OUTSCALE Marketplace Release Notes (Old Page)

This page lists the new features contained in each release of OUTSCALE Marketplace.


June 17, 2024

As of June 17, 2024, the release notes are located on a new page: Release Notes.

June 3, 2024

May 2, 2024

April 8, 2024

March 18, 2024

February 20, 2024

February 7, 2024

  • As a seller partner:

    • When creating an OMI product in bring your own license (BYOL) mode, you can now specify the URL to which buyers are redirected to subscribe to the product. For more information, see Creating and Publishing an OMI Product > Offer.

January 24, 2024

  • As a buyer:

    • When subscribing to a product, you can now reserve one or more virtual machines (VMs) among different VM types recommended by the seller partner, and for a Cloud account belonging to your organization. If required, you can also enter a purchase order ID. For more information, see About VMs > Reserved VMs and Subscribing To an OMI Product.

January 2, 2024


November 28, 2023

  • As a seller partner:

  • As a buyer:

    • As an administrator, you can now add OUTSCALE accounts to your organization to automatically share the permissions to the OMIs your organization subscribes to with these accounts. For more information, see Managing OUTSCALE Accounts as a Buyer.

    • Seller partners can now add templates to their OMI products to automate their deployment. You can access deployment templates from the My subscriptions page and from product pages.

    • You can now access product pages from the My subscriptions page.

November 8, 2023

October 18, 2023

  • As a seller partner:

  • As a buyer:

    • The procedure to subscribe to an outsourced product has been updated. For more information, see Subscribing To an Outsourced Product.

    • Your My subscriptions page is updated, and your organization receives an email, when seller partners modify the legal documents of their OMI products and apply the modifications to existing subscribers. For more information, see Subscribing To an OMI Product.

    • When the first administrator creates the organization, they must now specify if the company domiciled in France or abroad. For more information, see Creating an Organization as a Buyer.

  • You can now submit your seller partner application via the Becoming a seller partner page.

  • EIM resources marked by a marketplace_ prefix in the APIs and Cockpit v1 must not be modified nor deleted for the corresponding Marketplace accounts to be functional. For more information, see About OUTSCALE Marketplace > Administrators and Users.

  • This release also includes design, stability, and accessibility improvements.

September 7, 2023

  • As a seller partner:

    • You can now manage product versions. For more information, see the new procedure Managing OMI Product Versions.

    • The product depublication procedure has been updated. You can now unpublish OMI products because they have reached their end of life. For more information, see Unpublishing a Product.

  • As a buyer:

    • The procedure to subscribe to an OMI product on demand has been updated. For more information, see Subscribing To an OMI Product > Hourly Offer.

    • From the new Product History page, you can now:

      • View your on-demand product subscriptions.

      • View the products in BYOL mode you have accessed via the seller partners' websites.

      For more information, see Subscribing To an OMI Product.

    This release also includes design, stability, and accessibility improvements.

July 17, 2023

  • By default, the first administrator of an organization now has both an administrator role and a user role.

  • When creating an OMI product and completing its Version section, you can now select an OMI name or ID.

  • The My Products page now includes a Last update column.

  • You can now copy the product code of a product across the interface using a dedicated button.

  • This release also includes design and stability improvements.

June 12, 2023


August 3, 2022

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