48 hours are retrieved. If you only specify one of two, logs are retrieved from a 2-day interval based on the date you provided. To retrieve logs beyond a 2-day interval, specify both parameters.

For more information, see About OUTSCALE Monitoring Services (OMS).

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadApiLogs --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "QueryIpAddresses": ["", ""],
      "QueryDateAfter": "2017-05-10",
      "QueryDateBefore": "2017-05-10",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "QueryIpAddresses": ["", ""],
      "QueryDateAfter": "2017-05-10",
      "QueryDateBefore": "2017-05-10"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadApiLogs(
        "QueryIpAddresses": ["",""],
        "QueryDateAfter": "2017-05-10",
        "QueryDateBefore": "2017-05-10",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ApiLogApi(config);

    const result = await api.readApiLogs({
        readApiLogsRequest: {
            filters: {
                queryIpAddresses: ["", ""],
                queryDateAfter: "2017-05-10",
                queryDateBefore: "2017-05-10",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersApiLog false One or more filters.
» QueryAccessKeys [string] false The access keys used for the logged calls.
» QueryApiNames [string] false The names of the APIs of the logged calls (always oapi for the OUTSCALE API).
» QueryCallNames [string] false The names of the logged calls.
» QueryDateAfter string (date-time or date) false The date and time, or the date, after which you want to retrieve logged calls, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z or 2020-06-14). By default, this date is set to 48 hours before the QueryDateBefore parameter value.
» QueryDateBefore string (date-time or date) false The date and time, or the date, before which you want to retrieve logged calls, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z or 2020-06-14). By default, this date is set to now, or 48 hours after the QueryDateAfter parameter value.
» QueryIpAddresses [string] false The IPs used for the logged calls.
» QueryUserAgents [string] false The user agents of the HTTP requests of the logged calls.
» RequestIds [string] false The request IDs provided in the responses of the logged calls.
» ResponseStatusCodes [integer] false The HTTP status codes of the logged calls.
NextPageToken string false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.
With With false The information to display in each returned log.
» AccountId boolean false By default or if set to true, the account ID is displayed.
» CallDuration boolean false By default or if set to true, the duration of the call is displayed.
» QueryAccessKey boolean false By default or if set to true, the access key is displayed.
» QueryApiName boolean false By default or if set to true, the name of the API is displayed.
» QueryApiVersion boolean false By default or if set to true, the version of the API is displayed.
» QueryCallName boolean false By default or if set to true, the name of the call is displayed.
» QueryDate boolean false By default or if set to true, the date of the call is displayed.
» QueryHeaderRaw boolean false By default or if set to true, the raw header of the HTTP request is displayed.
» QueryHeaderSize boolean false By default or if set to true, the size of the raw header of the HTTP request is displayed.
» QueryIpAddress boolean false By default or if set to true, the IP is displayed.
» QueryPayloadRaw boolean false By default or if set to true, the raw payload of the HTTP request is displayed.
» QueryPayloadSize boolean false By default or if set to true, the size of the raw payload of the HTTP request is displayed.
» QueryUserAgent boolean false By default or if set to true, the user agent of the HTTP request is displayed.
» RequestId boolean false By default or if set to true, the request ID is displayed.
» ResponseSize boolean false By default or if set to true, the size of the response is displayed.
» ResponseStatusCode boolean false By default or if set to true, the HTTP status code of the response is displayed.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadApiLogsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Logs": [
      "ResponseStatusCode": 200,
      "ResponseSize": 1887,
      "QueryPayloadRaw": "{}",
      "QueryApiName": "oapi",
      "QueryIpAddress": "",
      "QueryUserAgent": "oAPI CLI v0.1 - 2018-09-28",
      "CallDuration": 47,
      "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157",
      "QueryApiVersion": "1.27",
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "QueryPayloadSize": 2,
      "QueryCallName": "ReadAccessKeys",
      "QueryAccessKey": "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
      "QueryHeaderSize": 287,
      "QueryDate": "2017-05-10T12:34:56.789Z",
      "QueryHeaderRaw": "Host:\\nAccept: */*\\nConnection: close\\nUser-Agent: oAPI CLI v0.1 - 2018-09-28\\nX-Osc-Date: 20170510T000000Z\\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\\nAuthorization: *****\\nContent-Length: 2\\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\\nX-Forwarded-For:"



POST /CreateCa

Creates a Client Certificate Authority (CA).

For more information, see About API Access Rules.

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api CreateCa --profile "default" \
  --CaPem="$(cat ca-certificate.pem)" \
  --Description "CA example"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api CreateCa --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --CaPem="$(cat ca-certificate.pem)" \
  --Description "CA example"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "CaPem": "XXXX",
    "Description": "CA example"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "CaPem": "XXXX",
    "Description": "CA example"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.CreateCa(
    Description="CA example",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.CaApi(config);

    const result = await api.createCa({
        createCaRequest: {
            caPem: "XXXX",
            description: "CA example",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
CaPem string true The CA in PEM format.
With OSC CLI, use the following syntax to make sure your CA file is correctly parsed: --CaPem="$(cat FILENAME)".
Description string false The description of the CA.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateCaResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Ca": {
    "Description": "CA example",
    "CaId": "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",
    "CaFingerprint": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678"


POST /DeleteCa

Deletes a specified Client Certificate Authority (CA).

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api DeleteCa --profile "default" \
  --CaId "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api DeleteCa --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --CaId "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "CaId": "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "CaId": "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.DeleteCa(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.CaApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteCa({
        deleteCaRequest: {
            caId: "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
CaId string true The ID of the CA you want to delete.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteCaResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadCas

Gets information about one or more of your Client Certificate Authorities (CAs).

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api ReadCas --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "CaIds": ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"],

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api ReadCas --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --Filters '{
      "CaIds": ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "CaIds": ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"]

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "CaIds": ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.ReadCas(
        "CaIds": ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.CaApi(config);

    const result = await api.readCas({
        readCasRequest: {
            filters: {
                caIds: ["ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersCa false One or more filters.
» CaFingerprints [string] false The fingerprints of the CAs.
» CaIds [string] false The IDs of the CAs.
» Descriptions [string] false The descriptions of the CAs.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadCasResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Cas": [
      "Description": "CA example",
      "CaId": "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",
      "CaFingerprint": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678"


POST /UpdateCa

Modifies the specified attribute of a Client Certificate Authority (CA).

Code samples

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

osc-cli api UpdateCa --profile "default" \
  --CaId "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321" \
  --Description "New description"

# Example with login/password authentication

osc-cli api UpdateCa --profile "default" --authentication-method "password" --login "$OSC_EMAIL" --password "$OSC_PASSWORD" \
  --CaId "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321" \
  --Description "New description"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Example with access key/secret key authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "CaId": "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",
    "Description": "New description"

# Example with login/password authentication

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$OSC_EMAIL:$OSC_PASSWORD" | base64)" \
  --header "X-Osc-Date: $(TZ=GMT date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "CaId": "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",
    "Description": "New description"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway
# import os

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})  # For access key/secret key authentication
# gw = Gateway(email=os.environ.get("OSC_EMAIL"), password=os.environ.get("OSC_PASSWORD"))  # For login/password authentication

result = gw.UpdateCa(
    Description="New description",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
        /* For login/password authentication, replace the above awsV4SignParameters key with: */
        /* username: process.env.OSC_USERNAME, */
        /* password: process.env.OSC_PASSWORD, */
    const api = new osc.CaApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateCa({
        updateCaRequest: {
            caId: "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",
            description: "New description",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
CaId string true The ID of the CA.
Description string false The description of the CA.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateCaResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Ca": {
    "Description": "New description",
    "CaId": "ca-fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321",
    "CaFingerprint": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678"



POST /ReadCatalog

Returns the price list of OUTSCALE services for the current Region.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadCatalog --profile "default"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadCatalog()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.CatalogApi(config);

    const result = await api.readCatalog({
        readCatalogRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadCatalogResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Catalog": {
    "Entries": [
        "UnitPrice": 0.04,
        "Type": "CustomCore:v5-p1",
        "Title": "Instance - On demand - Unite de vCore pour une instance Tina v5 CxRy Performance highest - par heure",
        "SubregionName": "eu-west-2",
        "Category": "compute",
        "Service": "TinaOS-FCU",
        "Operation": "RunInstances-OD"


POST /ReadCatalogs

Returns the price list of OUTSCALE services for the current Region within a specific time period.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadCatalogs --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "CurrentCatalogOnly": True,
      "FromDate": "2021-01-01",
      "ToDate": "2023-01-01",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "CurrentCatalogOnly": true,
      "FromDate": "2021-01-01",
      "ToDate": "2023-01-01"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadCatalogs(
        "CurrentCatalogOnly": True,
        "FromDate": "2021-01-01",
        "ToDate": "2023-01-01",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.CatalogApi(config);

    const result = await api.readCatalogs({
        readCatalogsRequest: {
            filters: {
                currentCatalogOnly: true,
                fromDate: "2021-01-01",
                toDate: "2023-01-01",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersCatalogs false One or more filters.
» CurrentCatalogOnly boolean false By default or if set to true, only returns the current catalog. If false, returns the current catalog and past catalogs.
» FromDate string (date) false The beginning of the time period, in ISO 8601 date format (for example, 2020-06-14). This date cannot be older than 3 years. You must specify the parameters FromDate and ToDate together.
» ToDate string (date) false The end of the time period, in ISO 8601 date format (for example, 2020-06-30). You must specify the parameters FromDate and ToDate together.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadCatalogsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Catalogs": [
      "State": "CURRENT",
      "FromDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000",
      "Entries": [
          "UnitPrice": 0.04,
          "Type": "CustomCore:v5-p1",
          "Title": "Instance - On demand - Unite de vCore pour une instance Tina v5 CxRy Performance highest - par heure",
          "SubregionName": "eu-west-2",
          "Category": "compute",
          "Service": "TinaOS-FCU",
          "Operation": "RunInstances-OD"



POST /CreateClientGateway

Provides information about your client gateway.
This action registers information to identify the client gateway that you deployed in your network.
To open a tunnel to the client gateway, you must provide the communication protocol type, the fixed public IP of the gateway, and an Autonomous System Number (ASN).

For more information, see About Client Gateways.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateClientGateway --profile "default" \
  --ConnectionType "ipsec.1" \
  --PublicIp "" \
  --BgpAsn 65000

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
    "PublicIp": "",
    "BgpAsn": 65000

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateClientGateway(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ClientGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.createClientGateway({
        createClientGatewayRequest: {
            connectionType: "ipsec.1",
            publicIp: "",
            bgpAsn: 65000,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
BgpAsn integer true The Autonomous System Number (ASN) used by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to find the path to your client gateway through the Internet.
This number must be between 1 and 4294967295. If you do not have an ASN, you can choose one between 64512 and 65534, or between 4200000000 and 4294967294.
ConnectionType string true The communication protocol used to establish tunnel with your client gateway (only ipsec.1 is supported).
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PublicIp string true The public fixed IPv4 address of your client gateway.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateClientGatewayResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ClientGateway": {
    "State": "available",
    "BgpAsn": 65000,
    "Tags": [],
    "ClientGatewayId": "cgw-12345678",
    "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
    "PublicIp": ""


POST /DeleteClientGateway

Deletes a client gateway.
You must delete the VPN connection before deleting the client gateway.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteClientGateway --profile "default" \
  --ClientGatewayId "cgw-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ClientGatewayId": "cgw-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteClientGateway(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ClientGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteClientGateway({
        deleteClientGatewayRequest: {
            clientGatewayId: "cgw-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
ClientGatewayId string true The ID of the client gateway you want to delete.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteClientGatewayResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadClientGateways

Lists one or more of your client gateways.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadClientGateways --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ClientGatewayIds": ["cgw-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadClientGateways --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "BgpAsns": [65000],
      "PublicIps": ["", ""],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ClientGatewayIds": ["cgw-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "BgpAsns": [65000],
      "PublicIps": ["", ""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadClientGateways(
        "ClientGatewayIds": ["cgw-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadClientGateways(
        "BgpAsns": [65000],
        "PublicIps": ["",""],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ClientGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.readClientGateways({
        readClientGatewaysRequest: {
            filters: {
                clientGatewayIds: ["cgw-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readClientGateways({
        readClientGatewaysRequest: {
            filters: {
                bgpAsns: [65000],
                publicIps: ["", ""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersClientGateway false One or more filters.
» BgpAsns [integer] false The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) of the connections.
» ClientGatewayIds [string] false The IDs of the client gateways.
» ConnectionTypes [string] false The types of communication tunnels used by the client gateways (only ipsec.1 is supported).
» PublicIps [string] false The public IPv4 addresses of the client gateways.
» States [string] false The states of the client gateways (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the client gateways.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the client gateways.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the client gateways, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadClientGatewaysResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ClientGateways": [
      "State": "available",
      "BgpAsn": 65000,
      "Tags": [],
      "ClientGatewayId": "cgw-12345678",
      "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
      "PublicIp": ""



POST /CreateDedicatedGroup

This feature is currently in beta.

Creates a dedicated group for virtual machines (VMs).

For more information, see About Dedicated Groups.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateDedicatedGroup --profile "default" \
  --CpuGeneration 4 \
  --Name "dedicated-group-example" \
  --SubregionName "eu-west-2a"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "CpuGeneration": 4,
    "Name": "dedicated-group-example",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateDedicatedGroup(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DedicatedGroupApi(config);

    const result = await api.createDedicatedGroup({
        createDedicatedGroupRequest: {
            cpuGeneration: 4,
            name: "dedicated-group-example",
            subregionName: "eu-west-2a",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
CpuGeneration integer true The processor generation for the VMs in the dedicated group (for example, 4).
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Name string true A name for the dedicated group.
SubregionName string true The Subregion in which you want to create the dedicated group.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateDedicatedGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DedicatedGroup": {
    "VmIds": [],
    "NetIds": [],
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "CpuGeneration": 4,
    "Name": "dedicated-group-example",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "DedicatedGroupId": "ded-12345678"


POST /DeleteDedicatedGroup

This feature is currently in beta.

Deletes a specified dedicated group of virtual machines (VMs).

A dedicated group can be deleted only if no VM or Net is in the dedicated group. Otherwise, you need to force the deletion.
If you force the deletion:

Code samples

# Deleting a dedicated group without any resource in it.

osc-cli api DeleteDedicatedGroup --profile "default" \
  --DedicatedGroupId "ded-12345678"
# Forcing the deletion of a dedicated group and all resources in it.

osc-cli api DeleteDedicatedGroup --profile "default" \
  --DedicatedGroupId "ded-12345678" \
  --Force True

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Deleting a dedicated group without any resource in it.

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DedicatedGroupId": "ded-12345678"
# Forcing the deletion of a dedicated group and all resources in it.

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DedicatedGroupId": "ded-12345678",
    "Force": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Deleting a dedicated group without any resource in it.
result = gw.DeleteDedicatedGroup(

# Forcing the deletion of a dedicated group and all resources in it.
result = gw.DeleteDedicatedGroup(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DedicatedGroupApi(config);

    /* Deleting a dedicated group without any resource in it. */
    const result = await api.deleteDedicatedGroup({
        deleteDedicatedGroupRequest: {
            dedicatedGroupId: "ded-12345678",

    /* Forcing the deletion of a dedicated group and all resources in it. */
    const result2 = await api.deleteDedicatedGroup({
        deleteDedicatedGroupRequest: {
            dedicatedGroupId: "ded-12345678",
            force: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DedicatedGroupId string true The ID of the dedicated group you want to delete.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Force boolean false If true, forces the deletion of the dedicated group and all its dependencies.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteDedicatedGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadDedicatedGroups

This feature is currently in beta.

List one or more dedicated groups of virtual machines (VMs).

Code samples

# Filtering on a specific dedicated group

osc-cli api ReadDedicatedGroups --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "DedicatedGroupIds": ["ded-12345678"],
# Filtering on a specific Subregion and CPU generation

osc-cli api ReadDedicatedGroups --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],
      "CpuGenerations": [4],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Filtering on a specific dedicated group

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "DedicatedGroupIds": ["ded-12345678"]
# Filtering on a specific Subregion and CPU generation

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],
      "CpuGenerations": [4]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Filtering on a specific dedicated group
result = gw.ReadDedicatedGroups(
        "DedicatedGroupIds": ["ded-12345678"],

# Filtering on a specific Subregion and CPU generation
result = gw.ReadDedicatedGroups(
        "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],
        "CpuGenerations": [4],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DedicatedGroupApi(config);

    /* Filtering on a specific dedicated group */
    const result = await api.readDedicatedGroups({
        readDedicatedGroupsRequest: {
            filters: {
                dedicatedGroupIds: ["ded-12345678"],

    /* Filtering on a specific Subregion and CPU generation */
    const result2 = await api.readDedicatedGroups({
        readDedicatedGroupsRequest: {
            filters: {
                subregionNames: ["eu-west-2a"],
                cpuGenerations: [4],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersDedicatedGroup false One or more filters.
» CpuGenerations [integer] false The processor generation for the VMs in the dedicated group (for example, 4).
» DedicatedGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the dedicated groups.
» Names [string] false The names of the dedicated groups.
» SubregionNames [string] false The names of the Subregions in which the dedicated groups are located.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadDedicatedGroupsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DedicatedGroups": [
      "VmIds": [
      "NetIds": [],
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "CpuGeneration": 4,
      "Name": "dedicated-group-example",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "DedicatedGroupId": "ded-12345678"


POST /UpdateDedicatedGroup

This feature is currently in beta.

Modifies the name of a specified dedicated group.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateDedicatedGroup --profile "default" \
  --DedicatedGroupId "ded-12345678" \
  --Name "New-dedicated-group-name"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DedicatedGroupId": "ded-12345678",
    "Name": "New-dedicated-group-name"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateDedicatedGroup(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DedicatedGroupApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateDedicatedGroup({
        updateDedicatedGroupRequest: {
            dedicatedGroupId: "ded-12345678",
            name: "New-dedicated-group-name",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DedicatedGroupId string true The ID of the dedicated group you want to update.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Name string true The new name of the dedicated group.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateDedicatedGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DedicatedGroup": {
    "VmIds": [
    "NetIds": [
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "CpuGeneration": 4,
    "Name": "New-dedicated-group-name",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "DedicatedGroupId": "ded-12345678"



POST /CreateDhcpOptions

Creates a set of DHCP options, that you can then associate with a Net using the UpdateNet method.

For more information, see About DHCP Options.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateDhcpOptions --profile "default" \
  --DomainName "" \
  --DomainNameServers '["", ""]' \
  --NtpServers '["", ""]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DomainName": "",
    "DomainNameServers": ["", ""],
    "NtpServers": ["", ""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateDhcpOptions(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DhcpOptionApi(config);

    const result = await api.createDhcpOptions({
        createDhcpOptionsRequest: {
            domainName: "",
            domainNameServers: ["", ""],
            ntpServers: ["", ""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DomainName string false Specify a domain name (for example, You can specify only one domain name. You must specify at least one of the following parameters: DomainName, DomainNameServers, LogServers, or NtpServers.
DomainNameServers [string] false The IPs of domain name servers. If no IPs are specified, the OutscaleProvidedDNS value is set by default. You must specify at least one of the following parameters: DomainName, DomainNameServers, LogServers, or NtpServers.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LogServers [string] false The IPs of the log servers. You must specify at least one of the following parameters: DomainName, DomainNameServers, LogServers, or NtpServers.
NtpServers [string] false The IPs of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. You must specify at least one of the following parameters: DomainName, DomainNameServers, LogServers, or NtpServers.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateDhcpOptionsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DhcpOptionsSet": {
    "Tags": [],
    "NtpServers": [
    "Default": false,
    "DhcpOptionsSetId": "dopt-12345678",
    "DomainName": "",
    "DomainNameServers": [


POST /DeleteDhcpOptions

Deletes a specified DHCP options set.
Before deleting a DHCP options set, you must disassociate it from the Nets you associated it with. To do so, you need to associate with each Net a new set of DHCP options, or the default one if you do not want to associate any DHCP options with the Net.

You cannot delete the default set.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteDhcpOptions --profile "default" \
  --DhcpOptionsSetId "dopt-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DhcpOptionsSetId": "dopt-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteDhcpOptions(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DhcpOptionApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteDhcpOptions({
        deleteDhcpOptionsRequest: {
            dhcpOptionsSetId: "dopt-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DhcpOptionsSetId string true The ID of the DHCP options set you want to delete.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteDhcpOptionsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadDhcpOptions

Gets information about the content of one or more DHCP options sets.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadDhcpOptions --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "DhcpOptionsSetIds": ["dopt-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadDhcpOptions --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "DomainNameServers": ["", ""],
      "DomainNames": [""],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "DhcpOptionsSetIds": ["dopt-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "DomainNameServers": ["", ""],
      "DomainNames": [""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadDhcpOptions(
        "DhcpOptionsSetIds": ["dopt-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadDhcpOptions(
        "DomainNameServers": ["",""],
        "DomainNames": [""],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DhcpOptionApi(config);

    const result = await api.readDhcpOptions({
        readDhcpOptionsRequest: {
            filters: {
                dhcpOptionsSetIds: ["dopt-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readDhcpOptions({
        readDhcpOptionsRequest: {
            filters: {
                domainNameServers: ["", ""],
                domainNames: [""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersDhcpOptions false One or more filters.
» Default boolean false If true, lists all default DHCP options set. If false, lists all non-default DHCP options set.
» DhcpOptionsSetIds [string] false The IDs of the DHCP options sets.
» DomainNameServers [string] false The IPs of the domain name servers used for the DHCP options sets.
» DomainNames [string] false The domain names used for the DHCP options sets.
» LogServers [string] false The IPs of the log servers used for the DHCP options sets.
» NtpServers [string] false The IPs of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers used for the DHCP options sets.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the DHCP options sets.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the DHCP options sets.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the DHCP options sets, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadDhcpOptionsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DhcpOptionsSets": [
      "Tags": [],
      "NtpServers": [
      "Default": false,
      "DhcpOptionsSetId": "dopt-12345678",
      "DomainName": "",
      "DomainNameServers": [


POST /CreateDirectLink

Creates a DirectLink between a customer network and a specified DirectLink location.

For more information, see About DirectLink.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateDirectLink --profile "default" \
  --Location "PAR1" \
  --Bandwidth "1Gbps" \
  --DirectLinkName "Connection to Outscale"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Location": "PAR1",
    "Bandwidth": "1Gbps",
    "DirectLinkName": "Connection to Outscale"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateDirectLink(
    DirectLinkName="Connection to Outscale",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DirectLinkApi(config);

    const result = await api.createDirectLink({
        createDirectLinkRequest: {
            location: "PAR1",
            bandwidth: "1Gbps",
            directLinkName: "Connection to Outscale",



Name Type Required Description
Bandwidth string true The bandwidth of the DirectLink (1Gbps | 10Gbps).
DirectLinkName string true The name of the DirectLink.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Location string true The code of the requested location for the DirectLink, returned by the ReadLocations method.
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateDirectLinkResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DirectLink": {
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Bandwidth": "1Gbps",
    "DirectLinkId": "dxcon-12345678",
    "DirectLinkName": "Connection to Outscale",
    "Location": "PAR1",
    "RegionName": "eu-west-2",
    "State": "requested"

POST /DeleteDirectLink

Deletes a specified DirectLink.
Before deleting a DirectLink, ensure that all your DirectLink interfaces related to this DirectLink are deleted.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteDirectLink --profile "default" \
  --DirectLinkId "dxcon-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DirectLinkId": "dxcon-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteDirectLink(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DirectLinkApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteDirectLink({
        deleteDirectLinkRequest: {
            directLinkId: "dxcon-12345678",



Name Type Required Description
DirectLinkId string true The ID of the DirectLink you want to delete.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteDirectLinkResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"

POST /ReadDirectLinks

Lists all DirectLinks in the Region.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadDirectLinks --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "DirectLinkIds": ["dxcon-12345678"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "DirectLinkIds": ["dxcon-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadDirectLinks(
        "DirectLinkIds": ["dxcon-12345678"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DirectLinkApi(config);

    const result = await api.readDirectLinks({
        readDirectLinksRequest: {
            filters: {
                directLinkIds: ["dxcon-12345678"],



Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersDirectLink false One or more filters.
» DirectLinkIds [string] false The IDs of the DirectLinks.
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadDirectLinksResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DirectLinks": [
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "Bandwidth": "1Gbps",
      "DirectLinkId": "dxcon-12345678",
      "DirectLinkName": "Connection to Outscale",
      "Location": "PAR1",
      "RegionName": "eu-west-2",
      "State": "available"



POST /CreateDirectLinkInterface

Creates a DirectLink interface.
DirectLink interfaces enable you to reach one of your Nets through a virtual gateway.

For more information, see About DirectLink.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateDirectLinkInterface --profile "default" \
  --DirectLinkId "dxcon-12345678" \
  --DirectLinkInterface '{
      "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "MyDirectLinkInterface",
      "Vlan": 101,
      "BgpAsn": 65000,
      "BgpKey": "tgyn26example",
      "OutscalePrivateIp": "",
      "ClientPrivateIp": "",
      "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DirectLinkId": "dxcon-12345678",
    "DirectLinkInterface": {
      "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "MyDirectLinkInterface",
      "Vlan": 101,
      "BgpAsn": 65000,
      "BgpKey": "tgyn26example",
      "OutscalePrivateIp": "",
      "ClientPrivateIp": "",
      "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateDirectLinkInterface(
        "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "MyDirectLinkInterface",
        "Vlan": 101,
        "BgpAsn": 65000,
        "BgpKey": "tgyn26example",
        "OutscalePrivateIp": "",
        "ClientPrivateIp": "",
        "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DirectLinkInterfaceApi(config);

    const result = await api.createDirectLinkInterface({
        createDirectLinkInterfaceRequest: {
            directLinkId: "dxcon-12345678",
            directLinkInterface: {
                directLinkInterfaceName: "MyDirectLinkInterface",
                vlan: 101,
                bgpAsn: 65000,
                bgpKey: "tgyn26example",
                outscalePrivateIp: "",
                clientPrivateIp: "",
                virtualGatewayId: "vgw-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DirectLinkId string true The ID of the existing DirectLink for which you want to create the DirectLink interface.
DirectLinkInterface DirectLinkInterface true Information about the DirectLink interface.
» BgpAsn integer true The BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ASN (Autonomous System Number) on the customer's side of the DirectLink interface. This number must be between 64512 and 65534.
» BgpKey string false The BGP authentication key.
» ClientPrivateIp string false The IP on the customer's side of the DirectLink interface.
» DirectLinkInterfaceName string true The name of the DirectLink interface.
» OutscalePrivateIp string false The IP on the OUTSCALE side of the DirectLink interface.
» VirtualGatewayId string true The ID of the target virtual gateway.
» Vlan integer true The VLAN number associated with the DirectLink interface. This number must be unique and be between 2 and 4094.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateDirectLinkInterfaceResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DirectLinkInterface": {
    "Vlan": 101,
    "OutscalePrivateIp": "",
    "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "dxvif-12345678",
    "BgpAsn": 65000,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "ClientPrivateIp": "",
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "MyDirectLinkInterface",
    "DirectLinkId": "dxcon-12345678",
    "Mtu": 1500,
    "State": "pending",
    "InterfaceType": "private",
    "Location": "PAR1"


POST /DeleteDirectLinkInterface

Deletes a specified DirectLink interface.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteDirectLinkInterface --profile "default" \
  --DirectLinkInterfaceId "dxvif-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "dxvif-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteDirectLinkInterface(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DirectLinkInterfaceApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteDirectLinkInterface({
        deleteDirectLinkInterfaceRequest: {
            directLinkInterfaceId: "dxvif-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DirectLinkInterfaceId string true The ID of the DirectLink interface you want to delete.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteDirectLinkInterfaceResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadDirectLinkInterfaces

Lists one or more of your DirectLink interfaces.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadDirectLinkInterfaces --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "DirectLinkInterfaceIds": ["dxvif-12345678"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "DirectLinkInterfaceIds": ["dxvif-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadDirectLinkInterfaces(
        "DirectLinkInterfaceIds": ["dxvif-12345678"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DirectLinkInterfaceApi(config);

    const result = await api.readDirectLinkInterfaces({
        readDirectLinkInterfacesRequest: {
            filters: {
                directLinkInterfaceIds: ["dxvif-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersDirectLinkInterface false One or more filters.
» DirectLinkIds [string] false The IDs of the DirectLinks.
» DirectLinkInterfaceIds [string] false The IDs of the DirectLink interfaces.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadDirectLinkInterfacesResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DirectLinkInterfaces": [
      "Vlan": 101,
      "OutscalePrivateIp": "",
      "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "dxvif-12345678",
      "BgpAsn": 65000,
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "ClientPrivateIp": "",
      "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
      "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "MyDirectLinkInterface",
      "DirectLinkId": "dxcon-12345678",
      "Mtu": 1500,
      "State": "available",
      "InterfaceType": "private",
      "Location": "PAR1"


POST /UpdateDirectLinkInterface

Modifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a DirectLink interface.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateDirectLinkInterface --profile "default" \
  --DirectLinkInterfaceId "dxvif-12345678" \
  --Mtu 1500

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "dxvif-12345678",
    "Mtu": 1500

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateDirectLinkInterface(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.DirectLinkInterfaceApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateDirectLinkInterface({
        updateDirectLinkInterfaceRequest: {
            directLinkInterfaceId: "dxvif-12345678",
            mtu: 1500,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DirectLinkInterfaceId string true The ID of the DirectLink interface you want to update.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Mtu integer true The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the DirectLink interface, in bytes (always 1500).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateDirectLinkInterfaceResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "DirectLinkInterface": {
    "Vlan": 101,
    "OutscalePrivateIp": "",
    "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "dxvif-12345678",
    "BgpAsn": 65000,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "ClientPrivateIp": "",
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "MyDirectLinkInterface",
    "DirectLinkId": "dxcon-12345678",
    "Mtu": 1500,
    "State": "available",
    "InterfaceType": "private",
    "Location": "PAR1"



POST /CreateFlexibleGpu

Allocates a flexible GPU (fGPU) to your account.
You can then attach this fGPU to a virtual machine (VM).

For more information, see About Flexible GPUs.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateFlexibleGpu --profile "default" \
  --ModelName "nvidia-p100" \
  --Generation "v5" \
  --SubregionName "eu-west-2a" \
  --DeleteOnVmDeletion True

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ModelName": "nvidia-p100",
    "Generation": "v5",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateFlexibleGpu(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.FlexibleGpuApi(config);

    const result = await api.createFlexibleGpu({
        createFlexibleGpuRequest: {
            modelName: "nvidia-p100",
            generation: "v5",
            subregionName: "eu-west-2a",
            deleteOnVmDeletion: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false If true, the fGPU is deleted when the VM is terminated.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Generation string false The processor generation that the fGPU must be compatible with. If not specified, the oldest possible processor generation is selected (as provided by ReadFlexibleGpuCatalog for the specified model of fGPU).
ModelName string true The model of fGPU you want to allocate. For more information, see About Flexible GPUs.
SubregionName string true The Subregion in which you want to create the fGPU.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateFlexibleGpuResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "FlexibleGpu": {
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "Generation": "v5",
    "ModelName": "nvidia-p100",
    "State": "allocated",
    "FlexibleGpuId": "fgpu-12345678"


POST /DeleteFlexibleGpu

Releases a flexible GPU (fGPU) from your account.
The fGPU becomes free to be used by someone else.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteFlexibleGpu --profile "default" \
  --FlexibleGpuId "fgpu-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "FlexibleGpuId": "fgpu-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteFlexibleGpu(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.FlexibleGpuApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteFlexibleGpu({
        deleteFlexibleGpuRequest: {
            flexibleGpuId: "fgpu-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
FlexibleGpuId string true The ID of the fGPU you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteFlexibleGpuResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkFlexibleGpu

Attaches one of your allocated flexible GPUs (fGPUs) to one of your virtual machines (VMs).
The fGPU is in the attaching state until the VM is stopped, after which it becomes attached.

Code samples

osc-cli api LinkFlexibleGpu --profile "default" \
  --FlexibleGpuId "fgpu-12345678" \
  --VmId "i-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "FlexibleGpuId": "fgpu-12345678",
    "VmId": "i-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.LinkFlexibleGpu(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.FlexibleGpuApi(config);

    const result = await api.linkFlexibleGpu({
        linkFlexibleGpuRequest: {
            flexibleGpuId: "fgpu-12345678",
            vmId: "i-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
FlexibleGpuId string true The ID of the fGPU you want to attach.
VmId string true The ID of the VM you want to attach the fGPU to.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkFlexibleGpuResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadFlexibleGpuCatalog

Lists all flexible GPUs available in the public catalog.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadFlexibleGpuCatalog --profile "default"

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadFlexibleGpuCatalog()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
    const api = new osc.FlexibleGpuApi(config);

    const result = await api.readFlexibleGpuCatalog({
        readFlexibleGpuCatalogRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadFlexibleGpuCatalogResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "FlexibleGpuCatalog": [
      "VRam": 16000,
      "Generations": [
      "MaxCpu": 80,
      "MaxRam": 512,
      "ModelName": "nvidia-p100"


POST /ReadFlexibleGpus

Lists one or more flexible GPUs (fGPUs) allocated to your account.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadFlexibleGpus --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "FlexibleGpuIds": ["fgpu-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadFlexibleGpus --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ModelNames": ["nvidia-p6", "nvidia-p100"],
      "States": ["attached"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "FlexibleGpuIds": ["fgpu-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ModelNames": ["nvidia-p6", "nvidia-p100"],
      "States": ["attached"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadFlexibleGpus(
        "FlexibleGpuIds": ["fgpu-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadFlexibleGpus(
        "ModelNames": ["nvidia-p6","nvidia-p100"],
        "States": ["attached"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.FlexibleGpuApi(config);

    const result = await api.readFlexibleGpus({
        readFlexibleGpusRequest: {
            filters: {
                flexibleGpuIds: ["fgpu-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readFlexibleGpus({
        readFlexibleGpusRequest: {
            filters: {
                modelNames: ["nvidia-p6", "nvidia-p100"],
                states: ["attached"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersFlexibleGpu false One or more filters.
» DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false Indicates whether the fGPU is deleted when terminating the VM.
» FlexibleGpuIds [string] false One or more IDs of fGPUs.
» Generations [string] false The processor generations that the fGPUs are compatible with.
» ModelNames [string] false One or more models of fGPUs. For more information, see About Flexible GPUs.
» States [string] false The states of the fGPUs (allocated | attaching | attached | detaching).
» SubregionNames [string] false The Subregions where the fGPUs are located.
» VmIds [string] false One or more IDs of VMs.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadFlexibleGpusResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "FlexibleGpus": [
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
      "FlexibleGpuId": "fgpu-12345678",
      "Generation": "v5",
      "ModelName": "nvidia-p100",
      "State": "attached",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "VmId": "i-12345678"


POST /UnlinkFlexibleGpu

Detaches a flexible GPU (fGPU) from a virtual machine (VM).
The fGPU is in the detaching state until the VM is stopped, after which it becomes available for allocation again.

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkFlexibleGpu --profile "default" \
  --FlexibleGpuId "fgpu-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "FlexibleGpuId": "fgpu-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkFlexibleGpu(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.FlexibleGpuApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkFlexibleGpu({
        unlinkFlexibleGpuRequest: {
            flexibleGpuId: "fgpu-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
FlexibleGpuId string true The ID of the fGPU you want to detach from your VM.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkFlexibleGpuResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateFlexibleGpu

Modifies a flexible GPU (fGPU) behavior.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateFlexibleGpu --profile "default" \
  --FlexibleGpuId "fgpu-12345678" \
  --DeleteOnVmDeletion False

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "FlexibleGpuId": "fgpu-12345678",
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": false

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateFlexibleGpu(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.FlexibleGpuApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateFlexibleGpu({
        updateFlexibleGpuRequest: {
            flexibleGpuId: "fgpu-12345678",
            deleteOnVmDeletion: false,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false If true, the fGPU is deleted when the VM is terminated.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
FlexibleGpuId string true The ID of the fGPU you want to modify.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateFlexibleGpuResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "FlexibleGpu": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": false,
    "FlexibleGpuId": "fgpu-12345678",
    "Generation": "v5",
    "ModelName": "nvidia-p100",
    "State": "allocated",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"



POST /CreateImage

Creates an OUTSCALE machine image (OMI).
You can use this method in different ways:

Registering from a bucket enables you to copy an OMI across Regions.

For more information, see About OMIs.

Code samples

# Creating from a VM

osc-cli api CreateImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageName "create-image-example" \
  --VmId "i-12345678" \
  --NoReboot True
# Copying an OMI

osc-cli api CreateImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageName "copy-image-example" \
  --SourceImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --SourceRegionName "eu-west-2"
# Registering from a snapshot

osc-cli api CreateImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageName "register-image-from-snapshot-example" \
  --BlockDeviceMappings '[
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {"SnapshotId": "snap-12345678", "VolumeSize": 120, "VolumeType": "io1", "Iops": 150, "DeleteOnVmDeletion": True},
    ]' \
  --RootDeviceName "/dev/sda1"
# Registering from a bucket by using a manifest file

osc-cli api CreateImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageName "register-image-from-bucket-example" \
  --FileLocation ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating from a VM

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageName": "create-image-example",
    "VmId": "i-12345678",
    "NoReboot": true
# Copying an OMI

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageName": "copy-image-example",
    "SourceImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "SourceRegionName": "eu-west-2"
# Registering from a snapshot

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageName": "register-image-from-snapshot-example",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {"SnapshotId": "snap-12345678", "VolumeSize": 120, "VolumeType": "io1", "Iops": 150, "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true}
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1"
# Registering from a bucket by using a manifest file

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageName": "register-image-from-bucket-example",
    "FileLocation": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating from a VM
result = gw.CreateImage(

# Copying an OMI
result = gw.CreateImage(

# Registering from a snapshot
result = gw.CreateImage(
            "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
            "Bsu": {
                "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
                "VolumeSize": 120,
                "VolumeType": "io1",
                "Iops": 150,
                "DeleteOnVmDeletion": True,

# Registering from a bucket by using a manifest file
result = gw.CreateImage(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ImageApi(config);

    /* Creating from a VM */
    const result = await api.createImage({
        createImageRequest: {
            imageName: "create-image-example",
            vmId: "i-12345678",
            noReboot: true,

    /* Copying an OMI */
    const result2 = await api.createImage({
        createImageRequest: {
            imageName: "copy-image-example",
            sourceImageId: "ami-12345678",
            sourceRegionName: "eu-west-2",

    /* Registering from a snapshot */
    const result3 = await api.createImage({
        createImageRequest: {
            imageName: "register-image-from-snapshot-example",
            blockDeviceMappings: [
                    deviceName: "/dev/sda1",
                    bsu: {
                        snapshotId: "snap-12345678",
                        volumeSize: 120,
                        volumeType: "io1",
                        iops: 150,
                        deleteOnVmDeletion: true,
            rootDeviceName: "/dev/sda1",

    /* Registering from a bucket by using a manifest file */
    const result4 = await api.createImage({
        createImageRequest: {
            imageName: "register-image-from-bucket-example",
            fileLocation: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Architecture string false (when registering from a snapshot, or from a bucket without using a manifest file) The architecture of the OMI (i386 or x86_64).
BlockDeviceMappings [BlockDeviceMappingImage] false (when registering from a snapshot, or from a bucket without using a manifest file) One or more block device mappings.
» Bsu BsuToCreate false Information about the BSU volume to create.
»» DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false By default or if set to true, the volume is deleted when terminating the VM. If false, the volume is not deleted when terminating the VM.
»» Iops integer false The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). This parameter must be specified only if you create an io1 volume. The maximum number of IOPS allowed for io1 volumes is 13000 with a maximum performance ratio of 300 IOPS per gibibyte.
»» SnapshotId string false The ID of the snapshot used to create the volume.
»» VolumeSize integer false The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB).
If you specify a snapshot ID, the volume size must be at least equal to the snapshot size.
If you specify a snapshot ID but no volume size, the volume is created with a size similar to the snapshot one.
»» VolumeType string false The type of the volume (standard | io1 | gp2). If not specified in the request, a standard volume is created.
For more information about volume types, see About Volumes > Volume Types and IOPS.
» DeviceName string false The device name for the volume. For a root device, you must use /dev/sda1. For other volumes, you must use /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX (where the first X is a letter between b and z, and the second X is a letter between a and z).
» VirtualDeviceName string false The name of the virtual device (ephemeralN).
Description string false A description for the new OMI.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
FileLocation string false (when registering from a bucket by using a manifest file) The pre-signed URL of the manifest file for the OMI you want to register. For more information, see Configuring a Pre-signed URL or Managing Access to Your Buckets and Objects.
You can also specify the normal URL of the OMI if you have permission on the OOS bucket, without using the manifest file, but in that case, you need to manually specify through the other parameters all the information that would otherwise be read from the manifest file.
ImageName string false A unique name for the new OMI.
Constraints: 3-128 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), spaces ( ), parentheses (()), slashes (/), periods (.), or dashes (-).
NoReboot boolean false (when creating from a VM) If false, the VM shuts down before creating the OMI and then reboots. If true, the VM does not.
ProductCodes [string] false The product codes associated with the OMI.
RootDeviceName string false (when registering from a snapshot, or from a bucket without using a manifest file) The name of the root device for the new OMI.
SourceImageId string false (when copying an OMI) The ID of the OMI you want to copy.
SourceRegionName string false (when copying an OMI) The name of the source Region (always the same as the Region of your account).
VmId string false (when creating from a VM) The ID of the VM from which you want to create the OMI.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateImageResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Creating from a VM
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Image": {
    "StateComment": {},
    "State": "pending",
    "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeType": "standard",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "VolumeSize": 50,
          "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
    "ImageType": "machine",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "FileLocation": "123456789012/create-image-example",
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "ImageName": "create-image-example"
# Copying an OMI
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Image": {
    "StateComment": {},
    "State": "available",
    "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeType": "standard",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "VolumeSize": 50,
          "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
    "ImageType": "machine",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "FileLocation": "123456789012/copy-image-example",
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "ImageName": "copy-image-example"
# Registering from a snapshot
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Image": {
    "StateComment": {},
    "State": "available",
    "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeType": "io1",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "VolumeSize": 120,
          "Iops": 150,
          "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
    "ImageType": "machine",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "FileLocation": "123456789012/register-image-from-snapshot-example",
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "ImageName": "register-image-from-snapshot-example"
# Registering from a bucket by using a manifest file
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Image": {
    "StateComment": {},
    "State": "pending",
    "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeType": "standard",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "VolumeSize": 50,
          "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
    "ImageType": "machine",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "FileLocation": "",
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "ImageName": "register-image-from-bucket-example"


POST /CreateImageExportTask

Exports an Outscale machine image (OMI) to an OUTSCALE Object Storage (OOS) bucket.
This action enables you to copy an OMI between accounts in different Regions. To copy an OMI in the same Region, you can also use the CreateImage method.
The copy of the OMI belongs to you and is independent from the source OMI.

You cannot export a shared or public OMI, as they do not belong to you. To do so, you must first copy it to your account. The copy then belongs to you and you can export it.

For more information, see About OMIs.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateImageExportTask --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --OsuExport '{
      "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2",
      "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
      "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "OsuExport": {
      "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2",
      "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
      "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateImageExportTask(
        "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2",
        "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
        "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ImageApi(config);

    const result = await api.createImageExportTask({
        createImageExportTaskRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            osuExport: {
                diskImageFormat: "qcow2",
                osuBucket: "BUCKET",
                osuPrefix: "PREFIX",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ImageId string true The ID of the OMI to export.
OsuExport OsuExportToCreate true Information about the OOS export task to create.
» DiskImageFormat string true The format of the export disk (qcow2 | raw).
» OsuApiKey OsuApiKey false Information about the OOS API key.
»» ApiKeyId string false The API key of the OOS account that enables you to access the bucket.
»» SecretKey string false The secret key of the OOS account that enables you to access the bucket.
» OsuBucket string true The name of the OOS bucket where you want to export the object.
» OsuManifestUrl string false The URL of the manifest file.
» OsuPrefix string false The prefix for the key of the OOS object.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateImageExportTaskResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ImageExportTask": {
    "Tags": [],
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "TaskId": "image-export-12345678",
    "Comment": "Export of image ami-12345678",
    "OsuExport": {
      "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX/ami-12345678/",
      "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
      "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2"
    "State": "pending/queued",
    "Progress": 0


POST /DeleteImage

Deletes an OUTSCALE machine image (OMI) so that you cannot use it anymore to launch virtual machines (VMs). However, you can still use VMs already launched from this OMI.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteImage(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ImageApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteImage({
        deleteImageRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ImageId string true The ID of the OMI you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteImageResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadImageExportTasks

Lists one or more image export tasks.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadImageExportTasks --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "TaskIds": ["image-export-12345678"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "TaskIds": ["image-export-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadImageExportTasks(
        "TaskIds": ["image-export-12345678"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ImageApi(config);

    const result = await api.readImageExportTasks({
        readImageExportTasksRequest: {
            filters: {
                taskIds: ["image-export-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersExportTask false One or more filters.
» TaskIds [string] false The IDs of the export tasks.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadImageExportTasksResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ImageExportTasks": [
      "Tags": [],
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "TaskId": "image-export-12345678",
      "Comment": "Export of image ami-12345678",
      "OsuExport": {
        "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX/ami-12345678/",
        "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
        "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2"
      "State": "pending/queued",
      "Progress": 0


POST /ReadImages

Lists one or more OUTSCALE machine images (OMIs) you can use.

Code samples

# Reading a specific image

osc-cli api ReadImages --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ImageIds": ["ami-12345678"],
# Reading Ubuntu and RockyLinux images created by Outscale

osc-cli api ReadImages --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "AccountAliases": ["Outscale"],
      "ImageNames": ["Ubuntu*", "RockyLinux*"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Reading a specific image

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ImageIds": ["ami-12345678"]
# Reading Ubuntu and RockyLinux images created by Outscale

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "AccountAliases": ["Outscale"],
      "ImageNames": ["Ubuntu*", "RockyLinux*"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Reading a specific image
result = gw.ReadImages(
        "ImageIds": ["ami-12345678"],

# Reading Ubuntu and RockyLinux images created by Outscale
result = gw.ReadImages(
        "AccountAliases": ["Outscale"],
        "ImageNames": ["Ubuntu*","RockyLinux*"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ImageApi(config);

    /* Reading a specific image */
    const result = await api.readImages({
        readImagesRequest: {
            filters: {
                imageIds: ["ami-12345678"],

    /* Reading Ubuntu and RockyLinux images created by Outscale */
    const result2 = await api.readImages({
        readImagesRequest: {
            filters: {
                accountAliases: ["Outscale"],
                imageNames: ["Ubuntu*", "RockyLinux*"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersImage false One or more filters.
» AccountAliases [string] false The account aliases of the owners of the OMIs.
» AccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the OMIs. By default, all the OMIs for which you have launch permissions are described.
» Architectures [string] false The architectures of the OMIs (i386 | x86_64).
» BlockDeviceMappingDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false Whether the volumes are deleted or not when terminating the VM.
» BlockDeviceMappingDeviceNames [string] false The device names for the volumes.
» BlockDeviceMappingSnapshotIds [string] false The IDs of the snapshots used to create the volumes.
» BlockDeviceMappingVolumeSizes [integer] false The sizes of the volumes, in gibibytes (GiB).
» BlockDeviceMappingVolumeTypes [string] false The types of volumes (standard | gp2 | io1).
» Descriptions [string] false The descriptions of the OMIs, provided when they were created.
» FileLocations [string] false The locations of the buckets where the OMI files are stored.
» Hypervisors [string] false The hypervisor type of the OMI (always xen).
» ImageIds [string] false The IDs of the OMIs.
» ImageNames [string] false The names of the OMIs, provided when they were created.
» PermissionsToLaunchAccountIds [string] false The account IDs which have launch permissions for the OMIs.
» PermissionsToLaunchGlobalPermission boolean false If true, lists all public OMIs. If false, lists all private OMIs.
» ProductCodeNames [string] false The names of the product codes associated with the OMI.
» ProductCodes [string] false The product codes associated with the OMI.
» RootDeviceNames [string] false The name of the root device. This value must be /dev/sda1.
» RootDeviceTypes [string] false The types of root device used by the OMIs (bsu or ebs).
» States [string] false The states of the OMIs (pending | available | failed).
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the OMIs.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the OMIs.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the OMIs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» VirtualizationTypes [string] false The virtualization types (always hvm).
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadImagesResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Reading a specific image
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Images": [
      "StateComment": {},
      "State": "available",
      "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
      "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "ProductCodes": [
      "PermissionsToLaunch": {
        "GlobalPermission": false,
        "AccountIds": []
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "Tags": [],
      "Description": "",
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeType": "standard",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
            "VolumeSize": 50,
            "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
      "ImageType": "machine",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "FileLocation": "123456789012/create-image-example",
      "Architecture": "x86_64",
      "ImageName": "create-image-example"
# Reading Ubuntu and RockyLinux images created by Outscale
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Images": [
      "StateComment": {},
      "State": "available",
      "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
      "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "ProductCodes": [
      "PermissionsToLaunch": {
        "GlobalPermission": true,
        "AccountIds": []
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "Tags": [],
      "Description": "",
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeType": "standard",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
            "VolumeSize": 10,
            "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
      "ImageType": "machine",
      "AccountAlias": "Outscale",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "FileLocation": "Outscale/Ubuntu-2010.10.01-0",
      "Architecture": "x86_64",
      "ImageName": "Ubuntu-2010.10.01-0"
      "StateComment": {},
      "State": "available",
      "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
      "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "ProductCodes": [
      "PermissionsToLaunch": {
        "GlobalPermission": true,
        "AccountIds": []
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "Tags": [],
      "Description": "",
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeType": "standard",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
            "VolumeSize": 10,
            "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
      "ImageType": "machine",
      "AccountAlias": "Outscale",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "FileLocation": "Outscale/RockyLinux-2010.10.01-0",
      "Architecture": "x86_64",
      "ImageName": "RockyLinux-2010.10.01-0"


POST /UpdateImage

Modifies the access permissions for an OUTSCALE machine image (OMI).
You must specify either the Additions or the Removals parameter.
After sharing an OMI with an account, the other account can create a copy of it that they own. For more information about copying OMIs, see CreateImage.

Code samples

# Adding permission

osc-cli api UpdateImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --PermissionsToLaunch '{
      "Additions": {
        "AccountIds": ["987654321098"],
# Removing permission

osc-cli api UpdateImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --PermissionsToLaunch '{
      "Removals": {
        "AccountIds": ["987654321098"],
# Making an image public to everyone

osc-cli api UpdateImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --PermissionsToLaunch '{
      "Additions": {
        "GlobalPermission": True,
# Making an image private to everyone

osc-cli api UpdateImage --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --PermissionsToLaunch '{
      "Removals": {
        "GlobalPermission": True,

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Adding permission

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "Additions": {
        "AccountIds": ["987654321098"]
# Removing permission

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "Removals": {
        "AccountIds": ["987654321098"]
# Making an image public to everyone

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "Additions": {
        "GlobalPermission": true
# Making an image private to everyone

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "Removals": {
        "GlobalPermission": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Adding permission
result = gw.UpdateImage(
        "Additions": {
            "AccountIds": ["987654321098"],

# Removing permission
result = gw.UpdateImage(
        "Removals": {
            "AccountIds": ["987654321098"],

# Making an image public to everyone
result = gw.UpdateImage(
        "Additions": {
            "GlobalPermission": True,

# Making an image private to everyone
result = gw.UpdateImage(
        "Removals": {
            "GlobalPermission": True,

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ImageApi(config);

    /* Adding permission */
    const result = await api.updateImage({
        updateImageRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            permissionsToLaunch: {
                additions: {
                    accountIds: ["987654321098"],

    /* Removing permission */
    const result2 = await api.updateImage({
        updateImageRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            permissionsToLaunch: {
                removals: {
                    accountIds: ["987654321098"],

    /* Making an image public to everyone */
    const result3 = await api.updateImage({
        updateImageRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            permissionsToLaunch: {
                additions: {
                    globalPermission: true,

    /* Making an image private to everyone */
    const result4 = await api.updateImage({
        updateImageRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            permissionsToLaunch: {
                removals: {
                    globalPermission: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ImageId string true The ID of the OMI you want to modify.
PermissionsToLaunch PermissionsOnResourceCreation true Information about the permissions for the resource.
Specify either the Additions or the Removals parameter.
» Additions PermissionsOnResource false Permissions for the resource.
»» AccountIds [string] false One or more account IDs that the permission is associated with.
»» GlobalPermission boolean false A global permission for all accounts.
(Request) Set this parameter to true to make the resource public (if the parent parameter is Additions) or to make the resource private (if the parent parameter is Removals).
(Response) If true, the resource is public. If false, the resource is private.
» Removals PermissionsOnResource false Permissions for the resource.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateImageResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Adding permission
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Image": {
    "StateComment": {},
    "State": "available",
    "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": [
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeType": "standard",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "VolumeSize": 50,
          "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
    "ImageType": "machine",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "FileLocation": "123456789012/image-example",
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "ImageName": "image-example"
# Removing permission
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Image": {
    "StateComment": {},
    "State": "available",
    "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeType": "standard",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "VolumeSize": 50,
          "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
    "ImageType": "machine",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "FileLocation": "123456789012/image-example",
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "ImageName": "image-example"
# Making an image public to everyone
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Image": {
    "StateComment": {},
    "State": "available",
    "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "GlobalPermission": true,
      "AccountIds": []
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeType": "standard",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "VolumeSize": 50,
          "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
    "ImageType": "machine",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "FileLocation": "123456789012/image-example",
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "ImageName": "image-example"
# Making an image private to everyone
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Image": {
    "StateComment": {},
    "State": "available",
    "RootDeviceType": "bsu",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeType": "standard",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "VolumeSize": 50,
          "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"
    "ImageType": "machine",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "FileLocation": "123456789012/image-example",
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "ImageName": "image-example"



POST /CreateInternetService

Creates an Internet service you can use with a Net.
An Internet service enables your virtual machines (VMs) launched in a Net to connect to the Internet. By default, a Net includes an Internet service, and each Subnet is public. Every VM launched within a default Subnet has a private IP and a public IP.

For more information, see About Internet Services.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateInternetService --profile "default"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateInternetService()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.InternetServiceApi(config);

    const result = await api.createInternetService({
        createInternetServiceRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateInternetServiceResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "InternetService": {
    "Tags": [],
    "InternetServiceId": "igw-12345678"


POST /DeleteInternetService

Deletes an Internet service.
Before deleting an Internet service, you must detach it from any Net it is attached to.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteInternetService --profile "default" \
  --InternetServiceId "igw-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "InternetServiceId": "igw-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteInternetService(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.InternetServiceApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteInternetService({
        deleteInternetServiceRequest: {
            internetServiceId: "igw-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
InternetServiceId string true The ID of the Internet service you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteInternetServiceResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkInternetService

Attaches an Internet service to a Net.
To enable the connection between the Internet and a Net, you must attach an Internet service to this Net.

Code samples

osc-cli api LinkInternetService --profile "default" \
  --InternetServiceId "igw-12345678" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "InternetServiceId": "igw-12345678",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.LinkInternetService(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.InternetServiceApi(config);

    const result = await api.linkInternetService({
        linkInternetServiceRequest: {
            internetServiceId: "igw-12345678",
            netId: "vpc-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
InternetServiceId string true The ID of the Internet service you want to attach.
NetId string true The ID of the Net to which you want to attach the Internet service.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkInternetServiceResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadInternetServices

Lists one or more of your Internet services.
An Internet service enables your virtual machines (VMs) launched in a Net to connect to the Internet. By default, a Net includes an Internet service, and each Subnet is public. Every VM launched within a default Subnet has a private IP and a public IP.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadInternetServices --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "InternetServiceIds": ["igw-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadInternetServices --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "TagKeys": ["env"],
      "TagValues": ["prod", "test"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "InternetServiceIds": ["igw-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "TagKeys": ["env"],
      "TagValues": ["prod", "test"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadInternetServices(
        "InternetServiceIds": ["igw-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadInternetServices(
        "TagKeys": ["env"],
        "TagValues": ["prod","test"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.InternetServiceApi(config);

    const result = await api.readInternetServices({
        readInternetServicesRequest: {
            filters: {
                internetServiceIds: ["igw-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readInternetServices({
        readInternetServicesRequest: {
            filters: {
                tagKeys: ["env"],
                tagValues: ["prod", "test"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersInternetService false One or more filters.
» InternetServiceIds [string] false The IDs of the Internet services.
» LinkNetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets the Internet services are attached to.
» LinkStates [string] false The current states of the attachments between the Internet services and the Nets (only available, if the Internet gateway is attached to a Net).
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the Internet services.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the Internet services.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Internet services, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadInternetServicesResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "InternetServices": [
      "Tags": [
          "Value": "prod",
          "Key": "env"
      "State": "available",
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "InternetServiceId": "igw-12345678"


POST /UnlinkInternetService

Detaches an Internet service from a Net.
This action disables and detaches an Internet service from a Net. The Net must not contain virtual machines (VMs) using public IPs nor internet-facing load balancers.

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkInternetService --profile "default" \
  --InternetServiceId "igw-12345678" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "InternetServiceId": "igw-12345678",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkInternetService(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.InternetServiceApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkInternetService({
        unlinkInternetServiceRequest: {
            internetServiceId: "igw-12345678",
            netId: "vpc-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
InternetServiceId string true The ID of the Internet service you want to detach.
NetId string true The ID of the Net from which you want to detach the Internet service.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkInternetServiceResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateKeypair

Creates a keypair to use with your virtual machines (VMs).
You can use this method in two different ways:

For more information, see About Keypairs.

Code samples

# Creating a keypair

osc-cli api CreateKeypair --profile "default" \
  --KeypairName "create-keypair-example"
# Importing a keypair created locally

osc-cli api CreateKeypair --profile "default" \
  --KeypairName "import-keypair-example" \
  --PublicKey "$(base64 -i"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating a keypair

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "KeypairName": "create-keypair-example"
# Importing a keypair created locally

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "KeypairName": "import-keypair-example",
    "PublicKey": "..."

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating a keypair
result = gw.CreateKeypair(

# Importing a keypair created locally
result = gw.CreateKeypair(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.KeypairApi(config);

    /* Creating a keypair */
    const result = await api.createKeypair({
        createKeypairRequest: {
            keypairName: "create-keypair-example",

    /* Importing a keypair created locally */
    const result2 = await api.createKeypair({
        createKeypairRequest: {
            keypairName: "import-keypair-example",
            publicKey: "...",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
KeypairName string true A unique name for the keypair, with a maximum length of 255 ASCII printable characters.
PublicKey string false The public key to import in your account, if you are importing an existing keypair. This value must be Base64-encoded.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateKeypairResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
409 Conflict The HTTP 409 response (Conflict). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Creating a keypair
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Keypair": {
    "PrivateKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "KeypairType": "ssh-rsa",
    "KeypairName": "create-keypair-example",
    "KeypairFingerprint": "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"
# Importing a keypair created locally
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Keypair": {
    "KeypairType": "ssh-rsa",
    "KeypairName": "create-keypair-example",
    "KeypairFingerprint": "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"


POST /DeleteKeypair

Deletes the specified keypair.
This action deletes the public key stored by 3DS OUTSCALE, thus deleting the keypair.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteKeypair --profile "default" \
  --KeypairName "keypair-example"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "KeypairName": "keypair-example"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteKeypair(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.KeypairApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteKeypair({
        deleteKeypairRequest: {
            keypairName: "keypair-example",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
KeypairName string true The name of the keypair you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteKeypairResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadKeypairs

Lists one or more of your keypairs.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadKeypairs --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "KeypairNames": ["keypair-example"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "KeypairNames": ["keypair-example"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadKeypairs(
        "KeypairNames": ["keypair-example"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.KeypairApi(config);

    const result = await api.readKeypairs({
        readKeypairsRequest: {
            filters: {
                keypairNames: ["keypair-example"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersKeypair false One or more filters.
» KeypairFingerprints [string] false The fingerprints of the keypairs.
» KeypairNames [string] false The names of the keypairs.
» KeypairTypes [string] false The types of the keypairs (ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, or ecdsa-sha2-nistp521).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadKeypairsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Keypairs": [
      "KeypairType": "ssh-rsa",
      "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
      "KeypairFingerprint": "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"



POST /CreateListenerRule

Creates a rule for traffic redirection for the specified listener. Each rule must have either the HostNamePattern or PathPattern parameter specified. Rules are treated in priority order, from the highest value to the lowest value.
Once the rule is created, you need to register backend VMs with it. For more information, see the RegisterVmsInLoadBalancer method.

For more information, see About Load Balancers.

Code samples

# Creating a listener rule based on a host pattern

osc-cli api CreateListenerRule --profile "default" \
  --Listener '{
      "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
      "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
    }' \
  --ListenerRule '{
      "Action": "forward",
      "HostNamePattern": "*",
      "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
      "Priority": 10,
    }' \
  --VmIds '["i-12345678"]'
# Creating a listener rule based on a path pattern

osc-cli api CreateListenerRule --profile "default" \
  --Listener '{
      "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
      "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
    }' \
  --ListenerRule '{
      "Action": "forward",
      "PathPattern": "/docs/*",
      "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
      "Priority": 100,
    }' \
  --VmIds '["i-12345678"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating a listener rule based on a host pattern

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Listener": {
      "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
      "LoadBalancerPort": 80
    "ListenerRule": {
      "Action": "forward",
      "HostNamePattern": "*",
      "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
      "Priority": 10
    "VmIds": ["i-12345678"]
# Creating a listener rule based on a path pattern

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Listener": {
      "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
      "LoadBalancerPort": 80
    "ListenerRule": {
      "Action": "forward",
      "PathPattern": "/docs/*",
      "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
      "Priority": 100
    "VmIds": ["i-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating a listener rule based on a host pattern
result = gw.CreateListenerRule(
        "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "Action": "forward",
        "HostNamePattern": "*",
        "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
        "Priority": 10,

# Creating a listener rule based on a path pattern
result = gw.CreateListenerRule(
        "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "Action": "forward",
        "PathPattern": "/docs/*",
        "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
        "Priority": 100,

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ListenerApi(config);

    /* Creating a listener rule based on a host pattern */
    const result = await api.createListenerRule({
        createListenerRuleRequest: {
            listener: {
                loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
                loadBalancerPort: 80,
            listenerRule: {
                action: "forward",
                hostNamePattern: "*",
                listenerRuleName: "example-listener-rule",
                priority: 10,
            vmIds: ["i-12345678"],

    /* Creating a listener rule based on a path pattern */
    const result2 = await api.createListenerRule({
        createListenerRuleRequest: {
            listener: {
                loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
                loadBalancerPort: 80,
            listenerRule: {
                action: "forward",
                pathPattern: "/docs/*",
                listenerRuleName: "example-listener-rule",
                priority: 100,
            vmIds: ["i-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Listener LoadBalancerLight true Information about the load balancer.
» LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer to which the listener is attached.
» LoadBalancerPort integer true The port of load balancer on which the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535 both included).
ListenerRule ListenerRuleForCreation true Information about the listener rule.
» Action string false The type of action for the rule (always forward).
» HostNamePattern string false A host-name pattern for the rule, with a maximum length of 128 characters. This host-name pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [-.?].
» ListenerRuleName string true A human-readable name for the listener rule.
» PathPattern string false A path pattern for the rule, with a maximum length of 128 characters. This path pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [_-.$/~"'@:+?].
» Priority integer true The priority level of the listener rule, between 1 and 19999 both included. Each rule must have a unique priority level. Otherwise, an error is returned.
VmIds [string] true The IDs of the backend VMs.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateListenerRuleResponse

Example responses

# Creating a listener rule based on a host pattern
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ListenerRule": {
    "Priority": 10,
    "VmIds": [
    "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
    "Action": "forward",
    "ListenerId": 123456,
    "HostNamePattern": "*",
    "ListenerRuleId": 1234
# Creating a listener rule based on a path pattern
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ListenerRule": {
    "Priority": 100,
    "VmIds": [
    "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
    "Action": "forward",
    "ListenerId": 123456,
    "PathPattern": "/docs/*",
    "ListenerRuleId": 1234


POST /CreateLoadBalancerListeners

Creates one or more listeners for a specified load balancer.

For more information, see About Load Balancers.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateLoadBalancerListeners --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --Listeners '[
        "BackendPort": 58,
        "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 62,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 58,
        "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 62,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateLoadBalancerListeners(
            "BackendPort": 58,
            "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
            "LoadBalancerPort": 62,
            "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ListenerApi(config);

    const result = await api.createLoadBalancerListeners({
        createLoadBalancerListenersRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            listeners: [
                    backendPort: 58,
                    backendProtocol: "TCP",
                    loadBalancerPort: 62,
                    loadBalancerProtocol: "TCP",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Listeners [ListenerForCreation] true One or more listeners for the load balancer.
» BackendPort integer true The port on which the backend VM is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).
» BackendProtocol string false The protocol for routing traffic to backend VMs (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
» LoadBalancerPort integer true The port on which the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).
» LoadBalancerProtocol string true The routing protocol (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
» ServerCertificateId string false The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the server certificate. For more information, see Resource Identifiers > OUTSCALE Resource Names (ORNs).
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer for which you want to create listeners.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateLoadBalancerListenersResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internal",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 58,
        "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 62,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP"
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP"
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu"


POST /DeleteListenerRule

Deletes a listener rule.
The previously active rule is disabled after deletion.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteListenerRule --profile "default" \
  --ListenerRuleName "example-listener-rule"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteListenerRule(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ListenerApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteListenerRule({
        deleteListenerRuleRequest: {
            listenerRuleName: "example-listener-rule",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ListenerRuleName string true The name of the rule you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteListenerRuleResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteLoadBalancerListeners

Deletes listeners of a specified load balancer.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteLoadBalancerListeners --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --LoadBalancerPorts '[80]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "LoadBalancerPorts": [80]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteLoadBalancerListeners(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ListenerApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteLoadBalancerListeners({
        deleteLoadBalancerListenersRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            loadBalancerPorts: [80],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer for which you want to delete listeners.
LoadBalancerPorts [integer] true One or more port numbers of the listeners you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteLoadBalancerListenersResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internal",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [],
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu"


POST /ReadListenerRules

Lists one or more listener rules. By default, this action returns the full list of listener rules for the account.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadListenerRules --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ListenerRuleNames": ["example-listener-rule"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ListenerRuleNames": ["example-listener-rule"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadListenerRules(
        "ListenerRuleNames": ["example-listener-rule"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ListenerApi(config);

    const result = await api.readListenerRules({
        readListenerRulesRequest: {
            filters: {
                listenerRuleNames: ["example-listener-rule"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersListenerRule false One or more filters.
» ListenerRuleNames [string] false The names of the listener rules.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadListenerRulesResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ListenerRules": [
      "Priority": 10,
      "VmIds": [
      "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
      "Action": "forward",
      "ListenerId": 123456,
      "HostNamePattern": "*",
      "ListenerRuleId": 1234


POST /UpdateListenerRule

Updates the pattern of the listener rule.
This call updates the pattern matching algorithm for incoming traffic.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateListenerRule --profile "default" \
  --ListenerRuleName "example-listener-rule" \
  --HostPattern "*"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
    "HostPattern": "*"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateListenerRule(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ListenerApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateListenerRule({
        updateListenerRuleRequest: {
            listenerRuleName: "example-listener-rule",
            hostPattern: "*",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
HostPattern string¦null false A host-name pattern for the rule, with a maximum length of 128 characters. This host-name pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [-.?].
ListenerRuleName string true The name of the listener rule.
PathPattern string¦null false A path pattern for the rule, with a maximum length of 128 characters. This path pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [_-.$/~"'@:+?].


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateListenerRuleResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ListenerRule": {
    "Priority": 10,
    "VmIds": [
    "ListenerRuleName": "example-listener-rule",
    "Action": "forward",
    "ListenerId": 123456,
    "HostNamePattern": "*",
    "ListenerRuleId": 1234



POST /CreateLoadBalancer

Creates a load balancer.
The load balancer is created with a unique Domain Name Service (DNS) name. It receives the incoming traffic and routes it to its registered virtual machines (VMs).
By default, this action creates an Internet-facing load balancer, resolving to public IPs. To create an internal load balancer in a Net, resolving to private IPs, use the LoadBalancerType parameter.
You must specify either the Subnets or the SubregionNames parameters.

For more information, see About Load Balancers.

Code samples

# Creating an internal load balancer in a Net

osc-cli api CreateLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "private-lb-example" \
  --Listeners '[
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP",
    ]' \
  --Subnets '["subnet-12345678"]' \
  --SecurityGroups '["sg-12345678"]' \
  --LoadBalancerType "internal"
# Creating an internet-facing load balancer in a Net

osc-cli api CreateLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "private-lb-example" \
  --Listeners '[
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS",
        "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",
    ]' \
  --Subnets '["subnet-12345678"]' \
  --SecurityGroups '["sg-12345678"]' \
  --LoadBalancerType "internet-facing" \
  --PublicIp ""
# Creating an internet-facing load balancer in the public Cloud

osc-cli api CreateLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "public-lb-example" \
  --SubregionNames '["eu-west-2a"]' \
  --Listeners '[
        "BackendPort": 8080,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 8080,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTP",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating an internal load balancer in a Net

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example",
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP"
    "Subnets": ["subnet-12345678"],
    "SecurityGroups": ["sg-12345678"],
    "LoadBalancerType": "internal"
# Creating an internet-facing load balancer in a Net

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example",
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS",
        "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate"
    "Subnets": ["subnet-12345678"],
    "SecurityGroups": ["sg-12345678"],
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "PublicIp": ""
# Creating an internet-facing load balancer in the public Cloud

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "public-lb-example",
    "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 8080,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 8080,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTP"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating an internal load balancer in a Net
result = gw.CreateLoadBalancer(
            "BackendPort": 80,
            "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
            "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
            "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP",

# Creating an internet-facing load balancer in a Net
result = gw.CreateLoadBalancer(
            "BackendPort": 80,
            "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
            "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
            "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS",
            "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",

# Creating an internet-facing load balancer in the public Cloud
result = gw.CreateLoadBalancer(
            "BackendPort": 8080,
            "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
            "LoadBalancerPort": 8080,
            "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTP",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    /* Creating an internal load balancer in a Net */
    const result = await api.createLoadBalancer({
        createLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "private-lb-example",
            listeners: [
                    backendPort: 80,
                    backendProtocol: "TCP",
                    loadBalancerPort: 80,
                    loadBalancerProtocol: "TCP",
            subnets: ["subnet-12345678"],
            securityGroups: ["sg-12345678"],
            loadBalancerType: "internal",

    /* Creating an internet-facing load balancer in a Net */
    const result2 = await api.createLoadBalancer({
        createLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "private-lb-example",
            listeners: [
                    backendPort: 80,
                    backendProtocol: "HTTP",
                    loadBalancerPort: 443,
                    loadBalancerProtocol: "HTTPS",
                    serverCertificateId: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",
            subnets: ["subnet-12345678"],
            securityGroups: ["sg-12345678"],
            loadBalancerType: "internet-facing",
            publicIp: "",

    /* Creating an internet-facing load balancer in the public Cloud */
    const result3 = await api.createLoadBalancer({
        createLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "public-lb-example",
            subregionNames: ["eu-west-2a"],
            listeners: [
                    backendPort: 8080,
                    backendProtocol: "HTTP",
                    loadBalancerPort: 8080,
                    loadBalancerProtocol: "HTTP",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Listeners [ListenerForCreation] true One or more listeners to create.
» BackendPort integer true The port on which the backend VM is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).
» BackendProtocol string false The protocol for routing traffic to backend VMs (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
» LoadBalancerPort integer true The port on which the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).
» LoadBalancerProtocol string true The routing protocol (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
» ServerCertificateId string false The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the server certificate. For more information, see Resource Identifiers > OUTSCALE Resource Names (ORNs).
LoadBalancerName string true The unique name of the load balancer (32 alphanumeric or hyphen characters maximum, but cannot start or end with a hyphen).
LoadBalancerType string false The type of load balancer: internet-facing or internal. Use this parameter only for load balancers in a Net.
PublicIp string false (internet-facing only) The public IP you want to associate with the load balancer. If not specified, a public IP owned by 3DS OUTSCALE is associated.
SecurityGroups [string] false (Net only) One or more IDs of security groups you want to assign to the load balancer. If not specified, the default security group of the Net is assigned to the load balancer.
Subnets [string] false (Net only) The ID of the Subnet in which you want to create the load balancer. Regardless of this Subnet, the load balancer can distribute traffic to all Subnets. This parameter is required in a Net.
SubregionNames [string] false (public Cloud only) The Subregion in which you want to create the load balancer. Regardless of this Subregion, the load balancer can distribute traffic to all Subregions. This parameter is required in the public Cloud.
Tags [ResourceTag] false One or more tags assigned to the load balancer.
» Key string true The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
» Value string true The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateLoadBalancerResponse

Example responses

# Creating an internal load balancer in a Net
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internal",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "TCP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "TCP"
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example"
# Creating an internet-facing load balancer in a Net
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "PublicIp": "",
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS"
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example"
# Creating an internet-facing load balancer in the public Cloud
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "outscale-elb-sg",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "outscale-elb"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "Subnets": [],
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 8080
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 8080,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 8080,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTP"
    "LoadBalancerName": "public-lb-example"


POST /CreateLoadBalancerTags

Adds one or more tags to the specified load balancers.
If a tag with the same key already exists for the load balancer, the tag value is replaced.

For more information, see About Tags.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateLoadBalancerTags --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerNames '["private-lb-example"]' \
  --Tags '[
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerNames": ["private-lb-example"],
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateLoadBalancerTags(
            "Key": "key1",
            "Value": "value1",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    const result = await api.createLoadBalancerTags({
        createLoadBalancerTagsRequest: {
            loadBalancerNames: ["private-lb-example"],
            tags: [
                    key: "key1",
                    value: "value1",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerNames [string] true One or more load balancer names.
Tags [ResourceTag] true One or more tags to add to the specified load balancers.
» Key string true The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
» Value string true The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateLoadBalancerTagsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteLoadBalancer

Deletes a specified load balancer.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteLoadBalancer(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteLoadBalancer({
        deleteLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteLoadBalancerResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteLoadBalancerTags

Deletes one or more tags from the specified load balancers.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteLoadBalancerTags --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerNames '["example-lbu"]' \
  --Tags '[
        "Key": "key1",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerNames": ["example-lbu"],
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "key1"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteLoadBalancerTags(
            "Key": "key1",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteLoadBalancerTags({
        deleteLoadBalancerTagsRequest: {
            loadBalancerNames: ["example-lbu"],
            tags: [
                    key: "key1",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerNames [string] true One or more load balancer names.
Tags [ResourceLoadBalancerTag] true One or more tags to delete from the load balancers.
» Key string false The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteLoadBalancerTagsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeregisterVmsInLoadBalancer

Deregisters a specified virtual machine (VM) from a load balancer.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeregisterVmsInLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --BackendVmIds '["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "BackendVmIds": ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeregisterVmsInLoadBalancer(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    const result = await api.deregisterVmsInLoadBalancer({
        deregisterVmsInLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            backendVmIds: ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
BackendVmIds [string] true One or more IDs of backend VMs.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeregisterVmsInLoadBalancerResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines

Attaches one or more virtual machines (VMs) to a specified load balancer. You need to specify at least the BackendIps or the BackendVmIds parameter.
The VMs can be in different Subnets and different Subregions than the load balancer, as long as the VMs and load balancers are all in the public Cloud or all in the same Net. It may take a little time for a VM to be registered with the load balancer. Once the VM is registered with a load balancer, it receives traffic and requests from this load balancer and is called a backend VM.

Code samples

# Linking VMs to a load balancer

osc-cli api LinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --BackendVmIds '["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]'
# Linking public IPs to a load balancer

osc-cli api LinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --BackendIps '["", ""]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Linking VMs to a load balancer

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "BackendVmIds": ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]
# Linking public IPs to a load balancer

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "BackendIps": ["", ""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Linking VMs to a load balancer
result = gw.LinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines(

# Linking public IPs to a load balancer
result = gw.LinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    /* Linking VMs to a load balancer */
    const result = await api.linkLoadBalancerBackendMachines({
        linkLoadBalancerBackendMachinesRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            backendVmIds: ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"],

    /* Linking public IPs to a load balancer */
    const result2 = await api.linkLoadBalancerBackendMachines({
        linkLoadBalancerBackendMachinesRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            backendIps: ["", ""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
BackendIps [string] false One or more public IPs of backend VMs.
BackendVmIds [string] false One or more IDs of backend VMs.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkLoadBalancerBackendMachinesResponse

Example responses

# Linking VMs to a load balancer
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Linking public IPs to a load balancer
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadLoadBalancerTags

Lists the tags associated with one or more specified load balancers.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadLoadBalancerTags --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerNames '["private-lb-example"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerNames": ["private-lb-example"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadLoadBalancerTags(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    const result = await api.readLoadBalancerTags({
        readLoadBalancerTagsRequest: {
            loadBalancerNames: ["private-lb-example"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerNames [string] true One or more load balancer names.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadLoadBalancerTagsResponse

Example responses

  "Tags": [
      "Value": "value1",
      "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example",
      "Key": "key1"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadLoadBalancers

Lists one or more load balancers and their attributes.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadLoadBalancers --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "LoadBalancerNames": ["private*"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "LoadBalancerNames": ["private*"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadLoadBalancers(
        "LoadBalancerNames": ["private*"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    const result = await api.readLoadBalancers({
        readLoadBalancersRequest: {
            filters: {
                loadBalancerNames: ["private*"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersLoadBalancer false One or more filters.
» LoadBalancerNames [string] false The names of the load balancers.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadLoadBalancersResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancers": [
      "Tags": [],
      "SourceSecurityGroup": {
        "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
        "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
      "SecuredCookies": false,
      "PublicIp": "",
      "Subnets": [
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "BackendVmIds": [],
      "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
      "SecurityGroups": [
      "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
      "AccessLog": {
        "PublicationInterval": 60,
        "IsEnabled": false
      "DnsName": "",
      "HealthCheck": {
        "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
        "Timeout": 5,
        "CheckInterval": 30,
        "Protocol": "TCP",
        "HealthyThreshold": 10,
        "Port": 80
      "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
      "SubregionNames": [
      "Listeners": [
          "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",
          "BackendPort": 80,
          "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
          "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
          "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS"
      "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example"


POST /ReadVmsHealth

Lists the state of one or more backend virtual machines (VMs) registered with a specified load balancer.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVmsHealth --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --BackendVmIds '["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "BackendVmIds": ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVmsHealth(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVmsHealth({
        readVmsHealthRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            backendVmIds: ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
BackendVmIds [string] false One or more IDs of backend VMs.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVmsHealthResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "BackendVmHealth": [
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "State": "UP"
      "VmId": "i-87654321",
      "StateReason": "ELB",
      "State": "DOWN",
      "Description": "Instance registration is pending"


POST /RegisterVmsInLoadBalancer

Registers one or more virtual machines (VMs) with a specified load balancer.
The VMs can be in different Subnets and different Subregions than the load balancer, as long as the VMs and load balancers are all in the public Cloud or all in the same Net. It may take a little time for a VM to be registered with the load balancer. Once the VM is registered with a load balancer, it receives traffic and requests from this load balancer and is called a backend VM.

Code samples

osc-cli api RegisterVmsInLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --BackendVmIds '["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "BackendVmIds": ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.RegisterVmsInLoadBalancer(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    const result = await api.registerVmsInLoadBalancer({
        registerVmsInLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            backendVmIds: ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
BackendVmIds [string] true One or more IDs of backend VMs.
Specifying the same ID several times has no effect as each backend VM has equal weight.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). RegisterVmsInLoadBalancerResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UnlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines

Detaches one or more backend virtual machines (VMs) from a load balancer. You need to specify at least the BackendIps or the BackendVmIds parameter.

Code samples

# Unlinking VMs from a load balancer

osc-cli api UnlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --BackendVmIds '["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]'
# Unlinking public IPs from a load balancer

osc-cli api UnlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --BackendIps '["", ""]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Unlinking VMs from a load balancer

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "BackendVmIds": ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"]
# Unlinking public IPs from a load balancer

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "BackendIps": ["", ""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Unlinking VMs from a load balancer
result = gw.UnlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines(

# Unlinking public IPs from a load balancer
result = gw.UnlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    /* Unlinking VMs from a load balancer */
    const result = await api.unlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines({
        unlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachinesRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            backendVmIds: ["i-12345678", "i-87654321"],

    /* Unlinking public IPs from a load balancer */
    const result2 = await api.unlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachines({
        unlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachinesRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            backendIps: ["", ""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
BackendIps [string] false One or more public IPs of backend VMs.
BackendVmIds [string] false One or more IDs of backend VMs.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkLoadBalancerBackendMachinesResponse

Example responses

# Unlinking VMs from a load balancer
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Unlinking public IPs from a load balancer
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateLoadBalancer

Modifies the specified attribute of a load balancer. You can specify only one attribute at a time.

You can set a new SSL certificate to an SSL or HTTPS listener of a load balancer.
This certificate replaces any certificate used on the same load balancer and port.

You can also replace the currently enabled policy for the load balancer with another one.
If the PolicyNames parameter is empty, the currently enabled policy is disabled.

Code samples

# Updating health checks

osc-cli api UpdateLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "private-lb-example" \
  --HealthCheck '{
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Path": "/index.html",
      "Port": 8080,
      "Protocol": "HTTPS",
      "Timeout": 5,
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 5,
# Updating access logs

osc-cli api UpdateLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "private-lb-example" \
  --AccessLog '{
      "PublicationInterval": 5,
      "IsEnabled": True,
      "OsuBucketName": "BUCKET",
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "PREFIX",
# Updating policies

osc-cli api UpdateLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "private-lb-example" \
  --LoadBalancerPort 443 \
  --PolicyNames '["example-browser-policy"]'
# Updating SSL certificate

osc-cli api UpdateLoadBalancer --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "private-lb-example" \
  --LoadBalancerPort 443 \
  --ServerCertificateId "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/AnotherCertificate"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Updating health checks

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Path": "/index.html",
      "Port": 8080,
      "Protocol": "HTTPS",
      "Timeout": 5,
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 5
# Updating access logs

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 5,
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "OsuBucketName": "BUCKET",
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "PREFIX"
# Updating policies

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example",
    "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
    "PolicyNames": ["example-browser-policy"]
# Updating SSL certificate

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example",
    "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
    "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/AnotherCertificate"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Updating health checks
result = gw.UpdateLoadBalancer(
        "HealthyThreshold": 10,
        "CheckInterval": 30,
        "Path": "/index.html",
        "Port": 8080,
        "Protocol": "HTTPS",
        "Timeout": 5,
        "UnhealthyThreshold": 5,

# Updating access logs
result = gw.UpdateLoadBalancer(
        "PublicationInterval": 5,
        "IsEnabled": True,
        "OsuBucketName": "BUCKET",
        "OsuBucketPrefix": "PREFIX",

# Updating policies
result = gw.UpdateLoadBalancer(

# Updating SSL certificate
result = gw.UpdateLoadBalancer(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerApi(config);

    /* Updating health checks */
    const result = await api.updateLoadBalancer({
        updateLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "private-lb-example",
            healthCheck: {
                healthyThreshold: 10,
                checkInterval: 30,
                path: "/index.html",
                port: 8080,
                protocol: "HTTPS",
                timeout: 5,
                unhealthyThreshold: 5,

    /* Updating access logs */
    const result2 = await api.updateLoadBalancer({
        updateLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "private-lb-example",
            accessLog: {
                publicationInterval: 5,
                isEnabled: true,
                osuBucketName: "BUCKET",
                osuBucketPrefix: "PREFIX",

    /* Updating policies */
    const result3 = await api.updateLoadBalancer({
        updateLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "private-lb-example",
            loadBalancerPort: 443,
            policyNames: ["example-browser-policy"],

    /* Updating SSL certificate */
    const result4 = await api.updateLoadBalancer({
        updateLoadBalancerRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "private-lb-example",
            loadBalancerPort: 443,
            serverCertificateId: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/AnotherCertificate",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AccessLog AccessLog false Information about access logs.
» IsEnabled boolean false If true, access logs are enabled for your load balancer. If false, they are not. If you set this to true in your request, the OsuBucketName parameter is required.
» OsuBucketName string false The name of the OOS bucket for the access logs.
» OsuBucketPrefix string false The path to the folder of the access logs in your OOS bucket (by default, the root level of your bucket).
» PublicationInterval integer false The time interval for the publication of access logs in the OOS bucket, in minutes. This value can be either 5 or 60 (by default, 60).
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
HealthCheck HealthCheck false Information about the health check configuration.
» CheckInterval integer true The number of seconds between two requests (between 5 and 600 both included).
» HealthyThreshold integer true The number of consecutive successful requests before considering the VM as healthy (between 2 and 10 both included).
» Path string false If you use the HTTP or HTTPS protocols, the request URL path.
» Port integer true The port number (between 1 and 65535, both included).
» Protocol string true The protocol for the URL of the VM (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
» Timeout integer true The maximum waiting time for a response before considering the VM as unhealthy, in seconds (between 2 and 60 both included).
» UnhealthyThreshold integer true The number of consecutive failed requests before considering the VM as unhealthy (between 2 and 10 both included).
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer.
LoadBalancerPort integer false The port on which the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included). This parameter is required if you want to update the server certificate.
PolicyNames [string] false The name of the policy you want to enable for the listener.
PublicIp string false (internet-facing only) The public IP you want to associate with the load balancer. The former public IP of the load balancer is then disassociated. If you specify an empty string and the former public IP belonged to you, it is disassociated and replaced by a public IP owned by 3DS OUTSCALE.
SecuredCookies boolean false If true, secure cookies are enabled for the load balancer.
SecurityGroups [string] false (Net only) One or more IDs of security groups you want to assign to the load balancer. You need to specify the already assigned security groups that you want to keep along with the new ones you are assigning. If the list is empty, the default security group of the Net is assigned to the load balancer.
ServerCertificateId string false The Outscale Resource Name (ORN) of the server certificate. For more information, see Resource Identifiers > Outscale Resource Names (ORNs). If this parameter is specified, you must also specify the LoadBalancerPort parameter.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateLoadBalancerResponse

Example responses

# Updating health checks
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "PublicIp": "",
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 5,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Path": "/index.html",
      "Protocol": "HTTPS",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 8080
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS"
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example"
# Updating access logs
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "PublicIp": "",
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 5,
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "PREFIX",
      "OsuBucketName": "BUCKET",
      "IsEnabled": true
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS"
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example"
# Updating policies
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "PublicIp": "",
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "PolicyName": "example-browser-policy",
        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 1
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/Certificate",
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS"
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example"
# Updating SSL certificate
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "PublicIp": "",
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/AnotherCertificate",
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 443,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTPS"
    "LoadBalancerName": "private-lb-example"



POST /CreateLoadBalancerPolicy

Creates a stickiness policy with sticky session lifetimes defined by the browser lifetime.
The created policy can be used with HTTP or HTTPS listeners only.
If this policy is implemented by a load balancer, this load balancer uses this cookie in all incoming requests to direct them to the specified backend server virtual machine (VM). If this cookie is not present, the load balancer sends the request to any other server according to its load-balancing algorithm.

You can also create a stickiness policy with sticky session lifetimes following the lifetime of an application-generated cookie.
Unlike the other type of stickiness policy, the lifetime of the special Load Balancer Unit (LBU) cookie follows the lifetime of the application-generated cookie specified in the policy configuration. The load balancer inserts a new stickiness cookie only when the application response includes a new application cookie.
The session stops being sticky if the application cookie is removed or expires, until a new application cookie is issued.

For more information, see About Load Balancers.

Code samples

# Creating a load balancer policy based on browser

osc-cli api CreateLoadBalancerPolicy --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --PolicyName "example-browser-policy" \
  --PolicyType "load_balancer"
# Creating a load balancer policy based on application cookie

osc-cli api CreateLoadBalancerPolicy --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --PolicyName "example-app-policy" \
  --PolicyType "app" \
  --CookieName "example-cookie"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating a load balancer policy based on browser

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "PolicyName": "example-browser-policy",
    "PolicyType": "load_balancer"
# Creating a load balancer policy based on application cookie

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "PolicyName": "example-app-policy",
    "PolicyType": "app",
    "CookieName": "example-cookie"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating a load balancer policy based on browser
result = gw.CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(

# Creating a load balancer policy based on application cookie
result = gw.CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerPolicyApi(config);

    /* Creating a load balancer policy based on browser */
    const result = await api.createLoadBalancerPolicy({
        createLoadBalancerPolicyRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            policyName: "example-browser-policy",
            policyType: "load_balancer",

    /* Creating a load balancer policy based on application cookie */
    const result2 = await api.createLoadBalancerPolicy({
        createLoadBalancerPolicyRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            policyName: "example-app-policy",
            policyType: "app",
            cookieName: "example-cookie",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
CookieExpirationPeriod integer false The lifetime of the cookie, in seconds. If not specified, the default value of this parameter is 1, which means that the sticky session lasts for the duration of the browser session.
CookieName string false The name of the application cookie used for stickiness. This parameter is required if you create a stickiness policy based on an application-generated cookie.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer for which you want to create a policy.
PolicyName string true The name of the policy. This name must be unique and consist of alphanumeric characters and dashes (-).
PolicyType string true The type of stickiness policy you want to create: app or load_balancer.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateLoadBalancerPolicyResponse

Example responses

# Creating a load balancer policy based on browser
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "default",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "PolicyName": "example-browser-policy",
        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 1
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTP"
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu"
# Creating a load balancer policy based on application cookie
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "default",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "PolicyName": "example-app-policy",
        "CookieName": "example-cookie"
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTP"
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu"


POST /DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy

Deletes a specified policy from a load balancer.
In order to be deleted, the policy must not be enabled for any listener.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy --profile "default" \
  --LoadBalancerName "example-lbu" \
  --PolicyName "example-browser-policy"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu",
    "PolicyName": "example-browser-policy"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.LoadBalancerPolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteLoadBalancerPolicy({
        deleteLoadBalancerPolicyRequest: {
            loadBalancerName: "example-lbu",
            policyName: "example-browser-policy",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LoadBalancerName string true The name of the load balancer for which you want to delete a policy.
PolicyName string true The name of the policy you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteLoadBalancerPolicyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LoadBalancer": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupName": "default",
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "123456789012"
    "SecuredCookies": false,
    "PublicIp": "",
    "Subnets": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "BackendVmIds": [],
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "LoadBalancerType": "internet-facing",
    "AccessLog": {
      "PublicationInterval": 60,
      "IsEnabled": false
    "DnsName": "",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 2,
      "Timeout": 5,
      "CheckInterval": 30,
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "HealthyThreshold": 10,
      "Port": 80
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [],
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 80,
        "BackendProtocol": "HTTP",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "HTTP"
    "LoadBalancerName": "example-lbu"



POST /ReadLocations

Lists the locations, corresponding to datacenters, where you can set up a DirectLink.

For more information, see About DirectLink.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadLocations --profile "default"

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadLocations()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
    const api = new osc.LocationApi(config);

    const result = await api.readLocations({
        readLocationsRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadLocationsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Locations": [
      "Name": "Telehouse 3, France",
      "Code": "PAR1"
      "Name": "Equinix Pantin, France",
      "Code": "PAR4"



POST /CreateNatService

Creates a network address translation (NAT) service in the specified public Subnet of a Net.
A NAT service enables virtual machines (VMs) placed in the private Subnet of this Net to connect to the Internet, without being accessible from the Internet.
When creating a NAT service, you specify the allocation ID of the public IP you want to use as public IP for the NAT service. Once the NAT service is created, you need to create a route in the route table of the private Subnet, with as destination and the ID of the NAT service as target. For more information, see LinkPublicIP and CreateRoute.
This action also enables you to create multiple NAT services in the same Net (one per public Subnet).

You cannot modify the public IP associated with a NAT service after its creation. To do so, you need to delete the NAT service and create a new one with another public IP.

For more information, see About NAT Services.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateNatService --profile "default" \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678" \
  --PublicIpId "eipalloc-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "PublicIpId": "eipalloc-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateNatService(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NatServiceApi(config);

    const result = await api.createNatService({
        createNatServiceRequest: {
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",
            publicIpId: "eipalloc-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PublicIpId string true The allocation ID of the public IP to associate with the NAT service.
If the public IP is already associated with another resource, you must first disassociate it.
SubnetId string true The ID of the Subnet in which you want to create the NAT service.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateNatServiceResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NatService": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "NatServiceId": "nat-12345678",
    "PublicIps": [
        "PublicIpId": "eipalloc-12345678",
        "PublicIp": ""
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "State": "available"


POST /DeleteNatService

Deletes a specified network address translation (NAT) service.
This action disassociates the public IP from the NAT service, but does not release this public IP from your account. However, it does not delete any NAT service routes in your route tables.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteNatService --profile "default" \
  --NatServiceId "nat-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NatServiceId": "nat-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteNatService(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NatServiceApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteNatService({
        deleteNatServiceRequest: {
            natServiceId: "nat-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NatServiceId string true The ID of the NAT service you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteNatServiceResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadNatServices

Lists one or more network address translation (NAT) services.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadNatServices --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NatServiceIds": ["nat-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadNatServices --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678", "vpc-87654321"],
      "SubnetIds": ["subnet-12345678"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NatServiceIds": ["nat-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678", "vpc-87654321"],
      "SubnetIds": ["subnet-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadNatServices(
        "NatServiceIds": ["nat-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadNatServices(
        "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678","vpc-87654321"],
        "SubnetIds": ["subnet-12345678"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NatServiceApi(config);

    const result = await api.readNatServices({
        readNatServicesRequest: {
            filters: {
                natServiceIds: ["nat-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readNatServices({
        readNatServicesRequest: {
            filters: {
                netIds: ["vpc-12345678", "vpc-87654321"],
                subnetIds: ["subnet-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersNatService false One or more filters.
» NatServiceIds [string] false The IDs of the NAT services.
» NetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets in which the NAT services are.
» States [string] false The states of the NAT services (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
» SubnetIds [string] false The IDs of the Subnets in which the NAT services are.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the NAT services.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the NAT services.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the NAT services, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadNatServicesResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NatServices": [
      "Tags": [],
      "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
      "NatServiceId": "nat-12345678",
      "PublicIps": [
          "PublicIpId": "eipalloc-12345678",
          "PublicIp": ""
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "State": "available"



POST /CreateNet

Creates a Net with a specified IP range.
The IP range (network range) of your Net must be between a /28 netmask (16 IPs) and a /16 netmask (65536 IPs).

For more information, see About Nets.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateNet --profile "default" \
  --IpRange ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "IpRange": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateNet(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetApi(config);

    const result = await api.createNet({
        createNetRequest: {
            ipRange: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
IpRange string true The IP range for the Net, in CIDR notation (for example,
Tenancy string false The tenancy options for the VMs:
- default if a VM created in a Net can be launched with any tenancy.
- dedicated if it can be launched with dedicated tenancy VMs running on single-tenant hardware.
- dedicated group ID: if it can be launched in a dedicated group on single-tenant hardware.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateNetResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
409 Conflict The HTTP 409 response (Conflict). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Net": {
    "Tags": [],
    "DhcpOptionsSetId": "dopt-12345678",
    "IpRange": "",
    "Tenancy": "default",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "State": "available"


POST /DeleteNet

Deletes a specified Net.
Before deleting the Net, you need to delete or detach all the resources associated with the Net:

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteNet --profile "default" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteNet(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteNet({
        deleteNetRequest: {
            netId: "vpc-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetId string true The ID of the Net you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteNetResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadNets

Lists one or more Nets.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadNets --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadNets --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "States": ["available"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "States": ["available"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadNets(
        "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadNets(
        "States": ["available"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetApi(config);

    const result = await api.readNets({
        readNetsRequest: {
            filters: {
                netIds: ["vpc-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readNets({
        readNetsRequest: {
            filters: {
                states: ["available"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersNet false One or more filters.
» DhcpOptionsSetIds [string] false The IDs of the DHCP options sets.
» IpRanges [string] false The IP ranges for the Nets, in CIDR notation (for example,
» IsDefault boolean false If true, the Net used is the default one.
» NetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets.
» States [string] false The states of the Nets (pending | available | deleting).
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the Nets.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the Nets.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Nets, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadNetsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Nets": [
      "Tags": [],
      "DhcpOptionsSetId": "dopt-12345678",
      "IpRange": "",
      "Tenancy": "default",
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "State": "available"


POST /UpdateNet

Associates a DHCP options set with a specified Net.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateNet --profile "default" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678" \
  --DhcpOptionsSetId "dopt-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "DhcpOptionsSetId": "dopt-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateNet(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateNet({
        updateNetRequest: {
            netId: "vpc-12345678",
            dhcpOptionsSetId: "dopt-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DhcpOptionsSetId string true The ID of the DHCP options set (or default if you want to associate the default one).
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetId string true The ID of the Net.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateNetResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Net": {
    "Tags": [],
    "DhcpOptionsSetId": "dopt-12345678",
    "IpRange": "",
    "Tenancy": "default",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "State": "available"



POST /CreateNetAccessPoint

Creates a Net access point to access an OUTSCALE service from this Net without using the Internet and public IPs.
You specify the service using its name. For more information about the available services, see ReadNetAccessPointServices.
To control the routing of traffic between the Net and the specified service, you can specify one or more route tables. Virtual machines placed in Subnets associated with the specified route table thus use the Net access point to access the service. When you specify a route table, a route is automatically added to it with the destination set to the prefix list ID of the service, and the target set to the ID of the access point.

For more information, see About Net Access Points.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateNetAccessPoint --profile "default" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678" \
  --RouteTableIds '["rtb-12345678"]' \
  --ServiceName ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "RouteTableIds": ["rtb-12345678"],
    "ServiceName": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateNetAccessPoint(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetAccessPointApi(config);

    const result = await api.createNetAccessPoint({
        createNetAccessPointRequest: {
            netId: "vpc-12345678",
            routeTableIds: ["rtb-12345678"],
            serviceName: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetId string true The ID of the Net.
RouteTableIds [string] false One or more IDs of route tables to use for the connection.
ServiceName string true The name of the service (in the format com.outscale.region.service).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateNetAccessPointResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NetAccessPoint": {
    "Tags": [],
    "NetAccessPointId": "vpce-12345678",
    "RouteTableIds": [
    "State": "pending",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "ServiceName": ""


POST /DeleteNetAccessPoint

Deletes a specified Net access point.
This action also deletes the corresponding routes added to the route tables you specified for the Net access point.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteNetAccessPoint --profile "default" \
  --NetAccessPointId "vpce-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetAccessPointId": "vpce-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteNetAccessPoint(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetAccessPointApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteNetAccessPoint({
        deleteNetAccessPointRequest: {
            netAccessPointId: "vpce-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetAccessPointId string true The ID of the Net access point.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteNetAccessPointResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadNetAccessPointServices

Lists OUTSCALE services available to create Net access points.
For more information, see CreateNetAccessPoint.

Code samples

# Listing one or more services according to their service IDs

osc-cli api ReadNetAccessPointServices --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ServiceIds": ["pl-12345678", "pl-87654321"],
# Listing one or more services according to their service names

osc-cli api ReadNetAccessPointServices --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ServiceNames": [""],

# Listing one or more services according to their service IDs

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ServiceIds": ["pl-12345678", "pl-87654321"]
# Listing one or more services according to their service names

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ServiceNames": [""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Listing one or more services according to their service IDs
result = gw.ReadNetAccessPointServices(
        "ServiceIds": ["pl-12345678","pl-87654321"],

# Listing one or more services according to their service names
result = gw.ReadNetAccessPointServices(
        "ServiceNames": [""],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
    const api = new osc.NetAccessPointApi(config);

    /* Listing one or more services according to their service IDs */
    const result = await api.readNetAccessPointServices({
        readNetAccessPointServicesRequest: {
            filters: {
                serviceIds: ["pl-12345678", "pl-87654321"],

    /* Listing one or more services according to their service names */
    const result2 = await api.readNetAccessPointServices({
        readNetAccessPointServicesRequest: {
            filters: {
                serviceNames: [""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersService false One or more filters.
» ServiceIds [string] false The IDs of the services.
» ServiceNames [string] false The names of the services.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadNetAccessPointServicesResponse

Example responses

# Listing one or more services according to their service IDs
  "Services": [
      "ServiceName": "",
      "ServiceId": "pl-12345678",
      "IpRanges": [
      "ServiceName": "",
      "ServiceId": "pl-87654321",
      "IpRanges": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Listing one or more services according to their service names
  "Services": [
      "ServiceName": "",
      "ServiceId": "pl-12345678",
      "IpRanges": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadNetAccessPoints

Lists one or more Net access points.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadNetAccessPoints --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NetAccessPointIds": ["vpce-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadNetAccessPoints --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],
      "States": ["available"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NetAccessPointIds": ["vpce-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],
      "States": ["available"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadNetAccessPoints(
        "NetAccessPointIds": ["vpce-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadNetAccessPoints(
        "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],
        "States": ["available"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetAccessPointApi(config);

    const result = await api.readNetAccessPoints({
        readNetAccessPointsRequest: {
            filters: {
                netAccessPointIds: ["vpce-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readNetAccessPoints({
        readNetAccessPointsRequest: {
            filters: {
                netIds: ["vpc-12345678"],
                states: ["available"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersNetAccessPoint false One or more filters.
» NetAccessPointIds [string] false The IDs of the Net access points.
» NetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets.
» ServiceNames [string] false The names of the services. For more information, see ReadNetAccessPointServices.
» States [string] false The states of the Net access points (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the Net access points.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the Net access points.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Net access points, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadNetAccessPointsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NetAccessPoints": [
      "Tags": [],
      "NetAccessPointId": "vpce-12345678",
      "RouteTableIds": [
      "State": "available",
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "ServiceName": ""


POST /UpdateNetAccessPoint

Modifies the attributes of a Net access point.
This action enables you to add or remove route tables associated with the specified Net access point.

Code samples

# Adding a route table

osc-cli api UpdateNetAccessPoint --profile "default" \
  --NetAccessPointId "vpce-12345678" \
  --AddRouteTableIds '["rtb-87654321"]'
# Removing a route table

osc-cli api UpdateNetAccessPoint --profile "default" \
  --NetAccessPointId "vpce-12345678" \
  --RemoveRouteTableIds '["rtb-12345678"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Adding a route table

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetAccessPointId": "vpce-12345678",
    "AddRouteTableIds": ["rtb-87654321"]
# Removing a route table

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetAccessPointId": "vpce-12345678",
    "RemoveRouteTableIds": ["rtb-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Adding a route table
result = gw.UpdateNetAccessPoint(

# Removing a route table
result = gw.UpdateNetAccessPoint(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetAccessPointApi(config);

    /* Adding a route table */
    const result = await api.updateNetAccessPoint({
        updateNetAccessPointRequest: {
            netAccessPointId: "vpce-12345678",
            addRouteTableIds: ["rtb-87654321"],

    /* Removing a route table */
    const result2 = await api.updateNetAccessPoint({
        updateNetAccessPointRequest: {
            netAccessPointId: "vpce-12345678",
            removeRouteTableIds: ["rtb-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AddRouteTableIds [string] false One or more IDs of route tables to associate with the specified Net access point.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetAccessPointId string true The ID of the Net access point.
RemoveRouteTableIds [string] false One or more IDs of route tables to disassociate from the specified Net access point.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateNetAccessPointResponse

Example responses

# Adding a route table
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NetAccessPoint": {
    "Tags": [],
    "NetAccessPointId": "vpce-12345678",
    "RouteTableIds": [
    "State": "available",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "ServiceName": ""
# Removing a route table
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NetAccessPoint": {
    "Tags": [],
    "NetAccessPointId": "vpce-12345678",
    "RouteTableIds": [],
    "State": "available",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "ServiceName": ""



POST /AcceptNetPeering

Accepts a Net peering request.
To accept this request, you must be the owner of the peer Net. If you do not accept the request within 7 days, the state of the Net peering becomes expired.

A peering connection between two Nets works both ways. Therefore, when an A-to-B peering connection is accepted, any pending B-to-A peering connection is automatically rejected as redundant.

Code samples

osc-cli api AcceptNetPeering --profile "default" \
  --NetPeeringId "pcx-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetPeeringId": "pcx-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.AcceptNetPeering(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetPeeringApi(config);

    const result = await api.acceptNetPeering({
        acceptNetPeeringRequest: {
            netPeeringId: "pcx-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetPeeringId string true The ID of the Net peering you want to accept.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). AcceptNetPeeringResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
409 Conflict The HTTP 409 response (Conflict). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NetPeering": {
    "Tags": [],
    "State": {
      "Name": "active",
      "Message": "Active"
    "AccepterNet": {
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "IpRange": "",
      "AccountId": "123456789012"
    "ExpirationDate": "2063-04-05T00:00:00.000Z",
    "SourceNet": {
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "IpRange": "",
      "AccountId": "123456789012"
    "NetPeeringId": "pcx-12345678"


POST /CreateNetPeering

Requests a Net peering between a Net you own and a peer Net that belongs to you or another account.
This action creates a Net peering that remains in the pending-acceptance state until it is accepted by the owner of the peer Net. If the owner of the peer Net does not accept the request within 7 days, the state of the Net peering becomes expired. For more information, see AcceptNetPeering.


For more information, see About Net Peerings.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateNetPeering --profile "default" \
  --SourceNetId "vpc-12345678" \
  --AccepterNetId "vpc-87654321"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SourceNetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "AccepterNetId": "vpc-87654321"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateNetPeering(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetPeeringApi(config);

    const result = await api.createNetPeering({
        createNetPeeringRequest: {
            sourceNetId: "vpc-12345678",
            accepterNetId: "vpc-87654321",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AccepterNetId string true The ID of the Net you want to connect with.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
SourceNetId string true The ID of the Net you send the peering request from.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateNetPeeringResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NetPeering": {
    "Tags": [],
    "State": {
      "Name": "pending-acceptance",
      "Message": "Pending acceptance by 123456789012"
    "AccepterNet": {
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "IpRange": "",
      "AccountId": "123456789012"
    "SourceNet": {
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "IpRange": "",
      "AccountId": "123456789012"
    "NetPeeringId": "pcx-12345678"


POST /DeleteNetPeering

Deletes a Net peering.
If the Net peering is in the active state, it can be deleted either by the owner of the requester Net or the owner of the peer Net.
If it is in the pending-acceptance state, it can be deleted only by the owner of the requester Net.
If it is in the rejected, failed, or expired states, it cannot be deleted.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteNetPeering --profile "default" \
  --NetPeeringId "pcx-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetPeeringId": "pcx-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteNetPeering(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetPeeringApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteNetPeering({
        deleteNetPeeringRequest: {
            netPeeringId: "pcx-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetPeeringId string true The ID of the Net peering you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteNetPeeringResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
409 Conflict The HTTP 409 response (Conflict). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadNetPeerings

Lists one or more peering connections between two Nets.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadNetPeerings --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NetPeeringIds": ["pcx-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadNetPeerings --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "SourceNetNetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],
      "StateNames": ["active", "pending-acceptance"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NetPeeringIds": ["pcx-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "SourceNetNetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],
      "StateNames": ["active", "pending-acceptance"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadNetPeerings(
        "NetPeeringIds": ["pcx-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadNetPeerings(
        "SourceNetNetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],
        "StateNames": ["active","pending-acceptance"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetPeeringApi(config);

    const result = await api.readNetPeerings({
        readNetPeeringsRequest: {
            filters: {
                netPeeringIds: ["pcx-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readNetPeerings({
        readNetPeeringsRequest: {
            filters: {
                sourceNetNetIds: ["vpc-12345678"],
                stateNames: ["active", "pending-acceptance"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersNetPeering false One or more filters.
» AccepterNetAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the peer Nets.
» AccepterNetIpRanges [string] false The IP ranges of the peer Nets, in CIDR notation (for example,
» AccepterNetNetIds [string] false The IDs of the peer Nets.
» ExpirationDates [string] false The dates and times at which the Net peerings expire, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z).
» NetPeeringIds [string] false The IDs of the Net peerings.
» SourceNetAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the peer Nets.
» SourceNetIpRanges [string] false The IP ranges of the peer Nets.
» SourceNetNetIds [string] false The IDs of the peer Nets.
» StateMessages [string] false Additional information about the states of the Net peerings.
» StateNames [string] false The states of the Net peerings (pending-acceptance | active | rejected | failed | expired | deleted).
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the Net peerings.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the Net peerings.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Net peerings, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadNetPeeringsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NetPeerings": [
      "Tags": [],
      "State": {
        "Name": "active",
        "Message": "Active"
      "AccepterNet": {
        "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
        "IpRange": "",
        "AccountId": "123456789012"
      "SourceNet": {
        "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
        "IpRange": "",
        "AccountId": "123456789012"
      "NetPeeringId": "pcx-12345678"


POST /RejectNetPeering

Rejects a Net peering request.
The Net peering must be in the pending-acceptance state to be rejected. The rejected Net peering is then in the rejected state.

Code samples

osc-cli api RejectNetPeering --profile "default" \
  --NetPeeringId "pcx-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetPeeringId": "pcx-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.RejectNetPeering(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NetPeeringApi(config);

    const result = await api.rejectNetPeering({
        rejectNetPeeringRequest: {
            netPeeringId: "pcx-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetPeeringId string true The ID of the Net peering you want to reject.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). RejectNetPeeringResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
409 Conflict The HTTP 409 response (Conflict). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateNic

Creates a network interface card (NIC) in the specified Subnet.

For more information, see About NICs.

Code samples

# Creating a NIC

osc-cli api CreateNic --profile "default" \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678" \
  --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-12345678"]'
# Creating a NIC with specific private IPs

osc-cli api CreateNic --profile "default" \
  --Description "Terraform nic with private IPs" \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678" \
  --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-12345678"]' \
  --PrivateIps '[
        "IsPrimary": True,
        "PrivateIp": "",
        "IsPrimary": False,
        "PrivateIp": "",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating a NIC

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"]
# Creating a NIC with specific private IPs

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Description": "Terraform nic with private IPs",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"],
    "PrivateIps": [
        "IsPrimary": true,
        "PrivateIp": ""
        "IsPrimary": false,
        "PrivateIp": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating a NIC
result = gw.CreateNic(

# Creating a NIC with specific private IPs
result = gw.CreateNic(
    Description="Terraform nic with private IPs",
            "IsPrimary": True,
            "PrivateIp": "",
            "IsPrimary": False,
            "PrivateIp": "",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NicApi(config);

    /* Creating a NIC */
    const result = await api.createNic({
        createNicRequest: {
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",
            securityGroupIds: ["sg-12345678"],

    /* Creating a NIC with specific private IPs */
    const result2 = await api.createNic({
        createNicRequest: {
            description: "Terraform nic with private IPs",
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",
            securityGroupIds: ["sg-12345678"],
            privateIps: [
                    isPrimary: true,
                    privateIp: "",
                    isPrimary: false,
                    privateIp: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string false A description for the NIC.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PrivateIps [PrivateIpLight] false The primary private IP for the NIC.
This IP must be within the IP range of the Subnet that you specify with the SubnetId attribute.
If you do not specify this attribute, a random private IP is selected within the IP range of the Subnet.
» IsPrimary boolean false If true, the IP is the primary private IP of the NIC.
» PrivateIp string false The private IP of the NIC.
SecurityGroupIds [string] false One or more IDs of security groups for the NIC.
SubnetId string true The ID of the Subnet in which you want to create the NIC.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateNicResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Creating a NIC
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Nic": {
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "State": "available",
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "PrivateDnsName": "",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
    "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "PrivateIps": [
        "PrivateDnsName": "",
        "PrivateIp": "",
        "IsPrimary": true
# Creating a NIC with specific private IPs
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Nic": {
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "State": "available",
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "PrivateDnsName": "",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
    "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "PrivateIps": [
        "PrivateDnsName": "",
        "PrivateIp": "",
        "IsPrimary": true
        "PrivateDnsName": "",
        "PrivateIp": "",
        "IsPrimary": false


POST /DeleteNic

Deletes the specified network interface card (NIC).
The network interface must not be attached to any virtual machine (VM).

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteNic --profile "default" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NicId": "eni-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteNic(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NicApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteNic({
        deleteNicRequest: {
            nicId: "eni-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NicId string true The ID of the NIC you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteNicResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkNic

Attaches a network interface card (NIC) to a virtual machine (VM).
The interface and the VM must be in the same Subregion. The VM can be either running or stopped. The NIC must be in the available state. For more information, see Attaching a NIC to a VM.

Code samples

osc-cli api LinkNic --profile "default" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678" \
  --VmId "i-12345678" \
  --DeviceNumber 1

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "VmId": "i-12345678",
    "DeviceNumber": 1

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.LinkNic(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NicApi(config);

    const result = await api.linkNic({
        linkNicRequest: {
            nicId: "eni-12345678",
            vmId: "i-12345678",
            deviceNumber: 1,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DeviceNumber integer true The index of the VM device for the NIC attachment (between 1 and 7, both included).
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NicId string true The ID of the NIC you want to attach.
VmId string true The ID of the VM to which you want to attach the NIC.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkNicResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678"


POST /LinkPrivateIps

Assigns one or more secondary private IPs to a specified network interface card (NIC). This action is only available in a Net. The private IPs to be assigned can be added individually using the PrivateIps parameter, or you can specify the number of private IPs to be automatically chosen within the Subnet range using the SecondaryPrivateIpCount parameter. You can specify only one of these two parameters. If none of these parameters are specified, a private IP is chosen within the Subnet range.

Code samples

# Linking specific secondary private IPs to a NIC

osc-cli api LinkPrivateIps --profile "default" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678" \
  --PrivateIps '["", ""]'
# Linking a number of random secondary private IPs to a NIC

osc-cli api LinkPrivateIps --profile "default" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678" \
  --SecondaryPrivateIpCount 3

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Linking specific secondary private IPs to a NIC

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "PrivateIps": ["", ""]
# Linking a number of random secondary private IPs to a NIC

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "SecondaryPrivateIpCount": 3

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Linking specific secondary private IPs to a NIC
result = gw.LinkPrivateIps(

# Linking a number of random secondary private IPs to a NIC
result = gw.LinkPrivateIps(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NicApi(config);

    /* Linking specific secondary private IPs to a NIC */
    const result = await api.linkPrivateIps({
        linkPrivateIpsRequest: {
            nicId: "eni-12345678",
            privateIps: ["", ""],

    /* Linking a number of random secondary private IPs to a NIC */
    const result2 = await api.linkPrivateIps({
        linkPrivateIpsRequest: {
            nicId: "eni-12345678",
            secondaryPrivateIpCount: 3,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AllowRelink boolean false If true, allows an IP that is already assigned to another NIC in the same Subnet to be assigned to the NIC you specified.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NicId string true The ID of the NIC.
PrivateIps [string] false The secondary private IP or IPs you want to assign to the NIC within the IP range of the Subnet.
SecondaryPrivateIpCount integer false The number of secondary private IPs to assign to the NIC.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkPrivateIpsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadNics

Lists one or more network interface cards (NICs).
A NIC is a virtual network interface that you can attach to a virtual machine (VM) in a Net.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadNics --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NicIds": ["eni-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadNics --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "LinkNicVmIds": ["i-12345678"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NicIds": ["eni-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "LinkNicVmIds": ["i-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadNics(
        "NicIds": ["eni-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadNics(
        "LinkNicVmIds": ["i-12345678"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NicApi(config);

    const result = await api.readNics({
        readNicsRequest: {
            filters: {
                nicIds: ["eni-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readNics({
        readNicsRequest: {
            filters: {
                linkNicVmIds: ["i-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersNic false One or more filters.
» Descriptions [string] false The descriptions of the NICs.
» IsSourceDestCheck boolean false Whether the source/destination checking is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
» LinkNicDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false Whether the NICs are deleted when the VMs they are attached to are terminated.
» LinkNicDeviceNumbers [integer] false The device numbers the NICs are attached to.
» LinkNicLinkNicIds [string] false The attachment IDs of the NICs.
» LinkNicStates [string] false The states of the attachments.
» LinkNicVmAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the VMs the NICs are attached to.
» LinkNicVmIds [string] false The IDs of the VMs the NICs are attached to.
» LinkPublicIpAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the public IPs associated with the NICs.
» LinkPublicIpLinkPublicIpIds [string] false The association IDs returned when the public IPs were associated with the NICs.
» LinkPublicIpPublicIpIds [string] false The allocation IDs returned when the public IPs were allocated to their accounts.
» LinkPublicIpPublicIps [string] false The public IPs associated with the NICs.
» MacAddresses [string] false The Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of the NICs.
» NetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets where the NICs are located.
» NicIds [string] false The IDs of the NICs.
» PrivateDnsNames [string] false The private DNS names associated with the primary private IPs.
» PrivateIpsLinkPublicIpAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owner of the public IPs associated with the private IPs.
» PrivateIpsLinkPublicIpPublicIps [string] false The public IPs associated with the private IPs.
» PrivateIpsPrimaryIp boolean false Whether the private IP is the primary IP associated with the NIC.
» PrivateIpsPrivateIps [string] false The private IPs of the NICs.
» SecurityGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the security groups associated with the NICs.
» SecurityGroupNames [string] false The names of the security groups associated with the NICs.
» States [string] false The states of the NICs.
» SubnetIds [string] false The IDs of the Subnets for the NICs.
» SubregionNames [string] false The Subregions where the NICs are located.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the NICs.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the NICs.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the NICs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadNicsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Nics": [
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
      "State": "in-use",
      "LinkNic": {
        "VmId": "i-12345678",
        "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
        "VmAccountId": "123456789012",
        "DeleteOnVmDeletion": false,
        "DeviceNumber": 0,
        "State": "attached"
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "PrivateDnsName": "",
      "Tags": [],
      "Description": "Primary network interface",
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
          "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
      "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "NicId": "eni-12345678",
      "PrivateIps": [
          "PrivateDnsName": "",
          "PrivateIp": "",
          "IsPrimary": true


POST /UnlinkNic

Detaches a network interface card (NIC) from a virtual machine (VM).
The primary NIC cannot be detached.

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkNic --profile "default" \
  --LinkNicId "eni-attach-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkNic(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NicApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkNic({
        unlinkNicRequest: {
            linkNicId: "eni-attach-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LinkNicId string true The ID of the attachment operation.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkNicResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UnlinkPrivateIps

Unassigns one or more secondary private IPs from a network interface card (NIC).

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkPrivateIps --profile "default" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678" \
  --PrivateIps '["", ""]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "PrivateIps": ["", ""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkPrivateIps(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NicApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkPrivateIps({
        unlinkPrivateIpsRequest: {
            nicId: "eni-12345678",
            privateIps: ["", ""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NicId string true The ID of the NIC.
PrivateIps [string] true One or more secondary private IPs you want to unassign from the NIC.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkPrivateIpsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateNic

Modifies the specified network interface card (NIC). You can specify only one attribute at a time.

Code samples

# Modifying the DeleteOnVmDeletion value of a NIC

osc-cli api UpdateNic --profile "default" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678" \
  --LinkNic '{
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": False,
      "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
# Modifying the security groups of a NIC

osc-cli api UpdateNic --profile "default" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678" \
  --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-12345678"]'
# Modifying the description of a NIC

osc-cli api UpdateNic --profile "default" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678" \
  --Description "Example of description"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Modifying the DeleteOnVmDeletion value of a NIC

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "LinkNic": {
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": false,
      "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678"
# Modifying the security groups of a NIC

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"]
# Modifying the description of a NIC

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "Description": "Example of description"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Modifying the DeleteOnVmDeletion value of a NIC
result = gw.UpdateNic(
        "DeleteOnVmDeletion": False,
        "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",

# Modifying the security groups of a NIC
result = gw.UpdateNic(

# Modifying the description of a NIC
result = gw.UpdateNic(
    Description="Example of description",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.NicApi(config);

    /* Modifying the DeleteOnVmDeletion value of a NIC */
    const result = await api.updateNic({
        updateNicRequest: {
            nicId: "eni-12345678",
            linkNic: {
                deleteOnVmDeletion: false,
                linkNicId: "eni-attach-12345678",

    /* Modifying the security groups of a NIC */
    const result2 = await api.updateNic({
        updateNicRequest: {
            nicId: "eni-12345678",
            securityGroupIds: ["sg-12345678"],

    /* Modifying the description of a NIC */
    const result3 = await api.updateNic({
        updateNicRequest: {
            nicId: "eni-12345678",
            description: "Example of description",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string false A new description for the NIC.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LinkNic LinkNicToUpdate false Information about the NIC attachment. If you are modifying the DeleteOnVmDeletion attribute, you must specify the ID of the NIC attachment.
» DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false If true, the NIC is deleted when the VM is terminated. If false, the NIC is detached from the VM.
» LinkNicId string false The ID of the NIC attachment.
NicId string true The ID of the NIC you want to modify.
SecurityGroupIds [string] false One or more IDs of security groups for the NIC.
You must specify at least one group, even if you use the default security group in the Net.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateNicResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Modifying the DeleteOnVmDeletion value of a NIC
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Nic": {
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "State": "in-use",
    "LinkNic": {
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
      "VmAccountId": "123456789012",
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": false,
      "DeviceNumber": 0,
      "State": "attached"
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "PrivateDnsName": "",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "Primary network interface",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupName": "default",
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
    "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "PrivateIps": [
        "PrivateDnsName": "",
        "PrivateIp": "",
        "IsPrimary": true
# Modifying the security groups of a NIC
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Nic": {
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "State": "in-use",
    "LinkNic": {
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
      "VmAccountId": "123456789012",
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
      "DeviceNumber": 0,
      "State": "attached"
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "PrivateDnsName": "",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "Primary network interface",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
    "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "PrivateIps": [
        "PrivateDnsName": "",
        "PrivateIp": "",
        "IsPrimary": true
# Modifying the description of a NIC
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Nic": {
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "State": "in-use",
    "LinkNic": {
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
      "VmAccountId": "123456789012",
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
      "DeviceNumber": 0,
      "State": "attached"
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "PrivateDnsName": "",
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "Example of description",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupName": "default",
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
    "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "NicId": "eni-12345678",
    "PrivateIps": [
        "PrivateDnsName": "",
        "PrivateIp": "",
        "IsPrimary": true



POST /CreatePolicy

Creates a managed policy to apply to a user.
This action creates a policy version and sets v1 as the default one.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreatePolicy --profile "default" \
  --Description "Example of description" \
  --Document '"{\"Statement\": [ {\"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [\"*\"], \"Resource\": [\"*\"]} ]}"' \
  --Path "/example/" \
  --PolicyName "example-user-policy"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Description": "Example of description",
    "Document": "{\"Statement\": [ {\"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [\"*\"], \"Resource\": [\"*\"]} ]}",
    "Path": "/example/",
    "PolicyName": "example-user-policy"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreatePolicy(
    Description="Example of description",
    Document='{"Statement": [ {"Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["*"], "Resource": ["*"]} ]}',

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.createPolicy({
        createPolicyRequest: {
            description: "Example of description",
            document: '{"Statement": [ {"Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["*"], "Resource": ["*"]} ]}',
            path: "/example/",
            policyName: "example-user-policy",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string false A description for the policy.
Document string true The policy document, corresponding to a JSON string that contains the policy. For more information, see EIM Reference Information.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Path string false The path of the policy.
PolicyName string true The name of the policy.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreatePolicyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Policy": {
    "ResourcesCount": 0,
    "PolicyName": "example-user-policy",
    "PolicyDefaultVersionId": "v1",
    "Path": "/example/",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "Description": "Example of description",
    "Orn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "IsLinkable": true,
    "LastModificationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000"


POST /CreatePolicyVersion

Creates a version of a specified managed policy.
A managed policy can have up to five versions.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreatePolicyVersion --profile "default" \
  --Document '"{\"Statement\": [ {\"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [\"*\"], \"Resource\": [\"*\"]} ]}"' \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy" \
  --SetAsDefault True

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Document": "{\"Statement\": [ {\"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [\"*\"], \"Resource\": [\"*\"]} ]}",
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "SetAsDefault": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreatePolicyVersion(
    Document='{"Statement": [ {"Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["*"], "Resource": ["*"]} ]}',

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.createPolicyVersion({
        createPolicyVersionRequest: {
            document: '{"Statement": [ {"Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["*"], "Resource": ["*"]} ]}',
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
            setAsDefault: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Document string true The policy document, corresponding to a JSON string that contains the policy. For more information, see EIM Reference Information.
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
SetAsDefault boolean false If set to true, the new policy version is set as the default version and becomes the operative one.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreatePolicyVersionResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "PolicyVersion": {
    "VersionId": "v2",
    "DefaultVersion": true,
    "CreationDate": "2017-05-10T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "Body": "{\"Statement\": [ {\"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [\"*\"], \"Resource\": [\"*\"]} ]}"


POST /DeletePolicy

Deletes a managed policy.
Before deleting a managed policy, you must unlink all users linked to it and delete all the versions of the policy using the DeletePolicyVersion method.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeletePolicy --profile "default" \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeletePolicy(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.deletePolicy({
        deletePolicyRequest: {
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy you want to delete. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeletePolicyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeletePolicyVersion

Deletes a specified version of a managed policy, if it is not set as the default one.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeletePolicyVersion --profile "default" \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy" \
  --VersionId "v1"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "VersionId": "v1"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeletePolicyVersion(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.deletePolicyVersion({
        deletePolicyVersionRequest: {
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
            versionId: "v1",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
VersionId string true The ID of the version of the policy you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeletePolicyVersionResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkPolicy

Links a managed policy to a specific user.

Code samples

osc-cli api LinkPolicy --profile "default" \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy" \
  --UserName "example-user"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "UserName": "example-user"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.LinkPolicy(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.linkPolicy({
        linkPolicyRequest: {
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
            userName: "example-user",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
UserName string true The name of the user you want to link the policy to (between 1 and 64 characters).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkPolicyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadLinkedPolicies

Lists the managed policies linked to a specified user.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadLinkedPolicies --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "PathPrefix": "/example/",
    }' \
  --FirstItem 1 \
  --ResultsPerPage 30 \
  --UserName "example-user"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "PathPrefix": "/example/"
    "FirstItem": 1,
    "ResultsPerPage": 30,
    "UserName": "example-user"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadLinkedPolicies(
        "PathPrefix": "/example/",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.readLinkedPolicies({
        readLinkedPoliciesRequest: {
            filters: {
                pathPrefix: "/example/",
            firstItem: 1,
            resultsPerPage: 30,
            userName: "example-user",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters ReadLinkedPoliciesFilters false One or more filters.
» PathPrefix string false The path prefix of the policies, set to a slash (/) by default.
FirstItem integer false The item starting the list of policies requested.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of items that can be returned in a single response (by default, 100).
UserName string false The name of the user the policies are linked to.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadLinkedPoliciesResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "HasMoreItems": true,
  "Policies": [
      "PolicyName": "example-user-policy",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
      "LastModificationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
      "Orn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
  "MaxResultsLimit": 30,
  "MaxResultsTruncated": false


POST /ReadPolicies

Lists all the managed policies available for your account.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadPolicies --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "OnlyLinked": True,
      "PathPrefix": "/",
      "Scope": "OWS",
    }' \
  --FirstItem 1 \
  --ResultsPerPage 30

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "OnlyLinked": true,
      "PathPrefix": "/",
      "Scope": "OWS"
    "FirstItem": 1,
    "ResultsPerPage": 30

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadPolicies(
        "OnlyLinked": True,
        "PathPrefix": "/",
        "Scope": "OWS",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.readPolicies({
        readPoliciesRequest: {
            filters: {
                onlyLinked: true,
                pathPrefix: "/",
                scope: "OWS",
            firstItem: 1,
            resultsPerPage: 30,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters ReadPoliciesFilters false One or more filters.
» OnlyLinked boolean false If set to true, lists only the policies attached to a user.
» PathPrefix string false The path prefix you can use to filter the results, set to a slash (/) by default.
» Scope string false The scope to filter policies (OWS | LOCAL).
FirstItem integer false The item starting the list of policies requested.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of items that can be returned in a single response (by default, 100).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadPoliciesResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "HasMoreItems": true,
  "Policies": [
      "ResourcesCount": 1,
      "PolicyName": "example-user-policy",
      "PolicyDefaultVersionId": "v1",
      "Path": "/example/",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
      "Description": "Example of description",
      "Orn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
      "IsLinkable": true,
      "LastModificationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000"
  "MaxResultsLimit": 30,
  "MaxResultsTruncated": false


POST /ReadPolicy

Lists information about a specified managed policy.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadPolicy --profile "default" \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadPolicy(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.readPolicy({
        readPolicyRequest: {
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadPolicyResponse

Example responses

  "Policy": {
    "ResourcesCount": 0,
    "PolicyName": "example-user-policy",
    "PolicyDefaultVersionId": "v1",
    "Path": "/example/",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "Description": "Example of description",
    "Orn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "IsLinkable": true,
    "LastModificationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadPolicyVersion

Lists information about a specified version of a managed policy.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadPolicyVersion --profile "default" \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy" \
  --VersionId "v1"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "VersionId": "v1"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadPolicyVersion(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.readPolicyVersion({
        readPolicyVersionRequest: {
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
            versionId: "v1",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
VersionId string true The ID of the policy version.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadPolicyVersionResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "PolicyVersion": {
    "VersionId": "v1",
    "DefaultVersion": true,
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "Body": "{\"Statement\": [ {\"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [\"*\"], \"Resource\": [\"*\"]} ]}"


POST /ReadPolicyVersions

Lists information about all the policy versions of a specified managed policy.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadPolicyVersions --profile "default" \
  --FirstItem 1 \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy" \
  --ResultsPerPage 30

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "FirstItem": 1,
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "ResultsPerPage": 30

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadPolicyVersions(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.readPolicyVersions({
        readPolicyVersionsRequest: {
            firstItem: 1,
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
            resultsPerPage: 30,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
FirstItem integer false The item starting the list of policies requested.
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of items that can be returned in a single response (by default, 100).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadPolicyVersionsResponse

Example responses

  "MaxResultsLimit": 30,
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "PolicyVersions": [
      "VersionId": "v1",
      "DefaultVersion": true,
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
      "Body": "{\"Statement\": [ {\"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [\"*\"], \"Resource\": [\"*\"]} ]}"
  "HasMoreItems": true


POST /SetDefaultPolicyVersion

Sets a specified version of a managed policy as the default (operative) one.
You can modify the default version of a policy at any time.

Code samples

osc-cli api SetDefaultPolicyVersion --profile "default" \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy" \
  --VersionId "v1"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "VersionId": "v1"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.SetDefaultPolicyVersion(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.setDefaultPolicyVersion({
        setDefaultPolicyVersionRequest: {
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
            versionId: "v1",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
VersionId string true The ID of the version.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). SetDefaultPolicyVersionResponse

Example responses

200 Response

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


POST /UnlinkPolicy

Removes a managed policy from a specific user.

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkPolicy --profile "default" \
  --PolicyOrn "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy" \
  --UserName "example-user"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PolicyOrn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
    "UserName": "example-user"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkPolicy(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PolicyApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkPolicy({
        unlinkPolicyRequest: {
            policyOrn: "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:policy/example/example-user-policy",
            userName: "example-user",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PolicyOrn string true The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
UserName string true The name of the user you want to detach the policy from.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkPolicyResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateProductType

Creates a product type you can associate with an OMI for consumption monitoring and billing purposes.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateProductType --profile "default" \
  --Vendor "vendor-name" \
  --Description "Example of description"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Vendor": "vendor-name",
    "Description": "Example of description"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateProductType(
    Description="Example of description",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ProductTypeApi(config);

    const result = await api.createProductType({
        createProductTypeRequest: {
            vendor: "vendor-name",
            description: "Example of description",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string true The description of the product type.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Vendor string false The vendor of the product type.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateProductTypeResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ProductType": {
    "Vendor": "vendor-name",
    "ProductTypeId": "pty-12345678",
    "Description": "Example of description"


POST /ReadProductTypes

Lists one or more product types.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadProductTypes --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ProductTypeIds": ["0001"],

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ProductTypeIds": ["0001"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadProductTypes(
        "ProductTypeIds": ["0001"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
    const api = new osc.ProductTypeApi(config);

    const result = await api.readProductTypes({
        readProductTypesRequest: {
            filters: {
                productTypeIds: ["0001"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersProductType false One or more filters.
» ProductTypeIds [string] false The IDs of the product types.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadProductTypesResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ProductTypes": [
      "ProductTypeId": "0001",
      "Description": "Linux"



POST /ReadPublicCatalog

Returns the price list of OUTSCALE products and services for the Region specified in the endpoint of the request. For more information, see Regions, Endpoints, and Subregions Reference.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadPublicCatalog --profile "default"

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadPublicCatalog()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
    const api = new osc.PublicCatalogApi(config);

    const result = await api.readPublicCatalog({
        readPublicCatalogRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadPublicCatalogResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Catalog": {
    "Entries": [
        "UnitPrice": 0.04,
        "Type": "CustomCore:v5-p1",
        "Title": "Instance - On demand - Unite de vCore pour une instance Tina v5 CxRy Performance highest - par heure",
        "SubregionName": "eu-west-2",
        "Category": "compute",
        "Service": "TinaOS-FCU",
        "Operation": "RunInstances-OD"



POST /CreatePublicIp

Acquires a public IP for your account.
A public IP is a static IP designed for dynamic Cloud computing. It can be associated with a virtual machine (VM) in the public Cloud or in a Net, a network interface card (NIC), a NAT service.

For more information, see About Public IPs.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreatePublicIp --profile "default"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreatePublicIp()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PublicIpApi(config);

    const result = await api.createPublicIp({
        createPublicIpRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreatePublicIpResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "PublicIp": {
    "Tags": [],
    "PublicIpId": "eipalloc-12345678",
    "PublicIp": ""


POST /DeletePublicIp

Releases a public IP.
You can release a public IP associated with your account. This address is released in the public IP pool and can be used by someone else. Before releasing a public IP, ensure you updated all your resources communicating with this address.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeletePublicIp --profile "default" \
  --PublicIp ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PublicIp": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeletePublicIp(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PublicIpApi(config);

    const result = await api.deletePublicIp({
        deletePublicIpRequest: {
            publicIp: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PublicIp string false The public IP. In the public Cloud, this parameter is required.
PublicIpId string false The ID representing the association of the public IP with the VM or the NIC. In a Net, this parameter is required.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeletePublicIpResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkPublicIp

Associates a public IP with a virtual machine (VM) or a network interface card (NIC), in the public Cloud or in a Net. You can associate a public IP with only one VM or network interface at a time.
To associate a public IP in a Net, ensure that the Net has an Internet service attached. For more information, see the LinkInternetService method.
By default, the public IP is disassociated every time you stop and start the VM. For a persistent association, you can add the tag to the VM with the public IP as value. For more information, see the CreateTags method.

You can associate a public IP with a network address translation (NAT) service only when creating the NAT service. To modify its public IP, you need to delete the NAT service and re-create it with the new public IP. For more information, see the CreateNatService method.

Code samples

# Linking a public IP to a VM

osc-cli api LinkPublicIp --profile "default" \
  --PublicIp "" \
  --VmId "i-12345678"
# Linking a public IP to a NIC

osc-cli api LinkPublicIp --profile "default" \
  --PublicIp "" \
  --NicId "eni-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Linking a public IP to a VM

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PublicIp": "",
    "VmId": "i-12345678"
# Linking a public IP to a NIC

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PublicIp": "",
    "NicId": "eni-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Linking a public IP to a VM
result = gw.LinkPublicIp(

# Linking a public IP to a NIC
result = gw.LinkPublicIp(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PublicIpApi(config);

    /* Linking a public IP to a VM */
    const result = await api.linkPublicIp({
        linkPublicIpRequest: {
            publicIp: "",
            vmId: "i-12345678",

    /* Linking a public IP to a NIC */
    const result2 = await api.linkPublicIp({
        linkPublicIpRequest: {
            publicIp: "",
            nicId: "eni-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AllowRelink boolean false If true, allows the public IP to be associated with the VM or NIC that you specify even if it is already associated with another VM or NIC. If false, prevents the public IP from being associated with the VM or NIC that you specify if it is already associated with another VM or NIC. (By default, true in the public Cloud, false in a Net.)
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NicId string false (Net only) The ID of the NIC. This parameter is required if the VM has more than one NIC attached. Otherwise, you need to specify the VmId parameter instead. You cannot specify both parameters at the same time.
PrivateIp string false (Net only) The primary or secondary private IP of the specified NIC. By default, the primary private IP.
PublicIp string false The public IP. This parameter is required unless you use the PublicIpId parameter.
PublicIpId string false The allocation ID of the public IP. This parameter is required unless you use the PublicIp parameter.
VmId string false The ID of the VM.
- In the public Cloud, this parameter is required.
- In a Net, this parameter is required if the VM has only one NIC. Otherwise, you need to specify the NicId parameter instead. You cannot specify both parameters at the same time.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkPublicIpResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Linking a public IP to a VM
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LinkPublicIpId": "eipassoc-12345678"
# Linking a public IP to a NIC
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LinkPublicIpId": "eipassoc-12345678"


POST /ReadPublicIpRanges

Gets the public IPv4 addresses in CIDR notation for the Region specified in the endpoint of the request. For more information, see Regions, Endpoints, and Subregions Reference.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadPublicIpRanges --profile "default"

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadPublicIpRanges()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
    const api = new osc.PublicIpApi(config);

    const result = await api.readPublicIpRanges({
        readPublicIpRangesRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadPublicIpRangesResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "PublicIps": [


POST /ReadPublicIps

Lists one or more public IPs allocated to your account.
By default, this action returns information about all your public IPs: available or associated with a virtual machine (VM), a network interface card (NIC) or a NAT service.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadPublicIps --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "PublicIps": [""],
osc-cli api ReadPublicIps --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VmIds": ["i-12345678"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "PublicIps": [""]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VmIds": ["i-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadPublicIps(
        "PublicIps": [""],

result = gw.ReadPublicIps(
        "VmIds": ["i-12345678"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PublicIpApi(config);

    const result = await api.readPublicIps({
        readPublicIpsRequest: {
            filters: {
                publicIps: [""],

    const result2 = await api.readPublicIps({
        readPublicIpsRequest: {
            filters: {
                vmIds: ["i-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersPublicIp false One or more filters.
» LinkPublicIpIds [string] false The IDs representing the associations of public IPs with VMs or NICs.
» NicAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the NICs.
» NicIds [string] false The IDs of the NICs.
» Placements [string] false Whether the public IPs are for use in the public Cloud or in a Net.
» PrivateIps [string] false The private IPs associated with the public IPs.
» PublicIpIds [string] false The IDs of the public IPs.
» PublicIps [string] false The public IPs.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the public IPs.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the public IPs.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the public IPs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» VmIds [string] false The IDs of the VMs.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadPublicIpsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "PublicIps": [
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "Tags": [],
      "PublicIpId": "eipalloc-12345678",
      "PublicIp": "",
      "LinkPublicIpId": "eipassoc-12345678",
      "NicAccountId": "123456789012",
      "NicId": "eni-12345678",
      "PrivateIp": ""


POST /UnlinkPublicIp

Disassociates a public IP from the virtual machine (VM) or network interface card (NIC) it is associated with.

To disassociate the public IP from a NAT service, you need to delete the NAT service. For more information, see the DeleteNatService method.

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkPublicIp --profile "default" \
  --PublicIp ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "PublicIp": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkPublicIp(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.PublicIpApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkPublicIp({
        unlinkPublicIpRequest: {
            publicIp: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LinkPublicIpId string false The ID representing the association of the public IP with the VM or the NIC. This parameter is required unless you use the PublicIp parameter.
PublicIp string false The public IP. This parameter is required unless you use the LinkPublicIpId parameter.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkPublicIpResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /ReadQuotas

Lists one or more of your quotas.

For more information, see About Your Account.

Code samples

# Reading specific quota

osc-cli api ReadQuotas --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "QuotaNames": ["lb_limit"],
# Reading collection of quotas

osc-cli api ReadQuotas --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "Collections": ["VPC"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Reading specific quota

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "QuotaNames": ["lb_limit"]
# Reading collection of quotas

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "Collections": ["VPC"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Reading specific quota
result = gw.ReadQuotas(
        "QuotaNames": ["lb_limit"],

# Reading collection of quotas
result = gw.ReadQuotas(
        "Collections": ["VPC"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.QuotaApi(config);

    /* Reading specific quota */
    const result = await api.readQuotas({
        readQuotasRequest: {
            filters: {
                quotaNames: ["lb_limit"],

    /* Reading collection of quotas */
    const result2 = await api.readQuotas({
        readQuotasRequest: {
            filters: {
                collections: ["VPC"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersQuota false One or more filters.
» Collections [string] false The group names of the quotas.
» QuotaNames [string] false The names of the quotas.
» QuotaTypes [string] false The resource IDs if these are resource-specific quotas, global if they are not.
» ShortDescriptions [string] false The description of the quotas.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadQuotasResponse

Example responses

# Reading specific quota
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "QuotaTypes": [
      "Quotas": [
          "ShortDescription": "Load Balancer Limit",
          "QuotaCollection": "LBU",
          "AccountId": "123456789012",
          "Description": "Maximum number of load balancers per region",
          "MaxValue": 20,
          "UsedValue": 0,
          "Name": "lb_limit"
      "QuotaType": "global"
# Reading collection of quotas
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "QuotaTypes": [
      "Quotas": [
          "ShortDescription": "Example Limit",
          "QuotaCollection": "VPC",
          "AccountId": "123456789012",
          "Description": "Maximum number of examples",
          "MaxValue": 5,
          "UsedValue": 0,
          "Name": "example_limit"
      "QuotaType": "global"
      "Quotas": [
          "ShortDescription": "Other Example Limit",
          "QuotaCollection": "VPC",
          "AccountId": "123456789012",
          "Description": "Maximum number of other examples",
          "MaxValue": 50,
          "UsedValue": 1,
          "Name": "other_example_limit"
      "QuotaType": "vpc-12345678"



POST /ReadRegions

Lists one or more Regions of the OUTSCALE Cloud.

For more information, see About Regions, Endpoints, and Subregions.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadRegions --profile "default"

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadRegions()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
    const api = new osc.RegionApi(config);

    const result = await api.readRegions({
        readRegionsRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadRegionsResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Regions": [
      "RegionName": "eu-west-2",
      "Endpoint": ""
      "RegionName": "us-east-2",
      "Endpoint": ""
      "RegionName": "us-west-1",
      "Endpoint": ""



POST /CreateRoute

Creates a route in a specified route table within a specified Net.
You must specify one of the following elements as the target:

The routing algorithm is based on the most specific match.

For more information, see About Route Tables.

Code samples

# Creating a route to an Internet service

osc-cli api CreateRoute --profile "default" \
  --RouteTableId "rtb-12345678" \
  --DestinationIpRange "" \
  --GatewayId "igw-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating a route to an Internet service

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678",
    "DestinationIpRange": "",
    "GatewayId": "igw-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating a route to an Internet service
result = gw.CreateRoute(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteApi(config);

    /* Creating a route to an Internet service */
    const result = await api.createRoute({
        createRouteRequest: {
            routeTableId: "rtb-12345678",
            destinationIpRange: "",
            gatewayId: "igw-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DestinationIpRange string true The IP range used for the destination match, in CIDR notation (for example,
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
GatewayId string false The ID of an Internet service or virtual gateway attached to your Net.
NatServiceId string false The ID of a NAT service.
NetPeeringId string false The ID of a Net peering.
NicId string false The ID of a NIC.
RouteTableId string true The ID of the route table for which you want to create a route.
VmId string false The ID of a NAT VM in your Net (attached to exactly one NIC).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateRouteResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Creating a route to an Internet service
  "RouteTable": {
    "Routes": [
        "DestinationIpRange": "",
        "CreationMethod": "CreateRouteTable",
        "State": "active"
        "GatewayId": "igw-12345678",
        "DestinationIpRange": "",
        "CreationMethod": "CreateRoute",
        "State": "active"
    "LinkRouteTables": [],
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [],
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteRoute

Deletes a route from a specified route table.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteRoute --profile "default" \
  --RouteTableId "rtb-12345678" \
  --DestinationIpRange ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678",
    "DestinationIpRange": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteRoute(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteRoute({
        deleteRouteRequest: {
            routeTableId: "rtb-12345678",
            destinationIpRange: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DestinationIpRange string true The exact IP range for the route.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
RouteTableId string true The ID of the route table from which you want to delete a route.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteRouteResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "RouteTable": {
    "Routes": [
        "DestinationIpRange": "",
        "CreationMethod": "CreateRouteTable",
        "State": "active"
    "LinkRouteTables": [],
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [],
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateRoute

Replaces an existing route within a route table in a Net.
You must specify one of the following elements as the target:

The routing algorithm is based on the most specific match.

Code samples

# Updating a route to a virtual gateway

osc-cli api UpdateRoute --profile "default" \
  --RouteTableId "rtb-12345678" \
  --DestinationIpRange "" \
  --GatewayId "vgw-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Updating a route to a virtual gateway

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678",
    "DestinationIpRange": "",
    "GatewayId": "vgw-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Updating a route to a virtual gateway
result = gw.UpdateRoute(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteApi(config);

    /* Updating a route to a virtual gateway */
    const result = await api.updateRoute({
        updateRouteRequest: {
            routeTableId: "rtb-12345678",
            destinationIpRange: "",
            gatewayId: "vgw-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DestinationIpRange string true The IP range used for the destination match, in CIDR notation (for example,
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
GatewayId string false The ID of an Internet service or virtual gateway attached to your Net.
NatServiceId string false The ID of a NAT service.
NetPeeringId string false The ID of a Net peering.
NicId string false The ID of a network interface card (NIC).
RouteTableId string true The ID of the route table.
VmId string false The ID of a NAT VM in your Net.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateRouteResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Updating a route to a virtual gateway
  "RouteTable": {
    "Routes": [
        "DestinationIpRange": "",
        "CreationMethod": "CreateRouteTable",
        "State": "active"
        "GatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
        "DestinationIpRange": "",
        "CreationMethod": "CreateRoute",
        "State": "active"
    "LinkRouteTables": [
        "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678",
        "Main": false,
        "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
        "LinkRouteTableId": "rtbassoc-12345678"
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [],
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateRouteTable

Creates a route table for a specified Net.
You can then add routes and associate this route table with a Subnet.

For more information, see About Route Tables.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateRouteTable --profile "default" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateRouteTable(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteTableApi(config);

    const result = await api.createRouteTable({
        createRouteTableRequest: {
            netId: "vpc-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetId string true The ID of the Net for which you want to create a route table.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateRouteTableResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "RouteTable": {
    "Routes": [
        "DestinationIpRange": "",
        "CreationMethod": "CreateRouteTable",
        "State": "active"
    "LinkRouteTables": [],
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [],
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteRouteTable

Deletes a specified route table.
Before deleting a route table, you must disassociate it from any Subnet. You cannot delete the main route table.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteRouteTable --profile "default" \
  --RouteTableId "rtb-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteRouteTable(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteTableApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteRouteTable({
        deleteRouteTableRequest: {
            routeTableId: "rtb-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
RouteTableId string true The ID of the route table you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteRouteTableResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkRouteTable

Associates a Subnet with a route table.
The Subnet and the route table must be in the same Net. The traffic is routed according to the route table defined within this Net. You can associate a route table with several Subnets.

Code samples

osc-cli api LinkRouteTable --profile "default" \
  --RouteTableId "rtb-12345678" \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.LinkRouteTable(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteTableApi(config);

    const result = await api.linkRouteTable({
        linkRouteTableRequest: {
            routeTableId: "rtb-12345678",
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
RouteTableId string true The ID of the route table.
SubnetId string true The ID of the Subnet.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkRouteTableResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LinkRouteTableId": "rtbassoc-12345678"


POST /ReadRouteTables

Lists one or more of your route tables.
In your Net, each Subnet must be associated with a route table. If a Subnet is not explicitly associated with a route table, it is implicitly associated with the main route table of the Net.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadRouteTables --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "RouteTableIds": ["rtb-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadRouteTables --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678", "vpc-87654321"],
      "LinkRouteTableMain": True,

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "RouteTableIds": ["rtb-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678", "vpc-87654321"],
      "LinkRouteTableMain": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadRouteTables(
        "RouteTableIds": ["rtb-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadRouteTables(
        "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678","vpc-87654321"],
        "LinkRouteTableMain": True,

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteTableApi(config);

    const result = await api.readRouteTables({
        readRouteTablesRequest: {
            filters: {
                routeTableIds: ["rtb-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readRouteTables({
        readRouteTablesRequest: {
            filters: {
                netIds: ["vpc-12345678", "vpc-87654321"],
                linkRouteTableMain: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersRouteTable false One or more filters.
» LinkRouteTableIds [string] false The IDs of the route tables involved in the associations.
» LinkRouteTableLinkRouteTableIds [string] false The IDs of the associations between the route tables and the Subnets.
» LinkRouteTableMain boolean false If true, the route tables are the main ones for their Nets.
» LinkSubnetIds [string] false The IDs of the Subnets involved in the associations.
» NetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets for the route tables.
» RouteCreationMethods [string] false The methods used to create a route.
» RouteDestinationIpRanges [string] false The IP ranges specified in routes in the tables.
» RouteDestinationServiceIds [string] false The service IDs specified in routes in the tables.
» RouteGatewayIds [string] false The IDs of the gateways specified in routes in the tables.
» RouteNatServiceIds [string] false The IDs of the NAT services specified in routes in the tables.
» RouteNetPeeringIds [string] false The IDs of the Net peerings specified in routes in the tables.
» RouteStates [string] false The states of routes in the route tables (always active).
» RouteTableIds [string] false The IDs of the route tables.
» RouteVmIds [string] false The IDs of the VMs specified in routes in the tables.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the route tables.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the route tables.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the route tables, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadRouteTablesResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "RouteTables": [
      "Routes": [
          "DestinationIpRange": "",
          "CreationMethod": "CreateRouteTable",
          "State": "active"
      "LinkRouteTables": [
          "Main": true,
          "LinkRouteTableId": "rtbassoc-12345678",
          "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678",
          "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "Tags": [],
      "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [],
      "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UnlinkRouteTable

Disassociates a Subnet from a route table.
After disassociation, the Subnet can no longer use the routes in this route table, but uses the routes in the main route table of the Net instead.

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkRouteTable --profile "default" \
  --LinkRouteTableId "rtbassoc-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LinkRouteTableId": "rtbassoc-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkRouteTable(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteTableApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkRouteTable({
        unlinkRouteTableRequest: {
            linkRouteTableId: "rtbassoc-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LinkRouteTableId string true The ID of the association between the route table and the Subnet.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkRouteTableResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"

POST /UpdateRouteTableLink

Replaces the route table associated with a specific Subnet in a Net with another one.
After the route table is replaced, the Subnet uses the routes in the new route table it is associated with.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateRouteTableLink --profile "default" \
  --LinkRouteTableId "rtbassoc-12345678" \
  --RouteTableId "rtb-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "LinkRouteTableId": "rtbassoc-12345678",
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateRouteTableLink(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.RouteTableApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateRouteTableLink({
        updateRouteTableLinkRequest: {
            linkRouteTableId: "rtbassoc-12345678",
            routeTableId: "rtb-12345678",



Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
LinkRouteTableId string true The ID of the current route table link.
RouteTableId string true The ID of the new route table to associate with the Subnet.
Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateRouteTableLinkResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "LinkRouteTableId": "rtbassoc-12345678"



POST /CreateSecurityGroup

Creates a security group.
This action creates a security group either in the public Cloud or in a specified Net. By default, a default security group for use in the public Cloud and a default security group for use in a Net are created.
When launching a virtual machine (VM), if no security group is explicitly specified, the appropriate default security group is assigned to the VM. Default security groups include a default rule granting VMs network access to each other.
When creating a security group, you specify a name. Two security groups for use in the public Cloud or for use in a Net cannot have the same name.
You can have up to 500 security groups in the public Cloud. You can create up to 500 security groups per Net.
To add or remove rules, use the CreateSecurityGroupRule method.

For more information, see About Security Groups.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateSecurityGroup --profile "default" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678" \
  --SecurityGroupName "security-group-example" \
  --Description "Security group example"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
    "Description": "Security group example"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateSecurityGroup(
    Description="Security group example",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SecurityGroupApi(config);

    const result = await api.createSecurityGroup({
        createSecurityGroupRequest: {
            netId: "vpc-12345678",
            securityGroupName: "security-group-example",
            description: "Security group example",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string true A description for the security group.
This description can contain between 1 and 255 characters. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, accented letters, spaces, and _.-:/()#,@[]+=&;{}!$*.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetId string false The ID of the Net for the security group.
SecurityGroupName string true The name of the security group.
This name must not start with sg-.
This name must be unique and contain between 1 and 255 characters. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, and _.-:/()#,@[]+=&;{}!$*.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateSecurityGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "SecurityGroup": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
    "OutboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": -1,
        "IpProtocol": "-1",
        "ToPortRange": -1,
        "IpRanges": [
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Description": "Example of security group",
    "InboundRules": [],
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteSecurityGroup

Deletes a specified security group.
You can specify either the name of the security group or its ID.
This action fails if the specified group is associated with a virtual machine (VM) or referenced by another security group.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteSecurityGroup --profile "default" \
  --SecurityGroupId "sg-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteSecurityGroup(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SecurityGroupApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteSecurityGroup({
        deleteSecurityGroupRequest: {
            securityGroupId: "sg-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
SecurityGroupId string false The ID of the security group you want to delete.
SecurityGroupName string false The name of the security group.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteSecurityGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadSecurityGroups

Lists one or more security groups.
You can specify either the name of the security groups or their IDs.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadSecurityGroups --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadSecurityGroups --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "InboundRuleIpRanges": [""],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "InboundRuleIpRanges": [""]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadSecurityGroups(
        "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadSecurityGroups(
        "InboundRuleIpRanges": [""],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SecurityGroupApi(config);

    const result = await api.readSecurityGroups({
        readSecurityGroupsRequest: {
            filters: {
                securityGroupIds: ["sg-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readSecurityGroups({
        readSecurityGroupsRequest: {
            filters: {
                inboundRuleIpRanges: [""],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersSecurityGroup false One or more filters.
» Descriptions [string] false The descriptions of the security groups.
» InboundRuleAccountIds [string] false The account IDs that have been granted permissions.
» InboundRuleFromPortRanges [integer] false The beginnings of the port ranges for the TCP and UDP protocols, or the ICMP type numbers.
» InboundRuleIpRanges [string] false The IP ranges that have been granted permissions, in CIDR notation (for example,
» InboundRuleProtocols [string] false The IP protocols for the permissions (tcp | udp | icmp, or a protocol number, or -1 for all protocols).
» InboundRuleSecurityGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the security groups that have been granted permissions.
» InboundRuleSecurityGroupNames [string] false The names of the security groups that have been granted permissions.
» InboundRuleToPortRanges [integer] false The ends of the port ranges for the TCP and UDP protocols, or the ICMP code numbers.
» NetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets specified when the security groups were created.
» OutboundRuleAccountIds [string] false The account IDs that have been granted permissions.
» OutboundRuleFromPortRanges [integer] false The beginnings of the port ranges for the TCP and UDP protocols, or the ICMP type numbers.
» OutboundRuleIpRanges [string] false The IP ranges that have been granted permissions, in CIDR notation (for example,
» OutboundRuleProtocols [string] false The IP protocols for the permissions (tcp | udp | icmp, or a protocol number, or -1 for all protocols).
» OutboundRuleSecurityGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the security groups that have been granted permissions.
» OutboundRuleSecurityGroupNames [string] false The names of the security groups that have been granted permissions.
» OutboundRuleToPortRanges [integer] false The ends of the port ranges for the TCP and UDP protocols, or the ICMP code numbers.
» SecurityGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the security groups.
» SecurityGroupNames [string] false The names of the security groups.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the security groups.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the security groups.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the security groups, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadSecurityGroupsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "SecurityGroups": [
      "Tags": [],
      "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
      "OutboundRules": [
          "FromPortRange": -1,
          "IpProtocol": "-1",
          "ToPortRange": -1,
          "IpRanges": [
      "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "Description": "Example of security group",
      "InboundRules": [
          "FromPortRange": 22,
          "IpProtocol": "tcp",
          "ToPortRange": 22,
          "IpRanges": [
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateSecurityGroupRule

Adds one or more rules to a security group.
Use the SecurityGroupId parameter to specify the security group for which you want to create a rule.
Use the Flow parameter to specify if you want an inbound rule or an outbound rule.

An inbound rule allows the security group to receive traffic:

(Net only) An outbound rule works similarly but allows the security group to send traffic rather than receive traffic.

Alternatively, you can use the Rules parameter to add several rules at the same time.


For more information, see About Security Group Rules.

Code samples

# Creating an inbound rule from an IP range

osc-cli api CreateSecurityGroupRule --profile "default" \
  --Flow "Inbound" \
  --SecurityGroupId "sg-12345678" \
  --FromPortRange 80 \
  --ToPortRange 80 \
  --IpProtocol "tcp" \
  --IpRange ""
# Creating an inbound rule from another security group

osc-cli api CreateSecurityGroupRule --profile "default" \
  --Flow "Inbound" \
  --SecurityGroupId "sg-12345678" \
  --Rules '[
        "FromPortRange": 22,
        "ToPortRange": 22,
        "IpProtocol": "tcp",
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [{"AccountId": "123456789012", "SecurityGroupName": "another-security-group"}],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating an inbound rule from an IP range

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Flow": "Inbound",
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "FromPortRange": 80,
    "ToPortRange": 80,
    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
    "IpRange": ""
# Creating an inbound rule from another security group

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Flow": "Inbound",
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "Rules": [
        "FromPortRange": 22,
        "ToPortRange": 22,
        "IpProtocol": "tcp",
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [{"AccountId": "123456789012", "SecurityGroupName": "another-security-group"}]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating an inbound rule from an IP range
result = gw.CreateSecurityGroupRule(

# Creating an inbound rule from another security group
result = gw.CreateSecurityGroupRule(
            "FromPortRange": 22,
            "ToPortRange": 22,
            "IpProtocol": "tcp",
            "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
                {"AccountId": "123456789012", "SecurityGroupName": "another-security-group"},

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SecurityGroupRuleApi(config);

    /* Creating an inbound rule from an IP range */
    const result = await api.createSecurityGroupRule({
        createSecurityGroupRuleRequest: {
            flow: "Inbound",
            securityGroupId: "sg-12345678",
            fromPortRange: 80,
            toPortRange: 80,
            ipProtocol: "tcp",
            ipRange: "",

    /* Creating an inbound rule from another security group */
    const result2 = await api.createSecurityGroupRule({
        createSecurityGroupRuleRequest: {
            flow: "Inbound",
            securityGroupId: "sg-12345678",
            rules: [
                    fromPortRange: 22,
                    toPortRange: 22,
                    ipProtocol: "tcp",
                    securityGroupsMembers: [
                            accountId: "123456789012",
                            securityGroupName: "another-security-group",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Flow string true The direction of the flow: Inbound or Outbound. You can specify Outbound for Nets only.
FromPortRange integer false The beginning of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. If you specify this parameter, you cannot specify the Rules parameter and its subparameters.
IpProtocol string false The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, or -1 for all protocols). By default, -1. In a Net, this can also be an IP protocol number. For more information, see the website. If you specify this parameter, you cannot specify the Rules parameter and its subparameters.
IpRange string false The IP range for the security group rule, in CIDR notation (for example, If you specify this parameter, you cannot specify the Rules parameter and its subparameters.
Rules [SecurityGroupRule] false Information about the security group rule to create. If you specify this parent parameter and its subparameters, you cannot specify the following parent parameters: FromPortRange, IpProtocol, IpRange, and ToPortRange.
» FromPortRange integer false The beginning of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.
» IpProtocol string false The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, or -1 for all protocols). By default, -1. In a Net, this can also be an IP protocol number. For more information, see the website.
» IpRanges [string] false One or more IP ranges for the security group rules, in CIDR notation (for example,
» SecurityGroupsMembers [SecurityGroupsMember] false Information about one or more source or destination security groups.
»» AccountId string false The account ID that owns the source or destination security group.
»» SecurityGroupId string false The ID of a source or destination security group that you want to link to the security group of the rule.
»» SecurityGroupName string false (Public Cloud only) The name of a source or destination security group that you want to link to the security group of the rule.
» ServiceIds [string] false One or more service IDs to allow traffic from a Net to access the corresponding OUTSCALE services. For more information, see ReadNetAccessPointServices.
» ToPortRange integer false The end of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code number.
SecurityGroupAccountIdToLink string false The account ID that owns the source or destination security group specified in the SecurityGroupNameToLink parameter.
SecurityGroupId string true The ID of the security group for which you want to create a rule.
SecurityGroupNameToLink string false The ID of a source or destination security group that you want to link to the security group of the rule.
ToPortRange integer false The end of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code number. If you specify this parameter, you cannot specify the Rules parameter and its subparameters.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateSecurityGroupRuleResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Creating an inbound rule from an IP range
  "SecurityGroup": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
    "OutboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": -1,
        "IpProtocol": "-1",
        "ToPortRange": -1,
        "IpRanges": [
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Description": "Example of security group",
    "InboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": 80,
        "IpProtocol": "tcp",
        "ToPortRange": 80,
        "IpRanges": [
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Creating an inbound rule from another security group
  "SecurityGroup": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
    "OutboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": -1,
        "IpProtocol": "-1",
        "ToPortRange": -1,
        "IpRanges": [
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Description": "Example of security group",
    "InboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": 22,
        "IpProtocol": "tcp",
        "ToPortRange": 22,
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
            "SecurityGroupName": "another-security-group",
            "SecurityGroupId": "sg-87654321",
            "AccountId": "987654321098"
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteSecurityGroupRule

Deletes one or more inbound or outbound rules from a security group. For the rule to be deleted, the values specified in the deletion request must exactly match the value of the existing rule.
In case of TCP and UDP protocols, you have to indicate the destination port or range of ports. In case of ICMP protocol, you have to specify the ICMP type and code numbers.
Rules (IP permissions) consist of the protocol, IP range or source security group.
To remove outbound access to a destination security group, we recommend to use a set of IP permissions. We also recommend to specify the protocol in a set of IP permissions.

Code samples

# Deleting an inbound rule from an IP range

osc-cli api DeleteSecurityGroupRule --profile "default" \
  --Flow "Inbound" \
  --SecurityGroupId "sg-12345678" \
  --FromPortRange 80 \
  --ToPortRange 80 \
  --IpProtocol "tcp" \
  --IpRange ""
# Deleting an inbound rule from another security group

osc-cli api DeleteSecurityGroupRule --profile "default" \
  --Flow "Inbound" \
  --SecurityGroupId "sg-12345678" \
  --Rules '[
        "FromPortRange": 22,
        "ToPortRange": 22,
        "IpProtocol": "tcp",
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [{"AccountId": "123456789012", "SecurityGroupName": "another-security-group"}],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Deleting an inbound rule from an IP range

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Flow": "Inbound",
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "FromPortRange": 80,
    "ToPortRange": 80,
    "IpProtocol": "tcp",
    "IpRange": ""
# Deleting an inbound rule from another security group

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Flow": "Inbound",
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "Rules": [
        "FromPortRange": 22,
        "ToPortRange": 22,
        "IpProtocol": "tcp",
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [{"AccountId": "123456789012", "SecurityGroupName": "another-security-group"}]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Deleting an inbound rule from an IP range
result = gw.DeleteSecurityGroupRule(

# Deleting an inbound rule from another security group
result = gw.DeleteSecurityGroupRule(
            "FromPortRange": 22,
            "ToPortRange": 22,
            "IpProtocol": "tcp",
            "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
                {"AccountId": "123456789012", "SecurityGroupName": "another-security-group"},

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SecurityGroupRuleApi(config);

    /* Deleting an inbound rule from an IP range */
    const result = await api.deleteSecurityGroupRule({
        deleteSecurityGroupRuleRequest: {
            flow: "Inbound",
            securityGroupId: "sg-12345678",
            fromPortRange: 80,
            toPortRange: 80,
            ipProtocol: "tcp",
            ipRange: "",

    /* Deleting an inbound rule from another security group */
    const result2 = await api.deleteSecurityGroupRule({
        deleteSecurityGroupRuleRequest: {
            flow: "Inbound",
            securityGroupId: "sg-12345678",
            rules: [
                    fromPortRange: 22,
                    toPortRange: 22,
                    ipProtocol: "tcp",
                    securityGroupsMembers: [
                            accountId: "123456789012",
                            securityGroupName: "another-security-group",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Flow string true The direction of the flow: Inbound or Outbound. You can specify Outbound for Nets only.
FromPortRange integer false The beginning of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.
IpProtocol string false The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, or -1 for all protocols). By default, -1. In a Net, this can also be an IP protocol number. For more information, see the website.
IpRange string false The IP range for the security group rule, in CIDR notation (for example,
Rules [SecurityGroupRule] false One or more rules you want to delete from the security group.
» FromPortRange integer false The beginning of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.
» IpProtocol string false The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, or -1 for all protocols). By default, -1. In a Net, this can also be an IP protocol number. For more information, see the website.
» IpRanges [string] false One or more IP ranges for the security group rules, in CIDR notation (for example,
» SecurityGroupsMembers [SecurityGroupsMember] false Information about one or more source or destination security groups.
»» AccountId string false The account ID that owns the source or destination security group.
»» SecurityGroupId string false The ID of a source or destination security group that you want to link to the security group of the rule.
»» SecurityGroupName string false (Public Cloud only) The name of a source or destination security group that you want to link to the security group of the rule.
» ServiceIds [string] false One or more service IDs to allow traffic from a Net to access the corresponding OUTSCALE services. For more information, see ReadNetAccessPointServices.
» ToPortRange integer false The end of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code number.
SecurityGroupAccountIdToUnlink string false The account ID of the owner of the security group you want to delete a rule from.
SecurityGroupId string true The ID of the security group you want to delete a rule from.
SecurityGroupNameToUnlink string false The ID of the source security group. If you are in the Public Cloud, you can also specify the name of the source security group.
ToPortRange integer false The end of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code number.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteSecurityGroupRuleResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Deleting an inbound rule from an IP range
  "SecurityGroup": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
    "OutboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": -1,
        "IpProtocol": "-1",
        "ToPortRange": -1,
        "IpRanges": [
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Description": "Example of security group",
    "InboundRules": [],
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Creating an inbound rule from another security group
  "SecurityGroup": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
    "OutboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": -1,
        "IpProtocol": "-1",
        "ToPortRange": -1,
        "IpRanges": [
    "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678",
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "Description": "Example of security group",
    "InboundRules": [],
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateServerCertificate

Creates a server certificate and its matching private key.

These elements can be used with other services (for example, to configure SSL termination on load balancers).

You can also specify the chain of intermediate certification authorities if your certificate is not directly signed by a root one. You can specify multiple intermediate certification authorities in the CertificateChain parameter. To do so, concatenate all certificates in the correct order (the first certificate must be the authority of your certificate, the second must the the authority of the first one, and so on).

The private key must be a RSA key in PKCS1 form. To check this, open the PEM file and ensure its header reads as follows: BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY.


This private key must not be protected by a password or a passphrase.

For more information, see About Server Certificates in EIM.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateServerCertificate --profile "default" \
  --Name "server-cert-example" \
  --Body="$(cat certificate.pem)" \
  --Chain="$(cat certificate-chain.pem)" \
  --PrivateKey="$(cat private-key.pem)" \
  --Path "/example/"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Name": "server-cert-example",
    "Body": "...",
    "Chain": "...",
    "PrivateKey": "...",
    "Path": "/example/"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateServerCertificate(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ServerCertificateApi(config);

    const result = await api.createServerCertificate({
        createServerCertificateRequest: {
            name: "server-cert-example",
            body: "...",
            chain: "...",
            privateKey: "...",
            path: "/example/",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Body string true The PEM-encoded X509 certificate.
With OSC CLI, use the following syntax to make sure your CA file is correctly parsed: --CaPem="$(cat FILENAME)".
Chain string false The PEM-encoded intermediate certification authorities.
With OSC CLI, use the following syntax to make sure your CA file is correctly parsed: --CaPem="$(cat FILENAME)".
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Name string true A unique name for the certificate. Constraints: 1-128 alphanumeric characters, pluses (+), equals (=), commas (,), periods (.), at signs (@), minuses (-), or underscores (_).
Path string false The path to the server certificate, set to a slash (/) if not specified.
PrivateKey string true The PEM-encoded private key matching the certificate.
With OSC CLI, use the following syntax to make sure your CA file is correctly parsed: --CaPem="$(cat FILENAME)".


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateServerCertificateResponse

Example responses

  "ServerCertificate": {
    "Path": "/example/",
    "Orn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/example/server-cert-example",
    "Name": "server-cert-example"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteServerCertificate

Deletes a specified server certificate.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteServerCertificate --profile "default" \
  --Name "server-cert-example"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Name": "server-cert-example"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteServerCertificate(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ServerCertificateApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteServerCertificate({
        deleteServerCertificateRequest: {
            name: "server-cert-example",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Name string true The name of the server certificate you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteServerCertificateResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadServerCertificates

Lists your server certificates.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadServerCertificates --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "Paths": ["/example/"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "Paths": ["/example/"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadServerCertificates(
        "Paths": ["/example/"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ServerCertificateApi(config);

    const result = await api.readServerCertificates({
        readServerCertificatesRequest: {
            filters: {
                paths: ["/example/"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersServerCertificate false One or more filters.
» Paths [string] false The paths to the server certificates.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadServerCertificatesResponse

Example responses

  "ServerCertificates": [
      "Path": "/example/",
      "Orn": "orn:ows:idauth::012345678910:server-certificate/example/server-cert-example",
      "Name": "server-cert-example"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateServerCertificate

Modifies the name and/or the path of a specified server certificate.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateServerCertificate --profile "default" \
  --Name "server-cert-example" \
  --NewName "new-name"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Name": "server-cert-example",
    "NewName": "new-name"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateServerCertificate(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.ServerCertificateApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateServerCertificate({
        updateServerCertificateRequest: {
            name: "server-cert-example",
            newName: "new-name",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Name string true The name of the server certificate you want to modify.
NewName string false A new name for the server certificate.
NewPath string false A new path for the server certificate.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateServerCertificateResponse

Example responses

  "ServerCertificate": {
    "Path": "/example/",
    "Name": "new-name"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateSnapshot

Creates a snapshot. Snapshots are point-in-time images of a volume that you can use to back up your data or to create replicas of this volume.
You can use this method in three different ways:

For more information, see About Snapshots.

Code samples

# Creating from a volume

osc-cli api CreateSnapshot --profile "default" \
  --VolumeId "vol-12345678" \
  --Description "Snapshot created from a volume"
# Copying a snapshot

osc-cli api CreateSnapshot --profile "default" \
  --SourceSnapshotId "snap-12345678" \
  --SourceRegionName "eu-west-2" \
  --Description "Snapshot created from another snapshot"
# Importing from a bucket

osc-cli api CreateSnapshot --profile "default" \
  --FileLocation "" \
  --SnapshotSize 10737418240 \
  --Description "Snapshot imported from a bucket"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating from a volume

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "Description": "Snapshot created from a volume"
# Copying a snapshot

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SourceSnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "SourceRegionName": "eu-west-2",
    "Description": "Snapshot created from another snapshot"
# Importing from a bucket

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "FileLocation": "",
    "SnapshotSize": 10737418240,
    "Description": "Snapshot imported from a bucket"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating from a volume
result = gw.CreateSnapshot(
    Description="Snapshot created from a volume",

# Copying a snapshot
result = gw.CreateSnapshot(
    Description="Snapshot created from another snapshot",

# Importing from a bucket
result = gw.CreateSnapshot(
    Description="Snapshot imported from a bucket",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SnapshotApi(config);

    /* Creating from a volume */
    const result = await api.createSnapshot({
        createSnapshotRequest: {
            volumeId: "vol-12345678",
            description: "Snapshot created from a volume",

    /* Copying a snapshot */
    const result2 = await api.createSnapshot({
        createSnapshotRequest: {
            sourceSnapshotId: "snap-12345678",
            sourceRegionName: "eu-west-2",
            description: "Snapshot created from another snapshot",

    /* Importing from a bucket */
    const result3 = await api.createSnapshot({
        createSnapshotRequest: {
            fileLocation: "",
            snapshotSize: 10737418240,
            description: "Snapshot imported from a bucket",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string false A description for the snapshot.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
FileLocation string false (when importing from a bucket) The pre-signed URL of the snapshot you want to import, or the normal URL of the snapshot if you have permission on the OOS bucket. For more information, see Configuring a Pre-signed URL or Managing Access to Your Buckets and Objects.
SnapshotSize integer (int64) false (when importing from a bucket) The size of the snapshot you want to create in your account, in bytes. This size must be greater than or equal to the size of the original, uncompressed snapshot.
SourceRegionName string false (when copying a snapshot) The name of the source Region, which must be the same as the Region of your account.
SourceSnapshotId string false (when copying a snapshot) The ID of the snapshot you want to copy.
VolumeId string false (when creating from a volume) The ID of the volume you want to create a snapshot of.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateSnapshotResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Creating from a volume
  "Snapshot": {
    "VolumeSize": 10,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "Progress": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "State": "pending/queued",
    "Description": "Snapshot created from a volume",
    "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Copying a snapshot
  "Snapshot": {
    "VolumeSize": 10,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "Progress": 100,
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "State": "completed",
    "Description": "Snapshot copied from another snapshot",
    "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Importing from a bucket
  "Snapshot": {
    "VolumeSize": 10,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "Progress": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "State": "importing",
    "Description": "Snapshot imported from a bucket",
    "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /CreateSnapshotExportTask

Exports a snapshot to an OUTSCALE Object Storage (OOS) bucket.
This action enables you to create a backup of your snapshot or to copy it to another account. You, or other accounts you send a pre-signed URL to, can then download this snapshot from the bucket using the CreateSnapshot method.
This procedure enables you to copy a snapshot between accounts within the same Region or in different Regions. To copy a snapshot within the same Region, you can also use the CreateSnapshot direct method. The copy of the source snapshot is independent and belongs to you.

For more information, see About Snapshots.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateSnapshotExportTask --profile "default" \
  --SnapshotId "snap-12345678" \
  --OsuExport '{
      "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2",
      "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
      "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "OsuExport": {
      "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2",
      "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
      "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateSnapshotExportTask(
        "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2",
        "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
        "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SnapshotApi(config);

    const result = await api.createSnapshotExportTask({
        createSnapshotExportTaskRequest: {
            snapshotId: "snap-12345678",
            osuExport: {
                diskImageFormat: "qcow2",
                osuBucket: "BUCKET",
                osuPrefix: "PREFIX",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
OsuExport OsuExportToCreate true Information about the OOS export task to create.
» DiskImageFormat string true The format of the export disk (qcow2 | raw).
» OsuApiKey OsuApiKey false Information about the OOS API key.
»» ApiKeyId string false The API key of the OOS account that enables you to access the bucket.
»» SecretKey string false The secret key of the OOS account that enables you to access the bucket.
» OsuBucket string true The name of the OOS bucket where you want to export the object.
» OsuManifestUrl string false The URL of the manifest file.
» OsuPrefix string false The prefix for the key of the OOS object.
SnapshotId string true The ID of the snapshot to export.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateSnapshotExportTaskResponse

Example responses

  "SnapshotExportTask": {
    "Tags": [],
    "TaskId": "snap-export-12345678",
    "Comment": "Export of snapshot snap-12345678",
    "OsuExport": {
      "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX",
      "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
      "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2"
    "State": "pending",
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "Progress": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteSnapshot

Deletes a specified snapshot.
You cannot delete a snapshot that is currently used by an OUTSCALE machine image (OMI). To do so, you first need to delete the corresponding OMI. For more information, see the DeleteImage method.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteSnapshot --profile "default" \
  --SnapshotId "snap-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteSnapshot(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SnapshotApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteSnapshot({
        deleteSnapshotRequest: {
            snapshotId: "snap-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
SnapshotId string true The ID of the snapshot you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteSnapshotResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadSnapshotExportTasks

Lists one or more snapshot export tasks.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadSnapshotExportTasks --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "TaskIds": ["snap-export-12345678"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "TaskIds": ["snap-export-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadSnapshotExportTasks(
        "TaskIds": ["snap-export-12345678"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SnapshotApi(config);

    const result = await api.readSnapshotExportTasks({
        readSnapshotExportTasksRequest: {
            filters: {
                taskIds: ["snap-export-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersExportTask false One or more filters.
» TaskIds [string] false The IDs of the export tasks.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadSnapshotExportTasksResponse

Example responses

  "SnapshotExportTasks": [
      "Tags": [],
      "TaskId": "snap-export-12345678",
      "Comment": "Export of snapshot snap-12345678",
      "OsuExport": {
        "OsuPrefix": "PREFIX",
        "OsuBucket": "BUCKET",
        "DiskImageFormat": "qcow2"
      "State": "pending",
      "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
      "Progress": 99
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadSnapshots

Lists one or more snapshots that are available to you and the permissions to create volumes from them.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadSnapshots --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "SnapshotIds": ["snap-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadSnapshots --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "TagKeys": ["env"],
      "TagValues": ["prod", "test"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "SnapshotIds": ["snap-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "TagKeys": ["env"],
      "TagValues": ["prod", "test"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadSnapshots(
        "SnapshotIds": ["snap-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadSnapshots(
        "TagKeys": ["env"],
        "TagValues": ["prod","test"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SnapshotApi(config);

    const result = await api.readSnapshots({
        readSnapshotsRequest: {
            filters: {
                snapshotIds: ["snap-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readSnapshots({
        readSnapshotsRequest: {
            filters: {
                tagKeys: ["env"],
                tagValues: ["prod", "test"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersSnapshot false One or more filters.
» AccountAliases [string] false The account aliases of the owners of the snapshots.
» AccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the snapshots.
» Descriptions [string] false The descriptions of the snapshots.
» FromCreationDate string (date-time) false The beginning of the time period, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z).
» PermissionsToCreateVolumeAccountIds [string] false The account IDs which have permissions to create volumes.
» PermissionsToCreateVolumeGlobalPermission boolean false If true, lists all public volumes. If false, lists all private volumes.
» Progresses [integer] false The progresses of the snapshots, as a percentage.
» SnapshotIds [string] false The IDs of the snapshots.
» States [string] false The states of the snapshots (in-queue | completed | error).
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the snapshots.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the snapshots.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the snapshots, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» ToCreationDate string (date-time) false The end of the time period, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z).
» VolumeIds [string] false The IDs of the volumes used to create the snapshots.
» VolumeSizes [integer] false The sizes of the volumes used to create the snapshots, in gibibytes (GiB).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadSnapshotsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Snapshots": [
      "VolumeSize": 10,
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
        "GlobalPermission": false,
        "AccountIds": []
      "Progress": 100,
      "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
      "State": "completed",
      "Description": "Snapshot created from a volume",
      "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Snapshots": [
      "VolumeSize": 10,
      "AccountId": "123456789012",
      "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
        "GlobalPermission": false,
        "AccountIds": []
      "Progress": 100,
      "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
      "State": "completed",
      "Description": "Test snapshot",
      "Tags": [
          "Value": "test",
          "Key": "env"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateSnapshot

Modifies the permissions for a specified snapshot.
You must specify either the Additions or the Removals parameter.
After sharing a snapshot with an account, the other account can create a copy of it that they own. For more information about copying snapshots, see CreateSnapshot.

Code samples

# Adding permission

osc-cli api UpdateSnapshot --profile "default" \
  --SnapshotId "snap-12345678" \
  --PermissionsToCreateVolume '{
      "Additions": {
        "AccountIds": ["987654321098"],
# Removing permission

osc-cli api UpdateSnapshot --profile "default" \
  --SnapshotId "snap-12345678" \
  --PermissionsToCreateVolume '{
      "Removals": {
        "AccountIds": ["987654321098"],
# Making an image public to everyone

osc-cli api UpdateSnapshot --profile "default" \
  --SnapshotId "snap-12345678" \
  --PermissionsToCreateVolume '{
      "Additions": {
        "GlobalPermission": True,
# Making an image private to everyone

osc-cli api UpdateSnapshot --profile "default" \
  --SnapshotId "snap-12345678" \
  --PermissionsToCreateVolume '{
      "Removals": {
        "GlobalPermission": True,

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Adding permission

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "Additions": {
        "AccountIds": ["987654321098"]
# Removing permission

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "Removals": {
        "AccountIds": ["987654321098"]
# Making an image public to everyone

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "Additions": {
        "GlobalPermission": true
# Making an image private to everyone

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "Removals": {
        "GlobalPermission": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Adding permission
result = gw.UpdateSnapshot(
        "Additions": {
            "AccountIds": ["987654321098"],

# Removing permission
result = gw.UpdateSnapshot(
        "Removals": {
            "AccountIds": ["987654321098"],

# Making an image public to everyone
result = gw.UpdateSnapshot(
        "Additions": {
            "GlobalPermission": True,

# Making an image private to everyone
result = gw.UpdateSnapshot(
        "Removals": {
            "GlobalPermission": True,

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SnapshotApi(config);

    /* Adding permission */
    const result = await api.updateSnapshot({
        updateSnapshotRequest: {
            snapshotId: "snap-12345678",
            permissionsToCreateVolume: {
                additions: {
                    accountIds: ["987654321098"],

    /* Removing permission */
    const result2 = await api.updateSnapshot({
        updateSnapshotRequest: {
            snapshotId: "snap-12345678",
            permissionsToCreateVolume: {
                removals: {
                    accountIds: ["987654321098"],

    /* Making an image public to everyone */
    const result3 = await api.updateSnapshot({
        updateSnapshotRequest: {
            snapshotId: "snap-12345678",
            permissionsToCreateVolume: {
                additions: {
                    globalPermission: true,

    /* Making an image private to everyone */
    const result4 = await api.updateSnapshot({
        updateSnapshotRequest: {
            snapshotId: "snap-12345678",
            permissionsToCreateVolume: {
                removals: {
                    globalPermission: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PermissionsToCreateVolume PermissionsOnResourceCreation true Information about the permissions for the resource.
Specify either the Additions or the Removals parameter.
» Additions PermissionsOnResource false Permissions for the resource.
»» AccountIds [string] false One or more account IDs that the permission is associated with.
»» GlobalPermission boolean false A global permission for all accounts.
(Request) Set this parameter to true to make the resource public (if the parent parameter is Additions) or to make the resource private (if the parent parameter is Removals).
(Response) If true, the resource is public. If false, the resource is private.
» Removals PermissionsOnResource false Permissions for the resource.
SnapshotId string true The ID of the snapshot.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateSnapshotResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Adding permission
  "Snapshot": {
    "VolumeSize": 10,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": [
    "Progress": 100,
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "State": "completed",
    "Description": "Snapshot created from a volume",
    "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Removing permission
  "Snapshot": {
    "VolumeSize": 10,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "Progress": 100,
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "State": "completed",
    "Description": "Snapshot created from a volume",
    "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Making an image public to everyone
  "Snapshot": {
    "VolumeSize": 10,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "GlobalPermission": true,
      "AccountIds": []
    "Progress": 100,
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "State": "completed",
    "Description": "Snapshot created from a volume",
    "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Making an image private to everyone
  "Snapshot": {
    "VolumeSize": 10,
    "AccountId": "123456789012",
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "GlobalPermission": false,
      "AccountIds": []
    "Progress": 100,
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "State": "completed",
    "Description": "Snapshot created from a volume",
    "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateSubnet

Creates a Subnet in an existing Net.
To create a Subnet in a Net, you have to provide the ID of the Net and the IP range for the Subnet (its network range). Once the Subnet is created, you cannot modify its IP range.

For more information, see About Nets.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateSubnet --profile "default" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678" \
  --IpRange ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "IpRange": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateSubnet(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SubnetApi(config);

    const result = await api.createSubnet({
        createSubnetRequest: {
            netId: "vpc-12345678",
            ipRange: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
IpRange string true The IP range in the Subnet, in CIDR notation (for example,
The IP range of the Subnet can be either the same as the Net one if you create only a single Subnet in this Net, or a subset of the Net one. In case of several Subnets in a Net, their IP ranges must not overlap. The smallest Subnet you can create uses a /29 netmask (eight IPs). For more information, see About Nets.
NetId string true The ID of the Net for which you want to create a Subnet.
SubregionName string false The name of the Subregion in which you want to create the Subnet.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateSubnetResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
409 Conflict The HTTP 409 response (Conflict). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Subnet": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "AvailableIpsCount": 16379,
    "IpRange": "",
    "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": false,
    "State": "available",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteSubnet

Deletes a specified Subnet.
Before deleting the Subnet, you need to delete all resources associated with the Subnet:

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteSubnet --profile "default" \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteSubnet(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SubnetApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteSubnet({
        deleteSubnetRequest: {
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
SubnetId string true The ID of the Subnet you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteSubnetResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadSubnets

Lists one or more of your Subnets.
If you do not specify any Subnet ID, this action describes all of your Subnets.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadSubnets --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadSubnets --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "States": ["available", "pending"],
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "States": ["available", "pending"],
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadSubnets(
        "NetIds": ["vpc-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadSubnets(
        "States": ["available","pending"],
        "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SubnetApi(config);

    const result = await api.readSubnets({
        readSubnetsRequest: {
            filters: {
                netIds: ["vpc-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readSubnets({
        readSubnetsRequest: {
            filters: {
                states: ["available", "pending"],
                subregionNames: ["eu-west-2a"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersSubnet false One or more filters.
» AvailableIpsCounts [integer] false The number of available IPs.
» IpRanges [string] false The IP ranges in the Subnets, in CIDR notation (for example,
» NetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets in which the Subnets are.
» States [string] false The states of the Subnets (pending | available | deleted).
» SubnetIds [string] false The IDs of the Subnets.
» SubregionNames [string] false The names of the Subregions in which the Subnets are located.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the Subnets.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the Subnets.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Subnets, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadSubnetsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Subnets": [
      "Tags": [],
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
      "AvailableIpsCount": 16379,
      "IpRange": "",
      "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": false,
      "State": "available",
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateSubnet

Modifies the specified attribute of a Subnet.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateSubnet --profile "default" \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678" \
  --MapPublicIpOnLaunch True

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateSubnet(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SubnetApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateSubnet({
        updateSubnetRequest: {
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",
            mapPublicIpOnLaunch: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
MapPublicIpOnLaunch boolean true If true, a public IP is assigned to the network interface cards (NICs) created in the specified Subnet.
SubnetId string true The ID of the Subnet.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateSubnetResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Subnet": {
    "Tags": [],
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "AvailableIpsCount": 16379,
    "IpRange": "",
    "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": true,
    "State": "available",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /ReadSubregions

Lists one or more of the enabled Subregions that you can access in the current Region.

For more information, see About Regions, Endpoints, and Subregions.

Code samples

# Listing a specific Subregion in the current Region

osc-cli api ReadSubregions --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],
# Listing two specific Subregions in the current Region

osc-cli api ReadSubregions --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a", "eu-west-2b"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Listing a specific Subregion in the current Region

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"]
# Listing two specific Subregions in the current Region

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a", "eu-west-2b"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Listing a specific Subregion in the current Region
result = gw.ReadSubregions(
        "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],

# Listing two specific Subregions in the current Region
result = gw.ReadSubregions(
        "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a","eu-west-2b"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.SubregionApi(config);

    /* Listing a specific Subregion in the current Region */
    const result = await api.readSubregions({
        readSubregionsRequest: {
            filters: {
                subregionNames: ["eu-west-2a"],

    /* Listing two specific Subregions in the current Region */
    const result2 = await api.readSubregions({
        readSubregionsRequest: {
            filters: {
                subregionNames: ["eu-west-2a", "eu-west-2b"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersSubregion false One or more filters.
» RegionNames [string] false The names of the Regions containing the Subregions.
» States [string] false The states of the Subregions.
» SubregionNames [string] false The names of the Subregions.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadSubregionsResponse

Example responses

# Listing a specific Subregion in the current Region
  "Subregions": [
      "State": "available",
      "RegionName": "eu-west-2",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "LocationCode": "PAR1"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Listing two specific Subregions in the current Region
  "Subregions": [
      "State": "available",
      "RegionName": "eu-west-2",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "LocationCode": "PAR1"
      "State": "available",
      "RegionName": "eu-west-2",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2b",
      "LocationCode": "PAR4"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateTags

Adds one or more tags to the specified resources.
If a tag with the same key already exists for the resource, the tag value is replaced.
You can tag the following resources using their IDs:

For more information, see About Tags.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateTags --profile "default" \
  --ResourceIds '["i-12345678"]' \
  --Tags '[
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ResourceIds": ["i-12345678"],
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateTags(
            "Key": "key1",
            "Value": "value1",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.TagApi(config);

    const result = await api.createTags({
        createTagsRequest: {
            resourceIds: ["i-12345678"],
            tags: [
                    key: "key1",
                    value: "value1",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ResourceIds [string] true One or more resource IDs.
Tags [ResourceTag] true One or more tags to add to the specified resources.
» Key string true The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
» Value string true The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateTagsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteTags

Deletes one or more tags from the specified resources.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteTags --profile "default" \
  --ResourceIds '["i-12345678"]' \
  --Tags '[
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ResourceIds": ["i-12345678"],
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteTags(
            "Key": "key1",
            "Value": "value1",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.TagApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteTags({
        deleteTagsRequest: {
            resourceIds: ["i-12345678"],
            tags: [
                    key: "key1",
                    value: "value1",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ResourceIds [string] true One or more resource IDs.
Tags [ResourceTag] true One or more tags to delete (if you set a tag value, only the tags matching exactly this value are deleted).
» Key string true The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
» Value string true The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteTagsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadTags

Lists one or more tags for your resources.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadTags --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ResourceTypes": ["snapshot"],
      "Keys": ["key1"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ResourceTypes": ["snapshot"],
      "Keys": ["key1"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadTags(
        "ResourceTypes": ["snapshot"],
        "Keys": ["key1"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.TagApi(config);

    const result = await api.readTags({
        readTagsRequest: {
            filters: {
                resourceTypes: ["snapshot"],
                keys: ["key1"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersTag false One or more filters.
» Keys [string] false The keys of the tags that are assigned to the resources. You can use this filter alongside the Values filter. In that case, you filter the resources corresponding to each tag, regardless of the other filter.
» ResourceIds [string] false The IDs of the resources with which the tags are associated.
» ResourceTypes [string] false The resource type (vm | image | volume | snapshot | public-ip | security-group | route-table | nic | net | subnet | net-peering | net-access-point | nat-service | internet-service | client-gateway | virtual-gateway | vpn-connection | dhcp-options | task).
» Values [string] false The values of the tags that are assigned to the resources. You can use this filter alongside the TagKeys filter. In that case, you filter the resources corresponding to each tag, regardless of the other filter.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadTagsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Tags": [
      "Value": "value1",
      "ResourceType": "snapshot",
      "ResourceId": "snap-12345678",
      "Key": "key1"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /DeleteExportTask

Deletes an export task.
If the export task is not running, the command fails and an error is returned.

Code samples

# Deleting an image export task

osc-cli api DeleteExportTask --profile "default" \
  --ExportTaskId "image-export-12345678"
# Deleting a snapshot export task

osc-cli api DeleteExportTask --profile "default" \
  --ExportTaskId "snap-export-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Deleting an image export task

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ExportTaskId": "image-export-12345678"
# Deleting a snapshot export task

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ExportTaskId": "snap-export-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Deleting an image export task
result = gw.DeleteExportTask(

# Deleting a snapshot export task
result = gw.DeleteExportTask(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.TaskApi(config);

    /* Deleting an image export task */
    const result = await api.deleteExportTask({
        deleteExportTaskRequest: {
            exportTaskId: "image-export-12345678",

    /* Deleting a snapshot export task */
    const result2 = await api.deleteExportTask({
        deleteExportTaskRequest: {
            exportTaskId: "snap-export-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ExportTaskId string true The ID of the export task to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteExportTaskResponse

Example responses

# Deleting an image export task
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Deleting a snapshot export task
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateUser

Creates an EIM user for your account.

For more information, see About EIM Users.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateUser --profile "default" \
  --UserName "example-user" \
  --Path "/documentation/"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "UserName": "example-user",
    "Path": "/documentation/"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateUser(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.UserApi(config);

    const result = await api.createUser({
        createUserRequest: {
            userName: "example-user",
            path: "/documentation/",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Path string false The path to the EIM user you want to create (by default, /). This path name must begin and end with a slash (/), and contain between 1 and 512 alphanumeric characters and/or slashes (/), or underscores (_).
UserName string true The name of the EIM user you want to create. This user name must contain between 1 and 64 alphanumeric characters and/or pluses (+), equals (=), commas (,), periods (.), at signs (@), dashes (-), or underscores (_).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateUserResponse

Example responses

  "User": {
    "UserName": "example-user",
    "Path": "/documentation/"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteUser

Deletes a specified EIM user. The EIM user must not belong to any group, nor have any key or attached policy.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteUser --profile "default" \
  --UserName "example-user"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "UserName": "example-user"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteUser(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.UserApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteUser({
        deleteUserRequest: {
            userName: "example-user",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
UserName string true The name of the EIM user you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteUserResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadUsers

Lists all EIM users that have a specified path.
If you do not specify a path, this action returns a list of all users in the account (or an empty list if there are none).

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadUsers --profile "default"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}'

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadUsers()

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.UserApi(config);

    const result = await api.readUsers({
        readUsersRequest: {},



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadUsersResponse

Example responses

  "Users": [
      "UserName": "example-user",
      "Path": "/documentation/"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateUser

Modifies the name and/or the path of a specified EIM user.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateUser --profile "default" \
  --UserName "example-user" \
  --NewUserName "test-user" \
  --NewPath "/product/"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "UserName": "example-user",
    "NewUserName": "test-user",
    "NewPath": "/product/"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateUser(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.UserApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateUser({
        updateUserRequest: {
            userName: "example-user",
            newUserName: "test-user",
            newPath: "/product/",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NewPath string false A new path for the EIM user.
NewUserName string false A new name for the EIM user.
UserName string true The name of the EIM user you want to modify.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateUserResponse

Example responses

  "User": {
    "UserName": "test-user",
    "Path": "/product/"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateVirtualGateway

Creates a virtual gateway.
A virtual gateway is the access point on the Net side of a VPN connection.

For more information, see About Virtual Gateways.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateVirtualGateway --profile "default" \
  --ConnectionType "ipsec.1"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateVirtualGateway(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VirtualGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.createVirtualGateway({
        createVirtualGatewayRequest: {
            connectionType: "ipsec.1",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
ConnectionType string true The type of VPN connection supported by the virtual gateway (only ipsec.1 is supported).
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateVirtualGatewayResponse

Example responses

  "VirtualGateway": {
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
    "NetToVirtualGatewayLinks": [],
    "State": "available",
    "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteVirtualGateway

Deletes a specified virtual gateway.
Before deleting a virtual gateway, we recommend to detach it from the Net and delete the VPN connection.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteVirtualGateway --profile "default" \
  --VirtualGatewayId "vgw-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteVirtualGateway(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VirtualGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteVirtualGateway({
        deleteVirtualGatewayRequest: {
            virtualGatewayId: "vgw-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VirtualGatewayId string true The ID of the virtual gateway you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteVirtualGatewayResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkVirtualGateway

Attaches a virtual gateway to a Net.

This action can be done only if the virtual gateway is in the available state.

Code samples

osc-cli api LinkVirtualGateway --profile "default" \
  --VirtualGatewayId "vgw-12345678" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.LinkVirtualGateway(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VirtualGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.linkVirtualGateway({
        linkVirtualGatewayRequest: {
            virtualGatewayId: "vgw-12345678",
            netId: "vpc-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetId string true The ID of the Net to which you want to attach the virtual gateway.
VirtualGatewayId string true The ID of the virtual gateway.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkVirtualGatewayResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "NetToVirtualGatewayLink": {
    "State": "attached",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"


POST /ReadVirtualGateways

Lists one or more virtual gateways.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVirtualGateways --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VirtualGatewayIds": ["vgw-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadVirtualGateways --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "States": ["available"],
      "LinkStates": ["attached", "detached"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VirtualGatewayIds": ["vgw-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "States": ["available"],
      "LinkStates": ["attached", "detached"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVirtualGateways(
        "VirtualGatewayIds": ["vgw-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadVirtualGateways(
        "States": ["available"],
        "LinkStates": ["attached","detached"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VirtualGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVirtualGateways({
        readVirtualGatewaysRequest: {
            filters: {
                virtualGatewayIds: ["vgw-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readVirtualGateways({
        readVirtualGatewaysRequest: {
            filters: {
                states: ["available"],
                linkStates: ["attached", "detached"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersVirtualGateway false One or more filters.
» ConnectionTypes [string] false The types of the virtual gateways (only ipsec.1 is supported).
» LinkNetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets the virtual gateways are attached to.
» LinkStates [string] false The current states of the attachments between the virtual gateways and the Nets (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).
» States [string] false The states of the virtual gateways (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the virtual gateways.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the virtual gateways.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the virtual gateways, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» VirtualGatewayIds [string] false The IDs of the virtual gateways.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVirtualGatewaysResponse

Example responses

  "VirtualGateways": [
      "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
      "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
      "NetToVirtualGatewayLinks": [],
      "State": "available",
      "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "VirtualGateways": [
      "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
      "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
      "NetToVirtualGatewayLinks": [
          "State": "attached",
          "NetId": "vpc-12345678"
      "State": "available",
      "Tags": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UnlinkVirtualGateway

Detaches a virtual gateway from a Net.
You must wait until the virtual gateway is in the detached state before you can attach another Net to it or delete the Net it was previously attached to.

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkVirtualGateway --profile "default" \
  --VirtualGatewayId "vgw-12345678" \
  --NetId "vpc-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkVirtualGateway(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VirtualGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkVirtualGateway({
        unlinkVirtualGatewayRequest: {
            virtualGatewayId: "vgw-12345678",
            netId: "vpc-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
NetId string true The ID of the Net from which you want to detach the virtual gateway.
VirtualGatewayId string true The ID of the virtual gateway.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkVirtualGatewayResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateRoutePropagation

Configures the propagation of routes to a specified route table of a Net by a virtual gateway.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateRoutePropagation --profile "default" \
  --VirtualGatewayId "vgw-12345678" \
  --RouteTableId "rtb-12345678" \
  --Enable True

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678",
    "Enable": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateRoutePropagation(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VirtualGatewayApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateRoutePropagation({
        updateRoutePropagationRequest: {
            virtualGatewayId: "vgw-12345678",
            routeTableId: "rtb-12345678",
            enable: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Enable boolean true If true, a virtual gateway can propagate routes to a specified route table of a Net. If false, the propagation is disabled.
RouteTableId string true The ID of the route table.
VirtualGatewayId string true The ID of the virtual gateway.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateRoutePropagationResponse

Example responses

  "RouteTable": {
    "Routes": [
        "DestinationIpRange": "",
        "CreationMethod": "CreateRouteTable",
        "State": "active"
    "LinkRouteTables": [
        "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678",
        "Main": true,
        "LinkRouteTableId": "rtbassoc-12345678"
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [
        "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678"
    "RouteTableId": "rtb-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateVms

Creates virtual machines (VMs), and then launches them.
This action enables you to create a specified number of VMs using an OUTSCALE machine image (OMI) that you are allowed to use, and then to automatically launch them.
The VMs remain in the pending state until they are created and ready to be used. Once automatically launched, they are in the running state.
To check the state of your VMs, call the ReadVms method.
If not specified, the security group used by the service is the default one.
The metadata server enables you to get the public key provided when the VM is launched. Official OMIs contain a script to get this public key and put it inside the VM to provide secure access without password.

For more information, see About VMs.

Code samples

# Creating a VM (minimal syntax)

osc-cli api CreateVms --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678"
# Creating a VM in a Net

osc-cli api CreateVms --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --VmType "tinav5.c1r1p2" \
  --KeypairName "keypair-example" \
  --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-12345678"]' \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678" \
  --UserData "$(base64 -i user_data.txt)"
# Creating a VM with block device mappings

osc-cli api CreateVms --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --VmType "tinav5.c1r1p2" \
  --KeypairName "keypair-example" \
  --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-12345678"]' \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678" \
  --UserData "$(base64 -i user_data.txt)" \
  --BlockDeviceMappings '[
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {"VolumeSize": 15, "VolumeType": "gp2"},
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sdb",
        "Bsu": {"SnapshotId": "snap-12345678", "VolumeSize": 22, "VolumeType": "io1", "Iops": 150},
# Creating a VM with a NIC

osc-cli api CreateVms --profile "default" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --VmType "tinav5.c1r1p2" \
  --KeypairName "keypair-example" \
  --UserData "$(base64 -i user_data.txt)" \
  --Nics '[
        "DeviceNumber": 0,
        "NicId": "eni-12345678",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating a VM (minimal syntax)

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678"
# Creating a VM in a Net

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "VmType": "tinav5.c1r1p2",
    "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
    "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"],
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "UserData": "..."
# Creating a VM with block device mappings

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "VmType": "tinav5.c1r1p2",
    "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
    "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"],
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "UserData": "...",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {"VolumeSize": 15, "VolumeType": "gp2"}
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sdb",
        "Bsu": {"SnapshotId": "snap-12345678", "VolumeSize": 22, "VolumeType": "io1", "Iops": 150}
# Creating a VM with a NIC

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "VmType": "tinav5.c1r1p2",
    "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
    "UserData": "...",
    "Nics": [
        "DeviceNumber": 0,
        "NicId": "eni-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating a VM (minimal syntax)
result = gw.CreateVms(

# Creating a VM in a Net
result = gw.CreateVms(

# Creating a VM with block device mappings
result = gw.CreateVms(
            "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
            "Bsu": {
                "VolumeSize": 15,
                "VolumeType": "gp2",
            "DeviceName": "/dev/sdb",
            "Bsu": {
                "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
                "VolumeSize": 22,
                "VolumeType": "io1",
                "Iops": 150,

# Creating a VM with a NIC
result = gw.CreateVms(
            "DeviceNumber": 0,
            "NicId": "eni-12345678",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    /* Creating a VM (minimal syntax) */
    const result = await api.createVms({
        createVmsRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",

    /* Creating a VM in a Net */
    const result2 = await api.createVms({
        createVmsRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            vmType: "tinav5.c1r1p2",
            keypairName: "keypair-example",
            securityGroupIds: ["sg-12345678"],
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",
            userData: "...",

    /* Creating a VM with block device mappings */
    const result3 = await api.createVms({
        createVmsRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            vmType: "tinav5.c1r1p2",
            keypairName: "keypair-example",
            securityGroupIds: ["sg-12345678"],
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",
            userData: "...",
            blockDeviceMappings: [
                    deviceName: "/dev/sda1",
                    bsu: {
                        volumeSize: 15,
                        volumeType: "gp2",
                    deviceName: "/dev/sdb",
                    bsu: {
                        snapshotId: "snap-12345678",
                        volumeSize: 22,
                        volumeType: "io1",
                        iops: 150,

    /* Creating a VM with a NIC */
    const result4 = await api.createVms({
        createVmsRequest: {
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            vmType: "tinav5.c1r1p2",
            keypairName: "keypair-example",
            userData: "...",
            nics: [
                    deviceNumber: 0,
                    nicId: "eni-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
BlockDeviceMappings [BlockDeviceMappingVmCreation] false One or more block device mappings.
» Bsu BsuToCreate false Information about the BSU volume to create.
»» DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false By default or if set to true, the volume is deleted when terminating the VM. If false, the volume is not deleted when terminating the VM.
»» Iops integer false The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). This parameter must be specified only if you create an io1 volume. The maximum number of IOPS allowed for io1 volumes is 13000 with a maximum performance ratio of 300 IOPS per gibibyte.
»» SnapshotId string false The ID of the snapshot used to create the volume.
»» VolumeSize integer false The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB).
If you specify a snapshot ID, the volume size must be at least equal to the snapshot size.
If you specify a snapshot ID but no volume size, the volume is created with a size similar to the snapshot one.
»» VolumeType string false The type of the volume (standard | io1 | gp2). If not specified in the request, a standard volume is created.
For more information about volume types, see About Volumes > Volume Types and IOPS.
» DeviceName string false The device name for the volume. For a root device, you must use /dev/sda1. For other volumes, you must use /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX (where the first X is a letter between b and z, and the second X is a letter between a and z).
» NoDevice string false Removes the device which is included in the block device mapping of the OMI.
» VirtualDeviceName string false The name of the virtual device (ephemeralN).
BootOnCreation boolean false By default or if true, the VM is started on creation. If false, the VM is stopped on creation.
BsuOptimized boolean false This parameter is not available. It is present in our API for the sake of historical compatibility with AWS.
ClientToken string false A unique identifier which enables you to manage the idempotency.
DeletionProtection boolean false If true, you cannot delete the VM unless you change this parameter back to false.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ImageId string true The ID of the OMI used to create the VM. You can find the list of OMIs by calling the ReadImages method.
KeypairName string false The name of the keypair.
MaxVmsCount integer false The maximum number of VMs you want to create. If all the VMs cannot be created, the largest possible number of VMs above MinVmsCount is created.
MinVmsCount integer false The minimum number of VMs you want to create. If this number of VMs cannot be created, no VMs are created.
NestedVirtualization boolean false (dedicated tenancy only) If true, nested virtualization is enabled. If false, it is disabled.
Nics [NicForVmCreation] false One or more NICs. If you specify this parameter, you must not specify the SubnetId and SubregionName parameters. You also must define one NIC as the primary network interface of the VM with 0 as its device number.
» DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false If true, the NIC is deleted when the VM is terminated. You can specify this parameter only for a new NIC. To modify this value for an existing NIC, see UpdateNic.
» Description string false The description of the NIC, if you are creating a NIC when creating the VM.
» DeviceNumber integer false The index of the VM device for the NIC attachment (between 0 and 7, both included). This parameter is required if you create a NIC when creating the VM.
» NicId string false The ID of the NIC, if you are attaching an existing NIC when creating a VM.
» PrivateIps [PrivateIpLight] false One or more private IPs to assign to the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. Only one private IP can be the primary private IP.
»» IsPrimary boolean false If true, the IP is the primary private IP of the NIC.
»» PrivateIp string false The private IP of the NIC.
» SecondaryPrivateIpCount integer false The number of secondary private IPs, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. This parameter cannot be specified if you specified more than one private IP in the PrivateIps parameter.
» SecurityGroupIds [string] false One or more IDs of security groups for the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM.
» SubnetId string false The ID of the Subnet for the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. This parameter is required if you create a NIC when creating the VM.
Performance string false The performance of the VM (medium | high | highest). By default, high. This parameter is ignored if you specify a performance flag directly in the VmType parameter.
Placement Placement false Information about the placement of the VM.
» SubregionName string false The name of the Subregion. If you specify this parameter, you must not specify the Nics parameter.
» Tenancy string false The tenancy of the VM (default, dedicated, or a dedicated group ID).
PrivateIps [string] false One or more private IPs of the VM.
SecurityGroupIds [string] false One or more IDs of security group for the VMs.
SecurityGroups [string] false One or more names of security groups for the VMs.
SubnetId string false The ID of the Subnet in which you want to create the VM. If you specify this parameter, you must not specify the Nics parameter.
UserData string false Data or script used to add a specific configuration to the VM. It must be Base64-encoded and is limited to 500 kibibytes (KiB).
VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior string false The VM behavior when you stop it. By default or if set to stop, the VM stops. If set to restart, the VM stops then automatically restarts. If set to terminate, the VM stops and is terminated.
VmType string false The type of VM. You can specify a TINA type (in the tinavW.cXrYpZ or tinavW.cXrY format), or an AWS type (for example, t2.small, which is the default value).
If you specify an AWS type, it is converted in the background to its corresponding TINA type, but the AWS type is still returned. If the specified or converted TINA type includes a performance flag, this performance flag is applied regardless of the value you may have provided in the Performance parameter. For more information, see VM Types.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateVmsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Creating a VM (minimal syntax)
  "Vms": [
      "VmType": "t2.small",
      "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "stop",
      "State": "pending",
      "StateReason": "",
      "RootDeviceType": "ebs",
      "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "DeletionProtection": false,
      "Architecture": "x86_64",
      "NestedVirtualization": false,
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
            "State": "attaching",
            "LinkDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "ReservationId": "r-12345678",
      "Hypervisor": "xen",
      "Placement": {
        "Tenancy": "default",
        "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"
      "ProductCodes": [
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "UserData": "...",
      "PrivateIp": "",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupName": "default",
          "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
      "BsuOptimized": false,
      "LaunchNumber": 0,
      "Performance": "medium",
      "Tags": [],
      "PrivateDnsName": ""
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Creating a VM in a Net
  "Vms": [
      "VmType": "tinav5.c1r1p2",
      "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "stop",
      "State": "pending",
      "StateReason": "",
      "RootDeviceType": "ebs",
      "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "DeletionProtection": false,
      "Architecture": "x86_64",
      "NestedVirtualization": false,
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
            "State": "attaching",
            "LinkDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "ReservationId": "r-12345678",
      "Hypervisor": "xen",
      "Placement": {
        "Tenancy": "default",
        "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"
      "ProductCodes": [
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "UserData": "...",
      "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
      "PrivateIp": "",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
          "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
      "BsuOptimized": false,
      "LaunchNumber": 0,
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "Nics": [
          "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
          "State": "in-use",
          "LinkNic": {
            "State": "attached",
            "DeviceNumber": 0,
            "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
          "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
          "PrivateDnsName": "",
          "Description": "Primary network interface",
          "AccountId": "123456789012",
          "SecurityGroups": [
              "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
              "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
          "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
          "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
          "NicId": "eni-12345678",
          "PrivateIps": [
              "PrivateDnsName": "",
              "PrivateIp": "",
              "IsPrimary": true
      "Performance": "high",
      "Tags": [],
      "PrivateDnsName": ""
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Creating a VM with block device mappings
  "Vms": [
      "VmType": "tinav5.c1r1p2",
      "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "stop",
      "State": "pending",
      "StateReason": "",
      "RootDeviceType": "ebs",
      "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "DeletionProtection": false,
      "Architecture": "x86_64",
      "NestedVirtualization": false,
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
            "State": "attaching",
            "LinkDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeId": "vol-87654321",
            "State": "attaching",
            "LinkDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "ReservationId": "r-12345678",
      "Hypervisor": "xen",
      "Placement": {
        "Tenancy": "default",
        "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"
      "ProductCodes": [
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "UserData": "...",
      "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
      "PrivateIp": "",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
          "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
      "BsuOptimized": false,
      "LaunchNumber": 0,
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "Nics": [
          "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
          "State": "in-use",
          "LinkNic": {
            "State": "attached",
            "DeviceNumber": 0,
            "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
          "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
          "PrivateDnsName": "",
          "Description": "Primary network interface",
          "AccountId": "123456789012",
          "SecurityGroups": [
              "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
              "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
          "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
          "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
          "NicId": "eni-12345678",
          "PrivateIps": [
              "PrivateDnsName": "",
              "PrivateIp": "",
              "IsPrimary": true
      "Performance": "high",
      "Tags": [],
      "PrivateDnsName": ""
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Creating a VM with a NIC
  "Vms": [
      "VmType": "tinav5.c1r1p2",
      "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "stop",
      "State": "pending",
      "StateReason": "",
      "RootDeviceType": "ebs",
      "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "DeletionProtection": false,
      "Architecture": "x86_64",
      "NestedVirtualization": false,
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
            "State": "attaching",
            "LinkDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "ReservationId": "r-12345678",
      "Hypervisor": "xen",
      "Placement": {
        "Tenancy": "default",
        "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"
      "ProductCodes": [
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "UserData": "...",
      "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
      "PrivateIp": "",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
          "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
      "BsuOptimized": false,
      "LaunchNumber": 0,
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "Nics": [
          "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
          "State": "in-use",
          "LinkNic": {
            "State": "attached",
            "DeviceNumber": 0,
            "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
          "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
          "PrivateDnsName": "",
          "Description": "Example NIC",
          "AccountId": "123456789012",
          "SecurityGroups": [
              "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
              "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
          "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
          "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
          "NicId": "eni-12345678",
          "PrivateIps": [
              "PrivateDnsName": "",
              "PrivateIp": "",
              "IsPrimary": true
      "Performance": "high",
      "Tags": [],
      "PrivateDnsName": ""
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteVms

Terminates one or more virtual machines (VMs).
This operation is idempotent, that means that all calls succeed if you terminate a VM more than once.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteVms --profile "default" \
  --VmIds '["i-12345678"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmIds": ["i-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteVms(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteVms({
        deleteVmsRequest: {
            vmIds: ["i-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmIds [string] true One or more IDs of VMs.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteVmsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Vms": [
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "PreviousState": "running",
      "CurrentState": "shutting-down"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadAdminPassword

Gets the administrator password for a Windows running virtual machine (VM).
The administrator password is encrypted using the keypair you specified when launching the VM.


Code samples

osc-cli api ReadAdminPassword --profile "default" \
  --VmId "i-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmId": "i-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadAdminPassword(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.readAdminPassword({
        readAdminPasswordRequest: {
            vmId: "i-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmId string true The ID of the VM.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadAdminPasswordResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "VmId": "i-12345678",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "AdminPassword": "..."


POST /ReadConsoleOutput

Gets the console output for a virtual machine (VM). This console provides the most recent 64 KiB output.

On Windows VMs, the console is handled only on the first boot. It returns no output after the first boot.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadConsoleOutput --profile "default" \
  --VmId "i-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmId": "i-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadConsoleOutput(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.readConsoleOutput({
        readConsoleOutputRequest: {
            vmId: "i-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmId string true The ID of the VM.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadConsoleOutputResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "VmId": "i-12345678",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "ConsoleOutput": "..."


POST /ReadVmTypes

Lists one or more predefined VM types.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVmTypes --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VmTypeNames": ["t2.small"],

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VmTypeNames": ["t2.small"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVmTypes(
        "VmTypeNames": ["t2.small"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVmTypes({
        readVmTypesRequest: {
            filters: {
                vmTypeNames: ["t2.small"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersVmType false One or more filters.
» BsuOptimized boolean false This parameter is not available. It is present in our API for the sake of historical compatibility with AWS.
» EphemeralsTypes [string] false The types of ephemeral storage disk.
» Eths [integer] false The number of Ethernet interfaces available.
» Gpus [integer] false The number of GPUs available.
» MemorySizes [number] false The amounts of memory, in gibibytes (GiB).
» VcoreCounts [integer] false The numbers of vCores.
» VmTypeNames [string] false The names of the VM types. For more information, see VM Types.
» VolumeCounts [integer] false The maximum number of ephemeral storage disks.
» VolumeSizes [integer] false The size of one ephemeral storage disk, in gibibytes (GiB).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVmTypesResponse

Example responses

  "VmTypes": [
      "VolumeCount": 0,
      "VmTypeName": "t2.small",
      "BsuOptimized": false,
      "MaxPrivateIps": 4,
      "MemorySize": 2,
      "VcoreCount": 1
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadVms

Lists one or more of your virtual machines (VMs).
If you provide one or more VM IDs, this action returns a description for all of these VMs. If you do not provide any VM ID, this action returns a description for all of the VMs that belong to you. If you provide an invalid VM ID, an error is returned. If you provide the ID of a VM that does not belong to you, the description of this VM is not included in the response. The refresh interval for data returned by this action is one hour, meaning that a terminated VM may appear in the response.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVms --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VmIds": ["i-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadVms --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "TagKeys": ["env"],
      "TagValues": ["prod", "test"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VmIds": ["i-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "TagKeys": ["env"],
      "TagValues": ["prod", "test"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVms(
        "VmIds": ["i-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadVms(
        "TagKeys": ["env"],
        "TagValues": ["prod","test"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVms({
        readVmsRequest: {
            filters: {
                vmIds: ["i-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readVms({
        readVmsRequest: {
            filters: {
                tagKeys: ["env"],
                tagValues: ["prod", "test"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersVm false One or more filters.
» Architectures [string] false The architectures of the VMs (i386 | x86_64).
» BlockDeviceMappingDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false Whether the BSU volumes are deleted when terminating the VMs.
» BlockDeviceMappingDeviceNames [string] false The device names for the BSU volumes (in the format /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX).
» BlockDeviceMappingLinkDates [string (date or date-time)] false The link dates for the BSU volumes mapped to the VMs (for example, 2016-01-23T18:45:30.000Z).
» BlockDeviceMappingStates [string] false The states for the BSU volumes (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).
» BlockDeviceMappingVolumeIds [string] false The volume IDs of the BSU volumes.
» ClientTokens [string] false The idempotency tokens provided when launching the VMs.
» CreationDates [string (date or date-time)] false The dates when the VMs were launched.
» ImageIds [string] false The IDs of the OMIs used to launch the VMs.
» IsSourceDestChecked boolean false Whether the source/destination checking is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
» KeypairNames [string] false The names of the keypairs used when launching the VMs.
» LaunchNumbers [integer] false The numbers for the VMs when launching a group of several VMs (for example, 0, 1, 2, and so on).
» Lifecycles [string] false Whether the VMs are Spot Instances (spot).
» NetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets in which the VMs are running.
» NicAccountIds [string] false The IDs of the NICs.
» NicDescriptions [string] false The descriptions of the NICs.
» NicIsSourceDestChecked boolean false Whether the source/destination checking is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
» NicLinkNicDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false Whether the NICs are deleted when the VMs they are attached to are deleted.
» NicLinkNicDeviceNumbers [integer] false The device numbers the NICs are attached to.
» NicLinkNicLinkNicDates [string (date or date-time)] false The dates and time when the NICs were attached to the VMs.
» NicLinkNicLinkNicIds [string] false The IDs of the NIC attachments.
» NicLinkNicStates [string] false The states of the attachments.
» NicLinkNicVmAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the VMs the NICs are attached to.
» NicLinkNicVmIds [string] false The IDs of the VMs the NICs are attached to.
» NicLinkPublicIpAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owners of the public IPs associated with the NICs.
» NicLinkPublicIpLinkPublicIpIds [string] false The association IDs returned when the public IPs were associated with the NICs.
» NicLinkPublicIpPublicIpIds [string] false The allocation IDs returned when the public IPs were allocated to their accounts.
» NicLinkPublicIpPublicIps [string] false The public IPs associated with the NICs.
» NicMacAddresses [string] false The Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of the NICs.
» NicNetIds [string] false The IDs of the Nets where the NICs are located.
» NicNicIds [string] false The IDs of the NICs.
» NicPrivateIpsLinkPublicIpAccountIds [string] false The account IDs of the owner of the public IPs associated with the private IPs.
» NicPrivateIpsLinkPublicIpIds [string] false The public IPs associated with the private IPs.
» NicPrivateIpsPrimaryIp boolean false Whether the private IPs are the primary IPs associated with the NICs.
» NicPrivateIpsPrivateIps [string] false The private IPs of the NICs.
» NicSecurityGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the security groups associated with the NICs.
» NicSecurityGroupNames [string] false The names of the security groups associated with the NICs.
» NicStates [string] false The states of the NICs (available | in-use).
» NicSubnetIds [string] false The IDs of the Subnets for the NICs.
» NicSubregionNames [string] false The Subregions where the NICs are located.
» Platforms [string] false The platforms. Use windows if you have Windows VMs. Otherwise, leave this filter blank.
» PrivateIps [string] false The private IPs of the VMs.
» ProductCodes [string] false The product codes associated with the OMI used to create the VMs.
» PublicIps [string] false The public IPs of the VMs.
» ReservationIds [string] false The IDs of the reservation of the VMs, created every time you launch VMs. These reservation IDs can be associated with several VMs when you lauch a group of VMs using the same launch request.
» RootDeviceNames [string] false The names of the root devices for the VMs (for example, /dev/sda1)
» RootDeviceTypes [string] false The root devices types used by the VMs (always ebs)
» SecurityGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the security groups for the VMs (only in the public Cloud).
» SecurityGroupNames [string] false The names of the security groups for the VMs (only in the public Cloud).
» StateReasonCodes [integer] false The reason codes for the state changes.
» StateReasonMessages [string] false The messages describing the state changes.
» StateReasons [string] false The reasons explaining the current states of the VMs. This filter is like the StateReasonCodes one.
» SubnetIds [string] false The IDs of the Subnets for the VMs.
» SubregionNames [string] false The names of the Subregions of the VMs.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the VMs.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the VMs.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the VMs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» Tenancies [string] false The tenancies of the VMs (dedicated | default | host).
» VmIds [string] false One or more IDs of VMs.
» VmSecurityGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the security groups for the VMs.
» VmSecurityGroupNames [string] false The names of the security group for the VMs.
» VmStateCodes [integer] false The state codes of the VMs: -1 (quarantine), 0 (pending), 16 (running), 32 (shutting-down), 48 (terminated), 64 (stopping), and 80 (stopped).
» VmStateNames [string] false The state names of the VMs (pending | running | stopping | stopped | shutting-down | terminated | quarantine).
» VmTypes [string] false The VM types (for example, t2.micro). For more information, see VM Types.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVmsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Vms": [
      "VmType": "tinav5.c1r1p2",
      "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "stop",
      "State": "running",
      "StateReason": "",
      "RootDeviceType": "ebs",
      "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
      "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
      "DeletionProtection": false,
      "Architecture": "x86_64",
      "NestedVirtualization": false,
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
          "Bsu": {
            "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
            "State": "attached",
            "LinkDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "ReservationId": "r-12345678",
      "Hypervisor": "xen",
      "Placement": {
        "Tenancy": "default",
        "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"
      "ProductCodes": [
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "UserData": "",
      "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
      "PrivateIp": "",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
          "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
      "BsuOptimized": false,
      "LaunchNumber": 0,
      "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
      "Nics": [
          "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
          "State": "in-use",
          "LinkNic": {
            "State": "attached",
            "DeviceNumber": 0,
            "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
          "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
          "PrivateDnsName": "",
          "Description": "Primary network interface",
          "AccountId": "123456789012",
          "SecurityGroups": [
              "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
              "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
          "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
          "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
          "NicId": "eni-12345678",
          "PrivateIps": [
              "PrivateDnsName": "",
              "PrivateIp": "",
              "IsPrimary": true
      "Performance": "high",
      "Tags": [
          "Value": "prod",
          "Key": "env"
      "PrivateDnsName": ""
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadVmsState

Lists the status of one or more virtual machines (VMs).

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVmsState --profile "default" \
  --AllVms True
osc-cli api ReadVmsState --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "AllVms": true
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVmsState(

result = gw.ReadVmsState(
        "SubregionNames": ["eu-west-2a"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVmsState({
        readVmsStateRequest: {
            allVms: true,

    const result2 = await api.readVmsState({
        readVmsStateRequest: {
            filters: {
                subregionNames: ["eu-west-2a"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
AllVms boolean false If true, includes the status of all VMs. By default or if set to false, only includes the status of running VMs.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersVmsState false One or more filters.
» MaintenanceEventCodes [string] false The code for the scheduled event (system-reboot | system-maintenance).
» MaintenanceEventDescriptions [string] false The description of the scheduled event.
» MaintenanceEventsNotAfter [string] false The latest time the event can end.
» MaintenanceEventsNotBefore [string] false The earliest time the event can start.
» SubregionNames [string] false The names of the Subregions of the VMs.
» VmIds [string] false One or more IDs of VMs.
» VmStates [string] false The states of the VMs (pending | running | stopping | stopped | shutting-down | terminated | quarantine).


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVmsStateResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "VmStates": [
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "VmState": "running",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "MaintenanceEvents": []
      "VmId": "i-87654321",
      "VmState": "stopped",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "MaintenanceEvents": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "VmStates": [
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "VmState": "running",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "MaintenanceEvents": []
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /RebootVms

Reboots one or more virtual machines (VMs).
This operation sends a reboot request to one or more specified VMs. This is an asynchronous action that queues this reboot request. This action only reboots VMs that are valid and that belong to you.

Code samples

osc-cli api RebootVms --profile "default" \
  --VmIds '["i-12345678"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmIds": ["i-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.RebootVms(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.rebootVms({
        rebootVmsRequest: {
            vmIds: ["i-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmIds [string] true One or more IDs of the VMs you want to reboot.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). RebootVmsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /StartVms

Start one or more virtual machines (VMs).
You can start only VMs that are valid and that belong to you.

Code samples

osc-cli api StartVms --profile "default" \
  --VmIds '["i-12345678"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmIds": ["i-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.StartVms(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.startVms({
        startVmsRequest: {
            vmIds: ["i-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmIds [string] true One or more IDs of VMs.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). StartVmsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Vms": [
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "PreviousState": "stopped",
      "CurrentState": "pending"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /StopVms

Stops one or more running virtual machines (VMs).
You can stop only VMs that are valid and that belong to you. Data stored in the VM RAM is lost.

Code samples

osc-cli api StopVms --profile "default" \
  --VmIds '["i-12345678"]'

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmIds": ["i-12345678"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.StopVms(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.stopVms({
        stopVmsRequest: {
            vmIds: ["i-12345678"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ForceStop boolean false Forces the VM to stop.
VmIds [string] true One or more IDs of VMs.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). StopVmsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Vms": [
      "VmId": "i-12345678",
      "PreviousState": "running",
      "CurrentState": "stopping"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateVm

Modifies the specified attributes of a virtual machine (VM).
You must stop the VM before modifying the following attributes:

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateVm --profile "default" \
  --VmId "i-12345678" \
  --VmType "tinav5.c2r2p2"
osc-cli api UpdateVm --profile "default" \
  --VmId "i-12345678" \
  --UserData "..."

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmId": "i-12345678",
    "VmType": "tinav5.c2r2p2"
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmId": "i-12345678",
    "UserData": "..."

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateVm(

result = gw.UpdateVm(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateVm({
        updateVmRequest: {
            vmId: "i-12345678",
            vmType: "tinav5.c2r2p2",

    const result2 = await api.updateVm({
        updateVmRequest: {
            vmId: "i-12345678",
            userData: "...",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
BlockDeviceMappings [BlockDeviceMappingVmUpdate] false One or more block device mappings of the VM.
» Bsu BsuToUpdateVm false Information about the BSU volume.
»» DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false If set to true, the volume is deleted when terminating the VM. If set to false, the volume is not deleted when terminating the VM.
»» VolumeId string false The ID of the volume.
» DeviceName string false The device name for the volume. For a root device, you must use /dev/sda1. For other volumes, you must use /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX (where the first X is a letter between b and z, and the second X is a letter between a and z).
» NoDevice string false Removes the device which is included in the block device mapping of the OMI.
» VirtualDeviceName string false The name of the virtual device (ephemeralN).
BsuOptimized boolean false This parameter is not available. It is present in our API for the sake of historical compatibility with AWS.
DeletionProtection boolean false If true, you cannot delete the VM unless you change this parameter back to false.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
IsSourceDestChecked boolean false (Net only) If true, the source/destination check is enabled. If false, it is disabled. This value must be false for a NAT VM to perform network address translation (NAT) in a Net.
KeypairName string false The name of a keypair you want to associate with the VM.
When you replace the keypair of a VM with another one, the metadata of the VM is modified to reflect the new public key, but the replacement is still not effective in the operating system of the VM. To complete the replacement and effectively apply the new keypair, you need to perform other actions inside the VM. For more information, see Modifying the Keypair of a VM.
NestedVirtualization boolean false (dedicated tenancy only) If true, nested virtualization is enabled. If false, it is disabled.
Performance string false The performance of the VM (medium | high | highest).
SecurityGroupIds [string] false One or more IDs of security groups for the VM.
UserData string false The Base64-encoded MIME user data, limited to 500 kibibytes (KiB).
VmId string true The ID of the VM.
VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior string false The VM behavior when you stop it. If set to stop, the VM stops. If set to restart, the VM stops then automatically restarts. If set to terminate, the VM stops and is terminated.
VmType string false The type of VM. For more information, see VM Types.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateVmResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Vm": {
    "VmType": "tinav5.c2r2p2",
    "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "stop",
    "State": "stopped",
    "StateReason": "",
    "RootDeviceType": "ebs",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "DeletionProtection": false,
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "NestedVirtualization": false,
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
          "State": "attached",
          "LinkDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
    "VmId": "i-12345678",
    "ReservationId": "r-12345678",
    "Hypervisor": "xen",
    "Placement": {
      "Tenancy": "default",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"
    "ProductCodes": [
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "UserData": "",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "PrivateIp": "",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
    "BsuOptimized": false,
    "LaunchNumber": 0,
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "Nics": [
        "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
        "State": "in-use",
        "LinkNic": {
          "State": "attached",
          "DeviceNumber": 0,
          "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
        "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
        "PrivateDnsName": "",
        "Description": "Primary network interface",
        "AccountId": "123456789012",
        "SecurityGroups": [
            "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
            "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
        "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
        "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
        "NicId": "eni-12345678",
        "PrivateIps": [
            "PrivateDnsName": "",
            "PrivateIp": "",
            "IsPrimary": true
    "Performance": "high",
    "Tags": [
        "Value": "prod",
        "Key": "env"
    "PrivateDnsName": ""
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "Vm": {
    "VmType": "tinav5.c1r1p2",
    "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "stop",
    "State": "stopped",
    "StateReason": "",
    "RootDeviceType": "ebs",
    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "DeletionProtection": true,
    "Architecture": "x86_64",
    "NestedVirtualization": false,
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
        "Bsu": {
          "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
          "State": "attached",
          "LinkDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
    "VmId": "i-12345678",
    "ReservationId": "r-12345678",
    "Hypervisor": "xen",
    "Placement": {
      "Tenancy": "default",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a"
    "ProductCodes": [
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "UserData": "...",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "PrivateIp": "",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
    "BsuOptimized": false,
    "LaunchNumber": 0,
    "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
    "Nics": [
        "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
        "State": "in-use",
        "LinkNic": {
          "State": "attached",
          "DeviceNumber": 0,
          "LinkNicId": "eni-attach-12345678",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true
        "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
        "PrivateDnsName": "",
        "Description": "Primary network interface",
        "AccountId": "123456789012",
        "SecurityGroups": [
            "SecurityGroupName": "security-group-example",
            "SecurityGroupId": "sg-12345678"
        "MacAddress": "A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6",
        "NetId": "vpc-12345678",
        "NicId": "eni-12345678",
        "PrivateIps": [
            "PrivateDnsName": "",
            "PrivateIp": "",
            "IsPrimary": true
    "Performance": "high",
    "Tags": [
        "Value": "prod",
        "Key": "env"
    "PrivateDnsName": ""
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateVmGroup

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Creates a group of virtual machines (VMs) containing the same characteristics as a specified VM template, and then launches them.
You can create up to 100 VM groups in your account.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateVmGroup --profile "default" \
  --Description "Production log collector" \
  --PositioningStrategy "attract" \
  --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-12345678"]' \
  --SubnetId "subnet-12345678" \
  --Tags '[
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1",
    ]' \
  --VmCount 2 \
  --VmGroupName "ClusterLog-PPD01" \
  --VmTemplateId "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Description": "Production log collector",
    "PositioningStrategy": "attract",
    "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-12345678"],
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1"
    "VmCount": 2,
    "VmGroupName": "ClusterLog-PPD01",
    "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateVmGroup(
    Description="Production log collector",
            "Key": "key1",
            "Value": "value1",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmGroupApi(config);

    const result = await api.createVmGroup({
        createVmGroupRequest: {
            description: "Production log collector",
            positioningStrategy: "attract",
            securityGroupIds: ["sg-12345678"],
            subnetId: "subnet-12345678",
            tags: [
                    key: "key1",
                    value: "value1",
            vmCount: 2,
            vmGroupName: "ClusterLog-PPD01",
            vmTemplateId: "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string false A description for the VM group.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
PositioningStrategy string false The positioning strategy of VMs on hypervisors. By default, or if set to no-strategy our orchestrator determines the most adequate position for your VMs. If set to attract, your VMs are deployed on the same hypervisor, which improves network performance. If set to repulse, your VMs are deployed on a different hypervisor, which improves fault tolerance.
SecurityGroupIds [string] true One or more IDs of security groups for the VM group.
SubnetId string true The ID of the Subnet in which you want to create the VM group.
Tags [ResourceTag] false One or more tags to add to the VM group.
» Key string true The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
» Value string true The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.
VmCount integer true The number of VMs deployed in the VM group.
VmGroupName string true The name of the VM group.
VmTemplateId string true The ID of the VM template used to launch VMs in the VM group.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateVmGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "VmGroup": {
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "Description": "Production log collector",
    "PositioningStrategy": "attract",
    "SecurityGroupIds": [
    "State": "available",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1"
    "VmCount": 2,
    "VmGroupId": "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "VmGroupName": "ClusterLog-PPD01",
    "VmIds": [],
    "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteVmGroup

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Deletes a specified VM group.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteVmGroup --profile "default" \
  --VmGroupId "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmGroupId": "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteVmGroup(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmGroupApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteVmGroup({
        deleteVmGroupRequest: {
            vmGroupId: "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmGroupId string true The ID of the VM group you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteVmGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadVmGroups

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Lists one or more group of virtual machines (VMs).

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVmGroups --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VmGroupIds": ["vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VmGroupIds": ["vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVmGroups(
        "VmGroupIds": ["vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmGroupApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVmGroups({
        readVmGroupsRequest: {
            filters: {
                vmGroupIds: ["vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersVmGroup false One or more filters.
» Descriptions [string] false The descriptions of the VM groups.
» SecurityGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the security groups.
» SubnetIds [string] false The IDs of the Subnets.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the VM groups.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the VM groups.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the VMs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» VmCounts [integer] false The number of VMs in the VM group.
» VmGroupIds [string] false The IDs of the VM groups.
» VmGroupNames [string] false The names of the VM groups.
» VmTemplateIds [string] false The IDs of the VM templates.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVmGroupsResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
  "VmGroups": {
    "SecurityGroupsIds": "sg-87654321",
    "VmIds": "i-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "VmCount": 1,
    "VmGroupName": "ClusterLog-PPD01",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "PositioningStrategy": "attract",
    "State": "available",
    "VmGroupId": "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "Tags": [
        "Value": "value1",
        "Key": "key1"


POST /ScaleDownVmGroup

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Deletes virtual machines (VMs) from a VM group.
The oldest VMs are the first to be deleted.

Code samples

# Removing 1 VM from a VM group

osc-cli api ScaleDownVmGroup --profile "default" \
  --VmGroupId "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012" \
  --VmSubtraction 1

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Removing 1 VM from a VM group

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmGroupId": "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "VmSubtraction": 1

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Removing 1 VM from a VM group
result = gw.ScaleDownVmGroup(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmGroupApi(config);

    /* Removing 1 VM from a VM group */
    const result = await api.scaleDownVmGroup({
        scaleDownVmGroupRequest: {
            vmGroupId: "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
            vmSubtraction: 1,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmGroupId string true The ID of the VM group you want to scale down.
VmSubtraction integer true The number of VMs you want to delete from the VM group.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ScaleDownVmGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ScaleUpVmGroup

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Creates additional virtual machines (VMs) in a VM group.
The new VMs use the current version of the VM template.

Code samples

# Adding 2 VMs in a VM group

osc-cli api ScaleUpVmGroup --profile "default" \
  --VmGroupId "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012" \
  --VmAddition 2

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Adding 2 VMs in a VM group

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmGroupId": "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "VmAddition": 2

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Adding 2 VMs in a VM group
result = gw.ScaleUpVmGroup(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmGroupApi(config);

    /* Adding 2 VMs in a VM group */
    const result = await api.scaleUpVmGroup({
        scaleUpVmGroupRequest: {
            vmGroupId: "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
            vmAddition: 2,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmAddition integer true The number of VMs you want to add to the VM group.
VmGroupId string true The ID of the VM group you want to scale up.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ScaleUpVmGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateVmGroup

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Modifies the specified attributes of a group of virtual machines (VMs).

Code samples

# Updating the name and description of a VM group

osc-cli api UpdateVmGroup --profile "default" \
  --VmGroupId "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012" \
  --VmGroupName "new-name" \
  --Description "New description of the VM group"
# Updating the VM template of a VM group

osc-cli api UpdateVmGroup --profile "default" \
  --VmGroupId "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012" \
  --VmTemplateId "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Updating the name and description of a VM group

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmGroupId": "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "VmGroupName": "new-name",
    "Description": "New description of the VM group"
# Updating the VM template of a VM group

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmGroupId": "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Updating the name and description of a VM group
result = gw.UpdateVmGroup(
    Description="New description of the VM group",

# Updating the VM template of a VM group
result = gw.UpdateVmGroup(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmGroupApi(config);

    /* Updating the name and description of a VM group */
    const result = await api.updateVmGroup({
        updateVmGroupRequest: {
            vmGroupId: "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
            vmGroupName: "new-name",
            description: "New description of the VM group",

    /* Updating the VM template of a VM group */
    const result2 = await api.updateVmGroup({
        updateVmGroupRequest: {
            vmGroupId: "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
            vmTemplateId: "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string false A new description for the VM group.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Tags [ResourceTag] false New tags for your VM group.
» Key string true The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
» Value string true The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.
VmGroupId string true The ID of the VM group you want to update.
VmGroupName string false A new name for your VM group.
VmTemplateId string false A new VM template ID for your VM group.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateVmGroupResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "VmGroup": {
    "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",
    "SecurityGroupIds": [
    "VmIds": [],
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "VmCount": 2,
    "VmGroupName": "new-name",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345678",
    "PositioningStrategy": "attract",
    "State": "available",
    "VmGroupId": "vmgroup-12345678901234567890123456789012",
    "Description": "New description of the VM group",
    "Tags": [],
    "ResponseContext": {
      "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateVmTemplate

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Creates a virtual machine (VM) template. You can then use the VM template to create VM groups.
You can create up to 50 VM templates in your account.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateVmTemplate --profile "default" \
  --CpuCores 2 \
  --CpuGeneration "v4" \
  --CpuPerformance "high" \
  --Description "Log collector template" \
  --ImageId "ami-12345678" \
  --KeypairName "keypair-example" \
  --Ram 2 \
  --Tags '[
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1",
    ]' \
  --VmTemplateName "vmtemplate-example"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "CpuCores": 2,
    "CpuGeneration": "v4",
    "CpuPerformance": "high",
    "Description": "Log collector template",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "KeypairName": "keypair-example",
    "Ram": 2,
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "key1",
        "Value": "value1"
    "VmTemplateName": "vmtemplate-example"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateVmTemplate(
    Description="Log collector template",
            "Key": "key1",
            "Value": "value1",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmTemplateApi(config);

    const result = await api.createVmTemplate({
        createVmTemplateRequest: {
            cpuCores: 2,
            cpuGeneration: "v4",
            cpuPerformance: "high",
            description: "Log collector template",
            imageId: "ami-12345678",
            keypairName: "keypair-example",
            ram: 2,
            tags: [
                    key: "key1",
                    value: "value1",
            vmTemplateName: "vmtemplate-example",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
CpuCores integer true The number of vCores to use for each VM.
CpuGeneration string true The processor generation to use for each VM (for example, v4).
CpuPerformance string false The performance of the VMs (medium | high | highest).
Description string false A description for the VM template.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ImageId string true The ID of the OMI to use for each VM. You can find a list of OMIs by calling the ReadImages method.
KeypairName string false The name of the keypair to use for each VM.
Ram integer true The amount of RAM to use for each VM.
Tags [ResourceTag] false One or more tags to add to the VM template.
» Key string true The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
» Value string true The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.
VmTemplateName string true The name of the VM template.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateVmTemplateResponse

Example responses

  "VmTemplateName": "vmtemplate-example",
  "CpuPerformance": "high",
  "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
  "CpuCores": 2,
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "key1",
      "Value": "value1"
  "Description": "Log collector template",
  "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
  "CpuGeneration": "v4",
  "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",
  "Ram": 2,
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteVmTemplate

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Deletes a virtual machine (VM) template.
You cannot delete a template currently used by a VM group.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteVmTemplate --profile "default" \
  --VmTemplateId "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteVmTemplate(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmTemplateApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteVmTemplate({
        deleteVmTemplateRequest: {
            vmTemplateId: "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmTemplateId string true The ID of the VM template you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteVmTemplateResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadVmTemplates

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Lists one or more virtual machine (VM) templates.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVmTemplates --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VmTemplateNames": ["vmtemplate-example"],
osc-cli api ReadVmTemplates --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "CpuCores": [2],
      "CpuGeneration": ["v4"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VmTemplateNames": ["vmtemplate-example"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "CpuCores": [2],
      "CpuGeneration": ["v4"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVmTemplates(
        "VmTemplateNames": ["vmtemplate-example"],

result = gw.ReadVmTemplates(
        "CpuCores": [2],
        "CpuGeneration": ["v4"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmTemplateApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVmTemplates({
        readVmTemplatesRequest: {
            filters: {
                vmTemplateNames: ["vmtemplate-example"],

    const result2 = await api.readVmTemplates({
        readVmTemplatesRequest: {
            filters: {
                cpuCores: [2],
                cpuGeneration: ["v4"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersVmTemplate false One or more filters.
» CpuCores [integer] false The number of vCores.
» CpuGenerations [string] false The processor generations (for example, v4).
» CpuPerformances [string] false The performances of the VMs.
» Descriptions [string] false The descriptions of the VM templates.
» ImageIds [string] false The IDs of the OMIs.
» KeypairNames [string] false The names of the keypairs.
» Rams [integer] false The amount of RAM.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the VM templates.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the VM templates.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the VM templates, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» VmTemplateIds [string] false The IDs of the VM templates.
» VmTemplateNames [string] false The names of the VM templates.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVmTemplatesResponse

Example responses

  "VmTemplates": {
    "VmTemplateName": "vmtemplate-example",
    "CpuPerformance": "high",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
    "CpuCores": 2,
    "Tags": [],
    "Description": "",
    "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
    "CpuGeneration": "v4",
    "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",
    "Ram": 2


POST /UpdateVmTemplate

This feature is currently under development and may not function properly.

Modifies the specified attributes of a template of virtual machines (VMs).

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateVmTemplate --profile "default" \
  --Description "The new description of the VM template" \
  --VmTemplateId "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012" \
  --VmTemplateName "second-name"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Description": "The new description of the VM template",
    "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",
    "VmTemplateName": "second-name"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateVmTemplate(
    Description="The new description of the VM template",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VmTemplateApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateVmTemplate({
        updateVmTemplateRequest: {
            description: "The new description of the VM template",
            vmTemplateId: "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",
            vmTemplateName: "second-name",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Description string false A new description for the VM template.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Tags [ResourceTag] false New tags for your VM template.
» Key string true The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
» Value string true The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.
VmTemplateId string true The ID of the VM template you want to update.
VmTemplateName string false A new name for your VM template.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateVmTemplateResponse

Example responses

  "VmTemplateName": "second-name",
  "CpuPerformance": "high",
  "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789+0000",
  "CpuCores": 2,
  "Tags": [],
  "Description": "The new description of the VM template",
  "ImageId": "ami-12345678",
  "CpuGeneration": "v4",
  "VmTemplateId": "vmtemplate-98765432109876543210987654321012",
  "Ram": 2,
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateVolume

Creates a Block Storage Unit (BSU) volume in a specified Region.
BSU volumes can be attached to a virtual machine (VM) in the same Subregion. You can create an empty volume or restore a volume from an existing snapshot.
You can create the following volume types: Enterprise (io1) for provisioned IOPS SSD volumes, Performance (gp2) for general purpose SSD volumes, or Magnetic (standard) volumes.

For more information, see About Volumes.

Code samples

# Creating an io1 volume

osc-cli api CreateVolume --profile "default" \
  --VolumeType "io1" \
  --SubregionName "eu-west-2a" \
  --Size 10 \
  --Iops 100
# Creating a volume from a snapshot

osc-cli api CreateVolume --profile "default" \
  --SnapshotId "snap-12345678" \
  --VolumeType "gp2" \
  --SubregionName "eu-west-2a" \
  --Size 10

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Creating an io1 volume

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VolumeType": "io1",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "Size": 10,
    "Iops": 100
# Creating a volume from a snapshot

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "VolumeType": "gp2",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "Size": 10

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Creating an io1 volume
result = gw.CreateVolume(

# Creating a volume from a snapshot
result = gw.CreateVolume(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VolumeApi(config);

    /* Creating an io1 volume */
    const result = await api.createVolume({
        createVolumeRequest: {
            volumeType: "io1",
            subregionName: "eu-west-2a",
            size: 10,
            iops: 100,

    /* Creating a volume from a snapshot */
    const result2 = await api.createVolume({
        createVolumeRequest: {
            snapshotId: "snap-12345678",
            volumeType: "gp2",
            subregionName: "eu-west-2a",
            size: 10,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Iops integer false The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). This parameter must be specified only if you create an io1 volume. The maximum number of IOPS allowed for io1 volumes is 13000 with a maximum performance ratio of 300 IOPS per gibibyte.
Size integer false The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB). The maximum allowed size for a volume is 14901 GiB. This parameter is required if the volume is not created from a snapshot (SnapshotId unspecified).
SnapshotId string false The ID of the snapshot from which you want to create the volume.
SubregionName string true The Subregion in which you want to create the volume.
VolumeType string false The type of volume you want to create (io1 | gp2 | standard). If not specified, a standard volume is created.
For more information about volume types, see About Volumes > Volume Types and IOPS.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateVolumeResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Creating an io1 volume
  "Volume": {
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "VolumeType": "io1",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "State": "creating",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "Iops": 100,
    "LinkedVolumes": [],
    "Size": 10
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Creating a volume from a snapshot
  "Volume": {
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "VolumeType": "gp2",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "State": "creating",
    "SnapshotId": "snap-12345678",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "Iops": 100,
    "LinkedVolumes": [],
    "Size": 10
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteVolume

Deletes a specified Block Storage Unit (BSU) volume.
You can delete available volumes only, that is, volumes that are not attached to a virtual machine (VM).

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteVolume --profile "default" \
  --VolumeId "vol-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteVolume(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VolumeApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteVolume({
        deleteVolumeRequest: {
            volumeId: "vol-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VolumeId string true The ID of the volume you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteVolumeResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /LinkVolume

Attaches a Block Storage Unit (BSU) volume to a virtual machine (VM).
The volume and the VM must be in the same Subregion. The VM can be running or stopped. The volume is attached to the specified VM device.

Code samples

osc-cli api LinkVolume --profile "default" \
  --VolumeId "vol-12345678" \
  --VmId "i-12345678" \
  --DeviceName "/dev/sdb"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "VmId": "i-12345678",
    "DeviceName": "/dev/sdb"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.LinkVolume(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VolumeApi(config);

    const result = await api.linkVolume({
        linkVolumeRequest: {
            volumeId: "vol-12345678",
            vmId: "i-12345678",
            deviceName: "/dev/sdb",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DeviceName string true The name of the device. For a root device, you must use /dev/sda1. For other volumes, you must use /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX (where the first X is a letter between b and z, and the second X is a letter between a and z).
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VmId string true The ID of the VM you want to attach the volume to.
VolumeId string true The ID of the volume you want to attach.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). LinkVolumeResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadVolumes

Lists one or more specified Block Storage Unit (BSU) volumes.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVolumes --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VolumeIds": ["vol-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadVolumes --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VolumeStates": ["in-use"],
      "VolumeTypes": ["gp2", "io1"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VolumeIds": ["vol-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VolumeStates": ["in-use"],
      "VolumeTypes": ["gp2", "io1"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVolumes(
        "VolumeIds": ["vol-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadVolumes(
        "VolumeStates": ["in-use"],
        "VolumeTypes": ["gp2","io1"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VolumeApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVolumes({
        readVolumesRequest: {
            filters: {
                volumeIds: ["vol-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readVolumes({
        readVolumesRequest: {
            filters: {
                volumeStates: ["in-use"],
                volumeTypes: ["gp2", "io1"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersVolume false One or more filters.
» CreationDates [string] false The dates and times of creation of the volumes, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z).
» LinkVolumeDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean false Whether the volumes are deleted or not when terminating the VMs.
» LinkVolumeDeviceNames [string] false The VM device names.
» LinkVolumeLinkDates [string] false The dates and times of creation of the volumes, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z).
» LinkVolumeLinkStates [string] false The attachment states of the volumes (attaching | detaching | attached | detached).
» LinkVolumeVmIds [string] false One or more IDs of VMs.
» SnapshotIds [string] false The snapshots from which the volumes were created.
» SubregionNames [string] false The names of the Subregions in which the volumes were created.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the volumes.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the volumes.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the volumes, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» VolumeIds [string] false The IDs of the volumes.
» VolumeSizes [integer] false The sizes of the volumes, in gibibytes (GiB).
» VolumeStates [string] false The states of the volumes (creating | available | in-use | updating | deleting | error).
» VolumeTypes [string] false The types of the volumes (standard | gp2 | io1).
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVolumesResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "Volumes": [
      "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
      "Tags": [],
      "VolumeType": "gp2",
      "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
      "State": "in-use",
      "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
      "Iops": 100,
      "LinkedVolumes": [
          "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": false,
          "DeviceName": "/dev/sdb",
          "State": "attached",
          "VmId": "i-12345678"
      "Size": 10
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UnlinkVolume

Detaches a Block Storage Unit (BSU) volume from a virtual machine (VM).
To detach the root device of a VM, this VM must be stopped.

Code samples

osc-cli api UnlinkVolume --profile "default" \
  --VolumeId "vol-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UnlinkVolume(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VolumeApi(config);

    const result = await api.unlinkVolume({
        unlinkVolumeRequest: {
            volumeId: "vol-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
ForceUnlink boolean false Forces the detachment of the volume in case of previous failure. Important: This action may damage your data or file systems.
VolumeId string true The ID of the volume you want to detach.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UnlinkVolumeResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateVolume

Modifies the specified attributes of a volume.
Cold volumes are volumes that are attached to stopped or stopping VMs, or that are detached. Hot volumes are volumes that are attached to running VMs.

When the modification is not instantaneous, the response displays the previous value. You can use the ReadVolumes method to see the new value.

Code samples

# Updating the size of a volume

osc-cli api UpdateVolume --profile "default" \
  --VolumeId "vol-12345678" \
  --Size 50
# Updating the type of a volume to io1

osc-cli api UpdateVolume --profile "default" \
  --VolumeId "vol-12345678" \
  --VolumeType "io1" \
  --Iops 200

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

# Updating the size of a volume

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "Size": 50
# Updating the type of a volume to io1

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "VolumeType": "io1",
    "Iops": 200

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

# Updating the size of a volume
result = gw.UpdateVolume(

# Updating the type of a volume to io1
result = gw.UpdateVolume(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VolumeApi(config);

    /* Updating the size of a volume */
    const result = await api.updateVolume({
        updateVolumeRequest: {
            volumeId: "vol-12345678",
            size: 50,

    /* Updating the type of a volume to io1 */
    const result2 = await api.updateVolume({
        updateVolumeRequest: {
            volumeId: "vol-12345678",
            volumeType: "io1",
            iops: 200,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Iops integer false Cold volume: the new number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). This parameter can be specified only if you update an io1 volume or if you change the type of the volume for an io1. This modification is instantaneous.
Hot volume: the new number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). This parameter can be specified only if you update an io1 volume. This modification is not instantaneous.

The maximum number of IOPS allowed for io1 volumes is 13000 with a maximum performance ratio of 300 IOPS per gibibyte.
Size integer false Cold volume: the new size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB). This value must be equal to or greater than the current size of the volume. This modification is not instantaneous.
Hot volume: you cannot change the size of a hot volume.
VolumeId string true The ID of the volume you want to update.
VolumeType string false Cold volume: the new type of the volume (standard | io1 | gp2). This modification is instantaneous. If you update to an io1 volume, you must also specify the Iops parameter.
Hot volume: you cannot change the type of a hot volume.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateVolumeResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

# Updating the size of a volume
  "Volume": {
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "VolumeType": "gp2",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "State": "available",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "Iops": 100,
    "LinkedVolumes": [],
    "Size": 10
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"
# Updating the type of a volume to io1
  "Volume": {
    "VolumeId": "vol-12345678",
    "Tags": [],
    "VolumeType": "io1",
    "SubregionName": "eu-west-2a",
    "State": "available",
    "CreationDate": "2010-10-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "Iops": 200,
    "LinkedVolumes": [],
    "Size": 10
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"



POST /CreateVpnConnection

Creates a VPN connection between a specified virtual gateway and a specified client gateway.
You can create only one VPN connection between a virtual gateway and a client gateway.

This action can be done only if the virtual gateway is in the available state.

For more information, see About VPN Connections.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateVpnConnection --profile "default" \
  --ClientGatewayId "cgw-12345678" \
  --VirtualGatewayId "vgw-12345678" \
  --ConnectionType "ipsec.1" \
  --StaticRoutesOnly True

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "ClientGatewayId": "cgw-12345678",
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
    "StaticRoutesOnly": true

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateVpnConnection(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VpnConnectionApi(config);

    const result = await api.createVpnConnection({
        createVpnConnectionRequest: {
            clientGatewayId: "cgw-12345678",
            virtualGatewayId: "vgw-12345678",
            connectionType: "ipsec.1",
            staticRoutesOnly: true,



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
ClientGatewayId string true The ID of the client gateway.
ConnectionType string true The type of VPN connection (only ipsec.1 is supported).
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
StaticRoutesOnly boolean false By default or if false, the VPN connection uses dynamic routing with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). If true, routing is controlled using static routes. For more information about how to create and delete static routes, see CreateVpnConnectionRoute and DeleteVpnConnectionRoute.
VirtualGatewayId string true The ID of the virtual gateway.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateVpnConnectionResponse

Example responses

  "VpnConnection": {
    "Routes": [],
    "Tags": [],
    "ClientGatewayConfiguration": "...",
    "StaticRoutesOnly": true,
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
    "ClientGatewayId": "cgw-12345678",
    "State": "pending",
    "VgwTelemetries": [
        "StateDescription": "IPSEC IS DOWN",
        "AcceptedRouteCount": 0,
        "LastStateChangeDate": "2017-05-10T12:34:56.789Z",
        "OutsideIpAddress": ""
    "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /CreateVpnConnectionRoute

Creates a static route to a VPN connection.
This enables you to select the network flows sent by the virtual gateway to the target VPN connection.

For more information, see About Routing Configuration for VPN Connections.

Code samples

osc-cli api CreateVpnConnectionRoute --profile "default" \
  --VpnConnectionId "vpn-12345678" \
  --DestinationIpRange ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-12345678",
    "DestinationIpRange": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.CreateVpnConnectionRoute(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VpnConnectionApi(config);

    const result = await api.createVpnConnectionRoute({
        createVpnConnectionRouteRequest: {
            vpnConnectionId: "vpn-12345678",
            destinationIpRange: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DestinationIpRange string true The network prefix of the route, in CIDR notation (for example,
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VpnConnectionId string true The ID of the target VPN connection of the static route.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). CreateVpnConnectionRouteResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteVpnConnection

Deletes a specified VPN connection.
If you want to delete a Net and all its dependencies, we recommend to detach the virtual gateway from the Net and delete the Net before deleting the VPN connection. This enables you to delete the Net without waiting for the VPN connection to be deleted.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteVpnConnection --profile "default" \
  --VpnConnectionId "vpn-12345678"

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-12345678"

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteVpnConnection(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VpnConnectionApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteVpnConnection({
        deleteVpnConnectionRequest: {
            vpnConnectionId: "vpn-12345678",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VpnConnectionId string true The ID of the VPN connection you want to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteVpnConnectionResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /DeleteVpnConnectionRoute

Deletes a static route to a VPN connection previously created using the CreateVpnConnectionRoute method.

Code samples

osc-cli api DeleteVpnConnectionRoute --profile "default" \
  --VpnConnectionId "vpn-12345678" \
  --DestinationIpRange ""

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-12345678",
    "DestinationIpRange": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.DeleteVpnConnectionRoute(

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VpnConnectionApi(config);

    const result = await api.deleteVpnConnectionRoute({
        deleteVpnConnectionRouteRequest: {
            vpnConnectionId: "vpn-12345678",
            destinationIpRange: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DestinationIpRange string true The network prefix of the route to delete, in CIDR notation (for example,
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VpnConnectionId string true The ID of the target VPN connection of the static route to delete.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). DeleteVpnConnectionRouteResponse

Example responses

  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /ReadVpnConnections

Lists one or more VPN connections.

Code samples

osc-cli api ReadVpnConnections --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "VpnConnectionIds": ["vpn-12345678"],
osc-cli api ReadVpnConnections --profile "default" \
  --Filters '{
      "ClientGatewayIds": ["cgw-12345678"],
      "VirtualGatewayIds": ["vgw-12345678", "vgw-87654321"],

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "VpnConnectionIds": ["vpn-12345678"]
curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Filters": {
      "ClientGatewayIds": ["cgw-12345678"],
      "VirtualGatewayIds": ["vgw-12345678", "vgw-87654321"]

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.ReadVpnConnections(
        "VpnConnectionIds": ["vpn-12345678"],

result = gw.ReadVpnConnections(
        "ClientGatewayIds": ["cgw-12345678"],
        "VirtualGatewayIds": ["vgw-12345678","vgw-87654321"],

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VpnConnectionApi(config);

    const result = await api.readVpnConnections({
        readVpnConnectionsRequest: {
            filters: {
                vpnConnectionIds: ["vpn-12345678"],

    const result2 = await api.readVpnConnections({
        readVpnConnectionsRequest: {
            filters: {
                clientGatewayIds: ["cgw-12345678"],
                virtualGatewayIds: ["vgw-12345678", "vgw-87654321"],



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
Filters FiltersVpnConnection false One or more filters.
» BgpAsns [integer] false The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) of the connections.
» ClientGatewayIds [string] false The IDs of the client gateways.
» ConnectionTypes [string] false The types of the VPN connections (only ipsec.1 is supported).
» RouteDestinationIpRanges [string] false The destination IP ranges.
» States [string] false The states of the VPN connections (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
» StaticRoutesOnly boolean false If false, the VPN connection uses dynamic routing with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). If true, routing is controlled using static routes. For more information about how to create and delete static routes, see CreateVpnConnectionRoute and DeleteVpnConnectionRoute.
» TagKeys [string] false The keys of the tags associated with the VPN connections.
» TagValues [string] false The values of the tags associated with the VPN connections.
» Tags [string] false The key/value combination of the tags associated with the VPN connections, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
» VirtualGatewayIds [string] false The IDs of the virtual gateways.
» VpnConnectionIds [string] false The IDs of the VPN connections.
NextPageToken string (byte) false The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResultsPerPage integer false The maximum number of logs returned in a single response (between 1and 1000, both included). By default, 100.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). ReadVpnConnectionsResponse

Example responses

  "VpnConnections": [
      "Routes": [],
      "Tags": [],
      "ClientGatewayConfiguration": "...",
      "StaticRoutesOnly": true,
      "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
      "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
      "ClientGatewayId": "cgw-12345678",
      "State": "pending",
      "VgwTelemetries": [
          "StateDescription": "IPSEC IS DOWN",
          "AcceptedRouteCount": 0,
          "LastStateChangeDate": "2017-05-10T12:34:56.789Z",
          "OutsideIpAddress": ""
      "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"


POST /UpdateVpnConnection

Modifies the specified attributes of a VPN connection.

Code samples

osc-cli api UpdateVpnConnection --profile "default" \
  --VpnConnectionId "vpn-12345678" \
  --VpnOptions '{
      "TunnelInsideIpRange": "",

# You need Curl version 7.75 or later to use the --aws-sigv4 option

curl -X POST https://api.$ \
  --aws-sigv4 'osc' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-12345678",
    "VpnOptions": {
      "TunnelInsideIpRange": ""

from osc_sdk_python import Gateway

gw = Gateway(**{"profile": "default"})

result = gw.UpdateVpnConnection(
        "TunnelInsideIpRange": "",

const osc = require("outscale-api");
const crypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = crypto.webcrypto;

async function main() {
    const config = new osc.Configuration({
        basePath: "https://api." + process.env.OSC_REGION + "",
        awsV4SignParameters: {
            accessKeyId: process.env.OSC_ACCESS_KEY,
            secretAccessKey: process.env.OSC_SECRET_KEY,
            service: "api",
    const api = new osc.VpnConnectionApi(config);

    const result = await api.updateVpnConnection({
        updateVpnConnectionRequest: {
            vpnConnectionId: "vpn-12345678",
            vpnOptions: {
                tunnelInsideIpRange: "",



Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
ClientGatewayId string false The ID of the client gateway.
DryRun boolean false If true, checks whether you have the required permissions to perform the action.
VirtualGatewayId string false The ID of the virtual gateway.
VpnConnectionId string true The ID of the VPN connection you want to modify.
VpnOptions VpnOptionsToUpdate false Information about the VPN options.
» Phase2Options Phase2OptionsToUpdate false Information about Phase 2 of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation.
»» PreSharedKey string false The pre-shared key to establish the initial authentication between the client gateway and the virtual gateway. This key can contain any character except line breaks and double quotes (").
» TunnelInsideIpRange string false The range of inside IPs for the tunnel. This must be a /30 CIDR block from the range.


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The HTTP 200 response (OK). UpdateVpnConnectionResponse
400 Bad Request The HTTP 400 response (Bad Request). ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized The HTTP 401 response (Unauthorized). ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error The HTTP 500 response (Internal Server Error). ErrorResponse

Example responses

  "VpnConnection": {
    "VpnOptions": {
      "TunnelInsideIpRange": ""
    "Routes": [],
    "Tags": [],
    "ClientGatewayConfiguration": "...",
    "StaticRoutesOnly": true,
    "VirtualGatewayId": "vgw-12345678",
    "ConnectionType": "ipsec.1",
    "ClientGatewayId": "cgw-12345678",
    "State": "pending",
    "VgwTelemetries": [
        "StateDescription": "IPSEC IS DOWN",
        "AcceptedRouteCount": 0,
        "LastStateChangeDate": "2017-05-10T12:34:56.789Z",
        "OutsideIpAddress": ""
    "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-12345678"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "0475ca1e-d0c5-441d-712a-da55a4175157"




Name Type Description
NetPeering NetPeering Information about the Net peering.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NetPeering": {
    "AccepterNet": {
      "AccountId": "string",
      "IpRange": "string",
      "NetId": "string"
    "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "NetPeeringId": "string",
    "SourceNet": {
      "AccountId": "string",
      "IpRange": "string",
      "NetId": "string"
    "State": {
      "Message": "string",
      "Name": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the accepter Net.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the accepter Net.
IpRange string The IP range for the accepter Net, in CIDR notation (for example,
NetId string The ID of the accepter Net.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "IpRange": "string",
  "NetId": "string"


Information about the access key.


Name Type Description
AccessKeyId string The ID of the access key.
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time (UTC) of creation of the access key.
ExpirationDate string (date-time) The date (UTC) at which the access key expires.
LastModificationDate string (date-time) The date and time (UTC) of the last modification of the access key.
State string The state of the access key (ACTIVE if the key is valid for API calls, or INACTIVE if not).


  "AccessKeyId": "string",
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "State": "string"


Information about the access key.


Name Type Description
AccessKeyId string The ID of the access key.
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time (UTC) of creation of the access key.
ExpirationDate string (date-time) The date and time (UTC) at which the access key expires.
LastModificationDate string (date-time) The date and time (UTC) of the last modification of the access key.
SecretKey string The access key that enables you to send requests.
State string The state of the access key (ACTIVE if the key is valid for API calls, or INACTIVE if not).


  "AccessKeyId": "string",
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "SecretKey": "string",
  "State": "string"


Information about access logs.


Name Type Description
IsEnabled boolean If true, access logs are enabled for your load balancer. If false, they are not. If you set this to true in your request, the OsuBucketName parameter is required.
OsuBucketName string The name of the OOS bucket for the access logs.
OsuBucketPrefix string The path to the folder of the access logs in your OOS bucket (by default, the root level of your bucket).
PublicationInterval integer The time interval for the publication of access logs in the OOS bucket, in minutes. This value can be either 5 or 60 (by default, 60).


  "IsEnabled": true,
  "OsuBucketName": "string",
  "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
  "PublicationInterval": 0


Information about the account.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The ID of the account.
AdditionalEmails [string] One or more additional email addresses for the account. These addresses are used for notifications only.
City string The city of the account owner.
CompanyName string The name of the company for the account.
Country string The country of the account owner.
CustomerId string The ID of the customer.
Email string The main email address for the account. This address is used for your credentials and for notifications.
FirstName string The first name of the account owner.
JobTitle string The job title of the account owner.
LastName string The last name of the account owner.
MobileNumber string The mobile phone number of the account owner.
PhoneNumber string The landline phone number of the account owner.
StateProvince string The state/province of the account.
VatNumber string The value added tax (VAT) number for the account.
ZipCode string The ZIP code of the city.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "AdditionalEmails": [
  "City": "string",
  "CompanyName": "string",
  "Country": "string",
  "CustomerId": "string",
  "Email": "string",
  "FirstName": "string",
  "JobTitle": "string",
  "LastName": "string",
  "MobileNumber": "string",
  "PhoneNumber": "string",
  "StateProvince": "string",
  "VatNumber": "string",
  "ZipCode": "string"


Information about the API access policy.


Name Type Description
MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds integer (int64) The maximum possible lifetime for your access keys, in seconds. If 0, your access keys can have unlimited lifetimes.
RequireTrustedEnv boolean If true, a trusted session is activated, allowing you to bypass Certificate Authorities (CAs) enforcement. For more information, see About Your API Access Policy.

If this is enabled, it is required that you and all your users log in to Cockpit v2 using the WebAuthn method for multi-factor authentication. For more information, see About Authentication > Multi-Factor Authentication.


  "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 0,
  "RequireTrustedEnv": true


Information about the API access rule.


Name Type Description
ApiAccessRuleId string The ID of the API access rule.
CaIds [string] One or more IDs of Client Certificate Authorities (CAs) used for the API access rule.
Cns [string] One or more Client Certificate Common Names (CNs).
Description string The description of the API access rule.
IpRanges [string] One or more IP ranges used for the API access rule, in CIDR notation (for example,


  "ApiAccessRuleId": "string",
  "CaIds": [
  "Cns": [
  "Description": "string",
  "IpRanges": [


Information about the stickiness policy.


Name Type Description
CookieName string The name of the application cookie used for stickiness.
PolicyName string The mnemonic name for the policy being created. The name must be unique within a set of policies for this load balancer.


  "CookieName": "string",
  "PolicyName": "string"


Information about the health of a back-end VM.


Name Type Description
Description string The description of the state of the back-end VM.
State string The state of the back-end VM (InService | OutOfService | Unknown).
StateReason string Information about the cause of OutOfService VMs.

Specifically, whether the cause is Elastic Load Balancing or the VM (ELB | Instance | N/A).
VmId string The ID of the backend VM.


  "Description": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "StateReason": "string",
  "VmId": "string"


Information about the created block device mapping.


Name Type Description
Bsu BsuCreated Information about the created BSU volume.
DeviceName string The name of the device.


  "Bsu": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "LinkDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "State": "string",
    "VolumeId": "string"
  "DeviceName": "string"


One or more parameters used to automatically set up volumes when the VM is created.


Name Type Description
Bsu BsuToCreate Information about the BSU volume to create.
DeviceName string The device name for the volume. For a root device, you must use /dev/sda1. For other volumes, you must use /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX (where the first X is a letter between b and z, and the second X is a letter between a and z).
VirtualDeviceName string The name of the virtual device (ephemeralN).


  "Bsu": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "Iops": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "string",
    "VolumeSize": 0,
    "VolumeType": "string"
  "DeviceName": "string",
  "VirtualDeviceName": "string"


Information about the block device mapping.


Name Type Description
Bsu BsuToCreate Information about the BSU volume to create.
DeviceName string The device name for the volume. For a root device, you must use /dev/sda1. For other volumes, you must use /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX (where the first X is a letter between b and z, and the second X is a letter between a and z).
NoDevice string Removes the device which is included in the block device mapping of the OMI.
VirtualDeviceName string The name of the virtual device (ephemeralN).


  "Bsu": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "Iops": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "string",
    "VolumeSize": 0,
    "VolumeType": "string"
  "DeviceName": "string",
  "NoDevice": "string",
  "VirtualDeviceName": "string"


Information about the block device mapping.


Name Type Description
Bsu BsuToUpdateVm Information about the BSU volume.
DeviceName string The device name for the volume. For a root device, you must use /dev/sda1. For other volumes, you must use /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX (where the first X is a letter between b and z, and the second X is a letter between a and z).
NoDevice string Removes the device which is included in the block device mapping of the OMI.
VirtualDeviceName string The name of the virtual device (ephemeralN).


  "Bsu": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "VolumeId": "string"
  "DeviceName": "string",
  "NoDevice": "string",
  "VirtualDeviceName": "string"


Information about the created BSU volume.


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean If true, the volume is deleted when terminating the VM. If false, the volume is not deleted when terminating the VM.
LinkDate string (date-time) The date and time of attachment of the volume to the VM, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
State string The state of the volume.
VolumeId string The ID of the volume.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "LinkDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "State": "string",
  "VolumeId": "string"


Information about the BSU volume to create.


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean By default or if set to true, the volume is deleted when terminating the VM. If false, the volume is not deleted when terminating the VM.
Iops integer The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). This parameter must be specified only if you create an io1 volume. The maximum number of IOPS allowed for io1 volumes is 13000 with a maximum performance ratio of 300 IOPS per gibibyte.
SnapshotId string The ID of the snapshot used to create the volume.
VolumeSize integer The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB).

If you specify a snapshot ID, the volume size must be at least equal to the snapshot size.

If you specify a snapshot ID but no volume size, the volume is created with a size similar to the snapshot one.
VolumeType string The type of the volume (standard | io1 | gp2). If not specified in the request, a standard volume is created.

For more information about volume types, see About Volumes > Volume Types and IOPS.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "Iops": 0,
  "SnapshotId": "string",
  "VolumeSize": 0,
  "VolumeType": "string"


Information about the BSU volume.


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean If set to true, the volume is deleted when terminating the VM. If set to false, the volume is not deleted when terminating the VM.
VolumeId string The ID of the volume.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "VolumeId": "string"


Information about the Client Certificate Authority (CA).


Name Type Description
CaFingerprint string The fingerprint of the CA.
CaId string The ID of the CA.
Description string The description of the CA.


  "CaFingerprint": "string",
  "CaId": "string",
  "Description": "string"


Information about our catalog of prices.


Name Type Description
Entries [CatalogEntry] One or more catalog entries.


  "Entries": [
      "Category": "string",
      "Flags": "string",
      "Operation": "string",
      "Service": "string",
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "Title": "string",
      "Type": "string",
      "UnitPrice": 0


Information about the catalog entry.


Name Type Description
Category string The category of the catalog entry (for example, network).
Flags string When returned and equal to PER_MONTH, the price of the catalog entry is calculated on a monthly basis.
Operation string The API call associated with the catalog entry (for example, CreateVms or RunInstances).
Service string The service associated with the catalog entry (TinaOS-FCU, TinaOS-LBU, TinaOS-DirectLink, or TinaOS-OOS).
SubregionName string The Subregion associated with the catalog entry.
Title string The description of the catalog entry.
Type string The type of resource associated with the catalog entry.
UnitPrice number (float) The unit price of the catalog entry, in the currency of the Region's catalog.


  "Category": "string",
  "Flags": "string",
  "Operation": "string",
  "Service": "string",
  "SubregionName": "string",
  "Title": "string",
  "Type": "string",
  "UnitPrice": 0


Information about the catalogs.


Name Type Description
Entries [CatalogEntry] One or more catalog entries.
FromDate string (date-time) The beginning of the time period, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
State string The state of the catalog (CURRENT | OBSOLETE).
ToDate string (date-time) The end of the time period, in ISO 8601 date-time format.


  "Entries": [
      "Category": "string",
      "Flags": "string",
      "Operation": "string",
      "Service": "string",
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "Title": "string",
      "Type": "string",
      "UnitPrice": 0
  "FromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "State": "CURRENT",
  "ToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the client gateway.


Name Type Description
BgpAsn integer The Autonomous System Number (ASN) used by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to find the path to your client gateway through the Internet.
ClientGatewayId string The ID of the client gateway.
ConnectionType string The type of communication tunnel used by the client gateway (only ipsec.1 is supported).
PublicIp string The public IPv4 address of the client gateway (must be a fixed address into a NATed network).
State string The state of the client gateway (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the client gateway.


  "BgpAsn": 0,
  "ClientGatewayId": "string",
  "ConnectionType": "string",
  "PublicIp": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the resources consumed during the specified time period.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The ID of your TINA account.
Category string The category of the resource (for example, network).
FromDate string (date-time) The beginning of the time period, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
Operation string The API call that triggered the resource consumption (for example, RunInstances or CreateVolume).
PayingAccountId string The ID of the TINA account which is billed for your consumption. It can be different from your account in the AccountId parameter.
Price number (double) The total price of the consumed resource during the specified time period, in the currency of the Region's catalog.
Service string The service of the API call (TinaOS-FCU, TinaOS-LBU, TinaOS-DirectLink, TinaOS-OOS, or TinaOS-OSU).
SubregionName string The name of the Subregion.
Title string A description of the consumed resource.
ToDate string (date-time) The end of the time period, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
Type string The type of resource, depending on the API call.
UnitPrice number (double) The unit price of the consumed resource, in the currency of the Region's catalog.
Value number (double) The consumed amount for the resource. The unit depends on the resource type. For more information, see the Title element.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "Category": "string",
  "FromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Operation": "string",
  "PayingAccountId": "string",
  "Price": 0,
  "Service": "string",
  "SubregionName": "string",
  "Title": "string",
  "ToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Type": "string",
  "UnitPrice": 0,
  "Value": 0



Name Type Description
AccessKey AccessKeySecretKey Information about the access key.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "AccessKey": {
    "AccessKeyId": "string",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "SecretKey": "string",
    "State": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Account Account Information about the account.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Account": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "AdditionalEmails": [
    "City": "string",
    "CompanyName": "string",
    "Country": "string",
    "CustomerId": "string",
    "Email": "string",
    "FirstName": "string",
    "JobTitle": "string",
    "LastName": "string",
    "MobileNumber": "string",
    "PhoneNumber": "string",
    "StateProvince": "string",
    "VatNumber": "string",
    "ZipCode": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ApiAccessRule ApiAccessRule Information about the API access rule.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ApiAccessRule": {
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "string",
    "CaIds": [
    "Cns": [
    "Description": "string",
    "IpRanges": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Ca Ca Information about the Client Certificate Authority (CA).
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Ca": {
    "CaFingerprint": "string",
    "CaId": "string",
    "Description": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ClientGateway ClientGateway Information about the client gateway.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ClientGateway": {
    "BgpAsn": 0,
    "ClientGatewayId": "string",
    "ConnectionType": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DedicatedGroup DedicatedGroup Information about the dedicated group.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DedicatedGroup": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "CpuGeneration": 0,
    "DedicatedGroupId": "string",
    "Name": "string",
    "NetIds": [
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "VmIds": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DhcpOptionsSet DhcpOptionsSet Information about the DHCP options set.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DhcpOptionsSet": {
    "Default": true,
    "DhcpOptionsSetId": "string",
    "DomainName": "string",
    "DomainNameServers": [
    "LogServers": [
    "NtpServers": [
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DirectLinkInterface DirectLinkInterfaces Information about the DirectLink interfaces.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DirectLinkInterface": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "BgpAsn": 0,
    "BgpKey": "string",
    "ClientPrivateIp": "string",
    "DirectLinkId": "string",
    "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "string",
    "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "string",
    "InterfaceType": "string",
    "Location": "string",
    "Mtu": 0,
    "OutscalePrivateIp": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
    "Vlan": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DirectLink DirectLink Information about the DirectLink.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DirectLink": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "Bandwidth": "string",
    "DirectLinkId": "string",
    "DirectLinkName": "string",
    "Location": "string",
    "RegionName": "string",
    "State": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
FlexibleGpu FlexibleGpu Information about the flexible GPU (fGPU).
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "FlexibleGpu": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "FlexibleGpuId": "string",
    "Generation": "string",
    "ModelName": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "VmId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ImageExportTask ImageExportTask Information about the OMI export task.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ImageExportTask": {
    "Comment": "string",
    "ImageId": "string",
    "OsuExport": {
      "DiskImageFormat": "string",
      "OsuBucket": "string",
      "OsuManifestUrl": "string",
      "OsuPrefix": "string"
    "Progress": 0,
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "TaskId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Image Image Information about the OMI.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Image": {
    "AccountAlias": "string",
    "AccountId": "string",
    "Architecture": "string",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "Bsu": {
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "Iops": 0,
          "SnapshotId": "string",
          "VolumeSize": 0,
          "VolumeType": "string"
        "DeviceName": "string",
        "VirtualDeviceName": "string"
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "FileLocation": "string",
    "ImageId": "string",
    "ImageName": "string",
    "ImageType": "string",
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "AccountIds": [
      "GlobalPermission": true
    "ProductCodes": [
    "RootDeviceName": "string",
    "RootDeviceType": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "StateComment": {
      "StateCode": "string",
      "StateMessage": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
InternetService InternetService Information about the Internet service.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "InternetService": {
    "InternetServiceId": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Keypair KeypairCreated Information about the created keypair.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Keypair": {
    "KeypairFingerprint": "string",
    "KeypairName": "string",
    "KeypairType": "string",
    "PrivateKey": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ListenerRule ListenerRule Information about the listener rule.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ListenerRule": {
    "Action": "string",
    "HostNamePattern": "string",
    "ListenerId": 0,
    "ListenerRuleId": 0,
    "ListenerRuleName": "string",
    "PathPattern": "string",
    "Priority": 0,
    "VmIds": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
LoadBalancer LoadBalancer Information about the load balancer.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LoadBalancer": {
    "AccessLog": {
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "OsuBucketName": "string",
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
      "PublicationInterval": 0
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieName": "string",
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "BackendIps": [
    "BackendVmIds": [
    "DnsName": "string",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "CheckInterval": 0,
      "HealthyThreshold": 0,
      "Path": "string",
      "Port": 0,
      "Protocol": "string",
      "Timeout": 0,
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 0
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 0,
        "BackendProtocol": "string",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
        "PolicyNames": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "string"
    "LoadBalancerName": "string",
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "LoadBalancerType": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "SecuredCookies": true,
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "Subnets": [
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
LoadBalancer LoadBalancer Information about the load balancer.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LoadBalancer": {
    "AccessLog": {
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "OsuBucketName": "string",
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
      "PublicationInterval": 0
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieName": "string",
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "BackendIps": [
    "BackendVmIds": [
    "DnsName": "string",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "CheckInterval": 0,
      "HealthyThreshold": 0,
      "Path": "string",
      "Port": 0,
      "Protocol": "string",
      "Timeout": 0,
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 0
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 0,
        "BackendProtocol": "string",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
        "PolicyNames": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "string"
    "LoadBalancerName": "string",
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "LoadBalancerType": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "SecuredCookies": true,
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "Subnets": [
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
LoadBalancer LoadBalancer Information about the load balancer.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LoadBalancer": {
    "AccessLog": {
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "OsuBucketName": "string",
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
      "PublicationInterval": 0
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieName": "string",
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "BackendIps": [
    "BackendVmIds": [
    "DnsName": "string",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "CheckInterval": 0,
      "HealthyThreshold": 0,
      "Path": "string",
      "Port": 0,
      "Protocol": "string",
      "Timeout": 0,
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 0
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 0,
        "BackendProtocol": "string",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
        "PolicyNames": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "string"
    "LoadBalancerName": "string",
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "LoadBalancerType": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "SecuredCookies": true,
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "Subnets": [
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NatService NatService Information about the NAT service.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NatService": {
    "NatServiceId": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "PublicIps": [
        "PublicIp": "string",
        "PublicIpId": "string"
    "State": "string",
    "SubnetId": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NetAccessPoint NetAccessPoint Information about the Net access point.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NetAccessPoint": {
    "NetAccessPointId": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "RouteTableIds": [
    "ServiceName": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NetPeering NetPeering Information about the Net peering.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NetPeering": {
    "AccepterNet": {
      "AccountId": "string",
      "IpRange": "string",
      "NetId": "string"
    "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "NetPeeringId": "string",
    "SourceNet": {
      "AccountId": "string",
      "IpRange": "string",
      "NetId": "string"
    "State": {
      "Message": "string",
      "Name": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Net Net Information about the Net.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Net": {
    "DhcpOptionsSetId": "string",
    "IpRange": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "Tenancy": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Nic Nic Information about the NIC.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Nic": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "Description": "string",
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "LinkNic": {
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
      "DeviceNumber": 0,
      "LinkNicId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "VmAccountId": "string",
      "VmId": "string"
    "LinkPublicIp": {
      "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
      "PublicDnsName": "string",
      "PublicIp": "string",
      "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
      "PublicIpId": "string"
    "MacAddress": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "NicId": "string",
    "PrivateDnsName": "string",
    "PrivateIps": [
        "IsPrimary": true,
        "LinkPublicIp": {
          "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
          "PublicDnsName": "string",
          "PublicIp": "string",
          "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
          "PublicIpId": "string"
        "PrivateDnsName": "string",
        "PrivateIp": "string"
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupId": "string",
        "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "State": "string",
    "SubnetId": "string",
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Policy Policy Information about the policy.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Policy": {
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "IsLinkable": true,
    "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Orn": "string",
    "Path": "string",
    "PolicyDefaultVersionId": "string",
    "PolicyId": "string",
    "PolicyName": "string",
    "ResourcesCount": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
PolicyVersion PolicyVersion Information about the policy version.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "PolicyVersion": {
    "Body": "string",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "DefaultVersion": true,
    "VersionId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ProductType ProductType Information about the product type.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ProductType": {
    "Description": "string",
    "ProductTypeId": "string",
    "Vendor": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
PublicIp PublicIp Information about the public IP.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "PublicIp": {
    "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
    "NicAccountId": "string",
    "NicId": "string",
    "PrivateIp": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "PublicIpId": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VmId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
RouteTable RouteTable Information about the route table.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "RouteTable": {
    "LinkRouteTables": [
        "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
        "Main": true,
        "NetId": "string",
        "RouteTableId": "string",
        "SubnetId": "string"
    "NetId": "string",
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [
        "VirtualGatewayId": "string"
    "RouteTableId": "string",
    "Routes": [
        "CreationMethod": "string",
        "DestinationIpRange": "string",
        "DestinationServiceId": "string",
        "GatewayId": "string",
        "NatServiceId": "string",
        "NetAccessPointId": "string",
        "NetPeeringId": "string",
        "NicId": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "VmAccountId": "string",
        "VmId": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
RouteTable RouteTable Information about the route table.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "RouteTable": {
    "LinkRouteTables": [
        "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
        "Main": true,
        "NetId": "string",
        "RouteTableId": "string",
        "SubnetId": "string"
    "NetId": "string",
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [
        "VirtualGatewayId": "string"
    "RouteTableId": "string",
    "Routes": [
        "CreationMethod": "string",
        "DestinationIpRange": "string",
        "DestinationServiceId": "string",
        "GatewayId": "string",
        "NatServiceId": "string",
        "NetAccessPointId": "string",
        "NetPeeringId": "string",
        "NicId": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "VmAccountId": "string",
        "VmId": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
SecurityGroup SecurityGroup Information about the security group.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "SecurityGroup": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "Description": "string",
    "InboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": 0,
        "IpProtocol": "string",
        "IpRanges": [
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
            "AccountId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupName": "string"
        "ServiceIds": [
        "ToPortRange": 0
    "NetId": "string",
    "OutboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": 0,
        "IpProtocol": "string",
        "IpRanges": [
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
            "AccountId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupName": "string"
        "ServiceIds": [
        "ToPortRange": 0
    "SecurityGroupId": "string",
    "SecurityGroupName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
SecurityGroup SecurityGroup Information about the security group.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "SecurityGroup": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "Description": "string",
    "InboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": 0,
        "IpProtocol": "string",
        "IpRanges": [
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
            "AccountId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupName": "string"
        "ServiceIds": [
        "ToPortRange": 0
    "NetId": "string",
    "OutboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": 0,
        "IpProtocol": "string",
        "IpRanges": [
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
            "AccountId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupName": "string"
        "ServiceIds": [
        "ToPortRange": 0
    "SecurityGroupId": "string",
    "SecurityGroupName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
ServerCertificate ServerCertificate Information about the server certificate.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "ServerCertificate": {
    "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": "string",
    "Name": "string",
    "Orn": "string",
    "Path": "string",
    "UploadDate": "2019-08-24"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
SnapshotExportTask SnapshotExportTask Information about the snapshot export task.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "SnapshotExportTask": {
    "Comment": "string",
    "OsuExport": {
      "DiskImageFormat": "string",
      "OsuBucket": "string",
      "OsuPrefix": "string"
    "Progress": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "TaskId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Snapshot Snapshot Information about the snapshot.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Snapshot": {
    "AccountAlias": "string",
    "AccountId": "string",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "AccountIds": [
      "GlobalPermission": true
    "Progress": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VolumeId": "string",
    "VolumeSize": 0



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Subnet Subnet Information about the Subnet.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Subnet": {
    "AvailableIpsCount": 0,
    "IpRange": "string",
    "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": true,
    "NetId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "SubnetId": "string",
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
User User Information about the EIM user.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "User": {
    "Path": "string",
    "UserId": "string",
    "UserName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VirtualGateway VirtualGateway Information about the virtual gateway.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VirtualGateway": {
    "ConnectionType": "string",
    "NetToVirtualGatewayLinks": [
        "NetId": "string",
        "State": "string"
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VirtualGatewayId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmGroup VmGroup Information about the VM group.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmGroup": {
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "PositioningStrategy": "attract",
    "SecurityGroupIds": [
    "State": "available",
    "SubnetId": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VmCount": 0,
    "VmGroupId": "string",
    "VmGroupName": "string",
    "VmIds": [
    "VmTemplateId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmTemplate VmTemplate Information about the VM template.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmTemplate": {
    "CpuCores": 0,
    "CpuGeneration": "string",
    "CpuPerformance": "medium",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "ImageId": "string",
    "KeypairName": "string",
    "Ram": 0,
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VmTemplateId": "string",
    "VmTemplateName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Vms [Vm] Information about one or more created VMs.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Vms": [
      "Architecture": "string",
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "Bsu": {
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
            "LinkDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "State": "string",
            "VolumeId": "string"
          "DeviceName": "string"
      "BsuOptimized": true,
      "ClientToken": "string",
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "DeletionProtection": true,
      "Hypervisor": "string",
      "ImageId": "string",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "KeypairName": "string",
      "LaunchNumber": 0,
      "NestedVirtualization": true,
      "NetId": "string",
      "Nics": [
          "AccountId": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
          "LinkNic": {
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
            "DeviceNumber": 0,
            "LinkNicId": "string",
            "State": "string"
          "LinkPublicIp": {
            "PublicDnsName": "string",
            "PublicIp": "string",
            "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
          "MacAddress": "string",
          "NetId": "string",
          "NicId": "string",
          "PrivateDnsName": "string",
          "PrivateIps": [
              "IsPrimary": true,
              "LinkPublicIp": {
                "PublicDnsName": "string",
                "PublicIp": "string",
                "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
              "PrivateDnsName": "string",
              "PrivateIp": "string"
          "SecurityGroups": [
              "SecurityGroupId": "string",
              "SecurityGroupName": "string"
          "State": "string",
          "SubnetId": "string"
      "OsFamily": "string",
      "Performance": "string",
      "Placement": {
        "SubregionName": "string",
        "Tenancy": "string"
      "PrivateDnsName": "string",
      "PrivateIp": "string",
      "ProductCodes": [
      "PublicDnsName": "string",
      "PublicIp": "string",
      "ReservationId": "string",
      "RootDeviceName": "string",
      "RootDeviceType": "string",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupId": "string",
          "SecurityGroupName": "string"
      "State": "string",
      "StateReason": "string",
      "SubnetId": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "UserData": "string",
      "VmId": "string",
      "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "string",
      "VmType": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Volume Volume Information about the volume.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Volume": {
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Iops": 0,
    "LinkedVolumes": [
        "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
        "DeviceName": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "VmId": "string",
        "VolumeId": "string"
    "Size": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VolumeId": "string",
    "VolumeType": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VpnConnection VpnConnection Information about a VPN connection.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VpnConnection": {
    "ClientGatewayConfiguration": "string",
    "ClientGatewayId": "string",
    "ConnectionType": "string",
    "Routes": [
        "DestinationIpRange": "string",
        "RouteType": "string",
        "State": "string"
    "State": "string",
    "StaticRoutesOnly": true,
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VgwTelemetries": [
        "AcceptedRouteCount": 0,
        "LastStateChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "OutsideIpAddress": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "StateDescription": "string"
    "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
    "VpnConnectionId": "string",
    "VpnOptions": {
      "Phase1Options": {
        "DpdTimeoutAction": "string",
        "DpdTimeoutSeconds": 0,
        "IkeVersions": [
        "Phase1DhGroupNumbers": [
        "Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms": [
        "Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms": [
        "Phase1LifetimeSeconds": 0,
        "ReplayWindowSize": 0,
        "StartupAction": "string"
      "Phase2Options": {
        "Phase2DhGroupNumbers": [
        "Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms": [
        "Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms": [
        "Phase2LifetimeSeconds": 0,
        "PreSharedKey": "string"
      "TunnelInsideIpRange": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the dedicated group.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the owners of the dedicated group.
CpuGeneration integer The processor generation.
DedicatedGroupId string The ID of the dedicated group.
Name string The name of the dedicated group.
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets in the dedicated group.
SubregionName string The name of the Subregion in which the dedicated group is located.
VmIds [string] The IDs of the VMs in the dedicated group.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "CpuGeneration": 0,
  "DedicatedGroupId": "string",
  "Name": "string",
  "NetIds": [
  "SubregionName": "string",
  "VmIds": [



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
LoadBalancer LoadBalancer Information about the load balancer.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LoadBalancer": {
    "AccessLog": {
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "OsuBucketName": "string",
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
      "PublicationInterval": 0
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieName": "string",
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "BackendIps": [
    "BackendVmIds": [
    "DnsName": "string",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "CheckInterval": 0,
      "HealthyThreshold": 0,
      "Path": "string",
      "Port": 0,
      "Protocol": "string",
      "Timeout": 0,
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 0
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 0,
        "BackendProtocol": "string",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
        "PolicyNames": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "string"
    "LoadBalancerName": "string",
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "LoadBalancerType": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "SecuredCookies": true,
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "Subnets": [
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
LoadBalancer LoadBalancer Information about the load balancer.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LoadBalancer": {
    "AccessLog": {
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "OsuBucketName": "string",
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
      "PublicationInterval": 0
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieName": "string",
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "BackendIps": [
    "BackendVmIds": [
    "DnsName": "string",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "CheckInterval": 0,
      "HealthyThreshold": 0,
      "Path": "string",
      "Port": 0,
      "Protocol": "string",
      "Timeout": 0,
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 0
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 0,
        "BackendProtocol": "string",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
        "PolicyNames": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "string"
    "LoadBalancerName": "string",
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "LoadBalancerType": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "SecuredCookies": true,
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "Subnets": [
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
RouteTable RouteTable Information about the route table.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "RouteTable": {
    "LinkRouteTables": [
        "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
        "Main": true,
        "NetId": "string",
        "RouteTableId": "string",
        "SubnetId": "string"
    "NetId": "string",
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [
        "VirtualGatewayId": "string"
    "RouteTableId": "string",
    "Routes": [
        "CreationMethod": "string",
        "DestinationIpRange": "string",
        "DestinationServiceId": "string",
        "GatewayId": "string",
        "NatServiceId": "string",
        "NetAccessPointId": "string",
        "NetPeeringId": "string",
        "NicId": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "VmAccountId": "string",
        "VmId": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
SecurityGroup SecurityGroup Information about the security group.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "SecurityGroup": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "Description": "string",
    "InboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": 0,
        "IpProtocol": "string",
        "IpRanges": [
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
            "AccountId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupName": "string"
        "ServiceIds": [
        "ToPortRange": 0
    "NetId": "string",
    "OutboundRules": [
        "FromPortRange": 0,
        "IpProtocol": "string",
        "IpRanges": [
        "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
            "AccountId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupName": "string"
        "ServiceIds": [
        "ToPortRange": 0
    "SecurityGroupId": "string",
    "SecurityGroupName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Vms [VmState] Information about one or more terminated VMs.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Vms": [
      "CurrentState": "string",
      "PreviousState": "string",
      "VmId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the DHCP options set.


Name Type Description
Default boolean If true, the DHCP options set is a default one. If false, it is not.
DhcpOptionsSetId string The ID of the DHCP options set.
DomainName string The domain name.
DomainNameServers [string] One or more IPs for the domain name servers.
LogServers [string] One or more IPs for the log servers.
NtpServers [string] One or more IPs for the NTP servers.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the DHCP options set.


  "Default": true,
  "DhcpOptionsSetId": "string",
  "DomainName": "string",
  "DomainNameServers": [
  "LogServers": [
  "NtpServers": [
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"

Information about the DirectLink.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the DirectLink.
Bandwidth string The physical link bandwidth (either 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps).
DirectLinkId string The ID of the DirectLink (for example, dxcon-xxxxxxxx).
DirectLinkName string The name of the DirectLink.
Location string The datacenter where the DirectLink is located.
RegionName string The Region in which the DirectLink has been created.
State string The state of the DirectLink.

* requested: The DirectLink is requested but the request has not been validated yet.

* pending: The DirectLink request has been validated. It remains in the pending state until you establish the physical link.

* available: The physical link is established and the connection is ready to use.

* deleting: The deletion process is in progress.

* deleted: The DirectLink is deleted.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "Bandwidth": "string",
  "DirectLinkId": "string",
  "DirectLinkName": "string",
  "Location": "string",
  "RegionName": "string",
  "State": "string"


Information about the DirectLink interface.


Name Type Description
BgpAsn integer The BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ASN (Autonomous System Number) on the customer's side of the DirectLink interface. This number must be between 64512 and 65534.
BgpKey string The BGP authentication key.
ClientPrivateIp string The IP on the customer's side of the DirectLink interface.
DirectLinkInterfaceName string The name of the DirectLink interface.
OutscalePrivateIp string The IP on the OUTSCALE side of the DirectLink interface.
VirtualGatewayId string The ID of the target virtual gateway.
Vlan integer The VLAN number associated with the DirectLink interface. This number must be unique and be between 2 and 4094.


  "BgpAsn": 0,
  "BgpKey": "string",
  "ClientPrivateIp": "string",
  "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "string",
  "OutscalePrivateIp": "string",
  "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
  "Vlan": 0


Information about the DirectLink interfaces.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the DirectLink interface.
BgpAsn integer The BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ASN (Autonomous System Number) on the customer's side of the DirectLink interface.
BgpKey string The BGP authentication key.
ClientPrivateIp string The IP on the customer's side of the DirectLink interface.
DirectLinkId string The ID of the DirectLink.
DirectLinkInterfaceId string The ID of the DirectLink interface.
DirectLinkInterfaceName string The name of the DirectLink interface.
InterfaceType string The type of the DirectLink interface (always private).
Location string The datacenter where the DirectLink interface is located.
Mtu integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the DirectLink interface, in bytes (always 1500).
OutscalePrivateIp string The IP on the OUTSCALE side of the DirectLink interface.
State string The state of the DirectLink interface (pending | available | deleting | deleted | confirming | rejected | expired).
VirtualGatewayId string The ID of the target virtual gateway.
Vlan integer The VLAN number associated with the DirectLink interface.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "BgpAsn": 0,
  "BgpKey": "string",
  "ClientPrivateIp": "string",
  "DirectLinkId": "string",
  "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "string",
  "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "string",
  "InterfaceType": "string",
  "Location": "string",
  "Mtu": 0,
  "OutscalePrivateIp": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
  "Vlan": 0



Name Type Description
Errors [Errors] One or more errors.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Errors": [
      "Code": "string",
      "Details": "string",
      "Type": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the errors.


Name Type Description
Code string The code of the error.
Details string The details of the error.
Type string The type of the error.


  "Code": "string",
  "Details": "string",
  "Type": "string"


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
AccessKeyIds [string] The IDs of the access keys.
States [string] The states of the access keys (ACTIVE | INACTIVE).


  "AccessKeyIds": [
  "States": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
ApiAccessRuleIds [string] One or more IDs of API access rules.
CaIds [string] One or more IDs of Client Certificate Authorities (CAs).
Cns [string] One or more Client Certificate Common Names (CNs).
Descriptions [string] One or more descriptions of API access rules.
IpRanges [string] One or more IPs or CIDR blocks (for example,


  "ApiAccessRuleIds": [
  "CaIds": [
  "Cns": [
  "Descriptions": [
  "IpRanges": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
QueryAccessKeys [string] The access keys used for the logged calls.
QueryApiNames [string] The names of the APIs of the logged calls (always oapi for the OUTSCALE API).
QueryCallNames [string] The names of the logged calls.
QueryDateAfter string (date-time or date) The date and time, or the date, after which you want to retrieve logged calls, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z or 2020-06-14). By default, this date is set to 48 hours before the QueryDateBefore parameter value.
QueryDateBefore string (date-time or date) The date and time, or the date, before which you want to retrieve logged calls, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z or 2020-06-14). By default, this date is set to now, or 48 hours after the QueryDateAfter parameter value.
QueryIpAddresses [string] The IPs used for the logged calls.
QueryUserAgents [string] The user agents of the HTTP requests of the logged calls.
RequestIds [string] The request IDs provided in the responses of the logged calls.
ResponseStatusCodes [integer] The HTTP status codes of the logged calls.


  "QueryAccessKeys": [
  "QueryApiNames": [
  "QueryCallNames": [
  "QueryDateAfter": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "QueryDateBefore": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "QueryIpAddresses": [
  "QueryUserAgents": [
  "RequestIds": [
  "ResponseStatusCodes": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
CaFingerprints [string] The fingerprints of the CAs.
CaIds [string] The IDs of the CAs.
Descriptions [string] The descriptions of the CAs.


  "CaFingerprints": [
  "CaIds": [
  "Descriptions": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
CurrentCatalogOnly boolean By default or if set to true, only returns the current catalog. If false, returns the current catalog and past catalogs.
FromDate string (date) The beginning of the time period, in ISO 8601 date format (for example, 2020-06-14). This date cannot be older than 3 years. You must specify the parameters FromDate and ToDate together.
ToDate string (date) The end of the time period, in ISO 8601 date format (for example, 2020-06-30). You must specify the parameters FromDate and ToDate together.


  "CurrentCatalogOnly": true,
  "FromDate": "2019-08-24",
  "ToDate": "2019-08-24"


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
BgpAsns [integer] The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) of the connections.
ClientGatewayIds [string] The IDs of the client gateways.
ConnectionTypes [string] The types of communication tunnels used by the client gateways (only ipsec.1 is supported).
PublicIps [string] The public IPv4 addresses of the client gateways.
States [string] The states of the client gateways (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the client gateways.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the client gateways.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the client gateways, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "BgpAsns": [
  "ClientGatewayIds": [
  "ConnectionTypes": [
  "PublicIps": [
  "States": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
CpuGenerations [integer] The processor generation for the VMs in the dedicated group (for example, 4).
DedicatedGroupIds [string] The IDs of the dedicated groups.
Names [string] The names of the dedicated groups.
SubregionNames [string] The names of the Subregions in which the dedicated groups are located.


  "CpuGenerations": [
  "DedicatedGroupIds": [
  "Names": [
  "SubregionNames": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
Default boolean If true, lists all default DHCP options set. If false, lists all non-default DHCP options set.
DhcpOptionsSetIds [string] The IDs of the DHCP options sets.
DomainNameServers [string] The IPs of the domain name servers used for the DHCP options sets.
DomainNames [string] The domain names used for the DHCP options sets.
LogServers [string] The IPs of the log servers used for the DHCP options sets.
NtpServers [string] The IPs of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers used for the DHCP options sets.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the DHCP options sets.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the DHCP options sets.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the DHCP options sets, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "Default": true,
  "DhcpOptionsSetIds": [
  "DomainNameServers": [
  "DomainNames": [
  "LogServers": [
  "NtpServers": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [

One or more filters.


Name Type Description
DirectLinkIds [string] The IDs of the DirectLinks.


  "DirectLinkIds": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
DirectLinkIds [string] The IDs of the DirectLinks.
DirectLinkInterfaceIds [string] The IDs of the DirectLink interfaces.


  "DirectLinkIds": [
  "DirectLinkInterfaceIds": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
TaskIds [string] The IDs of the export tasks.


  "TaskIds": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean Indicates whether the fGPU is deleted when terminating the VM.
FlexibleGpuIds [string] One or more IDs of fGPUs.
Generations [string] The processor generations that the fGPUs are compatible with.
ModelNames [string] One or more models of fGPUs. For more information, see About Flexible GPUs.
States [string] The states of the fGPUs (allocated | attaching | attached | detaching).
SubregionNames [string] The Subregions where the fGPUs are located.
VmIds [string] One or more IDs of VMs.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "FlexibleGpuIds": [
  "Generations": [
  "ModelNames": [
  "States": [
  "SubregionNames": [
  "VmIds": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
AccountAliases [string] The account aliases of the owners of the OMIs.
AccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the OMIs. By default, all the OMIs for which you have launch permissions are described.
Architectures [string] The architectures of the OMIs (i386 | x86_64).
BlockDeviceMappingDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean Whether the volumes are deleted or not when terminating the VM.
BlockDeviceMappingDeviceNames [string] The device names for the volumes.
BlockDeviceMappingSnapshotIds [string] The IDs of the snapshots used to create the volumes.
BlockDeviceMappingVolumeSizes [integer] The sizes of the volumes, in gibibytes (GiB).
BlockDeviceMappingVolumeTypes [string] The types of volumes (standard | gp2 | io1).
Descriptions [string] The descriptions of the OMIs, provided when they were created.
FileLocations [string] The locations of the buckets where the OMI files are stored.
Hypervisors [string] The hypervisor type of the OMI (always xen).
ImageIds [string] The IDs of the OMIs.
ImageNames [string] The names of the OMIs, provided when they were created.
PermissionsToLaunchAccountIds [string] The account IDs which have launch permissions for the OMIs.
PermissionsToLaunchGlobalPermission boolean If true, lists all public OMIs. If false, lists all private OMIs.
ProductCodeNames [string] The names of the product codes associated with the OMI.
ProductCodes [string] The product codes associated with the OMI.
RootDeviceNames [string] The name of the root device. This value must be /dev/sda1.
RootDeviceTypes [string] The types of root device used by the OMIs (bsu or ebs).
States [string] The states of the OMIs (pending | available | failed).
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the OMIs.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the OMIs.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the OMIs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
VirtualizationTypes [string] The virtualization types (always hvm).


  "AccountAliases": [
  "AccountIds": [
  "Architectures": [
  "BlockDeviceMappingDeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "BlockDeviceMappingDeviceNames": [
  "BlockDeviceMappingSnapshotIds": [
  "BlockDeviceMappingVolumeSizes": [
  "BlockDeviceMappingVolumeTypes": [
  "Descriptions": [
  "FileLocations": [
  "Hypervisors": [
  "ImageIds": [
  "ImageNames": [
  "PermissionsToLaunchAccountIds": [
  "PermissionsToLaunchGlobalPermission": true,
  "ProductCodeNames": [
  "ProductCodes": [
  "RootDeviceNames": [
  "RootDeviceTypes": [
  "States": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "VirtualizationTypes": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
InternetServiceIds [string] The IDs of the Internet services.
LinkNetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets the Internet services are attached to.
LinkStates [string] The current states of the attachments between the Internet services and the Nets (only available, if the Internet gateway is attached to a Net).
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the Internet services.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the Internet services.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Internet services, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "InternetServiceIds": [
  "LinkNetIds": [
  "LinkStates": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
KeypairFingerprints [string] The fingerprints of the keypairs.
KeypairNames [string] The names of the keypairs.
KeypairTypes [string] The types of the keypairs (ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, or ecdsa-sha2-nistp521).


  "KeypairFingerprints": [
  "KeypairNames": [
  "KeypairTypes": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
ListenerRuleNames [string] The names of the listener rules.


  "ListenerRuleNames": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
LoadBalancerNames [string] The names of the load balancers.


  "LoadBalancerNames": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
NatServiceIds [string] The IDs of the NAT services.
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets in which the NAT services are.
States [string] The states of the NAT services (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
SubnetIds [string] The IDs of the Subnets in which the NAT services are.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the NAT services.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the NAT services.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the NAT services, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "NatServiceIds": [
  "NetIds": [
  "States": [
  "SubnetIds": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
DhcpOptionsSetIds [string] The IDs of the DHCP options sets.
IpRanges [string] The IP ranges for the Nets, in CIDR notation (for example,
IsDefault boolean If true, the Net used is the default one.
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets.
States [string] The states of the Nets (pending | available | deleting).
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the Nets.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the Nets.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Nets, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "DhcpOptionsSetIds": [
  "IpRanges": [
  "IsDefault": true,
  "NetIds": [
  "States": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
NetAccessPointIds [string] The IDs of the Net access points.
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets.
ServiceNames [string] The names of the services. For more information, see ReadNetAccessPointServices.
States [string] The states of the Net access points (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the Net access points.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the Net access points.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Net access points, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "NetAccessPointIds": [
  "NetIds": [
  "ServiceNames": [
  "States": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
AccepterNetAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the peer Nets.
AccepterNetIpRanges [string] The IP ranges of the peer Nets, in CIDR notation (for example,
AccepterNetNetIds [string] The IDs of the peer Nets.
ExpirationDates [string] The dates and times at which the Net peerings expire, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z).
NetPeeringIds [string] The IDs of the Net peerings.
SourceNetAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the peer Nets.
SourceNetIpRanges [string] The IP ranges of the peer Nets.
SourceNetNetIds [string] The IDs of the peer Nets.
StateMessages [string] Additional information about the states of the Net peerings.
StateNames [string] The states of the Net peerings (pending-acceptance | active | rejected | failed | expired | deleted).
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the Net peerings.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the Net peerings.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Net peerings, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "AccepterNetAccountIds": [
  "AccepterNetIpRanges": [
  "AccepterNetNetIds": [
  "ExpirationDates": [
  "NetPeeringIds": [
  "SourceNetAccountIds": [
  "SourceNetIpRanges": [
  "SourceNetNetIds": [
  "StateMessages": [
  "StateNames": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
Descriptions [string] The descriptions of the NICs.
IsSourceDestCheck boolean Whether the source/destination checking is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
LinkNicDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean Whether the NICs are deleted when the VMs they are attached to are terminated.
LinkNicDeviceNumbers [integer] The device numbers the NICs are attached to.
LinkNicLinkNicIds [string] The attachment IDs of the NICs.
LinkNicStates [string] The states of the attachments.
LinkNicVmAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the VMs the NICs are attached to.
LinkNicVmIds [string] The IDs of the VMs the NICs are attached to.
LinkPublicIpAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the public IPs associated with the NICs.
LinkPublicIpLinkPublicIpIds [string] The association IDs returned when the public IPs were associated with the NICs.
LinkPublicIpPublicIpIds [string] The allocation IDs returned when the public IPs were allocated to their accounts.
LinkPublicIpPublicIps [string] The public IPs associated with the NICs.
MacAddresses [string] The Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of the NICs.
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets where the NICs are located.
NicIds [string] The IDs of the NICs.
PrivateDnsNames [string] The private DNS names associated with the primary private IPs.
PrivateIpsLinkPublicIpAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owner of the public IPs associated with the private IPs.
PrivateIpsLinkPublicIpPublicIps [string] The public IPs associated with the private IPs.
PrivateIpsPrimaryIp boolean Whether the private IP is the primary IP associated with the NIC.
PrivateIpsPrivateIps [string] The private IPs of the NICs.
SecurityGroupIds [string] The IDs of the security groups associated with the NICs.
SecurityGroupNames [string] The names of the security groups associated with the NICs.
States [string] The states of the NICs.
SubnetIds [string] The IDs of the Subnets for the NICs.
SubregionNames [string] The Subregions where the NICs are located.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the NICs.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the NICs.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the NICs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "Descriptions": [
  "IsSourceDestCheck": true,
  "LinkNicDeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "LinkNicDeviceNumbers": [
  "LinkNicLinkNicIds": [
  "LinkNicStates": [
  "LinkNicVmAccountIds": [
  "LinkNicVmIds": [
  "LinkPublicIpAccountIds": [
  "LinkPublicIpLinkPublicIpIds": [
  "LinkPublicIpPublicIpIds": [
  "LinkPublicIpPublicIps": [
  "MacAddresses": [
  "NetIds": [
  "NicIds": [
  "PrivateDnsNames": [
  "PrivateIpsLinkPublicIpAccountIds": [
  "PrivateIpsLinkPublicIpPublicIps": [
  "PrivateIpsPrimaryIp": true,
  "PrivateIpsPrivateIps": [
  "SecurityGroupIds": [
  "SecurityGroupNames": [
  "States": [
  "SubnetIds": [
  "SubregionNames": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
ProductTypeIds [string] The IDs of the product types.


  "ProductTypeIds": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
LinkPublicIpIds [string] The IDs representing the associations of public IPs with VMs or NICs.
NicAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the NICs.
NicIds [string] The IDs of the NICs.
Placements [string] Whether the public IPs are for use in the public Cloud or in a Net.
PrivateIps [string] The private IPs associated with the public IPs.
PublicIpIds [string] The IDs of the public IPs.
PublicIps [string] The public IPs.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the public IPs.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the public IPs.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the public IPs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
VmIds [string] The IDs of the VMs.


  "LinkPublicIpIds": [
  "NicAccountIds": [
  "NicIds": [
  "Placements": [
  "PrivateIps": [
  "PublicIpIds": [
  "PublicIps": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "VmIds": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
Collections [string] The group names of the quotas.
QuotaNames [string] The names of the quotas.
QuotaTypes [string] The resource IDs if these are resource-specific quotas, global if they are not.
ShortDescriptions [string] The description of the quotas.


  "Collections": [
  "QuotaNames": [
  "QuotaTypes": [
  "ShortDescriptions": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
LinkRouteTableIds [string] The IDs of the route tables involved in the associations.
LinkRouteTableLinkRouteTableIds [string] The IDs of the associations between the route tables and the Subnets.
LinkRouteTableMain boolean If true, the route tables are the main ones for their Nets.
LinkSubnetIds [string] The IDs of the Subnets involved in the associations.
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets for the route tables.
RouteCreationMethods [string] The methods used to create a route.
RouteDestinationIpRanges [string] The IP ranges specified in routes in the tables.
RouteDestinationServiceIds [string] The service IDs specified in routes in the tables.
RouteGatewayIds [string] The IDs of the gateways specified in routes in the tables.
RouteNatServiceIds [string] The IDs of the NAT services specified in routes in the tables.
RouteNetPeeringIds [string] The IDs of the Net peerings specified in routes in the tables.
RouteStates [string] The states of routes in the route tables (always active).
RouteTableIds [string] The IDs of the route tables.
RouteVmIds [string] The IDs of the VMs specified in routes in the tables.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the route tables.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the route tables.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the route tables, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "LinkRouteTableIds": [
  "LinkRouteTableLinkRouteTableIds": [
  "LinkRouteTableMain": true,
  "LinkSubnetIds": [
  "NetIds": [
  "RouteCreationMethods": [
  "RouteDestinationIpRanges": [
  "RouteDestinationServiceIds": [
  "RouteGatewayIds": [
  "RouteNatServiceIds": [
  "RouteNetPeeringIds": [
  "RouteStates": [
  "RouteTableIds": [
  "RouteVmIds": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
Descriptions [string] The descriptions of the security groups.
InboundRuleAccountIds [string] The account IDs that have been granted permissions.
InboundRuleFromPortRanges [integer] The beginnings of the port ranges for the TCP and UDP protocols, or the ICMP type numbers.
InboundRuleIpRanges [string] The IP ranges that have been granted permissions, in CIDR notation (for example,
InboundRuleProtocols [string] The IP protocols for the permissions (tcp | udp | icmp, or a protocol number, or -1 for all protocols).
InboundRuleSecurityGroupIds [string] The IDs of the security groups that have been granted permissions.
InboundRuleSecurityGroupNames [string] The names of the security groups that have been granted permissions.
InboundRuleToPortRanges [integer] The ends of the port ranges for the TCP and UDP protocols, or the ICMP code numbers.
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets specified when the security groups were created.
OutboundRuleAccountIds [string] The account IDs that have been granted permissions.
OutboundRuleFromPortRanges [integer] The beginnings of the port ranges for the TCP and UDP protocols, or the ICMP type numbers.
OutboundRuleIpRanges [string] The IP ranges that have been granted permissions, in CIDR notation (for example,
OutboundRuleProtocols [string] The IP protocols for the permissions (tcp | udp | icmp, or a protocol number, or -1 for all protocols).
OutboundRuleSecurityGroupIds [string] The IDs of the security groups that have been granted permissions.
OutboundRuleSecurityGroupNames [string] The names of the security groups that have been granted permissions.
OutboundRuleToPortRanges [integer] The ends of the port ranges for the TCP and UDP protocols, or the ICMP code numbers.
SecurityGroupIds [string] The IDs of the security groups.
SecurityGroupNames [string] The names of the security groups.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the security groups.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the security groups.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the security groups, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "Descriptions": [
  "InboundRuleAccountIds": [
  "InboundRuleFromPortRanges": [
  "InboundRuleIpRanges": [
  "InboundRuleProtocols": [
  "InboundRuleSecurityGroupIds": [
  "InboundRuleSecurityGroupNames": [
  "InboundRuleToPortRanges": [
  "NetIds": [
  "OutboundRuleAccountIds": [
  "OutboundRuleFromPortRanges": [
  "OutboundRuleIpRanges": [
  "OutboundRuleProtocols": [
  "OutboundRuleSecurityGroupIds": [
  "OutboundRuleSecurityGroupNames": [
  "OutboundRuleToPortRanges": [
  "SecurityGroupIds": [
  "SecurityGroupNames": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
Paths [string] The paths to the server certificates.


  "Paths": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
ServiceIds [string] The IDs of the services.
ServiceNames [string] The names of the services.


  "ServiceIds": [
  "ServiceNames": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
AccountAliases [string] The account aliases of the owners of the snapshots.
AccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the snapshots.
Descriptions [string] The descriptions of the snapshots.
FromCreationDate string (date-time) The beginning of the time period, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-14T00:00:00.000Z).
PermissionsToCreateVolumeAccountIds [string] The account IDs which have permissions to create volumes.
PermissionsToCreateVolumeGlobalPermission boolean If true, lists all public volumes. If false, lists all private volumes.
Progresses [integer] The progresses of the snapshots, as a percentage.
SnapshotIds [string] The IDs of the snapshots.
States [string] The states of the snapshots (in-queue | completed | error).
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the snapshots.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the snapshots.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the snapshots, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
ToCreationDate string (date-time) The end of the time period, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z).
VolumeIds [string] The IDs of the volumes used to create the snapshots.
VolumeSizes [integer] The sizes of the volumes used to create the snapshots, in gibibytes (GiB).


  "AccountAliases": [
  "AccountIds": [
  "Descriptions": [
  "FromCreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "PermissionsToCreateVolumeAccountIds": [
  "PermissionsToCreateVolumeGlobalPermission": true,
  "Progresses": [
  "SnapshotIds": [
  "States": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "ToCreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "VolumeIds": [
  "VolumeSizes": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
AvailableIpsCounts [integer] The number of available IPs.
IpRanges [string] The IP ranges in the Subnets, in CIDR notation (for example,
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets in which the Subnets are.
States [string] The states of the Subnets (pending | available | deleted).
SubnetIds [string] The IDs of the Subnets.
SubregionNames [string] The names of the Subregions in which the Subnets are located.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the Subnets.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the Subnets.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the Subnets, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.


  "AvailableIpsCounts": [
  "IpRanges": [
  "NetIds": [
  "States": [
  "SubnetIds": [
  "SubregionNames": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
RegionNames [string] The names of the Regions containing the Subregions.
States [string] The states of the Subregions.
SubregionNames [string] The names of the Subregions.


  "RegionNames": [
  "States": [
  "SubregionNames": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
Keys [string] The keys of the tags that are assigned to the resources. You can use this filter alongside the Values filter. In that case, you filter the resources corresponding to each tag, regardless of the other filter.
ResourceIds [string] The IDs of the resources with which the tags are associated.
ResourceTypes [string] The resource type (vm | image | volume | snapshot | public-ip | security-group | route-table | nic | net | subnet | net-peering | net-access-point | nat-service | internet-service | client-gateway | virtual-gateway | vpn-connection | dhcp-options | task).
Values [string] The values of the tags that are assigned to the resources. You can use this filter alongside the TagKeys filter. In that case, you filter the resources corresponding to each tag, regardless of the other filter.


  "Keys": [
  "ResourceIds": [
  "ResourceTypes": [
  "Values": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
ConnectionTypes [string] The types of the virtual gateways (only ipsec.1 is supported).
LinkNetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets the virtual gateways are attached to.
LinkStates [string] The current states of the attachments between the virtual gateways and the Nets (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).
States [string] The states of the virtual gateways (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the virtual gateways.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the virtual gateways.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the virtual gateways, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
VirtualGatewayIds [string] The IDs of the virtual gateways.


  "ConnectionTypes": [
  "LinkNetIds": [
  "LinkStates": [
  "States": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "VirtualGatewayIds": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
Architectures [string] The architectures of the VMs (i386 | x86_64).
BlockDeviceMappingDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean Whether the BSU volumes are deleted when terminating the VMs.
BlockDeviceMappingDeviceNames [string] The device names for the BSU volumes (in the format /dev/sdX, /dev/sdXX, /dev/xvdX, or /dev/xvdXX).
BlockDeviceMappingLinkDates [string (date or date-time)] The link dates for the BSU volumes mapped to the VMs (for example, 2016-01-23T18:45:30.000Z).
BlockDeviceMappingStates [string] The states for the BSU volumes (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).
BlockDeviceMappingVolumeIds [string] The volume IDs of the BSU volumes.
ClientTokens [string] The idempotency tokens provided when launching the VMs.
CreationDates [string (date or date-time)] The dates when the VMs were launched.
ImageIds [string] The IDs of the OMIs used to launch the VMs.
IsSourceDestChecked boolean Whether the source/destination checking is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
KeypairNames [string] The names of the keypairs used when launching the VMs.
LaunchNumbers [integer] The numbers for the VMs when launching a group of several VMs (for example, 0, 1, 2, and so on).
Lifecycles [string] Whether the VMs are Spot Instances (spot).
NetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets in which the VMs are running.
NicAccountIds [string] The IDs of the NICs.
NicDescriptions [string] The descriptions of the NICs.
NicIsSourceDestChecked boolean Whether the source/destination checking is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
NicLinkNicDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean Whether the NICs are deleted when the VMs they are attached to are deleted.
NicLinkNicDeviceNumbers [integer] The device numbers the NICs are attached to.
NicLinkNicLinkNicDates [string (date or date-time)] The dates and time when the NICs were attached to the VMs.
NicLinkNicLinkNicIds [string] The IDs of the NIC attachments.
NicLinkNicStates [string] The states of the attachments.
NicLinkNicVmAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the VMs the NICs are attached to.
NicLinkNicVmIds [string] The IDs of the VMs the NICs are attached to.
NicLinkPublicIpAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owners of the public IPs associated with the NICs.
NicLinkPublicIpLinkPublicIpIds [string] The association IDs returned when the public IPs were associated with the NICs.
NicLinkPublicIpPublicIpIds [string] The allocation IDs returned when the public IPs were allocated to their accounts.
NicLinkPublicIpPublicIps [string] The public IPs associated with the NICs.
NicMacAddresses [string] The Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of the NICs.
NicNetIds [string] The IDs of the Nets where the NICs are located.
NicNicIds [string] The IDs of the NICs.
NicPrivateIpsLinkPublicIpAccountIds [string] The account IDs of the owner of the public IPs associated with the private IPs.
NicPrivateIpsLinkPublicIpIds [string] The public IPs associated with the private IPs.
NicPrivateIpsPrimaryIp boolean Whether the private IPs are the primary IPs associated with the NICs.
NicPrivateIpsPrivateIps [string] The private IPs of the NICs.
NicSecurityGroupIds [string] The IDs of the security groups associated with the NICs.
NicSecurityGroupNames [string] The names of the security groups associated with the NICs.
NicStates [string] The states of the NICs (available | in-use).
NicSubnetIds [string] The IDs of the Subnets for the NICs.
NicSubregionNames [string] The Subregions where the NICs are located.
Platforms [string] The platforms. Use windows if you have Windows VMs. Otherwise, leave this filter blank.
PrivateIps [string] The private IPs of the VMs.
ProductCodes [string] The product codes associated with the OMI used to create the VMs.
PublicIps [string] The public IPs of the VMs.
ReservationIds [string] The IDs of the reservation of the VMs, created every time you launch VMs. These reservation IDs can be associated with several VMs when you lauch a group of VMs using the same launch request.
RootDeviceNames [string] The names of the root devices for the VMs (for example, /dev/sda1)
RootDeviceTypes [string] The root devices types used by the VMs (always ebs)
SecurityGroupIds [string] The IDs of the security groups for the VMs (only in the public Cloud).
SecurityGroupNames [string] The names of the security groups for the VMs (only in the public Cloud).
StateReasonCodes [integer] The reason codes for the state changes.
StateReasonMessages [string] The messages describing the state changes.
StateReasons [string] The reasons explaining the current states of the VMs. This filter is like the StateReasonCodes one.
SubnetIds [string] The IDs of the Subnets for the VMs.
SubregionNames [string] The names of the Subregions of the VMs.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the VMs.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the VMs.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the VMs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
Tenancies [string] The tenancies of the VMs (dedicated | default | host).
VmIds [string] One or more IDs of VMs.
VmSecurityGroupIds [string] The IDs of the security groups for the VMs.
VmSecurityGroupNames [string] The names of the security group for the VMs.
VmStateCodes [integer] The state codes of the VMs: -1 (quarantine), 0 (pending), 16 (running), 32 (shutting-down), 48 (terminated), 64 (stopping), and 80 (stopped).
VmStateNames [string] The state names of the VMs (pending | running | stopping | stopped | shutting-down | terminated | quarantine).
VmTypes [string] The VM types (for example, t2.micro). For more information, see VM Types.


  "Architectures": [
  "BlockDeviceMappingDeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "BlockDeviceMappingDeviceNames": [
  "BlockDeviceMappingLinkDates": [
  "BlockDeviceMappingStates": [
  "BlockDeviceMappingVolumeIds": [
  "ClientTokens": [
  "CreationDates": [
  "ImageIds": [
  "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
  "KeypairNames": [
  "LaunchNumbers": [
  "Lifecycles": [
  "NetIds": [
  "NicAccountIds": [
  "NicDescriptions": [
  "NicIsSourceDestChecked": true,
  "NicLinkNicDeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "NicLinkNicDeviceNumbers": [
  "NicLinkNicLinkNicDates": [
  "NicLinkNicLinkNicIds": [
  "NicLinkNicStates": [
  "NicLinkNicVmAccountIds": [
  "NicLinkNicVmIds": [
  "NicLinkPublicIpAccountIds": [
  "NicLinkPublicIpLinkPublicIpIds": [
  "NicLinkPublicIpPublicIpIds": [
  "NicLinkPublicIpPublicIps": [
  "NicMacAddresses": [
  "NicNetIds": [
  "NicNicIds": [
  "NicPrivateIpsLinkPublicIpAccountIds": [
  "NicPrivateIpsLinkPublicIpIds": [
  "NicPrivateIpsPrimaryIp": true,
  "NicPrivateIpsPrivateIps": [
  "NicSecurityGroupIds": [
  "NicSecurityGroupNames": [
  "NicStates": [
  "NicSubnetIds": [
  "NicSubregionNames": [
  "Platforms": [
  "PrivateIps": [
  "ProductCodes": [
  "PublicIps": [
  "ReservationIds": [
  "RootDeviceNames": [
  "RootDeviceTypes": [
  "SecurityGroupIds": [
  "SecurityGroupNames": [
  "StateReasonCodes": [
  "StateReasonMessages": [
  "StateReasons": [
  "SubnetIds": [
  "SubregionNames": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "Tenancies": [
  "VmIds": [
  "VmSecurityGroupIds": [
  "VmSecurityGroupNames": [
  "VmStateCodes": [
  "VmStateNames": [
  "VmTypes": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
Descriptions [string] The descriptions of the VM groups.
SecurityGroupIds [string] The IDs of the security groups.
SubnetIds [string] The IDs of the Subnets.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the VM groups.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the VM groups.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the VMs, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
VmCounts [integer] The number of VMs in the VM group.
VmGroupIds [string] The IDs of the VM groups.
VmGroupNames [string] The names of the VM groups.
VmTemplateIds [string] The IDs of the VM templates.


  "Descriptions": [
  "SecurityGroupIds": [
  "SubnetIds": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "VmCounts": [
  "VmGroupIds": [
  "VmGroupNames": [
  "VmTemplateIds": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
CpuCores [integer] The number of vCores.
CpuGenerations [string] The processor generations (for example, v4).
CpuPerformances [string] The performances of the VMs.
Descriptions [string] The descriptions of the VM templates.
ImageIds [string] The IDs of the OMIs.
KeypairNames [string] The names of the keypairs.
Rams [integer] The amount of RAM.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the VM templates.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the VM templates.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the VM templates, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
VmTemplateIds [string] The IDs of the VM templates.
VmTemplateNames [string] The names of the VM templates.


  "CpuCores": [
  "CpuGenerations": [
  "CpuPerformances": [
  "Descriptions": [
  "ImageIds": [
  "KeypairNames": [
  "Rams": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "VmTemplateIds": [
  "VmTemplateNames": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
BsuOptimized boolean This parameter is not available. It is present in our API for the sake of historical compatibility with AWS.
EphemeralsTypes [string] The types of ephemeral storage disk.
Eths [integer] The number of Ethernet interfaces available.
Gpus [integer] The number of GPUs available.
MemorySizes [number] The amounts of memory, in gibibytes (GiB).
VcoreCounts [integer] The numbers of vCores.
VmTypeNames [string] The names of the VM types. For more information, see VM Types.
VolumeCounts [integer] The maximum number of ephemeral storage disks.
VolumeSizes [integer] The size of one ephemeral storage disk, in gibibytes (GiB).


  "BsuOptimized": true,
  "EphemeralsTypes": [
  "Eths": [
  "Gpus": [
  "MemorySizes": [
  "VcoreCounts": [
  "VmTypeNames": [
  "VolumeCounts": [
  "VolumeSizes": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
MaintenanceEventCodes [string] The code for the scheduled event (system-reboot | system-maintenance).
MaintenanceEventDescriptions [string] The description of the scheduled event.
MaintenanceEventsNotAfter [string] The latest time the event can end.
MaintenanceEventsNotBefore [string] The earliest time the event can start.
SubregionNames [string] The names of the Subregions of the VMs.
VmIds [string] One or more IDs of VMs.
VmStates [string] The states of the VMs (pending | running | stopping | stopped | shutting-down | terminated | quarantine).


  "MaintenanceEventCodes": [
  "MaintenanceEventDescriptions": [
  "MaintenanceEventsNotAfter": [
  "MaintenanceEventsNotBefore": [
  "SubregionNames": [
  "VmIds": [
  "VmStates": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
CreationDates [string] The dates and times of creation of the volumes, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z).
LinkVolumeDeleteOnVmDeletion boolean Whether the volumes are deleted or not when terminating the VMs.
LinkVolumeDeviceNames [string] The VM device names.
LinkVolumeLinkDates [string] The dates and times of creation of the volumes, in ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2020-06-30T00:00:00.000Z).
LinkVolumeLinkStates [string] The attachment states of the volumes (attaching | detaching | attached | detached).
LinkVolumeVmIds [string] One or more IDs of VMs.
SnapshotIds [string] The snapshots from which the volumes were created.
SubregionNames [string] The names of the Subregions in which the volumes were created.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the volumes.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the volumes.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the volumes, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
VolumeIds [string] The IDs of the volumes.
VolumeSizes [integer] The sizes of the volumes, in gibibytes (GiB).
VolumeStates [string] The states of the volumes (creating | available | in-use | updating | deleting | error).
VolumeTypes [string] The types of the volumes (standard | gp2 | io1).


  "CreationDates": [
  "LinkVolumeDeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "LinkVolumeDeviceNames": [
  "LinkVolumeLinkDates": [
  "LinkVolumeLinkStates": [
  "LinkVolumeVmIds": [
  "SnapshotIds": [
  "SubregionNames": [
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "VolumeIds": [
  "VolumeSizes": [
  "VolumeStates": [
  "VolumeTypes": [


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
BgpAsns [integer] The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) of the connections.
ClientGatewayIds [string] The IDs of the client gateways.
ConnectionTypes [string] The types of the VPN connections (only ipsec.1 is supported).
RouteDestinationIpRanges [string] The destination IP ranges.
States [string] The states of the VPN connections (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
StaticRoutesOnly boolean If false, the VPN connection uses dynamic routing with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). If true, routing is controlled using static routes. For more information about how to create and delete static routes, see CreateVpnConnectionRoute and DeleteVpnConnectionRoute.
TagKeys [string] The keys of the tags associated with the VPN connections.
TagValues [string] The values of the tags associated with the VPN connections.
Tags [string] The key/value combination of the tags associated with the VPN connections, in the following format: "Filters":{"Tags":["TAGKEY=TAGVALUE"]}.
VirtualGatewayIds [string] The IDs of the virtual gateways.
VpnConnectionIds [string] The IDs of the VPN connections.


  "BgpAsns": [
  "ClientGatewayIds": [
  "ConnectionTypes": [
  "RouteDestinationIpRanges": [
  "States": [
  "StaticRoutesOnly": true,
  "TagKeys": [
  "TagValues": [
  "Tags": [
  "VirtualGatewayIds": [
  "VpnConnectionIds": [


Information about the flexible GPU (fGPU).


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean If true, the fGPU is deleted when the VM is terminated.
FlexibleGpuId string The ID of the fGPU.
Generation string The compatible processor generation.
ModelName string The model of fGPU. For more information, see About Flexible GPUs.
State string The state of the fGPU (allocated | attaching | attached | detaching).
SubregionName string The Subregion where the fGPU is located.
VmId string The ID of the VM the fGPU is attached to, if any.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "FlexibleGpuId": "string",
  "Generation": "string",
  "ModelName": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "SubregionName": "string",
  "VmId": "string"


Information about the flexible GPU (fGPU) that is available in the public catalog.


Name Type Description
Generations [string] The generations of VMs that the fGPU is compatible with.
MaxCpu integer The maximum number of VM vCores that the fGPU is compatible with.
MaxRam integer The maximum amount of VM memory that the fGPU is compatible with.
ModelName string The model of fGPU.
VRam integer The amount of video RAM (VRAM) of the fGPU.


  "Generations": [
  "MaxCpu": 0,
  "MaxRam": 0,
  "ModelName": "string",
  "VRam": 0


Information about the health check configuration.


Name Type Description
CheckInterval integer The number of seconds between two requests (between 5 and 600 both included).
HealthyThreshold integer The number of consecutive successful requests before considering the VM as healthy (between 2 and 10 both included).
Path string If you use the HTTP or HTTPS protocols, the request URL path.
Port integer The port number (between 1 and 65535, both included).
Protocol string The protocol for the URL of the VM (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
Timeout integer The maximum waiting time for a response before considering the VM as unhealthy, in seconds (between 2 and 60 both included).
UnhealthyThreshold integer The number of consecutive failed requests before considering the VM as unhealthy (between 2 and 10 both included).


  "CheckInterval": 0,
  "HealthyThreshold": 0,
  "Path": "string",
  "Port": 0,
  "Protocol": "string",
  "Timeout": 0,
  "UnhealthyThreshold": 0


Information about the OMI.


Name Type Description
AccountAlias string The account alias of the owner of the OMI.
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the OMI.
Architecture string The architecture of the OMI.
BlockDeviceMappings [BlockDeviceMappingImage] One or more block device mappings.
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the OMI, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
Description string The description of the OMI.
FileLocation string The location from which the OMI files were created.
ImageId string The ID of the OMI.
ImageName string The name of the OMI.
ImageType string The type of the OMI.
PermissionsToLaunch PermissionsOnResource Permissions for the resource.
ProductCodes [string] The product codes associated with the OMI.
RootDeviceName string The name of the root device.
RootDeviceType string The type of root device used by the OMI (always bsu).
State string The state of the OMI (pending | available | failed).
StateComment StateComment Information about the change of state.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the OMI.


  "AccountAlias": "string",
  "AccountId": "string",
  "Architecture": "string",
  "BlockDeviceMappings": [
      "Bsu": {
        "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
        "Iops": 0,
        "SnapshotId": "string",
        "VolumeSize": 0,
        "VolumeType": "string"
      "DeviceName": "string",
      "VirtualDeviceName": "string"
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Description": "string",
  "FileLocation": "string",
  "ImageId": "string",
  "ImageName": "string",
  "ImageType": "string",
  "PermissionsToLaunch": {
    "AccountIds": [
    "GlobalPermission": true
  "ProductCodes": [
  "RootDeviceName": "string",
  "RootDeviceType": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "StateComment": {
    "StateCode": "string",
    "StateMessage": "string"
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the OMI export task.


Name Type Description
Comment string If the OMI export task fails, an error message appears.
ImageId string The ID of the OMI to be exported.
OsuExport OsuExportImageExportTask Information about the OMI export task.
Progress integer The progress of the OMI export task, as a percentage.
State string The state of the OMI export task (pending/queued | pending | completed | failed | cancelled).
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the image export task.
TaskId string The ID of the OMI export task.


  "Comment": "string",
  "ImageId": "string",
  "OsuExport": {
    "DiskImageFormat": "string",
    "OsuBucket": "string",
    "OsuManifestUrl": "string",
    "OsuPrefix": "string"
  "Progress": 0,
  "State": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "TaskId": "string"


Information about the Internet service.


Name Type Description
InternetServiceId string The ID of the Internet service.
NetId string The ID of the Net attached to the Internet service.
State string The state of the attachment of the Internet service to the Net (always available).
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the Internet service.


  "InternetServiceId": "string",
  "NetId": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the keypair.


Name Type Description
KeypairFingerprint string The MD5 public key fingerprint as specified in section 4 of RFC 4716.
KeypairName string The name of the keypair.
KeypairType string The type of the keypair (ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, or ecdsa-sha2-nistp521).


  "KeypairFingerprint": "string",
  "KeypairName": "string",
  "KeypairType": "string"


Information about the created keypair.


Name Type Description
KeypairFingerprint string The MD5 public key fingerprint, as specified in section 4 of RFC 4716.
KeypairName string The name of the keypair.
KeypairType string The type of the keypair (ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, or ecdsa-sha2-nistp521).
PrivateKey string The private key, returned only if you are creating a keypair (not if you are importing). When you save this private key in a .rsa file, make sure you replace the \n escape sequences with real line breaks.


  "KeypairFingerprint": "string",
  "KeypairName": "string",
  "KeypairType": "string",
  "PrivateKey": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the NIC attachment.


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean If true, the NIC is deleted when the VM is terminated.
DeviceNumber integer The device index for the NIC attachment (between 1 and 7, both included).
LinkNicId string The ID of the NIC to attach.
State string The state of the attachment (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).
VmAccountId string The account ID of the owner of the VM.
VmId string The ID of the VM.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "DeviceNumber": 0,
  "LinkNicId": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "VmAccountId": "string",
  "VmId": "string"


Information about the network interface card (NIC).


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean If true, the NIC is deleted when the VM is terminated.
DeviceNumber integer The device index for the NIC attachment (between 1 and 7, both included).
LinkNicId string The ID of the NIC to attach.
State string The state of the attachment (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "DeviceNumber": 0,
  "LinkNicId": "string",
  "State": "string"



Name Type Description
LinkNicId string The ID of the NIC attachment.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LinkNicId": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the NIC attachment. If you are modifying the DeleteOnVmDeletion attribute, you must specify the ID of the NIC attachment.


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean If true, the NIC is deleted when the VM is terminated. If false, the NIC is detached from the VM.
LinkNicId string The ID of the NIC attachment.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "LinkNicId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the public IP association.


Name Type Description
LinkPublicIpId string (Required in a Net) The ID representing the association of the public IP with the VM or the NIC.
PublicDnsName string The name of the public DNS.
PublicIp string The public IP associated with the NIC.
PublicIpAccountId string The account ID of the owner of the public IP.
PublicIpId string The allocation ID of the public IP.


  "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
  "PublicDnsName": "string",
  "PublicIp": "string",
  "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
  "PublicIpId": "string"


Information about the public IP associated with the NIC.


Name Type Description
PublicDnsName string The name of the public DNS.
PublicIp string The public IP associated with the NIC.
PublicIpAccountId string The account ID of the owner of the public IP.


  "PublicDnsName": "string",
  "PublicIp": "string",
  "PublicIpAccountId": "string"



Name Type Description
LinkPublicIpId string (Net only) The ID representing the association of the public IP with the VM or the NIC.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


One or more associations between the route table and the Subnets.


Name Type Description
LinkRouteTableId string The ID of the association between the route table and the Subnet.
Main boolean If true, the route table is the main one.
NetId string The ID of the Net.
RouteTableId string The ID of the route table.
SubnetId string The ID of the Subnet.


  "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
  "Main": true,
  "NetId": "string",
  "RouteTableId": "string",
  "SubnetId": "string"



Name Type Description
LinkRouteTableId string The ID of the association between the route table and the Subnet.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NetToVirtualGatewayLink NetToVirtualGatewayLink Information about the attachment.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NetToVirtualGatewayLink": {
    "NetId": "string",
    "State": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the attached policy.


Name Type Description
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the attached policy.
LastModificationDate string (date-time) The date and time at which the attached policy was last modified.
Orn string The Outscale Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
PolicyId string The ID of the policy.
PolicyName string The name of the policy.


  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Orn": "string",
  "PolicyId": "string",
  "PolicyName": "string"


Information about volume attachment.


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean If true, the volume is deleted when terminating the VM. If false, the volume is not deleted when terminating the VM.
DeviceName string The name of the device.
State string The state of the attachment of the volume (attaching | detaching | attached | detached).
VmId string The ID of the VM.
VolumeId string The ID of the volume.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "DeviceName": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "VmId": "string",
  "VolumeId": "string"


Information about the listener.


Name Type Description
BackendPort integer The port on which the backend VM is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).
BackendProtocol string The protocol for routing traffic to backend VMs (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
LoadBalancerPort integer The port on which the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).
LoadBalancerProtocol string The routing protocol (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
PolicyNames [string] The names of the policies. If there are no policies enabled, the list is empty.
ServerCertificateId string The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the server certificate. For more information, see Resource Identifiers > OUTSCALE Resource Names (ORNs).


  "BackendPort": 0,
  "BackendProtocol": "string",
  "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
  "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
  "PolicyNames": [
  "ServerCertificateId": "string"


Information about the listener to create.


Name Type Description
BackendPort integer The port on which the backend VM is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).
BackendProtocol string The protocol for routing traffic to backend VMs (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
LoadBalancerPort integer The port on which the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included).
LoadBalancerProtocol string The routing protocol (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL).
ServerCertificateId string The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the server certificate. For more information, see Resource Identifiers > OUTSCALE Resource Names (ORNs).


  "BackendPort": 0,
  "BackendProtocol": "string",
  "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
  "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
  "ServerCertificateId": "string"


Information about the listener rule.


Name Type Description
Action string The type of action for the rule (always forward).
HostNamePattern string A host-name pattern for the rule, with a maximum length of 128 characters. This host-name pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [-.?].
ListenerId integer The ID of the listener.
ListenerRuleId integer The ID of the listener rule.
ListenerRuleName string A human-readable name for the listener rule.
PathPattern string A path pattern for the rule, with a maximum length of 128 characters. This path pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [_-.$/~"'@:+?].
Priority integer The priority level of the listener rule, between 1 and 19999 both included. Each rule must have a unique priority level. Otherwise, an error is returned.
VmIds [string] The IDs of the backend VMs.


  "Action": "string",
  "HostNamePattern": "string",
  "ListenerId": 0,
  "ListenerRuleId": 0,
  "ListenerRuleName": "string",
  "PathPattern": "string",
  "Priority": 0,
  "VmIds": [


Information about the listener rule.


Name Type Description
Action string The type of action for the rule (always forward).
HostNamePattern string A host-name pattern for the rule, with a maximum length of 128 characters. This host-name pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [-.?].
ListenerRuleName string A human-readable name for the listener rule.
PathPattern string A path pattern for the rule, with a maximum length of 128 characters. This path pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [_-.$/~"'@:+?].
Priority integer The priority level of the listener rule, between 1 and 19999 both included. Each rule must have a unique priority level. Otherwise, an error is returned.


  "Action": "string",
  "HostNamePattern": "string",
  "ListenerRuleName": "string",
  "PathPattern": "string",
  "Priority": 0


Information about the load balancer.


Name Type Description
AccessLog AccessLog Information about access logs.
ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies [ApplicationStickyCookiePolicy] The stickiness policies defined for the load balancer.
BackendIps [string] One or more public IPs of backend VMs.
BackendVmIds [string] One or more IDs of backend VMs for the load balancer.
DnsName string The DNS name of the load balancer.
HealthCheck HealthCheck Information about the health check configuration.
Listeners [Listener] The listeners for the load balancer.
LoadBalancerName string The name of the load balancer.
LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies [LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicy] The policies defined for the load balancer.
LoadBalancerType string The type of load balancer. Valid only for load balancers in a Net.

If LoadBalancerType is internet-facing, the load balancer has a public DNS name that resolves to a public IP.

If LoadBalancerType is internal, the load balancer has a public DNS name that resolves to a private IP.
NetId string The ID of the Net for the load balancer.
PublicIp string (internet-facing only) The public IP associated with the load balancer.
SecuredCookies boolean Whether secure cookies are enabled for the load balancer.
SecurityGroups [string] One or more IDs of security groups for the load balancers. Valid only for load balancers in a Net.
SourceSecurityGroup SourceSecurityGroup Information about the source security group of the load balancer, which you can use as part of your inbound rules for your registered VMs.

To only allow traffic from load balancers, add a security group rule that specifies this source security group as the inbound source.
Subnets [string] The ID of the Subnet in which the load balancer was created.
SubregionNames [string] The ID of the Subregion in which the load balancer was created.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the load balancer.


  "AccessLog": {
    "IsEnabled": true,
    "OsuBucketName": "string",
    "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
    "PublicationInterval": 0
  "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
      "CookieName": "string",
      "PolicyName": "string"
  "BackendIps": [
  "BackendVmIds": [
  "DnsName": "string",
  "HealthCheck": {
    "CheckInterval": 0,
    "HealthyThreshold": 0,
    "Path": "string",
    "Port": 0,
    "Protocol": "string",
    "Timeout": 0,
    "UnhealthyThreshold": 0
  "Listeners": [
      "BackendPort": 0,
      "BackendProtocol": "string",
      "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
      "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
      "PolicyNames": [
      "ServerCertificateId": "string"
  "LoadBalancerName": "string",
  "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
      "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
      "PolicyName": "string"
  "LoadBalancerType": "string",
  "NetId": "string",
  "PublicIp": "string",
  "SecuredCookies": true,
  "SecurityGroups": [
  "SourceSecurityGroup": {
    "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
    "SecurityGroupName": "string"
  "Subnets": [
  "SubregionNames": [
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the load balancer.


Name Type Description
LoadBalancerName string The name of the load balancer to which the listener is attached.
LoadBalancerPort integer The port of load balancer on which the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535 both included).


  "LoadBalancerName": "string",
  "LoadBalancerPort": 0


Information about the stickiness policy.


Name Type Description
CookieExpirationPeriod integer The time period, in seconds, after which the cookie should be considered stale.

If 1, the stickiness session lasts for the duration of the browser session.
PolicyName string The name of the stickiness policy.


  "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
  "PolicyName": "string"


Information about the load balancer tag.


Name Type Description
Key string The key of the tag.
LoadBalancerName string The name of the load balancer.
Value string The value of the tag.


  "Key": "string",
  "LoadBalancerName": "string",
  "Value": "string"


Information about the DirectLink location.


Name Type Description
Code string The location code, to be set as the Location parameter of the CreateDirectLink method when creating a DirectLink.
Name string The name and description of the location, corresponding to a datacenter.


  "Code": "string",
  "Name": "string"


Information about the log.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the logged call.
CallDuration integer The duration of the logged call, in microseconds.
QueryAccessKey string The access key used for the logged call.
QueryApiName string The name of the API used by the logged call (always oapi for the OUTSCALE API).
QueryApiVersion string The version of the API used by the logged call.
QueryCallName string The name of the logged call.
QueryDate string (date-time) The date and time of the logged call, in ISO 8601 date-time format.
QueryHeaderRaw string The raw header of the HTTP request of the logged call.
QueryHeaderSize integer The size of the raw header of the HTTP request of the logged call, in bytes.
QueryIpAddress string The IP used for the logged call.
QueryPayloadRaw string The raw payload of the HTTP request of the logged call.
QueryPayloadSize integer The size of the raw payload of the HTTP request of the logged call, in bytes.
QueryUserAgent string The user agent of the HTTP request of the logged call.
RequestId string The request ID provided in the response of the logged call.
ResponseSize integer The size of the response of the logged call, in bytes.
ResponseStatusCode integer The HTTP status code of the response of the logged call.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "CallDuration": 0,
  "QueryAccessKey": "string",
  "QueryApiName": "string",
  "QueryApiVersion": "string",
  "QueryCallName": "string",
  "QueryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "QueryHeaderRaw": "string",
  "QueryHeaderSize": 0,
  "QueryIpAddress": "string",
  "QueryPayloadRaw": "string",
  "QueryPayloadSize": 0,
  "QueryUserAgent": "string",
  "RequestId": "string",
  "ResponseSize": 0,
  "ResponseStatusCode": 0


Information about the maintenance event.


Name Type Description
Code string The code of the event (system-reboot | system-maintenance).
Description string The description of the event.
NotAfter string (date) The latest scheduled end time for the event.
NotBefore string (date) The earliest scheduled start time for the event.


  "Code": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "NotAfter": "2019-08-24",
  "NotBefore": "2019-08-24"


Information about the NAT service.


Name Type Description
NatServiceId string The ID of the NAT service.
NetId string The ID of the Net in which the NAT service is.
PublicIps [PublicIpLight] Information about the public IP or IPs associated with the NAT service.
State string The state of the NAT service (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
SubnetId string The ID of the Subnet in which the NAT service is.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the NAT service.


  "NatServiceId": "string",
  "NetId": "string",
  "PublicIps": [
      "PublicIp": "string",
      "PublicIpId": "string"
  "State": "string",
  "SubnetId": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the Net.


Name Type Description
DhcpOptionsSetId string The ID of the DHCP options set (or default if you want to associate the default one).
IpRange string The IP range for the Net, in CIDR notation (for example,
NetId string The ID of the Net.
State string The state of the Net (pending | available | deleting).
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the Net.
Tenancy string The VM tenancy in a Net.


  "DhcpOptionsSetId": "string",
  "IpRange": "string",
  "NetId": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "Tenancy": "string"


Information about the Net access point.


Name Type Description
NetAccessPointId string The ID of the Net access point.
NetId string The ID of the Net with which the Net access point is associated.
RouteTableIds [string] The ID of the route tables associated with the Net access point.
ServiceName string The name of the service with which the Net access point is associated.
State string The state of the Net access point (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the Net access point.


  "NetAccessPointId": "string",
  "NetId": "string",
  "RouteTableIds": [
  "ServiceName": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the Net peering.


Name Type Description
AccepterNet AccepterNet Information about the accepter Net.
ExpirationDate string (date-time)¦null The date and time at which the Net peerings expire.
NetPeeringId string The ID of the Net peering.
SourceNet SourceNet Information about the source Net.
State NetPeeringState Information about the state of the Net peering.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the Net peering.


  "AccepterNet": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "IpRange": "string",
    "NetId": "string"
  "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "NetPeeringId": "string",
  "SourceNet": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "IpRange": "string",
    "NetId": "string"
  "State": {
    "Message": "string",
    "Name": "string"
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the state of the Net peering.


Name Type Description
Message string Additional information about the state of the Net peering.
Name string The state of the Net peering (pending-acceptance | active | rejected | failed | expired | deleted).


  "Message": "string",
  "Name": "string"

Information about the attachment.


Name Type Description
NetId string The ID of the Net to which the virtual gateway is attached.
State string The state of the attachment (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).


  "NetId": "string",
  "State": "string"


Information about the NIC.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the NIC.
Description string The description of the NIC.
IsSourceDestChecked boolean (Net only) If true, the source/destination check is enabled. If false, it is disabled. This value must be false for a NAT VM to perform network address translation (NAT) in a Net.
LinkNic LinkNic Information about the NIC attachment.
LinkPublicIp LinkPublicIp Information about the public IP association.
MacAddress string The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the NIC.
NetId string The ID of the Net for the NIC.
NicId string The ID of the NIC.
PrivateDnsName string The name of the private DNS.
PrivateIps [PrivateIp] The private IPs of the NIC.
SecurityGroups [SecurityGroupLight] One or more IDs of security groups for the NIC.
State string The state of the NIC (available | attaching | in-use | detaching).
SubnetId string The ID of the Subnet.
SubregionName string The Subregion in which the NIC is located.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the NIC.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
  "LinkNic": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "DeviceNumber": 0,
    "LinkNicId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "VmAccountId": "string",
    "VmId": "string"
  "LinkPublicIp": {
    "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
    "PublicDnsName": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
    "PublicIpId": "string"
  "MacAddress": "string",
  "NetId": "string",
  "NicId": "string",
  "PrivateDnsName": "string",
  "PrivateIps": [
      "IsPrimary": true,
      "LinkPublicIp": {
        "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
        "PublicDnsName": "string",
        "PublicIp": "string",
        "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
        "PublicIpId": "string"
      "PrivateDnsName": "string",
      "PrivateIp": "string"
  "SecurityGroups": [
      "SecurityGroupId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
  "State": "string",
  "SubnetId": "string",
  "SubregionName": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the network interface card (NIC) when creating a virtual machine (VM).


Name Type Description
DeleteOnVmDeletion boolean If true, the NIC is deleted when the VM is terminated. You can specify this parameter only for a new NIC. To modify this value for an existing NIC, see UpdateNic.
Description string The description of the NIC, if you are creating a NIC when creating the VM.
DeviceNumber integer The index of the VM device for the NIC attachment (between 0 and 7, both included). This parameter is required if you create a NIC when creating the VM.
NicId string The ID of the NIC, if you are attaching an existing NIC when creating a VM.
PrivateIps [PrivateIpLight] One or more private IPs to assign to the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. Only one private IP can be the primary private IP.
SecondaryPrivateIpCount integer The number of secondary private IPs, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. This parameter cannot be specified if you specified more than one private IP in the PrivateIps parameter.
SecurityGroupIds [string] One or more IDs of security groups for the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM.
SubnetId string The ID of the Subnet for the NIC, if you create a NIC when creating a VM. This parameter is required if you create a NIC when creating the VM.


  "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
  "Description": "string",
  "DeviceNumber": 0,
  "NicId": "string",
  "PrivateIps": [
      "IsPrimary": true,
      "PrivateIp": "string"
  "SecondaryPrivateIpCount": 0,
  "SecurityGroupIds": [
  "SubnetId": "string"


Information about the network interface card (NIC).


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the NIC.
Description string The description of the NIC.
IsSourceDestChecked boolean (Net only) If true, the source/destination check is enabled. If false, it is disabled. This value must be false for a NAT VM to perform network address translation (NAT) in a Net.
LinkNic LinkNicLight Information about the network interface card (NIC).
LinkPublicIp LinkPublicIpLightForVm Information about the public IP associated with the NIC.
MacAddress string The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the NIC.
NetId string The ID of the Net for the NIC.
NicId string The ID of the NIC.
PrivateDnsName string The name of the private DNS.
PrivateIps [PrivateIpLightForVm] The private IP or IPs of the NIC.
SecurityGroups [SecurityGroupLight] One or more IDs of security groups for the NIC.
State string The state of the NIC (available | attaching | in-use | detaching).
SubnetId string The ID of the Subnet for the NIC.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
  "LinkNic": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "DeviceNumber": 0,
    "LinkNicId": "string",
    "State": "string"
  "LinkPublicIp": {
    "PublicDnsName": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
  "MacAddress": "string",
  "NetId": "string",
  "NicId": "string",
  "PrivateDnsName": "string",
  "PrivateIps": [
      "IsPrimary": true,
      "LinkPublicIp": {
        "PublicDnsName": "string",
        "PublicIp": "string",
        "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
      "PrivateDnsName": "string",
      "PrivateIp": "string"
  "SecurityGroups": [
      "SecurityGroupId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
  "State": "string",
  "SubnetId": "string"


Information about the OOS API key.


Name Type Description
ApiKeyId string The API key of the OOS account that enables you to access the bucket.
SecretKey string The secret key of the OOS account that enables you to access the bucket.


  "ApiKeyId": "string",
  "SecretKey": "string"


Information about the OMI export task.


Name Type Description
DiskImageFormat string The format of the export disk (qcow2 | raw).
OsuBucket string The name of the OOS bucket the OMI is exported to.
OsuManifestUrl string The URL of the manifest file.
OsuPrefix string The prefix for the key of the OOS object corresponding to the image.


  "DiskImageFormat": "string",
  "OsuBucket": "string",
  "OsuManifestUrl": "string",
  "OsuPrefix": "string"


Information about the snapshot export task.


Name Type Description
DiskImageFormat string The format of the export disk (qcow2 | raw).
OsuBucket string The name of the OOS bucket the snapshot is exported to.
OsuPrefix string The prefix for the key of the OOS object corresponding to the snapshot.


  "DiskImageFormat": "string",
  "OsuBucket": "string",
  "OsuPrefix": "string"


Information about the OOS export task to create.


Name Type Description
DiskImageFormat string The format of the export disk (qcow2 | raw).
OsuApiKey OsuApiKey Information about the OOS API key.
OsuBucket string The name of the OOS bucket where you want to export the object.
OsuManifestUrl string The URL of the manifest file.
OsuPrefix string The prefix for the key of the OOS object.


  "DiskImageFormat": "string",
  "OsuApiKey": {
    "ApiKeyId": "string",
    "SecretKey": "string"
  "OsuBucket": "string",
  "OsuManifestUrl": "string",
  "OsuPrefix": "string"


Permissions for the resource.


Name Type Description
AccountIds [string] One or more account IDs that the permission is associated with.
GlobalPermission boolean A global permission for all accounts.

(Request) Set this parameter to true to make the resource public (if the parent parameter is Additions) or to make the resource private (if the parent parameter is Removals).

(Response) If true, the resource is public. If false, the resource is private.


  "AccountIds": [
  "GlobalPermission": true


Information about the permissions for the resource.
Specify either the Additions or the Removals parameter.


Name Type Description
Additions PermissionsOnResource Permissions for the resource.
Removals PermissionsOnResource Permissions for the resource.


  "Additions": {
    "AccountIds": [
    "GlobalPermission": true
  "Removals": {
    "AccountIds": [
    "GlobalPermission": true


Information about Phase 1 of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation. When Phase 1 finishes successfully, peers proceed to Phase 2 negotiations.


Name Type Description
DpdTimeoutAction string The action to carry out after a Dead Peer Detection (DPD) timeout occurs.
DpdTimeoutSeconds integer The maximum waiting time for a Dead Peer Detection (DPD) response before considering the peer as dead, in seconds.
IkeVersions [string] The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) versions allowed for the VPN tunnel.
Phase1DhGroupNumbers [integer] The Diffie-Hellman (DH) group numbers allowed for the VPN tunnel for phase 1.
Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms [string] The encryption algorithms allowed for the VPN tunnel for phase 1.
Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms [string] The integrity algorithms allowed for the VPN tunnel for phase 1.
Phase1LifetimeSeconds integer The lifetime for phase 1 of the IKE negotiation process, in seconds.
ReplayWindowSize integer The number of packets in an IKE replay window.
StartupAction string The action to carry out when establishing tunnels for a VPN connection.


  "DpdTimeoutAction": "string",
  "DpdTimeoutSeconds": 0,
  "IkeVersions": [
  "Phase1DhGroupNumbers": [
  "Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms": [
  "Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms": [
  "Phase1LifetimeSeconds": 0,
  "ReplayWindowSize": 0,
  "StartupAction": "string"


Information about Phase 2 of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation.


Name Type Description
Phase2DhGroupNumbers [integer] The Diffie-Hellman (DH) group numbers allowed for the VPN tunnel for phase 2.
Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms [string] The encryption algorithms allowed for the VPN tunnel for phase 2.
Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms [string] The integrity algorithms allowed for the VPN tunnel for phase 2.
Phase2LifetimeSeconds integer The lifetime for phase 2 of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negociation process, in seconds.
PreSharedKey string The pre-shared key to establish the initial authentication between the client gateway and the virtual gateway. This key can contain any character except line breaks and double quotes (").


  "Phase2DhGroupNumbers": [
  "Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms": [
  "Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms": [
  "Phase2LifetimeSeconds": 0,
  "PreSharedKey": "string"


Information about Phase 2 of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation.


Name Type Description
PreSharedKey string The pre-shared key to establish the initial authentication between the client gateway and the virtual gateway. This key can contain any character except line breaks and double quotes (").


  "PreSharedKey": "string"


Information about the placement of the VM.


Name Type Description
SubregionName string The name of the Subregion. If you specify this parameter, you must not specify the Nics parameter.
Tenancy string The tenancy of the VM (default, dedicated, or a dedicated group ID).


  "SubregionName": "string",
  "Tenancy": "string"


Information about the policy.


Name Type Description
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the policy.
Description string A friendly name for the policy (between 0 and 1000 characters).
IsLinkable boolean Indicates whether the policy can be linked to a group or an EIM user.
LastModificationDate string (date-time) The date and time at which the policy was last modified.
Orn string The OUTSCALE Resource Name (ORN) of the policy. For more information, see Resource Identifiers.
Path string The path to the policy.
PolicyDefaultVersionId string The ID of the policy default version.
PolicyId string The ID of the policy.
PolicyName string The name of the policy.
ResourcesCount integer The number of resources attached to the policy.


  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Description": "string",
  "IsLinkable": true,
  "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Orn": "string",
  "Path": "string",
  "PolicyDefaultVersionId": "string",
  "PolicyId": "string",
  "PolicyName": "string",
  "ResourcesCount": 0


Information about the policy version.


Name Type Description
Body string The policy document as a json string.
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the version.
DefaultVersion boolean If true, the version is the default one.
VersionId string The ID of the version.


  "Body": "string",
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "DefaultVersion": true,
  "VersionId": "string"


Information about the private IP.


Name Type Description
IsPrimary boolean If true, the IP is the primary private IP of the NIC.
LinkPublicIp LinkPublicIp Information about the public IP association.
PrivateDnsName string The name of the private DNS.
PrivateIp string The private IP of the NIC.


  "IsPrimary": true,
  "LinkPublicIp": {
    "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
    "PublicDnsName": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
    "PublicIpId": "string"
  "PrivateDnsName": "string",
  "PrivateIp": "string"


Information about the private IP.


Name Type Description
IsPrimary boolean If true, the IP is the primary private IP of the NIC.
PrivateIp string The private IP of the NIC.


  "IsPrimary": true,
  "PrivateIp": "string"


Information about the private IP of the NIC.


Name Type Description
IsPrimary boolean If true, the IP is the primary private IP of the NIC.
LinkPublicIp LinkPublicIpLightForVm Information about the public IP associated with the NIC.
PrivateDnsName string The name of the private DNS.
PrivateIp string The private IP.


  "IsPrimary": true,
  "LinkPublicIp": {
    "PublicDnsName": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
  "PrivateDnsName": "string",
  "PrivateIp": "string"


Information about the product type.


Name Type Description
Description string The description of the product type.
ProductTypeId string The ID of the product type.
Vendor string The vendor of the product type.


  "Description": "string",
  "ProductTypeId": "string",
  "Vendor": "string"


Information about the public IP.


Name Type Description
LinkPublicIpId string (Required in a Net) The ID representing the association of the public IP with the VM or the NIC.
NicAccountId string The account ID of the owner of the NIC.
NicId string The ID of the NIC the public IP is associated with (if any).
PrivateIp string The private IP associated with the public IP.
PublicIp string The public IP.
PublicIpId string The allocation ID of the public IP.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the public IP.
VmId string The ID of the VM the public IP is associated with (if any).


  "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
  "NicAccountId": "string",
  "NicId": "string",
  "PrivateIp": "string",
  "PublicIp": "string",
  "PublicIpId": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "VmId": "string"


Information about the public IP.


Name Type Description
PublicIp string The public IP associated with the NAT service.
PublicIpId string The allocation ID of the public IP associated with the NAT service.


  "PublicIp": "string",
  "PublicIpId": "string"


Information about the quota.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the quotas.
Description string The description of the quota.
MaxValue integer The maximum value of the quota for the account (if there is no limit, 0).
Name string The unique name of the quota.
QuotaCollection string The group name of the quota.
ShortDescription string The description of the quota.
UsedValue integer The limit value currently used by the account.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "MaxValue": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "QuotaCollection": "string",
  "ShortDescription": "string",
  "UsedValue": 0


One or more quotas.


Name Type Description
QuotaType string The resource ID if it is a resource-specific quota, global if it is not.
Quotas [Quota] One or more quotas associated with the account.


  "QuotaType": "string",
  "Quotas": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "Description": "string",
      "MaxValue": 0,
      "Name": "string",
      "QuotaCollection": "string",
      "ShortDescription": "string",
      "UsedValue": 0



Name Type Description
AccessKeys [AccessKey] A list of access keys.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "AccessKeys": [
      "AccessKeyId": "string",
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "State": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Accounts [Account] The list of the accounts.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Accounts": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "AdditionalEmails": [
      "City": "string",
      "CompanyName": "string",
      "Country": "string",
      "CustomerId": "string",
      "Email": "string",
      "FirstName": "string",
      "JobTitle": "string",
      "LastName": "string",
      "MobileNumber": "string",
      "PhoneNumber": "string",
      "StateProvince": "string",
      "VatNumber": "string",
      "ZipCode": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
AdminPassword string The password of the VM. After the first boot, returns an empty string.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmId string The ID of the VM.


  "AdminPassword": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmId": "string"



Name Type Description
ApiAccessPolicy ApiAccessPolicy Information about the API access policy.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ApiAccessPolicy": {
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 0,
    "RequireTrustedEnv": true
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ApiAccessRules [ApiAccessRule] A list of API access rules.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ApiAccessRules": [
      "ApiAccessRuleId": "string",
      "CaIds": [
      "Cns": [
      "Description": "string",
      "IpRanges": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Logs [Log] Information about one or more logs.
NextPageToken string The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Logs": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "CallDuration": 0,
      "QueryAccessKey": "string",
      "QueryApiName": "string",
      "QueryApiVersion": "string",
      "QueryCallName": "string",
      "QueryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "QueryHeaderRaw": "string",
      "QueryHeaderSize": 0,
      "QueryIpAddress": "string",
      "QueryPayloadRaw": "string",
      "QueryPayloadSize": 0,
      "QueryUserAgent": "string",
      "RequestId": "string",
      "ResponseSize": 0,
      "ResponseStatusCode": 0
  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Cas [Ca] Information about one or more CAs.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Cas": [
      "CaFingerprint": "string",
      "CaId": "string",
      "Description": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Catalog Catalog Information about our catalog of prices.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Catalog": {
    "Entries": [
        "Category": "string",
        "Flags": "string",
        "Operation": "string",
        "Service": "string",
        "SubregionName": "string",
        "Title": "string",
        "Type": "string",
        "UnitPrice": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"




Name Type Description
Catalogs [Catalogs] Information about one or more catalogs.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Catalogs": [
      "Entries": [
          "Category": "string",
          "Flags": "string",
          "Operation": "string",
          "Service": "string",
          "SubregionName": "string",
          "Title": "string",
          "Type": "string",
          "UnitPrice": 0
      "FromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "State": "CURRENT",
      "ToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ClientGateways [ClientGateway] Information about one or more client gateways.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ClientGateways": [
      "BgpAsn": 0,
      "ClientGatewayId": "string",
      "ConnectionType": "string",
      "PublicIp": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ConsoleOutput string The Base64-encoded output of the console. If a command line tool is used, the output is decoded by the tool.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmId string The ID of the VM.


  "ConsoleOutput": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmId": "string"



Name Type Description
ConsumptionEntries [ConsumptionEntry] Information about the resources consumed during the specified time period.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ConsumptionEntries": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "Category": "string",
      "FromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Operation": "string",
      "PayingAccountId": "string",
      "Price": 0,
      "Service": "string",
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "Title": "string",
      "ToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Type": "string",
      "UnitPrice": 0,
      "Value": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DedicatedGroups [DedicatedGroup] Information about one or more dedicated groups.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DedicatedGroups": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "CpuGeneration": 0,
      "DedicatedGroupId": "string",
      "Name": "string",
      "NetIds": [
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "VmIds": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DhcpOptionsSets [DhcpOptionsSet] Information about one or more DHCP options sets.
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DhcpOptionsSets": [
      "Default": true,
      "DhcpOptionsSetId": "string",
      "DomainName": "string",
      "DomainNameServers": [
      "LogServers": [
      "NtpServers": [
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DirectLinkInterfaces [DirectLinkInterfaces] Information about one or more DirectLink interfaces.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DirectLinkInterfaces": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "BgpAsn": 0,
      "BgpKey": "string",
      "ClientPrivateIp": "string",
      "DirectLinkId": "string",
      "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "string",
      "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "string",
      "InterfaceType": "string",
      "Location": "string",
      "Mtu": 0,
      "OutscalePrivateIp": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
      "Vlan": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DirectLinks [DirectLink] Information about one or more DirectLinks.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DirectLinks": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "Bandwidth": "string",
      "DirectLinkId": "string",
      "DirectLinkName": "string",
      "Location": "string",
      "RegionName": "string",
      "State": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
FlexibleGpuCatalog [FlexibleGpuCatalog] Information about one or more fGPUs available in the public catalog.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "FlexibleGpuCatalog": [
      "Generations": [
      "MaxCpu": 0,
      "MaxRam": 0,
      "ModelName": "string",
      "VRam": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
FlexibleGpus [FlexibleGpu] Information about one or more fGPUs.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "FlexibleGpus": [
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
      "FlexibleGpuId": "string",
      "Generation": "string",
      "ModelName": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "VmId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ImageExportTasks [ImageExportTask] Information about one or more image export tasks.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ImageExportTasks": [
      "Comment": "string",
      "ImageId": "string",
      "OsuExport": {
        "DiskImageFormat": "string",
        "OsuBucket": "string",
        "OsuManifestUrl": "string",
        "OsuPrefix": "string"
      "Progress": 0,
      "State": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "TaskId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Images [Image] Information about one or more OMIs.
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Images": [
      "AccountAlias": "string",
      "AccountId": "string",
      "Architecture": "string",
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "Bsu": {
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
            "Iops": 0,
            "SnapshotId": "string",
            "VolumeSize": 0,
            "VolumeType": "string"
          "DeviceName": "string",
          "VirtualDeviceName": "string"
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Description": "string",
      "FileLocation": "string",
      "ImageId": "string",
      "ImageName": "string",
      "ImageType": "string",
      "PermissionsToLaunch": {
        "AccountIds": [
        "GlobalPermission": true
      "ProductCodes": [
      "RootDeviceName": "string",
      "RootDeviceType": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "StateComment": {
        "StateCode": "string",
        "StateMessage": "string"
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
InternetServices [InternetService] Information about one or more Internet services.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "InternetServices": [
      "InternetServiceId": "string",
      "NetId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Keypairs [Keypair] Information about one or more keypairs.


  "Keypairs": [
      "KeypairFingerprint": "string",
      "KeypairName": "string",
      "KeypairType": "string"


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
PathPrefix string The path prefix of the policies, set to a slash (/) by default.


  "PathPrefix": "string"



Name Type Description
HasMoreItems boolean If true, there are more items to return using the FirstItem parameter in a new request.
MaxResultsLimit integer Indicates maximum results defined for the operation.
MaxResultsTruncated boolean If true, indicates whether requested page size is more than allowed.
Policies [LinkedPolicy] One or more policies linked to the specified user.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "HasMoreItems": true,
  "MaxResultsLimit": 0,
  "MaxResultsTruncated": true,
  "Policies": [
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Orn": "string",
      "PolicyId": "string",
      "PolicyName": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ListenerRules [ListenerRule] The list of the rules to describe.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ListenerRules": [
      "Action": "string",
      "HostNamePattern": "string",
      "ListenerId": 0,
      "ListenerRuleId": 0,
      "ListenerRuleName": "string",
      "PathPattern": "string",
      "Priority": 0,
      "VmIds": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Tags [LoadBalancerTag] Information about one or more load balancer tags.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "LoadBalancerName": "string",
      "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
LoadBalancers [LoadBalancer] Information about one or more load balancers.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LoadBalancers": [
      "AccessLog": {
        "IsEnabled": true,
        "OsuBucketName": "string",
        "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
        "PublicationInterval": 0
      "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
          "CookieName": "string",
          "PolicyName": "string"
      "BackendIps": [
      "BackendVmIds": [
      "DnsName": "string",
      "HealthCheck": {
        "CheckInterval": 0,
        "HealthyThreshold": 0,
        "Path": "string",
        "Port": 0,
        "Protocol": "string",
        "Timeout": 0,
        "UnhealthyThreshold": 0
      "Listeners": [
          "BackendPort": 0,
          "BackendProtocol": "string",
          "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
          "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
          "PolicyNames": [
          "ServerCertificateId": "string"
      "LoadBalancerName": "string",
      "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
          "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
          "PolicyName": "string"
      "LoadBalancerType": "string",
      "NetId": "string",
      "PublicIp": "string",
      "SecuredCookies": true,
      "SecurityGroups": [
      "SourceSecurityGroup": {
        "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
        "SecurityGroupName": "string"
      "Subnets": [
      "SubregionNames": [
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Locations [Location] Information about one or more locations.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Locations": [
      "Code": "string",
      "Name": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NatServices [NatService] Information about one or more NAT services.
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NatServices": [
      "NatServiceId": "string",
      "NetId": "string",
      "PublicIps": [
          "PublicIp": "string",
          "PublicIpId": "string"
      "State": "string",
      "SubnetId": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Services [Service] The names of the services you can use for Net access points.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Services": [
      "IpRanges": [
      "ServiceId": "string",
      "ServiceName": "string"



Name Type Description
NetAccessPoints [NetAccessPoint] One or more Net access points.
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NetAccessPoints": [
      "NetAccessPointId": "string",
      "NetId": "string",
      "RouteTableIds": [
      "ServiceName": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NetPeerings [NetPeering] Information about one or more Net peerings.
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NetPeerings": [
      "AccepterNet": {
        "AccountId": "string",
        "IpRange": "string",
        "NetId": "string"
      "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "NetPeeringId": "string",
      "SourceNet": {
        "AccountId": "string",
        "IpRange": "string",
        "NetId": "string"
      "State": {
        "Message": "string",
        "Name": "string"
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Nets [Net] Information about the described Nets.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Nets": [
      "DhcpOptionsSetId": "string",
      "IpRange": "string",
      "NetId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "Tenancy": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Nics [Nic] Information about one or more NICs.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Nics": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "Description": "string",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "LinkNic": {
        "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
        "DeviceNumber": 0,
        "LinkNicId": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "VmAccountId": "string",
        "VmId": "string"
      "LinkPublicIp": {
        "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
        "PublicDnsName": "string",
        "PublicIp": "string",
        "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
        "PublicIpId": "string"
      "MacAddress": "string",
      "NetId": "string",
      "NicId": "string",
      "PrivateDnsName": "string",
      "PrivateIps": [
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "LinkPublicIp": {
            "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
            "PublicDnsName": "string",
            "PublicIp": "string",
            "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
            "PublicIpId": "string"
          "PrivateDnsName": "string",
          "PrivateIp": "string"
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupId": "string",
          "SecurityGroupName": "string"
      "State": "string",
      "SubnetId": "string",
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


One or more filters.


Name Type Description
OnlyLinked boolean If set to true, lists only the policies attached to a user.
PathPrefix string The path prefix you can use to filter the results, set to a slash (/) by default.
Scope string The scope to filter policies (OWS | LOCAL).


  "OnlyLinked": true,
  "PathPrefix": "string",
  "Scope": "LOCAL"



Name Type Description
HasMoreItems boolean If true, there are more items to return using the FirstItem parameter in a new request.
MaxResultsLimit integer Indicates maximum results defined for the operation.
MaxResultsTruncated boolean If true, indicates whether requested page size is more than allowed.
Policies [Policy] Information about one or more policies.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "HasMoreItems": true,
  "MaxResultsLimit": 0,
  "MaxResultsTruncated": true,
  "Policies": [
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Description": "string",
      "IsLinkable": true,
      "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Orn": "string",
      "Path": "string",
      "PolicyDefaultVersionId": "string",
      "PolicyId": "string",
      "PolicyName": "string",
      "ResourcesCount": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Policy Policy Information about the policy.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Policy": {
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "IsLinkable": true,
    "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Orn": "string",
    "Path": "string",
    "PolicyDefaultVersionId": "string",
    "PolicyId": "string",
    "PolicyName": "string",
    "ResourcesCount": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
PolicyVersion PolicyVersion Information about the policy version.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "PolicyVersion": {
    "Body": "string",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "DefaultVersion": true,
    "VersionId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
HasMoreItems boolean If true, there are more items to return using the FirstItem parameter in a new request.
MaxResultsLimit integer Indicates maximum results defined for the operation.
PolicyVersions [PolicyVersion] A list of all the versions of the policy.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "HasMoreItems": true,
  "MaxResultsLimit": 0,
  "PolicyVersions": [
      "Body": "string",
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "DefaultVersion": true,
      "VersionId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ProductTypes [ProductType] Information about one or more product types.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ProductTypes": [
      "Description": "string",
      "ProductTypeId": "string",
      "Vendor": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Catalog Catalog Information about our catalog of prices.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Catalog": {
    "Entries": [
        "Category": "string",
        "Flags": "string",
        "Operation": "string",
        "Service": "string",
        "SubregionName": "string",
        "Title": "string",
        "Type": "string",
        "UnitPrice": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
PublicIps [string] The list of public IPv4 addresses used in the Region, in CIDR notation.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "PublicIps": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
PublicIps [PublicIp] Information about one or more public IPs.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "PublicIps": [
      "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
      "NicAccountId": "string",
      "NicId": "string",
      "PrivateIp": "string",
      "PublicIp": "string",
      "PublicIpId": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "VmId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
QuotaTypes [QuotaTypes] Information about one or more quotas.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "QuotaTypes": [
      "QuotaType": "string",
      "Quotas": [
          "AccountId": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "MaxValue": 0,
          "Name": "string",
          "QuotaCollection": "string",
          "ShortDescription": "string",
          "UsedValue": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Regions [Region] Information about one or more Regions.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Regions": [
      "Endpoint": "string",
      "RegionName": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
RouteTables [RouteTable] Information about one or more route tables.


  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "RouteTables": [
      "LinkRouteTables": [
          "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
          "Main": true,
          "NetId": "string",
          "RouteTableId": "string",
          "SubnetId": "string"
      "NetId": "string",
      "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [
          "VirtualGatewayId": "string"
      "RouteTableId": "string",
      "Routes": [
          "CreationMethod": "string",
          "DestinationIpRange": "string",
          "DestinationServiceId": "string",
          "GatewayId": "string",
          "NatServiceId": "string",
          "NetAccessPointId": "string",
          "NetPeeringId": "string",
          "NicId": "string",
          "State": "string",
          "VmAccountId": "string",
          "VmId": "string"
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
AccessKey AccessKeySecretKey Information about the access key.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "AccessKey": {
    "AccessKeyId": "string",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "SecretKey": "string",
    "State": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
SecurityGroups [SecurityGroup] Information about one or more security groups.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "SecurityGroups": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "Description": "string",
      "InboundRules": [
          "FromPortRange": 0,
          "IpProtocol": "string",
          "IpRanges": [
          "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
              "AccountId": "string",
              "SecurityGroupId": "string",
              "SecurityGroupName": "string"
          "ServiceIds": [
          "ToPortRange": 0
      "NetId": "string",
      "OutboundRules": [
          "FromPortRange": 0,
          "IpProtocol": "string",
          "IpRanges": [
          "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
              "AccountId": "string",
              "SecurityGroupId": "string",
              "SecurityGroupName": "string"
          "ServiceIds": [
          "ToPortRange": 0
      "SecurityGroupId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
ServerCertificates [ServerCertificate] Information about one or more server certificates.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "ServerCertificates": [
      "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24",
      "Id": "string",
      "Name": "string",
      "Orn": "string",
      "Path": "string",
      "UploadDate": "2019-08-24"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
SnapshotExportTasks [SnapshotExportTask] Information about one or more snapshot export tasks.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "SnapshotExportTasks": [
      "Comment": "string",
      "OsuExport": {
        "DiskImageFormat": "string",
        "OsuBucket": "string",
        "OsuPrefix": "string"
      "Progress": 0,
      "SnapshotId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "TaskId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Snapshots [Snapshot] Information about one or more snapshots and their permissions.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Snapshots": [
      "AccountAlias": "string",
      "AccountId": "string",
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Description": "string",
      "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
        "AccountIds": [
        "GlobalPermission": true
      "Progress": 0,
      "SnapshotId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "VolumeId": "string",
      "VolumeSize": 0



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Subnets [Subnet] Information about one or more Subnets.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Subnets": [
      "AvailableIpsCount": 0,
      "IpRange": "string",
      "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": true,
      "NetId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "SubnetId": "string",
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Subregions [Subregion] Information about one or more Subregions.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Subregions": [
      "LocationCode": "string",
      "RegionName": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "SubregionName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Tags [Tag] Information about one or more tags.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "ResourceId": "string",
      "ResourceType": "string",
      "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Users [User] A list of EIM users.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Users": [
      "Path": "string",
      "UserId": "string",
      "UserName": "string"



Name Type Description
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VirtualGateways [VirtualGateway] Information about one or more virtual gateways.


  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VirtualGateways": [
      "ConnectionType": "string",
      "NetToVirtualGatewayLinks": [
          "NetId": "string",
          "State": "string"
      "State": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "VirtualGatewayId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmGroups [VmGroup] Information about one or more VM groups.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmGroups": [
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Description": "string",
      "PositioningStrategy": "attract",
      "SecurityGroupIds": [
      "State": "available",
      "SubnetId": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "VmCount": 0,
      "VmGroupId": "string",
      "VmGroupName": "string",
      "VmIds": [
      "VmTemplateId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmTemplates [VmTemplate] Information about one or more VM templates.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmTemplates": [
      "CpuCores": 0,
      "CpuGeneration": "string",
      "CpuPerformance": "medium",
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Description": "string",
      "ImageId": "string",
      "KeypairName": "string",
      "Ram": 0,
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "VmTemplateId": "string",
      "VmTemplateName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmTypes [VmType] Information about one or more VM types.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmTypes": [
      "BsuOptimized": true,
      "EphemeralsType": "string",
      "Eth": 0,
      "Gpu": 0,
      "MaxPrivateIps": 0,
      "MemorySize": 0,
      "VcoreCount": 0,
      "VmTypeName": "string",
      "VolumeCount": 0,
      "VolumeSize": 0



Name Type Description
BackendVmHealth [BackendVmHealth] Information about the health of one or more backend VMs.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "BackendVmHealth": [
      "Description": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "StateReason": "string",
      "VmId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Vms [Vm] Information about one or more VMs.


  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Vms": [
      "Architecture": "string",
      "BlockDeviceMappings": [
          "Bsu": {
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
            "LinkDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "State": "string",
            "VolumeId": "string"
          "DeviceName": "string"
      "BsuOptimized": true,
      "ClientToken": "string",
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "DeletionProtection": true,
      "Hypervisor": "string",
      "ImageId": "string",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "KeypairName": "string",
      "LaunchNumber": 0,
      "NestedVirtualization": true,
      "NetId": "string",
      "Nics": [
          "AccountId": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
          "LinkNic": {
            "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
            "DeviceNumber": 0,
            "LinkNicId": "string",
            "State": "string"
          "LinkPublicIp": {
            "PublicDnsName": "string",
            "PublicIp": "string",
            "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
          "MacAddress": "string",
          "NetId": "string",
          "NicId": "string",
          "PrivateDnsName": "string",
          "PrivateIps": [
              "IsPrimary": true,
              "LinkPublicIp": {
                "PublicDnsName": "string",
                "PublicIp": "string",
                "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
              "PrivateDnsName": "string",
              "PrivateIp": "string"
          "SecurityGroups": [
              "SecurityGroupId": "string",
              "SecurityGroupName": "string"
          "State": "string",
          "SubnetId": "string"
      "OsFamily": "string",
      "Performance": "string",
      "Placement": {
        "SubregionName": "string",
        "Tenancy": "string"
      "PrivateDnsName": "string",
      "PrivateIp": "string",
      "ProductCodes": [
      "PublicDnsName": "string",
      "PublicIp": "string",
      "ReservationId": "string",
      "RootDeviceName": "string",
      "RootDeviceType": "string",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupId": "string",
          "SecurityGroupName": "string"
      "State": "string",
      "StateReason": "string",
      "SubnetId": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "UserData": "string",
      "VmId": "string",
      "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "string",
      "VmType": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmStates [VmStates] Information about one or more VM states.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmStates": [
      "MaintenanceEvents": [
          "Code": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "NotAfter": "2019-08-24",
          "NotBefore": "2019-08-24"
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "VmId": "string",
      "VmState": "string"



Name Type Description
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Volumes [Volume] Information about one or more volumes.


  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Volumes": [
      "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "Iops": 0,
      "LinkedVolumes": [
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "DeviceName": "string",
          "State": "string",
          "VmId": "string",
          "VolumeId": "string"
      "Size": 0,
      "SnapshotId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "VolumeId": "string",
      "VolumeType": "string"



Name Type Description
NextPageToken string (byte) The token to request the next page of results. Each token refers to a specific page.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VpnConnections [VpnConnection] Information about one or more VPN connections.


  "NextPageToken": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VpnConnections": [
      "ClientGatewayConfiguration": "string",
      "ClientGatewayId": "string",
      "ConnectionType": "string",
      "Routes": [
          "DestinationIpRange": "string",
          "RouteType": "string",
          "State": "string"
      "State": "string",
      "StaticRoutesOnly": true,
      "Tags": [
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
      "VgwTelemetries": [
          "AcceptedRouteCount": 0,
          "LastStateChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "OutsideIpAddress": "string",
          "State": "string",
          "StateDescription": "string"
      "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
      "VpnConnectionId": "string",
      "VpnOptions": {
        "Phase1Options": {
          "DpdTimeoutAction": "string",
          "DpdTimeoutSeconds": 0,
          "IkeVersions": [
          "Phase1DhGroupNumbers": [
          "Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms": [
          "Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms": [
          "Phase1LifetimeSeconds": 0,
          "ReplayWindowSize": 0,
          "StartupAction": "string"
        "Phase2Options": {
          "Phase2DhGroupNumbers": [
          "Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms": [
          "Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms": [
          "Phase2LifetimeSeconds": 0,
          "PreSharedKey": "string"
        "TunnelInsideIpRange": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the Region.


Name Type Description
Endpoint string The hostname of the gateway to access the Region.
RegionName string The administrative name of the Region.


  "Endpoint": "string",
  "RegionName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the tag.


Name Type Description
Key string The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.


  "Key": "string"


Information about the tag.


Name Type Description
Key string The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
Value string The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.


  "Key": "string",
  "Value": "string"


Information about the context of the response.


Name Type Description
RequestId string The ID of the request.


  "RequestId": "string"


Information about the route.


Name Type Description
CreationMethod string The method used to create the route.
DestinationIpRange string The IP range used for the destination match, in CIDR notation (for example,
DestinationServiceId string The ID of the OUTSCALE service.
GatewayId string The ID of the Internet service or virtual gateway attached to the Net.
NatServiceId string The ID of a NAT service attached to the Net.
NetAccessPointId string The ID of the Net access point.
NetPeeringId string The ID of the Net peering.
NicId string The ID of the NIC.
State string The state of a route in the route table (always active).
VmAccountId string The account ID of the owner of the VM.
VmId string The ID of a VM specified in a route in the table.


  "CreationMethod": "string",
  "DestinationIpRange": "string",
  "DestinationServiceId": "string",
  "GatewayId": "string",
  "NatServiceId": "string",
  "NetAccessPointId": "string",
  "NetPeeringId": "string",
  "NicId": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "VmAccountId": "string",
  "VmId": "string"


Information about the route.


Name Type Description
DestinationIpRange string The IP range used for the destination match, in CIDR notation (for example,
RouteType string The type of route (always static).
State string The current state of the static route (pending | available | deleting | deleted).


  "DestinationIpRange": "string",
  "RouteType": "string",
  "State": "string"


Information about the route propagating virtual gateway.


Name Type Description
VirtualGatewayId string The ID of the virtual gateway.


  "VirtualGatewayId": "string"


Information about the route table.


Name Type Description
LinkRouteTables [LinkRouteTable] One or more associations between the route table and Subnets.
NetId string The ID of the Net for the route table.
RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways [RoutePropagatingVirtualGateway] Information about virtual gateways propagating routes.
RouteTableId string The ID of the route table.
Routes [Route] One or more routes in the route table.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the route table.


  "LinkRouteTables": [
      "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
      "Main": true,
      "NetId": "string",
      "RouteTableId": "string",
      "SubnetId": "string"
  "NetId": "string",
  "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [
      "VirtualGatewayId": "string"
  "RouteTableId": "string",
  "Routes": [
      "CreationMethod": "string",
      "DestinationIpRange": "string",
      "DestinationServiceId": "string",
      "GatewayId": "string",
      "NatServiceId": "string",
      "NetAccessPointId": "string",
      "NetPeeringId": "string",
      "NicId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "VmAccountId": "string",
      "VmId": "string"
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the security group.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID that has been granted permission.
Description string The description of the security group.
InboundRules [SecurityGroupRule] The inbound rules associated with the security group.
NetId string The ID of the Net for the security group.
OutboundRules [SecurityGroupRule] The outbound rules associated with the security group.
SecurityGroupId string The ID of the security group.
SecurityGroupName string The name of the security group.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the security group.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "InboundRules": [
      "FromPortRange": 0,
      "IpProtocol": "string",
      "IpRanges": [
      "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
          "AccountId": "string",
          "SecurityGroupId": "string",
          "SecurityGroupName": "string"
      "ServiceIds": [
      "ToPortRange": 0
  "NetId": "string",
  "OutboundRules": [
      "FromPortRange": 0,
      "IpProtocol": "string",
      "IpRanges": [
      "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
          "AccountId": "string",
          "SecurityGroupId": "string",
          "SecurityGroupName": "string"
      "ServiceIds": [
      "ToPortRange": 0
  "SecurityGroupId": "string",
  "SecurityGroupName": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the security group.


Name Type Description
SecurityGroupId string The ID of the security group.
SecurityGroupName string The name of the security group.


  "SecurityGroupId": "string",
  "SecurityGroupName": "string"


Information about the security group rule.


Name Type Description
FromPortRange integer The beginning of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number.
IpProtocol string The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, or -1 for all protocols). By default, -1. In a Net, this can also be an IP protocol number. For more information, see the website.
IpRanges [string] One or more IP ranges for the security group rules, in CIDR notation (for example,
SecurityGroupsMembers [SecurityGroupsMember] Information about one or more source or destination security groups.
ServiceIds [string] One or more service IDs to allow traffic from a Net to access the corresponding OUTSCALE services. For more information, see ReadNetAccessPointServices.
ToPortRange integer The end of the port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code number.


  "FromPortRange": 0,
  "IpProtocol": "string",
  "IpRanges": [
  "SecurityGroupsMembers": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
  "ServiceIds": [
  "ToPortRange": 0


Information about a source or destination security group.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID that owns the source or destination security group.
SecurityGroupId string The ID of a source or destination security group that you want to link to the security group of the rule.
SecurityGroupName string (Public Cloud only) The name of a source or destination security group that you want to link to the security group of the rule.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "SecurityGroupId": "string",
  "SecurityGroupName": "string"


Information about the server certificate.


Name Type Description
ExpirationDate string (date) The date at which the server certificate expires.
Id string The ID of the server certificate.
Name string The name of the server certificate.
Orn string The Outscale Resource Name (ORN) of the server certificate. For more information, see Resource Identifiers > Outscale Resource Names (ORNs).
Path string The path to the server certificate.
UploadDate string (date) The date at which the server certificate has been uploaded.


  "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "Id": "string",
  "Name": "string",
  "Orn": "string",
  "Path": "string",
  "UploadDate": "2019-08-24"


Information about the service.


Name Type Description
IpRanges [string] The list of network prefixes used by the service, in CIDR notation.
ServiceId string The ID of the service.
ServiceName string The name of the service.


  "IpRanges": [
  "ServiceId": "string",
  "ServiceName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"


Information about the snapshot.


Name Type Description
AccountAlias string The account alias of the owner of the snapshot.
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the snapshot.
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the snapshot.
Description string The description of the snapshot.
PermissionsToCreateVolume PermissionsOnResource Permissions for the resource.
Progress integer The progress of the snapshot, as a percentage.
SnapshotId string The ID of the snapshot.
State string The state of the snapshot (in-queue | completed | error).
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the snapshot.
VolumeId string The ID of the volume used to create the snapshot.
VolumeSize integer The size of the volume used to create the snapshot, in gibibytes (GiB).


  "AccountAlias": "string",
  "AccountId": "string",
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Description": "string",
  "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
    "AccountIds": [
    "GlobalPermission": true
  "Progress": 0,
  "SnapshotId": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "VolumeId": "string",
  "VolumeSize": 0


Information about the snapshot export task.


Name Type Description
Comment string If the snapshot export task fails, an error message appears.
OsuExport OsuExportSnapshotExportTask Information about the snapshot export task.
Progress integer The progress of the snapshot export task, as a percentage.
SnapshotId string The ID of the snapshot to be exported.
State string The state of the snapshot export task (pending | active | completed | failed).
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the snapshot export task.
TaskId string The ID of the snapshot export task.


  "Comment": "string",
  "OsuExport": {
    "DiskImageFormat": "string",
    "OsuBucket": "string",
    "OsuPrefix": "string"
  "Progress": 0,
  "SnapshotId": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "TaskId": "string"


Information about the source Net.


Name Type Description
AccountId string The account ID of the owner of the source Net.
IpRange string The IP range for the source Net, in CIDR notation (for example,
NetId string The ID of the source Net.


  "AccountId": "string",
  "IpRange": "string",
  "NetId": "string"


Information about the source security group of the load balancer, which you can use as part of your inbound rules for your registered VMs.
To only allow traffic from load balancers, add a security group rule that specifies this source security group as the inbound source.


Name Type Description
SecurityGroupAccountId string The account ID of the owner of the security group.
SecurityGroupName string The name of the security group.


  "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
  "SecurityGroupName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Vms [VmState] Information about one or more started VMs.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Vms": [
      "CurrentState": "string",
      "PreviousState": "string",
      "VmId": "string"


Information about the change of state.


Name Type Description
StateCode string The code of the change of state.
StateMessage string A message explaining the change of state.


  "StateCode": "string",
  "StateMessage": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Vms [VmState] Information about one or more stopped VMs.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Vms": [
      "CurrentState": "string",
      "PreviousState": "string",
      "VmId": "string"


Information about the Subnet.


Name Type Description
AvailableIpsCount integer The number of available IPs in the Subnets.
IpRange string The IP range in the Subnet, in CIDR notation (for example,
MapPublicIpOnLaunch boolean If true, a public IP is assigned to the network interface cards (NICs) created in the specified Subnet.
NetId string The ID of the Net in which the Subnet is.
State string The state of the Subnet (pending | available | deleted).
SubnetId string The ID of the Subnet.
SubregionName string The name of the Subregion in which the Subnet is located.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the Subnet.


  "AvailableIpsCount": 0,
  "IpRange": "string",
  "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": true,
  "NetId": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "SubnetId": "string",
  "SubregionName": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"


Information about the Subregion.


Name Type Description
LocationCode string The location code of the Subregion.
RegionName string The name of the Region containing the Subregion.
State string The state of the Subregion.
SubregionName string The name of the Subregion.


  "LocationCode": "string",
  "RegionName": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "SubregionName": "string"


Information about the tag.


Name Type Description
Key string The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.
ResourceId string The ID of the resource.
ResourceType string The type of the resource.
Value string The value of the tag, between 0 and 255 characters.


  "Key": "string",
  "ResourceId": "string",
  "ResourceType": "string",
  "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
AccessKey AccessKey Information about the access key.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "AccessKey": {
    "AccessKeyId": "string",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "LastModificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "State": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Account Account Information about the account.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Account": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "AdditionalEmails": [
    "City": "string",
    "CompanyName": "string",
    "Country": "string",
    "CustomerId": "string",
    "Email": "string",
    "FirstName": "string",
    "JobTitle": "string",
    "LastName": "string",
    "MobileNumber": "string",
    "PhoneNumber": "string",
    "StateProvince": "string",
    "VatNumber": "string",
    "ZipCode": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ApiAccessPolicy ApiAccessPolicy Information about the API access policy.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ApiAccessPolicy": {
    "MaxAccessKeyExpirationSeconds": 0,
    "RequireTrustedEnv": true
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ApiAccessRule ApiAccessRule Information about the API access rule.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ApiAccessRule": {
    "ApiAccessRuleId": "string",
    "CaIds": [
    "Cns": [
    "Description": "string",
    "IpRanges": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Ca Ca Information about the Client Certificate Authority (CA).
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Ca": {
    "CaFingerprint": "string",
    "CaId": "string",
    "Description": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DedicatedGroup DedicatedGroup Information about the dedicated group.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DedicatedGroup": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "CpuGeneration": 0,
    "DedicatedGroupId": "string",
    "Name": "string",
    "NetIds": [
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "VmIds": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
DirectLinkInterface DirectLinkInterfaces Information about the DirectLink interfaces.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "DirectLinkInterface": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "BgpAsn": 0,
    "BgpKey": "string",
    "ClientPrivateIp": "string",
    "DirectLinkId": "string",
    "DirectLinkInterfaceId": "string",
    "DirectLinkInterfaceName": "string",
    "InterfaceType": "string",
    "Location": "string",
    "Mtu": 0,
    "OutscalePrivateIp": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
    "Vlan": 0
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
FlexibleGpu FlexibleGpu Information about the flexible GPU (fGPU).
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "FlexibleGpu": {
    "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
    "FlexibleGpuId": "string",
    "Generation": "string",
    "ModelName": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "VmId": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Image Image Information about the OMI.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Image": {
    "AccountAlias": "string",
    "AccountId": "string",
    "Architecture": "string",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "Bsu": {
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "Iops": 0,
          "SnapshotId": "string",
          "VolumeSize": 0,
          "VolumeType": "string"
        "DeviceName": "string",
        "VirtualDeviceName": "string"
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "FileLocation": "string",
    "ImageId": "string",
    "ImageName": "string",
    "ImageType": "string",
    "PermissionsToLaunch": {
      "AccountIds": [
      "GlobalPermission": true
    "ProductCodes": [
    "RootDeviceName": "string",
    "RootDeviceType": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "StateComment": {
      "StateCode": "string",
      "StateMessage": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ListenerRule ListenerRule Information about the listener rule.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "ListenerRule": {
    "Action": "string",
    "HostNamePattern": "string",
    "ListenerId": 0,
    "ListenerRuleId": 0,
    "ListenerRuleName": "string",
    "PathPattern": "string",
    "Priority": 0,
    "VmIds": [
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
LoadBalancer LoadBalancer Information about the load balancer.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LoadBalancer": {
    "AccessLog": {
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "OsuBucketName": "string",
      "OsuBucketPrefix": "string",
      "PublicationInterval": 0
    "ApplicationStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieName": "string",
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "BackendIps": [
    "BackendVmIds": [
    "DnsName": "string",
    "HealthCheck": {
      "CheckInterval": 0,
      "HealthyThreshold": 0,
      "Path": "string",
      "Port": 0,
      "Protocol": "string",
      "Timeout": 0,
      "UnhealthyThreshold": 0
    "Listeners": [
        "BackendPort": 0,
        "BackendProtocol": "string",
        "LoadBalancerPort": 0,
        "LoadBalancerProtocol": "string",
        "PolicyNames": [
        "ServerCertificateId": "string"
    "LoadBalancerName": "string",
    "LoadBalancerStickyCookiePolicies": [
        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 0,
        "PolicyName": "string"
    "LoadBalancerType": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "SecuredCookies": true,
    "SecurityGroups": [
    "SourceSecurityGroup": {
      "SecurityGroupAccountId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "Subnets": [
    "SubregionNames": [
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
NetAccessPoint NetAccessPoint Information about the Net access point.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "NetAccessPoint": {
    "NetAccessPointId": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "RouteTableIds": [
    "ServiceName": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Net Net Information about the Net.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Net": {
    "DhcpOptionsSetId": "string",
    "IpRange": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "Tenancy": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
Nic Nic Information about the NIC.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "Nic": {
    "AccountId": "string",
    "Description": "string",
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "LinkNic": {
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
      "DeviceNumber": 0,
      "LinkNicId": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "VmAccountId": "string",
      "VmId": "string"
    "LinkPublicIp": {
      "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
      "PublicDnsName": "string",
      "PublicIp": "string",
      "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
      "PublicIpId": "string"
    "MacAddress": "string",
    "NetId": "string",
    "NicId": "string",
    "PrivateDnsName": "string",
    "PrivateIps": [
        "IsPrimary": true,
        "LinkPublicIp": {
          "LinkPublicIpId": "string",
          "PublicDnsName": "string",
          "PublicIp": "string",
          "PublicIpAccountId": "string",
          "PublicIpId": "string"
        "PrivateDnsName": "string",
        "PrivateIp": "string"
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupId": "string",
        "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "State": "string",
    "SubnetId": "string",
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
RouteTable RouteTable Information about the route table.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "RouteTable": {
    "LinkRouteTables": [
        "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
        "Main": true,
        "NetId": "string",
        "RouteTableId": "string",
        "SubnetId": "string"
    "NetId": "string",
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [
        "VirtualGatewayId": "string"
    "RouteTableId": "string",
    "Routes": [
        "CreationMethod": "string",
        "DestinationIpRange": "string",
        "DestinationServiceId": "string",
        "GatewayId": "string",
        "NatServiceId": "string",
        "NetAccessPointId": "string",
        "NetPeeringId": "string",
        "NicId": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "VmAccountId": "string",
        "VmId": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
RouteTable RouteTable Information about the route table.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "RouteTable": {
    "LinkRouteTables": [
        "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
        "Main": true,
        "NetId": "string",
        "RouteTableId": "string",
        "SubnetId": "string"
    "NetId": "string",
    "RoutePropagatingVirtualGateways": [
        "VirtualGatewayId": "string"
    "RouteTableId": "string",
    "Routes": [
        "CreationMethod": "string",
        "DestinationIpRange": "string",
        "DestinationServiceId": "string",
        "GatewayId": "string",
        "NatServiceId": "string",
        "NetAccessPointId": "string",
        "NetPeeringId": "string",
        "NicId": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "VmAccountId": "string",
        "VmId": "string"
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
LinkRouteTableId string The ID of the association between the route table and the Subnet.
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.


  "LinkRouteTableId": "string",
  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
ServerCertificate ServerCertificate Information about the server certificate.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "ServerCertificate": {
    "ExpirationDate": "2019-08-24",
    "Id": "string",
    "Name": "string",
    "Orn": "string",
    "Path": "string",
    "UploadDate": "2019-08-24"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Snapshot Snapshot Information about the snapshot.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Snapshot": {
    "AccountAlias": "string",
    "AccountId": "string",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "PermissionsToCreateVolume": {
      "AccountIds": [
      "GlobalPermission": true
    "Progress": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VolumeId": "string",
    "VolumeSize": 0



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Subnet Subnet Information about the Subnet.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Subnet": {
    "AvailableIpsCount": 0,
    "IpRange": "string",
    "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": true,
    "NetId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "SubnetId": "string",
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
User User Information about the EIM user.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "User": {
    "Path": "string",
    "UserId": "string",
    "UserName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmGroup VmGroup Information about the VM group.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmGroup": {
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "PositioningStrategy": "attract",
    "SecurityGroupIds": [
    "State": "available",
    "SubnetId": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VmCount": 0,
    "VmGroupId": "string",
    "VmGroupName": "string",
    "VmIds": [
    "VmTemplateId": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Vm Vm Information about the VM.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Vm": {
    "Architecture": "string",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
        "Bsu": {
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "LinkDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "State": "string",
          "VolumeId": "string"
        "DeviceName": "string"
    "BsuOptimized": true,
    "ClientToken": "string",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "DeletionProtection": true,
    "Hypervisor": "string",
    "ImageId": "string",
    "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
    "KeypairName": "string",
    "LaunchNumber": 0,
    "NestedVirtualization": true,
    "NetId": "string",
    "Nics": [
        "AccountId": "string",
        "Description": "string",
        "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
        "LinkNic": {
          "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
          "DeviceNumber": 0,
          "LinkNicId": "string",
          "State": "string"
        "LinkPublicIp": {
          "PublicDnsName": "string",
          "PublicIp": "string",
          "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
        "MacAddress": "string",
        "NetId": "string",
        "NicId": "string",
        "PrivateDnsName": "string",
        "PrivateIps": [
            "IsPrimary": true,
            "LinkPublicIp": {
              "PublicDnsName": "string",
              "PublicIp": "string",
              "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
            "PrivateDnsName": "string",
            "PrivateIp": "string"
        "SecurityGroups": [
            "SecurityGroupId": "string",
            "SecurityGroupName": "string"
        "State": "string",
        "SubnetId": "string"
    "OsFamily": "string",
    "Performance": "string",
    "Placement": {
      "SubregionName": "string",
      "Tenancy": "string"
    "PrivateDnsName": "string",
    "PrivateIp": "string",
    "ProductCodes": [
    "PublicDnsName": "string",
    "PublicIp": "string",
    "ReservationId": "string",
    "RootDeviceName": "string",
    "RootDeviceType": "string",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "SecurityGroupId": "string",
        "SecurityGroupName": "string"
    "State": "string",
    "StateReason": "string",
    "SubnetId": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "UserData": "string",
    "VmId": "string",
    "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "string",
    "VmType": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VmTemplate VmTemplate Information about the VM template.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VmTemplate": {
    "CpuCores": 0,
    "CpuGeneration": "string",
    "CpuPerformance": "medium",
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Description": "string",
    "ImageId": "string",
    "KeypairName": "string",
    "Ram": 0,
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VmTemplateId": "string",
    "VmTemplateName": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
Volume Volume Information about the volume.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "Volume": {
    "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Iops": 0,
    "LinkedVolumes": [
        "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
        "DeviceName": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "VmId": "string",
        "VolumeId": "string"
    "Size": 0,
    "SnapshotId": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VolumeId": "string",
    "VolumeType": "string"



Name Type Description
ResponseContext ResponseContext Information about the context of the response.
VpnConnection VpnConnection Information about a VPN connection.


  "ResponseContext": {
    "RequestId": "string"
  "VpnConnection": {
    "ClientGatewayConfiguration": "string",
    "ClientGatewayId": "string",
    "ConnectionType": "string",
    "Routes": [
        "DestinationIpRange": "string",
        "RouteType": "string",
        "State": "string"
    "State": "string",
    "StaticRoutesOnly": true,
    "Tags": [
        "Key": "string",
        "Value": "string"
    "VgwTelemetries": [
        "AcceptedRouteCount": 0,
        "LastStateChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "OutsideIpAddress": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "StateDescription": "string"
    "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
    "VpnConnectionId": "string",
    "VpnOptions": {
      "Phase1Options": {
        "DpdTimeoutAction": "string",
        "DpdTimeoutSeconds": 0,
        "IkeVersions": [
        "Phase1DhGroupNumbers": [
        "Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms": [
        "Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms": [
        "Phase1LifetimeSeconds": 0,
        "ReplayWindowSize": 0,
        "StartupAction": "string"
      "Phase2Options": {
        "Phase2DhGroupNumbers": [
        "Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms": [
        "Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms": [
        "Phase2LifetimeSeconds": 0,
        "PreSharedKey": "string"
      "TunnelInsideIpRange": "string"


Information about the EIM user.


Name Type Description
Path string The path to the EIM user.
UserId string The ID of the EIM user.
UserName string The name of the EIM user.


  "Path": "string",
  "UserId": "string",
  "UserName": "string"


Information about the current state of a VPN tunnel.


Name Type Description
AcceptedRouteCount integer The number of routes accepted through BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) route exchanges.
LastStateChangeDate string (date-time) The date and time (UTC) of the latest state update.
OutsideIpAddress string The IP on the OUTSCALE side of the tunnel.
State string The state of the IPSEC tunnel (UP | DOWN).
StateDescription string A description of the current state of the tunnel.


  "AcceptedRouteCount": 0,
  "LastStateChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "OutsideIpAddress": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "StateDescription": "string"


Information about the virtual gateway.


Name Type Description
ConnectionType string The type of VPN connection supported by the virtual gateway (only ipsec.1 is supported).
NetToVirtualGatewayLinks [NetToVirtualGatewayLink] The Net to which the virtual gateway is attached.
State string The state of the virtual gateway (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the virtual gateway.
VirtualGatewayId string The ID of the virtual gateway.


  "ConnectionType": "string",
  "NetToVirtualGatewayLinks": [
      "NetId": "string",
      "State": "string"
  "State": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "VirtualGatewayId": "string"


Information about the VM.


Name Type Description
Architecture string The architecture of the VM (i386 | x86_64).
BlockDeviceMappings [BlockDeviceMappingCreated] The block device mapping of the VM.
BsuOptimized boolean This parameter is not available. It is present in our API for the sake of historical compatibility with AWS.
ClientToken string The idempotency token provided when launching the VM.
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the VM.
DeletionProtection boolean If true, you cannot delete the VM unless you change this parameter back to false.
Hypervisor string The hypervisor type of the VMs (ovm | xen).
ImageId string The ID of the OMI used to create the VM.
IsSourceDestChecked boolean (Net only) If true, the source/destination check is enabled. If false, it is disabled. This value must be false for a NAT VM to perform network address translation (NAT) in a Net.
KeypairName string The name of the keypair used when launching the VM.
LaunchNumber integer The number for the VM when launching a group of several VMs (for example, 0, 1, 2, and so on).
NestedVirtualization boolean If true, nested virtualization is enabled. If false, it is disabled.
NetId string The ID of the Net in which the VM is running.
Nics [NicLight] (Net only) The network interface cards (NICs) the VMs are attached to.
OsFamily string Indicates the operating system (OS) of the VM.
Performance string The performance of the VM (medium | high | highest).
Placement Placement Information about the placement of the VM.
PrivateDnsName string The name of the private DNS.
PrivateIp string The primary private IP of the VM.
ProductCodes [string] The product codes associated with the OMI used to create the VM.
PublicDnsName string The name of the public DNS.
PublicIp string The public IP of the VM.
ReservationId string The reservation ID of the VM.
RootDeviceName string The name of the root device for the VM (for example, /dev/sda1).
RootDeviceType string The type of root device used by the VM (always bsu).
SecurityGroups [SecurityGroupLight] One or more security groups associated with the VM.
State string The state of the VM (pending | running | stopping | stopped | shutting-down | terminated | quarantine).
StateReason string The reason explaining the current state of the VM.
SubnetId string The ID of the Subnet for the VM.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the VM.
UserData string The Base64-encoded MIME user data.
VmId string The ID of the VM.
VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior string The VM behavior when you stop it. If set to stop, the VM stops. If set to restart, the VM stops then automatically restarts. If set to terminate, the VM stops and is deleted.
VmType string The type of VM. For more information, see VM Types.


  "Architecture": "string",
  "BlockDeviceMappings": [
      "Bsu": {
        "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
        "LinkDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "State": "string",
        "VolumeId": "string"
      "DeviceName": "string"
  "BsuOptimized": true,
  "ClientToken": "string",
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "DeletionProtection": true,
  "Hypervisor": "string",
  "ImageId": "string",
  "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
  "KeypairName": "string",
  "LaunchNumber": 0,
  "NestedVirtualization": true,
  "NetId": "string",
  "Nics": [
      "AccountId": "string",
      "Description": "string",
      "IsSourceDestChecked": true,
      "LinkNic": {
        "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
        "DeviceNumber": 0,
        "LinkNicId": "string",
        "State": "string"
      "LinkPublicIp": {
        "PublicDnsName": "string",
        "PublicIp": "string",
        "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
      "MacAddress": "string",
      "NetId": "string",
      "NicId": "string",
      "PrivateDnsName": "string",
      "PrivateIps": [
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "LinkPublicIp": {
            "PublicDnsName": "string",
            "PublicIp": "string",
            "PublicIpAccountId": "string"
          "PrivateDnsName": "string",
          "PrivateIp": "string"
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "SecurityGroupId": "string",
          "SecurityGroupName": "string"
      "State": "string",
      "SubnetId": "string"
  "OsFamily": "string",
  "Performance": "string",
  "Placement": {
    "SubregionName": "string",
    "Tenancy": "string"
  "PrivateDnsName": "string",
  "PrivateIp": "string",
  "ProductCodes": [
  "PublicDnsName": "string",
  "PublicIp": "string",
  "ReservationId": "string",
  "RootDeviceName": "string",
  "RootDeviceType": "string",
  "SecurityGroups": [
      "SecurityGroupId": "string",
      "SecurityGroupName": "string"
  "State": "string",
  "StateReason": "string",
  "SubnetId": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "UserData": "string",
  "VmId": "string",
  "VmInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "string",
  "VmType": "string"


Information about the VM group.


Name Type Description
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the VM group.
Description string The description of the VM group.
PositioningStrategy string The positioning strategy of the VMs on hypervisors. By default, or if set to no-strategy, TINA determines the most adequate position for the VMs. If set to attract, the VMs are deployed on the same hypervisor, which improves network performance. If set to repulse, the VMs are deployed on a different hypervisor, which improves fault tolerance.
SecurityGroupIds [string] One or more IDs of security groups for the VM group.
State string The state of the VM group (pending | available | scaling up | scaling down | deleting | deleted).
SubnetId string The ID of the Subnet for the VM group.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the VM group.
VmCount integer The number of VMs in the VM group.
VmGroupId string The ID of the VM group.
VmGroupName string The name of the VM group.
VmIds [string] The IDs of the VMs in the VM group.
VmTemplateId string The ID of the VM template used by the VM group.


  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Description": "string",
  "PositioningStrategy": "attract",
  "SecurityGroupIds": [
  "State": "available",
  "SubnetId": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "VmCount": 0,
  "VmGroupId": "string",
  "VmGroupName": "string",
  "VmIds": [
  "VmTemplateId": "string"


Information about the state of the VM.


Name Type Description
CurrentState string The current state of the VM (InService | OutOfService | Unknown).
PreviousState string The previous state of the VM (InService | OutOfService | Unknown).
VmId string The ID of the VM.


  "CurrentState": "string",
  "PreviousState": "string",
  "VmId": "string"


Information about the states of the VMs.


Name Type Description
MaintenanceEvents [MaintenanceEvent] One or more scheduled events associated with the VM.
SubregionName string The name of the Subregion of the VM.
VmId string The ID of the VM.
VmState string The state of the VM (pending | running | stopping | stopped | shutting-down | terminated | quarantine).


  "MaintenanceEvents": [
      "Code": "string",
      "Description": "string",
      "NotAfter": "2019-08-24",
      "NotBefore": "2019-08-24"
  "SubregionName": "string",
  "VmId": "string",
  "VmState": "string"


Information about the VM template.


Name Type Description
CpuCores integer The number of vCores.
CpuGeneration string The processor generation.
CpuPerformance string The performance of the VMs.
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the VM template.
Description string The description of the VM template.
ImageId string The ID of the OMI.
KeypairName string The name of the keypair.
Ram integer The amount of RAM.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the VM template.
VmTemplateId string The ID of the VM template.
VmTemplateName string The name of the VM template.


  "CpuCores": 0,
  "CpuGeneration": "string",
  "CpuPerformance": "medium",
  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Description": "string",
  "ImageId": "string",
  "KeypairName": "string",
  "Ram": 0,
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "VmTemplateId": "string",
  "VmTemplateName": "string"


Information about the VM type.


Name Type Description
BsuOptimized boolean This parameter is not available. It is present in our API for the sake of historical compatibility with AWS.
EphemeralsType string The type of ephemeral storage disk.
Eth integer The number of Ethernet interface available.
Gpu integer The number of GPU available.
MaxPrivateIps integer The maximum number of private IPs per network interface card (NIC).
MemorySize number (float) The amount of memory, in gibibytes.
VcoreCount integer The number of vCores.
VmTypeName string The name of the VM type.
VolumeCount integer The maximum number of ephemeral storage disks.
VolumeSize integer The size of one ephemeral storage disk, in gibibytes (GiB).


  "BsuOptimized": true,
  "EphemeralsType": "string",
  "Eth": 0,
  "Gpu": 0,
  "MaxPrivateIps": 0,
  "MemorySize": 0,
  "VcoreCount": 0,
  "VmTypeName": "string",
  "VolumeCount": 0,
  "VolumeSize": 0


Information about the volume.


Name Type Description
CreationDate string (date-time) The date and time of creation of the volume.
Iops integer The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS):

- For io1 volumes, the number of provisioned IOPS

- For gp2 volumes, the baseline performance of the volume
LinkedVolumes [LinkedVolume] Information about your volume attachment.
Size integer The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB).
SnapshotId string The snapshot from which the volume was created.
State string The state of the volume (creating | available | in-use | updating | deleting | error).
SubregionName string The Subregion in which the volume was created.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the volume.
VolumeId string The ID of the volume.
VolumeType string The type of the volume (standard | gp2 | io1).


  "CreationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "Iops": 0,
  "LinkedVolumes": [
      "DeleteOnVmDeletion": true,
      "DeviceName": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "VmId": "string",
      "VolumeId": "string"
  "Size": 0,
  "SnapshotId": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "SubregionName": "string",
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "VolumeId": "string",
  "VolumeType": "string"


Information about a VPN connection.


Name Type Description
ClientGatewayConfiguration string Example configuration for the client gateway.
ClientGatewayId string The ID of the client gateway used on the client end of the connection.
ConnectionType string The type of VPN connection (always ipsec.1).
Routes [RouteLight] Information about one or more static routes associated with the VPN connection, if any.
State string The state of the VPN connection (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
StaticRoutesOnly boolean If false, the VPN connection uses dynamic routing with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). If true, routing is controlled using static routes. For more information about how to create and delete static routes, see CreateVpnConnectionRoute and DeleteVpnConnectionRoute.
Tags [ResourceTag] One or more tags associated with the VPN connection.
VgwTelemetries [VgwTelemetry] Information about the current state of one or more of the VPN tunnels.
VirtualGatewayId string The ID of the virtual gateway used on the OUTSCALE end of the connection.
VpnConnectionId string The ID of the VPN connection.
VpnOptions VpnOptions Information about the VPN options.


  "ClientGatewayConfiguration": "string",
  "ClientGatewayId": "string",
  "ConnectionType": "string",
  "Routes": [
      "DestinationIpRange": "string",
      "RouteType": "string",
      "State": "string"
  "State": "string",
  "StaticRoutesOnly": true,
  "Tags": [
      "Key": "string",
      "Value": "string"
  "VgwTelemetries": [
      "AcceptedRouteCount": 0,
      "LastStateChangeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "OutsideIpAddress": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "StateDescription": "string"
  "VirtualGatewayId": "string",
  "VpnConnectionId": "string",
  "VpnOptions": {
    "Phase1Options": {
      "DpdTimeoutAction": "string",
      "DpdTimeoutSeconds": 0,
      "IkeVersions": [
      "Phase1DhGroupNumbers": [
      "Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms": [
      "Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms": [
      "Phase1LifetimeSeconds": 0,
      "ReplayWindowSize": 0,
      "StartupAction": "string"
    "Phase2Options": {
      "Phase2DhGroupNumbers": [
      "Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms": [
      "Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms": [
      "Phase2LifetimeSeconds": 0,
      "PreSharedKey": "string"
    "TunnelInsideIpRange": "string"


Information about the VPN options.


Name Type Description
Phase1Options Phase1Options Information about Phase 1 of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation. When Phase 1 finishes successfully, peers proceed to Phase 2 negotiations.
Phase2Options Phase2Options Information about Phase 2 of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation.
TunnelInsideIpRange string The range of inside IPs for the tunnel. This must be a /30 CIDR block from the range.


  "Phase1Options": {
    "DpdTimeoutAction": "string",
    "DpdTimeoutSeconds": 0,
    "IkeVersions": [
    "Phase1DhGroupNumbers": [
    "Phase1EncryptionAlgorithms": [
    "Phase1IntegrityAlgorithms": [
    "Phase1LifetimeSeconds": 0,
    "ReplayWindowSize": 0,
    "StartupAction": "string"
  "Phase2Options": {
    "Phase2DhGroupNumbers": [
    "Phase2EncryptionAlgorithms": [
    "Phase2IntegrityAlgorithms": [
    "Phase2LifetimeSeconds": 0,
    "PreSharedKey": "string"
  "TunnelInsideIpRange": "string"


Information about the VPN options.


Name Type Description
Phase2Options Phase2OptionsToUpdate Information about Phase 2 of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation.
TunnelInsideIpRange string The range of inside IPs for the tunnel. This must be a /30 CIDR block from the range.


  "Phase2Options": {
    "PreSharedKey": "string"
  "TunnelInsideIpRange": "string"


The information to display in each returned log.


Name Type Description
AccountId boolean By default or if set to true, the account ID is displayed.
CallDuration boolean By default or if set to true, the duration of the call is displayed.
QueryAccessKey boolean By default or if set to true, the access key is displayed.
QueryApiName boolean By default or if set to true, the name of the API is displayed.
QueryApiVersion boolean By default or if set to true, the version of the API is displayed.
QueryCallName boolean By default or if set to true, the name of the call is displayed.
QueryDate boolean By default or if set to true, the date of the call is displayed.
QueryHeaderRaw boolean By default or if set to true, the raw header of the HTTP request is displayed.
QueryHeaderSize boolean By default or if set to true, the size of the raw header of the HTTP request is displayed.
QueryIpAddress boolean By default or if set to true, the IP is displayed.
QueryPayloadRaw boolean By default or if set to true, the raw payload of the HTTP request is displayed.
QueryPayloadSize boolean By default or if set to true, the size of the raw payload of the HTTP request is displayed.
QueryUserAgent boolean By default or if set to true, the user agent of the HTTP request is displayed.
RequestId boolean By default or if set to true, the request ID is displayed.
ResponseSize boolean By default or if set to true, the size of the response is displayed.
ResponseStatusCode boolean By default or if set to true, the HTTP status code of the response is displayed.


  "AccountId": true,
  "CallDuration": true,
  "QueryAccessKey": true,
  "QueryApiName": true,
  "QueryApiVersion": true,
  "QueryCallName": true,
  "QueryDate": true,
  "QueryHeaderRaw": true,
  "QueryHeaderSize": true,
  "QueryIpAddress": true,
  "QueryPayloadRaw": true,
  "QueryPayloadSize": true,
  "QueryUserAgent": true,
  "RequestId": true,
  "ResponseSize": true,
  "ResponseStatusCode": true

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