Release Notes (also available in RSS format)

August 8, 2024 Improved Display of API Responses and Nested Elements

  • Improvement

  • Documentation site API / tools

Release Notes 2024 08 08

The layout of the API documentation has been improved:

  • Nested request parameters and nested response elements are now indicated by vertical lines and nodes, instead of indent symbols (») previously.

  • In the response part of each method, the response 200 elements are now directly listed, instead of only having a link to the response schema.

  • When there are more than one examples for a response, the first example is visible by default while the other examples are enclosed in expandable blocks.

Seller Partner

  • Improvement

  • Marketplace

The definition of recommended virtual machines (VMs) when creating an OUTSCALE machine image (OMI) product has been improved. For more information, see Creating and Publishing an OMI Product > Offer.

July 26, 2024 Pagination Tutorial

  • Improvement

  • Documentation site API / tools

The Tutorial: Paginating an API Request page has been updated to include the pagination method for OUTSCALE API calls pertaining to policies, users, and user groups.

July 23, 2024 OUTSCALE Marketplace Updates

Business Provider Contract

  • New feature

  • Marketplace

When creating an outsourced product, you must now read and accept the business provider contract in order to publish the product. For more information, see Creating and Publishing an Outsourced Product > Contractual terms.

Operating System Selection

  • Improvement

  • Marketplace

When creating an OUTSCALE machine image (OMI) product and specifying the Versions form, you must now select the operating system from a list and provide details on it. For more information, see Creating and Publishing an OMI Product > Versions.

July 11, 2024 Cockpit 2.18

The following features are now available in Cockpit v2:

EIM Groups

  • New feature

  • Cockpit IAM

Load Balancers Improvements

  • Improvement

  • Cockpit Network

Other Improvements

  • Improvement

  • Compute Network

Dashboards routing has been updated. You need to replace any previously bookmarked URLs.

  • You can now release an fGPU linked to a VM. For more information, see Releasing an fGPU linked to a VM.

  • You are now provided with an estimation of the VM cost type when creating a VM. For more information, see Creating VMs.

July 10, 2024 Estimating the Cost of a Product on Several VMs


  • Improvement

  • Marketplace

You can now estimate the cost of using an OMI product on several virtual machines (VMs). For more information, see Estimating the Cost of a Product.

July 8, 2024 New Sync Feature in OOS Documentation

  • New feature

  • Documentation site Object storage

The OUTSCALE Object Storage (OOS) documentation now includes the sync command. For more information, see Synchronizing Objects to a Bucket.

July 1, 2024 License Agreements of BYOL and Free/Open Source OMIs

Seller Partner

  • Improvement

  • Marketplace

When creating an OMI product whose pricing mode is bring your own license (BYOL) or free/open source, you must now specify a link to the product’s license agreement in the Legal section. For more information, see Creating and Publishing an OMI Product > Legal.


  • Improvement

  • Marketplace

When subscribing to an OMI product whose pricing mode is bring your own license (BYOL) or free/open source, you can now view the license agreement of the product in the My subscriptions page. For more information, see Subscribing To an OMI Product.

June 17, 2024 TINA OS Update

CPU Performances

  • Improvement

  • Compute

CPU performance has been improved across all our Regions.

The placement of vCores of new virtual machines has been optimized, through better support for NUMA (non-uniform memory access) zones in Intel processors.

Network Performances

  • Improvement

  • Network

The network performance has been improved across all our Regions.

For the newly created Nets, the network can now handle a larger number of packets per second, and bandwidth capacity has been increased.

Fixes and Minor Improvements

  • Improvement

  • API / tools

  • In the RouteTable methods of the OUTSCALE API, the GatewayId parameter can now return the local value.

  • In the OUTSCALE API, the creation of a Net peering between a Net you own and a Net that belongs to another account has been fixed.

  • You can no longer use outscale-elb-sg as the name of a security group. This name is reserved to OUTSCALE’s usage.

  • The performance of the FCU API DescribeInstances method has been improved. You can now get information from a larger number of VMs simultaneously.

June 17, 2024 New Release Notes Page

  • New feature Improvement Removal

  • API / tools Cockpit Billing IAM Marketplace Compute Network Documentation site Block storage Object storage

For better visibility, the release notes for all the products and services of the OUTSCALE Cloud are now presented on a new page.

On this new page, each entry is categorized with tags on the left column, and you can use the menu on the right to filter the entries by tags.

The release notes from before June 17 are still located in the older pages: